I built an armada

Chapter 146 Blitz! Our ship is not at a disadvantage either!

At night, when Murakami Sayamu, who was busy, heard the words of Tao Shugami, he was stunned for a second, and then he quickly reacted.

Is there any result of the investigation?

Is the Longxia tribe making big moves?

Each of these two pieces of news touched his heart.

He quickly put down the work in his hands, looked at the other party and said, "Say quickly. What did you find out?"

He thought that the other party had found out who ambushed the Congyun, and he was so excited that he almost started the case.

"General Hayaki, according to my investigation at all costs during this period." Shushang Tianfu said quickly.

"It is still unclear whether the Longxia tribe is the culprit!"

As soon as these words came out, Murakami Hayaki's face suddenly darkened, and anger flashed in his eyes.

Happy to be together!

"Mr. Tian Fu!"

"General Hayaki." Shugami Tianfu continued: "Although no conclusive evidence has been found, according to some clues, there is a 50% chance that the Longxia tribe did it!"

Tian Fu in the tree played a word game.

It’s not conclusive evidence anyway! Anyway, it’s only 50%!

Maybe it is, maybe not!

None of this matters! The important thing is to pave the way for the next intelligence.

"Fifty percent?" Murakami Hayaki narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling quite unhappy.

Naturally, he heard the voice of Tian Fu on the tree.

"Keep talking!"


Changing the topic, Shushang Tianfu said: "Under the money offensive, we successfully investigated some important information! Just this morning, people from the Tebo tribe came to Longxia!"

"Tebo tribe? What are their people doing here?"

Murakami Hayaki frowned slightly, a little confused.

In his opinion, the Tebo tribe and the Longxia tribe were so far apart that they couldn't even reach each other with eight poles.

Could it be that the Longxia tribe also had the idea of ​​​​oil?

Impossible, the Eagle Tribe will never allow a third party to interfere with the oil in the central region.

This is the default behavior of the Blue Star tribes.

"I was quite curious at first."

Tian Fu said on the tree.

"You also know that we have had some business operations on the opposite side in recent years, and many of these businessmen are quite powerful."

"I contacted them secretly, and after asking around, I discovered an important piece of information!"

Murakami Hayaki instinctively sensed something was wrong, "What?"

"The Longxia tribe secretly built several 051Cs and kept it secret!"

As soon as he heard 051C, Murakami Saki reacted immediately.

"051C? A modern warship independently developed by them?"

"Yes, General Hayaki!" Shugami Tao continued: "After being targeted and collecting a large number of complex clues, intelligence analysis experts made a bold speculation that the warships of the Longxia tribe are likely to be Sell ​​it to the Tebo tribe!”

"Selling warships to the Tebo tribe?"

The moment he heard the news, Murakami Hayaki was stunned.

He never expected that such a thing would happen.

Considering the situation of the navy opposite, can we still sell warships to the Tebo tribe?

"Is the news true?"

"At least 90% sure!" Immediately afterwards, Tian Fu on the tree added: "The people of the Tebo tribe have disappeared since they appeared."

"There is such a thing!"

Murakami Hayaki looked thoughtful.

I originally sent Shushang Tianfu to investigate the Congyun No., but I didn't expect to find such a surprise.

Aren't you afraid of being discovered by the Eagle Tribe?

Oh, yes!

No wonder it's so secretive!

"From this point of view, I strongly suspect that there is indeed a warship stronger than the 051C hidden on the opposite side!"

The man on the tree said something loudly, which made Murakami Saki have some ideas.

"General Hayaki, do we need to take action?"

After pondering for a moment, Murakami Saaki immediately said.

"Inform them to assemble immediately!"

"Yes! General Hayaki!"

After a while, Inoshita Wada and others gathered in the conference room.

The atmosphere in the entire conference room was extremely serious.

"You all know the situation, right?"

As soon as he came in, Murakami said.

"Everything is known."

Murakami Hayaki and others said in unison.

"Very good!" Murakami Saki continued after sitting down.

"I want to hear what you guys think!"

Inoshita Wada was the first to say.

"General Zaomu, according to what Mr. Tian Fu said, I strongly suspect that the incident on the Congyun was done by the Longxia tribe!"

"I also agree with Wada-kun!"

"I asked why there was no progress at all in the investigation of the White Bear Tribe a while ago. It turns out that this matter was probably done by the Longxia Tribe! It's incredible, they actually hid it in front of us!"

"Could it be the same warship from back then?"

"The possibility is very high! If you force it out, you will know!"

