I built an armada

Chapter 152 Magnificent military exploits! Murasame Harusame's ship was destroyed and everyone

Katsumura Yota stood there, his mind going blank.

The anti-aircraft missile was launched, but in the face of this situation, he had no idea whether the anti-aircraft missile could stop him.

Only ten anti-aircraft missiles can be fired before the first interception.

And, you can only aim at seven targets!

In other words, some targets can only be intercepted one-on-one! The opponent's anti-ship missiles are Mach 1.9, while our own anti-ship missiles are only Mach 1.1! It is simply impossible to successfully intercept one-on-one!

Two against one is enough!

But there is no way, this is already the limit of Chunyu!

There are currently 8 goals left, and Katsumura Yota is extremely anxious. He never dreamed that one day he would face the embarrassing situation of being crushed by his technology.

The second lock can be obtained after 66.5 seconds, and the second round of anti-aircraft missiles can only be launched after 74.5 seconds!

He had no idea how many interceptions he could intercept in the first round.

"Blessed by Amaterasu, I hope all 7 can be successfully intercepted!"

Katsumura Yota said silently in his heart.

"Captain, what should we do with the eight more targets?" the deputy captain asked anxiously.

"Baga! Didn't you see what I was thinking about?"

Katsumura Yota cursed angrily.

Before, I thought that the Murasame might not be able to withstand the 16 anti-ship missiles on the 052B, so I wanted to help.

It's okay now, let alone help, I'm a mud Buddha crossing the river myself.

I have to seek foreign help myself!

"Damn it, where did this warship come from? Why did it suddenly appear and be so powerful! This is unscientific!"

Katsumura Yota's thoughts were racing in his mind, and he was pacing back and forth anxiously.

From the Longxia tribe?

It shouldn’t be, their technology is not that advanced!

Could it be that he is from the White Bear Tribe?

It makes no sense. How could the warships of the White Bear Tribe pass through more than 3,000 kilometers of sea to ambush us in the rear? This doesn’t make sense!

Katsumura Yota was in a state of confusion.

When Kithara Sosuke discussed with him earlier, he thought it was very reasonable to work in pairs.

Now that he has encountered a strong enemy, he no longer thinks so.

The nearest Shanwuhao is 70 kilometers away!

Although the active detection range of Yamagiri's radar is 85 kilometers, which is 10 kilometers longer than Murasame and Harusame, the problem is that their missiles are too late to support!

The hit rate of an anti-aircraft missile locking on a target and intercepting it is much greater than that of an anti-aircraft missile predicting its path in advance and then intercepting it!

Since the two are so far apart, the best the Yamagiri can do is predict the path and intercept them.

Murasame and Harusame choose one, who to save? This is also a big problem.

"Damn Kitahara Sosuke, you have to ambush the enemy from such a distance! It's better now, and the support can't even catch up!"

Katsumura Yota was so angry that he cursed loudly.

This place is too far away from the Donghuang tribe, and even if the fighter jets are flying and smoking, they will not be able to catch up with the support.

Suddenly, he realized that he had miscalculated this time.

I never expected the ambush of 052C.

"Captain, do you need to communicate with the other side? It's still too late!" the deputy captain said urgently.

If the situation is explained clearly, the other party might let the missile explode in mid-air!

After all, Haizi not only has these warships, but also has three complete formations of the Eighth-Eight Fleet!

Apart from the top two, who can withstand such pressure?

"Let me think!"

Katsumura Yota shook his head, with a look of hesitation on his face.

It is absolutely impossible to make him bow his head!

It would be fine if the warships behind were not from the Longxia tribe, but what if they were? How could he say this?

The purpose of coming here is to restore Haizi's glory, not to send Haizi's face to be stepped on.

"Captain, why don't we prepare to retreat first." The vice-captain continued, "If nothing can be done, we have a retreat."

Katsumura Yota was unmoved.

"Captain, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst! Keep the green mountains here, and don't be afraid of running out of firewood! Only by surviving can you have a chance to take revenge, right?"

Hearing what the deputy captain said, Katsumura Yota was obviously moved. He nodded slightly, saving his last face.

