I built an armada

Chapter 153 The prey becomes the hunter! Executioner Zhou Qinglei!

Holding the lifeboat with one hand, Kitahara Sosuke looked into the distance, the anger in his eyes almost igniting himself.

Not only did they fail to take revenge this time, but they also damaged the Murasame. After returning, the military court would not be able to escape.

However, the cost of training a qualified and outstanding captain is very high, so Kitahara Sosuke feels that he will suffer a little, but his life can still be saved.

"Captain, are you okay?" The vice-captain swam over, got on the lifeboat, and looked at Kitahara Sosuke and asked.

"I'm fine."

Kithara Sosuke said coldly.

If the other party hadn't forcibly taken him away, he would have really lived and died with the Murasame at this moment.

It was just talk, but at this moment, he was still a little frightened.

Bushido never failed in his mouth.

"Captain, you're fine!" The vice-captain breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that the shock wave of the explosion just now would injure Kitahara Sosuke.

"Captain, keep Qingshan here so you don't have to worry about running out of firewood!"

"As long as we are alive, there is hope for revenge."

Listening to the deputy captain's words, Kitahara Sosuke did not answer.

Now that he has become a drowned rat, wouldn't it be nonsense to talk about revenge?

Whether he can leave the high seas alive is a big question.

The Murasame was burning nearby, with flames reaching into the sky and crackling sounds.

The dazzling firelight illuminated the faces of Kitahara Sosuke and others red.

"Captain, the Murasame..."

Seeing the Murasame slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea with burning flames, the deputy captain's mood became obviously much lower. The joy of surviving by chance disappeared in an instant.

Kithara Sosuke murmured his lips a few times, but the words that came to his lips were still not spoken.

"Captain, the Spring Rain seems to be..."

The deputy captain pointed to the soaring fire in the distance, which was extremely dazzling in the darkness.

Kithara Sosuke's mouth twitched sharply.

Something would happen to the two warships, and it would still be his fault if he were to be held accountable. Even this decision was approved by General Inoshita Wada!

But who could have imagined that he was originally going to be ambushed, but he was ambushed!

The hunter becomes the hunted!

Moreover, they never expected that the Longxia Tribal Navy would be so powerful all of a sudden! And the mysterious warship that circled behind!

As soon as the two warships appeared, their flawless plan was shattered into pieces.

"Yang Taijun..."

The two ships were ten kilometers apart, and the incident happened so suddenly that Kitahara Sosuke had no time to care about the situation of the Haruyu.

He only remembered that there seemed to be 15 Mach 1.9 anti-ship missiles attacking the Chunyu, but he didn't know the rest.

As for whether Yota Katsumura would survive, he didn't know.

He was worried that if the other party was as stubborn as he was before and vowed to live and die with the Spring Rain? What if the deputy captain of the Chunyu didn't have the deputy captain next to him who had the bright idea to immediately prepare a backup plan when the situation was bad?

Ten kilometers away, even if he shouted at the top of his lungs, Katsumura Yota couldn't hear him.

"Will Yang Taijun survive?"

Listening to Kitahara Sosuke's whisper, the vice-captain said: "Captain, Colonel Yota Katsumura will definitely survive! Amaterasu will bless him!"

"Captain, let's get on the lifeboat first!"

Kithara Sosuke nodded.

Soon, the two of them were lying on the lifeboat, all wet.



Kithara Sosuke gasped for air, feeling quite lucky to survive the disaster.

After a while, he forced himself to sit up and looked south.

"The warship of the Longxia Tribe Navy must have sunk as well!"

Kitahara Sosuke asked.

The vice-captain hesitated for a moment, unable to answer this question.

At that time, he was busy sending people to prepare backup, and he didn't know much about the situation in the main control room.

The radar monitor and others who knew the inside story had been killed along with the Murasame.

"Let me see if I can get in touch!"

With that said, the vice-captain turned on the radio equipment on the lifeboat.

After fiddling with it for a while, he found out that the shock wave from the previous explosion had damaged some parts of the radio equipment, making the radio unusable.

The vice-captain took a deep breath and said seriously: "It must have sunk! They will definitely not be able to hold it!"

Kithara Sosuke nodded.

"Two for one, we suffered a big loss this time! But this time we also learned the details of that warship! If the other party mass-produces it in the future, our Haizi will also have a way to deal with it!"

"It's just another warship——"

As he spoke, Kitahara Sosuke looked toward the dark sea behind him.

At night, the vast sea was so dark that nothing could be seen clearly.

"-Where did it come from?"

According to the results of the previous investigation, neither the Eagle Tribe nor the White Bear Tribe were involved, so the only possibility, no matter how incredible it is, must be true!

But for Kitahara Sosuke and others, a 052B was enough to shock them. When a more advanced 052C suddenly appeared, they instinctively did not want to believe it!

Who dares to believe that the Longxia Tribal Navy, which did not even have a modern warship two years ago, would experience a technological explosion within this year?

This obviously goes against their knowledge.

"This incident is so strange! Maybe there really is a shadow of the Eagle Tribe behind it!" Kitahara Sosuke murmured.

