I built an armada

Chapter 154: Cutting the grass and eradicating the roots! Watch your enemies get beaten!

Cao Youren stood aside and said nothing.

This time he had no psychological burden.

The other party said he would never surrender, so I had no choice but to eradicate it.

For no reason, Cao Youren felt a little excited.

After all, after this confrontation is over, he will officially take over 052C.

Cao Youren was excited just thinking about being able to command such an advanced warship, and it was also the most powerful warship among the three major fleets.

Cao Youren couldn't guess how many people could survive three missiles and three lifeboats.

However, after the lifeboat was sunk, even if there were some survivors, it was still a question of whether they could survive the biting coldness of the vast sea at night.

Without accurate coordinates, it would be too difficult to capture or search and rescue a few people on the sea.

"That's all, don't think about this anymore! If there are survivors, their lives should not be extinguished."

"The other two warships are the main event right now."

After a change of thought, Cao Youren looked at Zhou Qinglei and said, "How many more bombs are there?"

Zhou Qinglei frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, his brows quickly relaxed again.

"The total inventory of YJ-101A anti-aircraft missiles is 72 rounds, and the total ammunition of Haihongqi-101A anti-aircraft missiles is 48 rounds! Haihongqi has not been used yet, but YJ-101A has used 27 rounds, and there are still 45 left! That's enough!"

Zhou Qinglei said calmly.

"That's good!"

Cao Youren breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew the total number of ammunition he had prepared, but he was so nervous and excited just now that he forgot to count it for a while.

"It's strange that we haven't encountered a King Kong level guide yet. Didn't they send one out?" Cao Youren said in surprise.

"It's hard to say. Maybe it's in those two warships! Maybe they didn't think it was necessary to dispatch, so they didn't dispatch."

Zhou Qinglei said casually.

"Who knows. You'll know once you touch it."

Cao Youren nodded, feeling that it made sense.

"Report the situation." Zhou Qinglei looked at the radar monitor and said.

"Report Captain, there is an enemy ship 104 kilometers northwest of our ship, with a speed of 31 knots! The second enemy ship is 111 kilometers away from our ship, with a speed of 31 knots. Captain, please give instructions!"

45 missiles, two salvos are barely enough.

However, since there are no supply ships and the 052B is too far away, once the anti-ship missiles are used up, they can only passively defend themselves if they encounter the enemy again.

Defense is obviously not as good as offense.

After thinking about it, Zhou Qinglei decided to retain enough anti-ship missiles.

"If there is really a King Kong-class guide ship inside, then we really can't underestimate it. If not, if we encounter enemy reinforcements later, we can't have no means of counterattack."

Immediately, Zhou Qinglei said.

"Aim at the two warships! Fire a salvo of 24 anti-ship missiles, 12 each!"

"Yes! Captain!"

"Report to Captain, the radar lock is completed, and the missile launch command has been issued! Launch the missile in three seconds! Reload in five seconds."

the radar monitor said hurriedly.

Just as the other party was explaining, Zhou Qinglei heard harsh whistling sounds in his ears. 24 YJ-101A anti-ship missiles soared into the sky at a speed of Mach 1.9, accompanied by deafening sonic booms, turning into streaks of light. Quickly disappear into the night sky.

"Reporting to Captain, the missile has been launched and is expected to hit the first enemy ship in 161 seconds! It is expected to hit the second enemy ship in 172 seconds! Please give instructions, Captain!"

Zhou Qinglei nodded and said nothing.

Whether you can catch a big one will be known after a while by watching the opponent's counterattack.

On the other side, in the main control room of the Yamagiri, the captain Yi Tangxiu was furious, and his anger made his face look more ferocious.

You actually asked us to surrender?

Who do you think it is?

Is Feng Da not afraid of flashing his tongue?

After sinking the Murasame and Harusame, the tail is raised to the sky? Becoming arrogant?

Looking at the entire Blue Star, how many people dare to talk to Haizi like this?

No matter who you are, this feud will never end!

Itou Shuichi roared in his heart, his chest rising and falling violently.

"Captain, be sure to stay cold..."

Before the vice-captain finished speaking, Yi Tangxiu spoke.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on and I won't let myself get into trouble."

"Inform Tatofaze Yamauchi Sakura-kun and tell them to be careful of enemy sneak attacks!"

"Yes, Captain!"

After hearing the news, Yamauchi Sakura's conscience sank.

He already knew about the sinking of the Murasame and Harusame through radar.