Obviously, Katsumura Yota also felt in his heart that this time the situation was more dangerous, but he just couldn't say it out loud.

With Yota Katsumura's permission, the deputy captain quickly arranged for the release of life-saving equipment.

There is an anti-submarine helicopter on the Spring Rain, which is of no use in this situation.

If you were to escape in a helicopter, you wouldn't even know how you would die.

At the same time, 70 kilometers away laterally, in the main control room of Shanwu's guidance drive.

The radar monitor said urgently: "Report to the captain, the Murasame opened fire! A total of 8 anti-ship missiles, targeting the north, the enemy is unknown!"


Captain Itou Xiu was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Where is the enemy? Where is the enemy?"

"Report Captain, the radar did not detect it!"

Itou Shuichi glanced at the radar display disbelievingly, and sure enough, there was no enemy on it!

The distance between 052B and 052C and the Yamagiri guide exceeds the active radar detection range of 85 kilometers. In addition, they are not locked by the fire control radar, and the passive detection range of 120 kilometers has no effect. Naturally, the enemy ships cannot be found.

"Haga! Damn Kitahara Sosuke, you didn't report the enemy immediately when you discovered it! I want to report it to General Wada, he is so undisciplined!"

Itou Xiuyi cursed angrily.

You said we were in an ambush together, and you struck first when you found the enemy?

Do you want any more face?

He still clearly remembered Kitahara Sosuke's words before the ambush, he didn't want credit, just revenge!

If your warship fails to launch a single anti-ship missile by then, the Murasame will wipe out all the enemies. No matter how much you take the credit, you will not be able to get this credit!

"Baga - he tricked me! Why didn't the damn Longxia Tribe warship show up at my side!"

Yi Tangxiu cursed and then changed the subject.

"Contact me immediately..."

Before the words 'Murasame' could be uttered, the radar monitor shouted again.

"Report to Captain, the Spring Rain has also opened fire!"

Spring Rain Hao?

Is it running?

Damn it!

Two Murasame-class guide ships took action, and the credit now had nothing to do with me!

Yi Tangxiu was so angry that he patted his heart with one hand to calm down the feeling in his heart.

Now that things have come to this, it's too late for him to scold.

But at this moment, the radar monitor's tone suddenly changed, full of confusion and confusion.

"Captain, something is wrong! Why is the missile Mach 1.1?"

Suddenly, he reacted.

"Captain, the Chunyu launched anti-aircraft missiles! The direction is south!"

"Captain, there are enemies in the south too!"


Our rear?

Are there enemies?

Yi Tangxiu was stunned.

Aren't we going around and outflanking?

Why are there enemies later?

Looking at the radar display again, there was still no trace of an enemy on it.

"What happened! Did we ambush, or did the other party ambush us?"

He had no time to think about it and shouted immediately.

"Quick, contact Murasame immediately! I want to talk to Kitahara Sosuke!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Immediately afterwards, Itou Shuichi shouted again: "Inform the Taitofu, immediately follow our troops to the Murasame, and go in at full speed!"

"Yes, Captain!"

On the other side, inside the main control room of the Murasame.

The warning sound of the radar echoed in Kitahara Sosuke's ears.

"...fire control radar locked...the enemy is in the rear!"

Kitahara Sosuke's face was still filled with a smile that he was about to get his revenge, but it completely froze when the radar monitor shouted.

Since when have there been enemies in the rear?

How could there be enemies in the rear?

This makes no sense!

Kithara Sosuke's mind was buzzing, and the situation was changing so quickly that it completely exceeded his expectations.

"Report Captain, the enemy ship is 70 kilometers away from our ship!"

the radar operator yelled hastily.

"Report to Captain, the enemy ship ahead fired anti-ship missiles at our ship! 1, 2...5..."

Looking at the densely packed little red dots, the radar correspondent became numb.

"Reporting to Captain, there are 16 anti-ship missiles in total, speed is Mach 1.6! They are expected to arrive in 121 seconds! Please give instructions, Captain!"

16 anti-ship missiles?

Mach 1.6?

This data is beyond Kitahara Sosuke's cognition.

Which warship is more advanced? Isn’t it my own warship from the Eastern Wilderness Tribe?