The other people said one after another.

Obviously, they all feel that if the Longxia Tribe can sell 051C to the Tebo Tribe, it will definitely hide a stronger warship!

This is the custom of every tribe!

Therefore, could the hidden stronger warship be the one that sank the Cong Yun?

Thinking back to the warship that was able to successfully intercept the Murasame's four anti-ship missiles in the Shanhua incident, several people became even more convinced of this conjecture!

"It seems we are on the same page!" A smile appeared in Murakami's eyes.

He also guessed these.

"Then force it out. Cong Yun's revenge must be avenged!"

Upon hearing this, Inoshita Wada immediately became energetic.

The Shanhua incident made him lose face, and the Congyun incident made it difficult for Hai Zi to hold his head high even in the cabinet.

At present, Haizi urgently needs to find the culprit to prove himself.

"How many warships do you think need to be dispatched this time?" Murakami Hayaki asked.

"The more, the better! The greater the pressure, the more the opponent can take out the warships at the bottom of the box!"

Someone asked: "What if the opponent is cornered?"

"Then it's on the high seas!" Inoshita Wada said sternly: "Didn't our Congyun destroy the ship on the high seas before? There's not even any evidence. Once we force out that warship, we will also give it a ship. Destroy people, let alone find clues, leaving them with no evidence!"

The conversation changed and Inoshita Wada said: "General Hayaki, I beg for your life..."

Murakami Saki did not agree immediately, but looked at Tian Fudao on the tree.

"When will they leave?"

"I don't know yet! The news on the other side is very tightly sealed! We were able to discover this important information because someone had cooperated with their northern shipyard. We only discovered it bit by bit after we went deeper."

Tianfu on the tree explained.

"But I'm sure it will be within these two days! Once we spend too much time deploying, I'm afraid we will miss this opportunity!"

Murakami Hayaki put his hands together and supported his chin, with a look of contemplation on his face.

What if the other party takes action tonight?

Looking at it this way, it's too late to mobilize several other fleets.

Even if the other side takes action tomorrow, if you want to mobilize more than two fleets, you need the approval of the Eagle Tribe! Applying for approval for such a large-scale military operation is not that easy.

Ninety-nine percent of the Eagle Tribe will not approve it.

Thinking of this, Murakami Hayaki thought to himself: It seems that we can only call it nearby, and it must be done quickly.

"Which fleet is currently the closest and can be dispatched as soon as possible?"

"General Hayaki, the third and fourth fleets!" Inoshita Wada said: "I investigated the Congyun a while ago and found that the third fleet is the main force. Now the third fleet has just been undergoing maintenance. If there is a rush to mobilize, I'm afraid..."

"Now it seems that only the Fourth Fleet is left!"

"Yes, General Hayaki!" Inoshita Wada continued: "But the Fourth Fleet has lost a Congyun, and the new generation flagship prepared for the Fourth Fleet - the fourth Kongang-class guided drive has reached its final stage. Critical debugging stage! Right now the Fourth Fleet can dispatch only six warships!"

Six destroyers?

Upon hearing this number, Murakami Hayaki immediately made the decision.


"Now let me divide the strategic deployment!"

Saying that, Murakami Saki clapped his hands.

Soon, a sand table that had been prepared long ago was brought in.

Looking at the furnishings on the sand table, it was obvious that he had been late just now to make these arrangements.

"Come here!"

Several people stood up and walked over, gathering around the sand table.

"Our main focus this time is here! If they want to go to the central region, they must go through the Malacca Sea."

Murakami Hayaki pointed to a huge open sea below the southern sea area.

"Let's assume that they were responsible for the Congyun! Then we have to give them a surprise on the high seas! Deploy four warships here!"

"As for here..." Immediately afterwards, Murakami Hayaki pointed to the location where the Congyun happened, and said: "Two warships, several submarines, and supply ships are deployed here!"

"We need to create an illusion for them! We plan to take action on the high seas east of the northern sea! To attract their attention and contain their reinforcements!"

Murakami Saki explained seriously for a while.

Inoshita Wada asked: "General Hayaki, doesn't the First Action Team need to dispatch submarines and fighter jets?"

"No need! The submarine moves too slowly, we need to fight quickly! As for the air force, it is too noisy and easy to be discovered! And to deal with several warships on the opposite side, the air force is not needed!"

Murakami Hayaki shook his head.

"Four destroyers are completely powerful!"

"Remember one thing, once there is a fight, you must severely damage or even sink the enemy ship in the shortest possible time! Then evacuate quickly!"