No one had doubted the Eagle Tribe before, but what was happening now was completely beyond common sense, and he had to think in this direction.

Maybe Haizi has been too arrogant these years, and the Eagle Tribe wants to suppress the arrogance of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe?

The Eagle Tribe can do anything! Compared to being a vassal, the other party obviously cares more about the balance of the Dongzhou waters.

Kithara Sosuke said silently in his heart.


"Vice Captain——"

Not far away from the lifeboat, many naval soldiers emerged and swam towards this side.

Kithara Sosuke said: "Save people quickly! Save good people and see if anyone can repair radio equipment!"

"Yes, Captain!"

While they were busy rescuing people, ten kilometers away in the sea, several major senior officers including Katsumura Yotamasa and the deputy captain were lying on two rescue speedboats.

Since the deputy captain of the Haruyu persuaded Katsumura Yota, both lifesaving speedboats came into use.

Everyone on the Chunyu retreated in time. Although the warship was destroyed, nearly a quarter of the people survived.

In addition to the lifeboat, there were also some people wearing life jackets and swimming towards the speedboat.

"Captain, the Murasame is also destroyed." The vice-captain said with a sad expression.

"I know, I can see it!"

Katsumura Yota looked at the scene of flames soaring into the sky in the distance, and his heart sank to the bottom.

"Aosuke-kun has to be strong all his life. I'm not sure whether he will survive this time!"

The conversation changed and he asked: "Have you not been contacted yet?"

The vice-captain looked at the personnel who were busy operating the radio equipment, and then shook his head.

"Not contacted yet!"

Of the two rescue speedboats, the radio of one was broken and was being repaired, while the other was lucky and had no problems with the relevant equipment.

"Try again, and if it still doesn't work, contact the Yamagiri! Although they should already know the situation here through radar, they still need to have the necessary notifications!"

Yota Katsumura.

"We are still waiting for them to come to rescue us."

It is impossible to sail out to the high seas only by relying on the energy reserves on the lifeboat.

At the same time, 052B was sailing peacefully in the sea 65 kilometers away from the place where the Murasame died.

In the main control room, Jiang Shengrong and others looked much more relaxed.

All eight Mach 1.5 anti-ship missiles were intercepted successfully!

"052B saved our lives!"

Jiang Shengrong was filled with emotions.

They were all prepared to sacrifice before taking action, but due to the excellent combat performance of the 052B, with the fire support of the close-in defense artillery, the last anti-ship missile that penetrated the defense was successfully intercepted.

Not only did they not suffer any losses, they also achieved a great achievement. Jiang Shengrong and others had smiles on their faces.

"Although we have not met Comrade Su Dingping several times, the 052B improved by Comrade Su Dingping saved our lives!"

"And let us gain a credit!"

"This favor is greatly owed!"

Jiang Shengrong sighed.

If he were still commanding 051C, he wouldn't even have a chance to participate in the ambush, let alone take first-class credit.

The level of warships is not good, and they are not even qualified to go to the battlefield.

"Report Captain, the radar has detected..."

Jiang Shengrong leaned over and took a look at the radar display and found three small red dots appeared on it.

Murasame has one location and Harusame has two locations.

"Captain." The vice-captain said, "This should be their life-saving equipment! Us?"

"We don't kill prisoners."

"They haven't surrendered yet, Captain."


Jiang Shengrong hesitated for a moment, but after all, he didn't make up his mind.

The people of the Donghuang tribe could not be a human being, but he couldn't, and he still had a bottom line in his heart.

When the conversation changed, Jiang Shengrong said with a serious expression: "Please keep your spirits up. We haven't won completely yet. Two more warships will appear at any time!"

"Yes, Captain!"

At the same time, 052C was sailing leisurely in the sea 69 kilometers north of the Murasame.

In the main control room, the radar monitor said.

"Captain, two warships were successfully sunk!"

"Very good! Where is 052B?"

"052B is okay!"

Zhou Qinglei breathed a sigh of relief.

Eight anti-ship missiles were fired in a salvo, and he was still a little worried about 052B. Even though he is the former 052B captain and knows the combat level of 052B, he is still worried.

Now I'm fine, the stone in my heart has fallen away.

Cao Youren stood aside, still immersed in shock and had not recovered from the shock.

This was the first time he participated in an ambush on a Haizi warship, and the powerful aura he had for Haizi in his heart was shattered by the impact at this moment.

The shackles in his heart were torn open, but the result still brought him an unprecedented experience.

Unscathed, two Chinese warships were sunk.

This was the first time he felt such a condescending victory.

It's subtle, it's incredible, but it's comfortable.

It turns out that this is the feeling of overlooking the enemy, which is completely different from the previous desperate situation!

Just when Cao Youren was still immersed in this emotion, he heard the radar monitor shouting.

"Report to Captain, three suspicious targets were found 69 or 72 kilometers away from me! They should not be warships!"

Not a warship?

Zhou Qinglei felt suspicious for a while, then glanced at the radar display and reacted instantly.


"Lao Zhou, there's a lifeboat on the other side." Cao Youren said, "Should we go over and intercept Hu?"