When they met on the high seas half a year ago, he only knew the details of the 052B anti-aircraft missile. This was the first time he knew about the anti-ship missile.

"Report Captain, the enemy ship launched 16 anti-aircraft missiles at a speed of Mach 1.2. The first interception will occur in 72 seconds!"

Before Kitahara Sosuke could figure out how to deal with the 16 anti-ship missiles, he heard the radar monitor shout again.

"Report to captain, the radar has detected that the enemy ship in the rear also launched anti-ship missiles! 3, 6, 9..."

"Report Captain, there are too many, a total of 24 anti-ship missiles! The speed... the speed is Mach 1.9!"

The radar monitor swallowed quietly.

The Mach 1.6 anti-ship missile had already frightened him, and when the Mach 1.9 missile suddenly popped up, his heart almost jumped out of his throat.

Listening to the other party's reply, Kithara Sosuke's scalp went numb and he almost jumped up.

The enemy's firepower is too strong!

He quickly walked over to the radar display and took a look. Sure enough, in addition to the 16 anti-ship missiles in front, there were 24 small red dots coming directly from behind.

Although only 9 of the 24 anti-ship missiles were aimed at itself, there were still 25 anti-ship missiles aimed at itself under the attack from the front and rear.

"I've just stung a hornet's nest!"

Kithara Sosuke's pupils were wide-eyed, and thoughts were racing in his mind, thinking of ways to break the situation.

Compared with the radar on the Murasame and the 346 active phased array radar on the 052C, there is a huge difference. Not only in the scope of radar monitoring, but also in the field of automation.

The radar on it cannot automatically determine which side to intercept first based on the threat of the missile.

The decision can only be made by Kitahara Sosuke himself.

"Captain, it's too late!"

Being shouted by the vice-captain, Kitahara Sosuke's body shook and he recovered from the shock.

"Quick, quick, fight back!"

"How to do it?" the deputy captain asked anxiously.


Looking at the radar display showing missiles coming from behind and behind, how to fight back has become a headache.

The Murasame can only lock on 7 targets, and the anti-aircraft missiles can only fire 10 at a time!

It’s hard to stop both sides!

No matter which way you stop!

If both sides are blocked, the survival rate will be even lower!

Time passed by second by second, and Kithara Sosuke was so anxious that cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

It was the first time he experienced this kind of life-and-death situation. He, who was originally arrogant and arrogant, was completely undecided now.

When the cloak of advanced warship technology is taken off, no matter how arrogant or radical the militarist extremists are, they will be dumbfounded.

They will be afraid too!

"Captain! Time is running out!"

idiot! Which way to stop?——

Kithara Sosuke roared in his heart.

"Captain, it's time! Just choose one!"

"North! South! No, block both sides!" Kitahara Sosuke shouted, "Fire immediately, 6 in front and 4 in back!"

"Yes, Captain!"

"Reporting to Captain, the air defense missile system has been activated and the radar has successfully locked 7 targets! It is expected to be launched in eight seconds!"

Eight seconds?

Kitahara Sosuke couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

It has been delayed for more than ten seconds just now, and now we have to wait for another eight seconds. How far does the missile have to fly!

He could even hear his own beating heart.

Just like that, a whistling sound came from the deck.

Ten anti-ship missiles soared into the sky and then headed in the south and north directions.

"Report Captain, the anti-aircraft missile has been launched! The speed is Mach 1.1! The second deployment takes 14 seconds! The forward anti-ship missile is 52.4 kilometers away from our ship. It is expected that the first collision will occur in 57 seconds, and the interception location is 21.3 kilometers away from our ship! The second interception was carried out 65 seconds later, and the missile was 16.95 kilometers away from our ship. It was estimated that in 18.5 seconds, the second interception location was... 6.9 kilometers away from our ship. The third anti-aircraft missile interception was too late!"

"Report to Captain, the rear anti-ship missile is 53.9 kilometers away from our ship! The first collision is expected to occur 52.8 seconds later, and the missile interception location is 19.8 kilometers away from our ship! The second interception will be carried out 60.8 seconds later, and the missile is 14.63 kilometers away from our ship. . It is estimated that at 14.3 seconds, the second interception location will be... 5.4 kilometers away from our ship!"