"As long as there is no evidence, it is impossible to explain clearly what happened on the high seas!"

Then, he added: "Of course, if that warship is fished out, be sure to concentrate your firepower on me and destroy it!"

"No matter what happens, we will destroy their operation! Which tribe will not dare to spend this unjust money in the future if they don't care about their lives?"

A trace of ferocity flashed in Murakami Asagi's eyes.

Looking over several people, he solemnly said: "We have to catch the other side off guard! Remember, never expose yourself unless absolutely necessary!"

"A secret ambush, understand?"


"Wada-kun, you are in charge of this operation!" Looking at Ishita Wada, Murakami Hayaki said solemnly: "I don't want to see you make mistakes again! There will be no next time!"

"Understood!" Inoshita Wada said loudly: "I will definitely avenge the Congyun! I will definitely restore the glory of Haizi!"

After another explanation, Murakami Hayaki said: "Go and prepare!"

Immediately afterwards, Murakami Saki looked at another person and said: "Contact the Foreign Affairs Department and ask them to prepare in advance! Once we succeed here, we must also act as justice!"

"Hi! I'll make arrangements right away!"

Looking at the backs of several people leaving in a hurry, Murakami Hayaki turned back and looked at the deduction on the sand table.

After thinking for a long time, he felt that his arrangement was not flawless.

If something unexpected happened, they would be able to catch up by mobilizing the air force from the military base on the southern island.

"Our warships are numerous and advanced, so I have the advantage this time!"

He said silently in his heart, his eyes flickering towards the west.

At the same time, the Eastern Fleet Command.

"Chief, a secret report from the Eastern Wilderness tribe!"

The guard quickly knocked on Xiao Chongjun's door and shouted.


"Reporting to the leader, according to the news from the secret agent, the Donghuang Tribe Sea has been suddenly mobilized frequently, and the movement is quite large. It is not yet clear what the other party's intentions are!"

"Sudden transfer?"

"Yes, Chief!"

Xiao Chongjun's expression darkened, and he remained silent for a while before saying: "The timing is too coincidental! Let's investigate again and report again!"

"Yes! Chief!"

After thinking about it, Xiao Chongjun still felt something was wrong and quickly contacted Liu Huaming.

Five minutes later, the four chiefs of the Navy held an emergency conference call.

"Comrades, you all know the situation." Liu Huaming said immediately: "Based on the current clues, this sudden change in Haizi is most likely aimed at us!"

Xu Dongguo took over and said: "The investigation on the Hai Zizai Congyun matter has failed, and the eyes will definitely fall on us! In addition, the movement of Bird Edin is so big this time, the news will definitely be leaked."

"It seems that the news may not be kept secret. Do you have any ideas?"

Faced with Liu Huaming's inquiry, Qian Wenbing said: "How about we change the time? Send out immediately? Or delay the action for two days?"

"The time cannot be changed!" Xu Dongguo and Xiao Chongjun said at the same time.

"No one can guarantee the timeliness of the information on Haizi's unusual movements! If they deliberately released it for us to see, would they have already laid an ambush? Right now we are not sure how much the other party knows!"

"That's right! The time agreed upon by both parties, but we changed the time without any reason. How will the Tebo tribe see our navy? Tell them the truth? They think we are cowardly. When the news spreads, it is the first shot of foreign trade. How to start?"

Qian Wenbing said tentatively: "What about other reasons?"

"Is there a problem with our warships? Or is there a problem with my security forces?"


Qian Wenbing hesitated for a moment and was speechless.

What changes is not time, but reputation, brand, and morale!

Xiao Chongjun said: "Once the momentum weakens, no matter what actions we take in the future, as long as Haizi makes any changes, we will subconsciously click!"

Since the Eastern Fleet installed the 052C, he has obviously become more confident in speaking than before.

"As long as we get through it successfully this time, the channels for foreign trade will be completely opened! For this reason, I think it is worth the gamble!"

Xu Dongguo said in a serious tone.

"Haizi's warships are very strong, so what? Our ship is not at a disadvantage either!"

After some discussion, the three of them waited patiently for Liu Huaming's attitude.

Capital Naval Headquarters.

Liu Huaming said: "Wait a moment, I will think about it carefully."

After exiting the conference call, Liu Huaming walked back and forth in the room.

Standing at the window, looking at the night, Liu Huaming took out his cigarette and fumbled to light one.


The weak flame illuminated Liu Huaming's face, and it was obvious that his expression was heavy.