He had an inexplicable premonition that he might not have looked at the almanac during this trip!

"Captain, the notification is ready." the correspondent said quickly.

"Okay, I understand." After changing the topic, Itou Shuichi continued: "Have you contacted them?"

Of course Itou Shuichi was talking about three lifeboats.

"not yet."

"Hurry up! Once contacted, confirm the survival situation immediately."


As soon as the correspondent finished speaking, he suddenly became excited.

"Report to Captain, Colonel Yota Katsumura is requesting a connection!"

Yota Katsumura!

Upon hearing this name, Yi Tangxiu could not help but feel a flash of excitement.

Still alive! It’s good to be alive!

Two warships were damaged, and if the captains of the two warships were also damaged, then grandma’s family would really suffer this time! There was no way I could explain it to Inoshita Wada when I got back.


Soon, the communication channel between the two parties was established.

As soon as the connection was connected, Katsumura Yota couldn't wait to ask: "Yota-kun, how is the situation over there?"

"Xiuyi-kun, Chunyu calls him..."

Katsumura Yota's voice was obviously frustrated and lost.

"I already know. You can't be blamed for being ambushed this time!"


Katsumura Yota sighed before continuing.

"Currently, nearly a quarter of our troops have survived! You have to come to the rescue quickly, otherwise... there are many wounded who need immediate treatment."

Halfway through the words, Katsumura Yota did not continue, but changed to a tactful way.

"Okay, I understand. I'm rushing towards you now! The distance to your side..." Yi Tangxiu glanced at the radar display and said: "67 kilometers! It will only take about fifty minutes, so they must persist. live!"


After changing the topic, Itou Shuichi continued to ask: "How is the situation with Aosuke-kun? I can't contact you at the moment."

Yota Katsumura on the other end of the radio was obviously silent for a while before speaking.

"The Murasame suffered heavy losses, and not even one out of ten people survived! Sosuke-kun retreated late and suffered some injuries, which also require timely treatment!"

Before contacting the Yamagiri, he sent someone to frantically contact the Murasame.

After rescuing the people, Kitahara Sosuke successfully repaired the radio equipment, and at least normal calls could be made.

It was not long ago that the two got in touch.

Kitahara Sosuke was hit by the shock wave. There was a warship in the way, but he was also rubbed. At first, he did not see any big problem. But as time went by, he began to have nosebleeds and bloodshot eyes overflowed from his ears.

Apparently, his internal organs were damaged by the shock.

After learning about the situation on Kitahara Sosuke's side, Itou Shuichi was silent for a while.

The Chunyu had long had the intention of running away, so a lot of it was preserved. And Murasame...

When he thought that the Murasame was out of ten, Yidou Shuichi sighed in his heart. He hated the enemy even more.

Although this sneak attack was due to the adoption of Kitahara Sosuke's proposal, he was the main commander of this operation after all.

He can't run away from responsibility!

"I'm less than 57 kilometers away from the Murasame..." Halfway through his words, Itou Shuichi quickly asked: "Is Sosuke-kun's condition serious?"

"Prompt treatment is required."

Taking a deep breath, Yi Tangxiu said: "Okay, I will send a helicopter to pick him up right now. There are military doctors on the warship, they should be able to stop the injuries! The rest can only be treated slowly after returning to the tribe. "

An anti-submarine helicopter was parked at the stern of the Yamagiri. It was originally used for anti-submarine purposes, but unexpectedly it was used for other purposes.

There were also anti-submarine helicopters on the Murasame and Harusame, but they sank together with the warships before they were put to any use.

After cutting off the communication, Shuichi Itou was about to order a helicopter to be sent to rescue people when he heard the deputy captain say from the side.

"Captain, the situation is still unclear at the moment. The enemy is still in the dark place where we can't see, ready to attack at any time! If an anti-submarine helicopter is sent to pick up people, I'm afraid..."

The deputy captain hesitated to speak, and finally did not say the words "bad luck" or "bad luck".

Yi Tangxiu opened his mouth, and there was a sudden silence.

The main function of anti-submarine helicopters is anti-submarine warfare, but they are too weak in air defense.

Although one anti-aircraft missile cannot be said to hit it 100%, but two rounds, it will definitely not be able to escape.

Thinking that there were still enemies ambushing him, Yi Tangxiu became agitated for a moment.

"Aosuke-kun is still waiting for treatment."