Listening to the radar monitor's report, Kitahara Sosuke was one head and two heads up.

The third round of anti-aircraft missile interception is definitely too late!

Now it depends on how many missiles can be stopped in the first two rounds.

There are 24 anti-ship missiles, 16 Mach 1.6 missiles and 9 Mach 1.9 missiles. How many can be stopped depends on fate.

At this moment, Kitahara Sosuke, who had always been unruly, prayed silently in his heart.

"Captain, prepare your backup plan!" the vice-captain said.

He could see that the Murasame was doomed this time.

We must hurry up and prepare to release life-saving equipment.

"Escape? Where to escape?"

The total survival time before and after is less than 100 seconds, how to escape?

I was in a panic and wasted a lot of time before.

"It's still too late, we still have 80 seconds to survive!" the deputy captain said anxiously: "Captain, I will send someone to drop it right now..."


Kithara Sosuke shouted: "Who dares to run without my permission? The battle is not over yet, you are shaking the morale of the army!"


The vice-captain was so anxious that he almost stamped his feet.

How can this shake the morale of the military?

I have never faced such a headwind situation before, but now that I have encountered it suddenly, it is normal to make second-hand preparations!

Why don't you understand?

This is a waste of time!

Seeing that the two were in a stalemate, the correspondent suddenly shouted: "Report to the captain, the Yamagiri is requesting a call!"

Kithara Sosuke seemed to have seen hope and said immediately.

"Take it! Hurry!"

Soon, the call channel between the two parties was established.

"Kitahara Sosuke-kun, what happened! Why was on the Haruyu..."

Before Itou Shuichi could finish speaking, Kitahara Sosuke said angrily.

"The incident happened suddenly and there was no time to explain. Now we are surrounded from both sides! There are enemies in the front and there are also enemies in the rear! Support us immediately!"


Itou Shuichi was stunned.

I can't see the missile on the radar monitor, how can I support it?

60 kilometers apart!

Even if the Yamagiri got its wings, it would be too late.

Even if my radar detects enemy missiles, my anti-aircraft missiles will not be able to catch up! Unless the speed of the opponent's anti-ship missile does not exceed Mach 1, it may be possible to predict the path in advance and intercept it.

"Kitahara Sosuke-kun, please calm down! You were not like this before! 60 kilometers is too far, let's think of other ways!"

"Shuichi Itou, I'm so calm! Now 25 anti-ship missiles are aimed at our Murasame! It's 25! Damn it!"

Kitahara Sosuke yelled.

"How many anti-aircraft missiles do we have on the Murasame? Even if we use them all, we can't stop it!"

"Kitahara Sosuke-kun, I'm on my way here now! You must hold on! You must hold on!"

"Kinima's size!"

After saying that, Kitahara Sosuke cut off the communication.

I originally thought that there would be foreign aid, but I didn't know that the Shanwuhao, which was 60 kilometers away, was an elusive hope!

"Baga! Baga——"

Kitahara Sosuke cursed loudly and looked around, only to see everyone in the main control room looking at him with despair in their eyes.

The surroundings were quiet, and an aura of despair filled everyone's hearts.

Every second that passes, everyone is one second closer to death.

A single warship has no chance of surviving under such firepower. Even if the King Kong level guide comes, it will still be useless.

If four warships were dispatched together, they would feel trembling in their hearts when faced with such firepower.

I’m not 100% sure whether they can all be stopped!

His eyes swept over everyone's faces one by one, and the thought of regret came to Kitahara Sosuke's heart for no reason.

He quickly put an end to this thought, took a deep breath, and pretended to be calm: "It's okay! We will survive! Amaterasu will bless us!"

Everyone looked at him blankly, obviously not listening.

Kitahara Sosuke opened his mouth, but he couldn't say the words that came to his lips.

"Captain." The radar monitor shouted: "The rear interception failed! A total of 8 anti-aircraft missiles broke through the interception! Report to the captain, 8 seconds later, the second interception..."

Only one of 4 anti-aircraft missiles was intercepted?

The words of the radar correspondent successfully defeated the last glimmer of hope in Kitahara Sosuke's heart!

His face instantly turned pale.