"That's inappropriate." Zhou Qinglei shook his head.

"There are currently two enemy ships 105 kilometers away from our ship! The battle situation has not completely stabilized, we must remain vigilant!"

"That makes sense!" Cao Youren nodded.

The conversation changed and Zhou Qinglei said again: "But we can do something, we can't just watch them slip away like this, can we?"

"do what?"

Cao Youren was surprised. The two were sixty or seventy kilometers apart, so far out of reach! What can be done to prevent them from slipping away?

"Are they enemies now?"

Facing Zhou Qinglei's inquiry, Cao Youren nodded.

"Since we are enemies, we have the right to open fire, right?"


Taking a breath, Cao Youren looked at Zhou Qinglei in disbelief.

Cao Youren whispered: "Based on the wartime situation, they are already our prisoners. Wouldn't it be bad for us to do this..."

Zhou Qinglei asked: "Have they surrendered?"

Cao Youren was speechless.

The opponent's warships are all gone, so why surrender?

Zhou Qinglei said calmly: "Not surrendering means we are still fighting! To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to yourself."

Cao Youren still wanted to use principles to persuade, so he listened to Zhou Qinglei.

"If we were the ones riding the lifeboat now, do you think they would show mercy?"

Cao Youren was silent.

If you think about it with your heels, you know that the opponent will never stop.

"Old Zhou, if the Donghuang tribe finds out that you have done this in the future, believe it or not, you will become the executioner among the people of the Donghuang tribe!"

"The executioner who keeps them awake at night?" A smile appeared on Zhou Qinglei's face and said: "Then I am quite honored."

He looked at Cao Youren with a smile and said, "It's calm on the high seas tonight. I don't know anything."

Calm and calm!

What a calm time.

As long as no one knows the details of 052C, no one will know who did it.

Cao Youren was completely convinced.

He found that Zhou Qinglei had changed a lot.

There are some principles that must be adhered to, and the other party can also find reasonable loopholes.

"What's the explanation from the chief? We can't ruin our future because of these few survivors."

"I have my own way!"

While speaking, Zhou Qinglei looked at the correspondent and said: "Contact the enemy ships immediately and order them to surrender immediately. Don't make unnecessary sacrifices!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Immediately afterwards, a wireless message in English was sent to persuade them to surrender.

In the main control room of the Shanwu, 105 kilometers away from 052C.

Yi Tangxiu stood in front of the radar monitor with his head numb.

On the radar display, the small green dots representing the Murasame and Harusame had disappeared.

"Captain, the Murasame and Harusame are dead!"

Listening to the deputy captain's words, Yi Tangxiu felt as if he had been struck by lightning!

Without even knowing where the enemy is, two modern warships have been lost!

What kind of ambush is this?

Isn’t this a way to die?

How did the promised hunter become the prey?

"Captain, what should we do now?"

"There must be survivors! How far is it from the Murasame?"

"Report to the captain." The radar monitor shouted: "Our ship is still 58 kilometers away from the Murasame!"

"Why is it still so far away?"

Itou Shuichi shouted impatiently.

The vice-captain reminded in a low voice: "Captain, only two minutes have passed."

Yi Tang Xiuyi suddenly realized.

It turns out that only two minutes have passed!

The scene of seeing more than twenty missiles on the radar monitor just now was still echoing in his mind.

At that time, every second was so long and painful for him.

He thought a long time had passed.

At this moment, the correspondent suddenly shouted: "Report Captain, our ship has received a mysterious wireless message!"

"What did the other party say?"

The correspondent's expression suddenly changed after listening for a long time, and he hesitated for a long time without saying anything.

"Baga! Say it quickly!" Yi Tang Xiuyi shouted.

"The other side said, let us surrender immediately, otherwise the fate of those two warships will be our fate!"

As soon as the correspondent finished speaking, Itou Shuichi became furious and shouted loudly.

"Bagaya Road——"

"Captain, calm down!" the vice-captain said, then looked at the correspondent and asked: "Who is the other party? Have you revealed your identity?"


"Baga! After fighting for a long time, we don't even know who the enemy is!" the vice-captain cursed.

"Tell them." Itou Xiuyi gritted his teeth with red eyes.

"We will never surrender! If we can, we will fight with real swords and guns! Only those who die in battle will never surrender!"

"Yes, Captain!"

As the wireless message reached 052C, Zhou Qinglei's eyes nearly burst into laughter after hearing the news.

"Old Cao, look, they refuse to surrender!"

"I know!" Cao Youren nodded.

Zhou Qinglei pointed to the five coordinates on the radar display, two representing warships and three representing lifeboats.

"They are also from Haizi, right?"


"Then they also refused to surrender. Now the chief has an explanation, right?"

The words have been made very clear, Cao Youren knows what the other party is going to do.

"I can prove that they refused to surrender!"

Immediately, Zhou Qinglei said seriously to the deputy captain.

"Lock those three targets! Three missiles!"

In an instant, three YJ-101A anti-ship missiles soared into the sky, carrying a harsh sonic boom as they slid down the night and disappeared from sight.

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