Taking a deep breath, Liu Huaming spit it out heavily.

Faced with a major decision, he had no choice but to be cautious.

It was originally scheduled to set off at 7 a.m. on the 20th, but the news had already reached the Tebo tribe.

No matter what the reason is, as long as this time changes, the seeds of fear of Haizi are completely planted in his heart.

One step back, one step back!

It can be shipped according to the agreed time. In case of big trouble, can one 052C, one 052B, and one 956E protect four 051Cs? This is also a problem.

At present, apart from these military forces, the navy can no longer provide a more powerful protective force.

Judging from the combat power of main battle warships, these three warships combined, excluding nuclear submarines and missile boats, are already the top main battle power of the three fleets.

Those other warships will not be of much use if sent out.

Two 051Cs and one 956E are to be kept for housekeeping.



Liu Huaming's heavy footsteps echoed in the room.

Once the three warships are destroyed, not only will the mission not be completed, it will also be a big blow to the navy!

But if it doesn't take a chance, it will be very difficult for the navy to get ahead by relying on the military budget allocated by the higher authorities.

The price of breaking the contract is also very high!

If the warship is not delivered, the navy will definitely not be able to pay double compensation.

In addition, who will dare to buy after the credibility is gone?

Finally, the momentum also weakened.

This is a dilemma!

Should we strive for a bright future, or should we continue to hide our capabilities and bide our time?

Since the Navy made two consecutive great achievements this year, Liu Huaming subconsciously favored the former.

It seems that this time it is mainly about money, but in fact it is about luck!

If you have the momentum to move forward courageously and with strong momentum, your luck will be like a rainbow.

"We can't let down our soldiers, and we can't let down the scientific research experts who have worked so hard to solve the problem!"

With this in mind, he took a deep breath, threw the cigarette on the ground, and stamped it out.

Immediately, he picked up the dedicated phone and dialed Xue Yunzhi.

As soon as the call was connected, he explained the general situation.

"Xue Shuai, right now..."

Faced with such a difficult problem, Xue Yunzhi was also in a dilemma.

After a long silence, Xue Yunzhi said: "What are your plans?"

"I want to give it a try! Fight for a bright future! We backed down this time. Next time we encounter a similar situation, we will back down! Every time I just want to get a little advantage and then stop, I feel that my navy - —”

After hesitating for a moment, Liu Huaming said solemnly.

"——It's hard to become a great person!"

"One rush of strength and then three falls and three exhaustions! Very good!" Xue Yunzhi said immediately: "How do you want me to help you?"

"I think……"

A moment later, Liu Huaming appeared on the conference call again.

"Chief!" the three of them shouted in unison.

"The original plan remains unchanged!"

Upon hearing this, the three of them said solemnly: "Yes!"

After Liu Huaming made some arrangements again, he dissolved the meeting.

Time flies, at 6:30 in the morning on the 20th, we arrive at the port of the Eastern Naval Military Base.

Under the leadership of relevant personnel, the people brought by Bird Edin boarded four 051C ships.

"Mr. Ning, I will trouble you in the next ten days."

Bird Edin said to Ning Decai, the representative of the escort.

Ning Decai and others were escorts arranged by the navy long ago, and they were all good at Tebo tribal language.

They will spend the next ten days accompanying the Tebo tribe on the warship until the warship arrives at the Tebo tribe.

In addition, the naval officers and soldiers commanding the four 051C ships are from the Southern Fleet and Northern Fleet. Currently, only the Southern Fleet and Northern Fleet have an additional 051C.

After a little training, it is not difficult to recruit operators for four warships in half a month. Anyway, they only need to be responsible for driving, and there will be an escort force to take charge if something happens.

"Mr. Bird Edin, this is what we should do. Customer satisfaction is our aim!"

Ning Decai said: "There are still fifteen minutes left, let's set off at 7 o'clock sharp!"

"No problem!" Nodding, Bird Edin looked at the 052B in the distance and asked: "Where is your escort force? Isn't it just one ship?"

"Of course not! The specific leaders have been arranged!"

"Okay, I can rest assured that you will do the work!"

As the time came to seven o'clock, the eastern sun had completely risen from the horizon, and golden sunlight shone on the warships.

The flags fluttering in the wind shone brightly in the sunshine.

Along with a roar, 052B started to move, and then four 051Cs also started to move.

052B took the lead, followed closely by four 051Cs, and four multi-functional supply ships were deployed on both sides.

A total of 13 warships set off in a mighty manner facing the rising sun!

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