There are still 8 anti-ship missiles left, how to stop them? There's no way to stop it!

There was no need for the other party to continue talking. Kitahara Sosuke waved his hands dejectedly, indicating that he understood.

"Just do whatever you have to do! Turn on the main anti-aircraft guns and close-in defense systems! Fight to the end!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the radar monitor shouted again.

"Report to Captain, forward interception failed! A total of 14 anti-ship missiles broke through the interception! 8 seconds later..."

"Baga! Shut up! I know!"

Kithara Sosuke roared violently.

The radar monitor shrank his head, his face turned ashen and he stopped talking.


Kithara Sosuke sighed inwardly.

At this moment, he suddenly looked ten years older and looked weak, without the fighting spirit and arrogance he had before.

The Bushido spirit he had always adhered to was shaken at this moment in the face of powerful firepower!

If I had agreed just now to prepare a backup plan, maybe...

Thinking of this, Kitahara Sosuke had a wry smile on his face.

It's too late, it's too late!

Suddenly, the deputy captain said: "Captain, the escape equipment is ready! Let's go, Captain!"

Now there is less than 30 seconds left to survive. Whether you can escape or not depends on your fate.


A hint of joy flashed in Kithara Sosuke's eyes, but he still spoke harshly.

"I haven't failed yet! I won't leave!"

"Captain, it's too late!" the vice-captain shouted to the side: "Quick, someone come and help me!"

As he said that, several people came over, picked up Kitahara Sosuke and walked out quickly.

"Put me down, I won't leave! I want warships to survive together! I haven't been defeated yet—"

"You are my sinners——"

In the main control room, even the captain and deputy captain were gone, and no one else had the will to resist.

The second round of anti-aircraft missile interception failed, and multiple anti-ship missiles broke through the defense and struck directly.

Murasame is a foregone conclusion.

Arriving on the deck, Kitahara Sosuke had just touched the rope, and with a casual glance, he could already see the light of fire in the sky not far away.

Before the explosion and shock wave could be heard, the dazzling light shone so brightly that he could hardly open his eyes.

The anti-aircraft missile exploded. How many can be stopped? He was unsure.

He said I won't leave, but at this moment, Kitahara Sosuke was also free and easy. He loosened his grip on the rope and landed directly on the lifeboat.

Then the deputy captain also jumped down.

The others didn't care and jumped directly into the sea one by one.

As soon as Kitahara Sosuke stood firm, he saw missiles tearing through the darkness with tongues of fire and striking straight at them. The deafening interception sounds of the anti-aircraft main guns and close-in defense systems echoed in his ears.

"It's over! The Murasame is over!"

Kitahara Sosuke stood blankly on the lifeboat, his eyes looking ashen and his face full of despair.

The dense close-in defense system successfully intercepted several missiles, and the sound of explosions was endless.

But it's still useless.

Finally, an anti-ship missile hit the Murasame!

Before the sound of the explosion reached Kitahara Sosuke's ears, one missile after another hit the Murasame like raindrops.

The dazzling light made Kithara Sosuke subconsciously close his eyes.

"Captain, lie down—"

The vice-captain rushed over, and just as he touched the opponent, but before he could reach him, a huge shock wave came.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them were blown away by the shock wave.

Just two pops were heard, and the two fell into the water.

When Kitahara Sosuke surfaced, what came into view was the Murasame burning with raging fire.

Inside the Murasame, there were constant small-scale explosions.

Not far away, the Chunyu No. was also filled with flames and black smoke. Obviously, the Spring Rain was also killed! Kitahara Sosuke had no idea whether there was anyone alive.

"I will live and die with the warship!" Shouting, Kitahara Sosuke buried himself in the water.

However, after struggling for a while, he couldn't bear the pain of suffocation, and he struggled to surface again.

Looking at the two Murasame-class guide ships blazing into the sky, his face was wet, and he couldn't tell whether it was seawater or tears.

At this moment, he regretted it.

I knew it was like this, I knew it was like this...

Finally, Kitahara Sosuke shouted "Ah".

The voice was sad and desperate, not noticeable among the explosions.

His pride, his revenge plan, and his self-glory fell apart at this moment.

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