"Captain, I know! For safety reasons, let them wait! After all, warships are safer than anti-submarine helicopters!"

Itou Shuichi had no choice but to give up this plan.

He whispered: "Amaterasu, please bless Sosuke-kun to be able to withstand this test!"

The vice-captain continued: "Right now, we ourselves are the most critical! If we can't survive it, saving others will become a mirror image!"

Although Itou Shuichi was angry in his heart, he still felt that the deputy captain's words made sense.

Although he is confident, he is not as arrogant as Kitahara Sosuke, and he still has some sense.

Immediately, he said to the correspondent.

"Contact headquarters immediately and ask them to send..."

Before the word 'air force' could be uttered, a harsh radar warning sound suddenly sounded in the main control room.

"What's wrong? What's going on?"

Itou Shuichi asked hurriedly.

The deputy captain immediately said: "Report to captain, our ship has been locked by the fire control radar!"

"I know! Enemy! I want to know where the enemy is!"

Itou Shuichi roared.

"Report Captain." The radar monitor shouted hurriedly, "Radar passive detection shows that the missile is 104 kilometers away from our ship! The speed is Mach 1.9, the number is 1, 2, 5..."

As he spoke, the flesh on the radar monitor's face couldn't help but twitch a few times.

"How many!"

"Reporting to Captain, there are 12 missiles in total! They are expected to arrive in 161 seconds!"

"Report to captain, the missile is expected to enter our anti-aircraft missile interception area in 29 seconds!"

Itou Xiuyi's face turned pale for a moment.

Twelve missiles would not shock him.

The speed of Mach 1.9, especially when the enemy came from 104 kilometers away, shocked him.

The enemy's warships are actually so advanced?

Whose warship?

No wonder the Murasame can't hold it, the enemy's technology is indeed a bit advanced!

You know, the Yamagiri was the flagship of the former Fourth Fleet! If not for the upcoming launch of the fourth King Kong-class guide ship, it would still be the flagship!

It’s a majestic flagship. Needless to say, it’s advanced.

However, the active radar detection range is only 85 kilometers, and the missile strike range is also only 85 kilometers! The speed of anti-ship missiles is only Mach 1.6!

But the warship that suddenly appeared was so much more powerful than my own warship!

White Bear Tribe? Eagle Tribe?

It doesn’t make sense!

This operation is a temporary decision and will be kept strictly confidential! Even if the White Bear Tribe got the news immediately and prepared for an ambush, they still wouldn't be able to catch up!

There is a distance difference of thousands of kilometers in the sea. Unless the opponent's warships can fly, there will be a time difference and they will not be able to catch up!

After much deliberation, he couldn't figure out where this warship came from.

As for the Longxia tribe, he ruled it out immediately.

The Longxia Tribe Navy was able to launch a mysterious warship (052B), which far exceeded his expectations. This operation is aimed at that mysterious warship!

Now a more advanced warship has emerged. How is it possible? The Longxia tribe definitely does not have this technical background!

How can technical barriers be so easily broken?

There are only two possibilities now, either, the White Bear Tribe has indeed secretly joined forces with the Longxia Tribe Navy! Although the previous investigation did not find anything, there is no guarantee that there is no possibility!

Or, the Eagle Tribe intends to give itself a beating and secretly joins forces with the Longxia Tribe.

This is the most reliable guess that Itou Shuichi thinks.

Even if the possibility is very small, only this is consistent with the situation they are encountering now.

The radar warning sound was still echoing in his ears. Itou Shuichi became increasingly agitated and found it difficult to remain calm.

There is no other way. The incoming anti-ship missile is outside the interception area of ​​our own anti-aircraft missiles. At the moment, there is nothing we can do except panic.

You can see it but you can't reach it. You can only be beaten passively. It makes you angry just thinking about it!

How has Haizi ever suffered from the technological gap before?

During the 29 seconds of waiting time, Itou Shuichi felt extremely tormented in his heart.

When he was in ambush before, even if he waited for several hours, he felt that time went very quickly! Now 29 seconds seems longer than a year.

Just when Itou Shuichi was anxious, suddenly, the radar monitor shouted.

"Report to captain, the radar successfully locked 8 targets!"


"Yes, Captain!"

The reaction time of 7 seconds is enough for the YJ-101A to fly 4.5 kilometers.

Just hearing bursts of piercing whistling sounds coming from the deck, and 12 Mach 1.2 anti-aircraft missiles soaring into the sky, Itou Shuichi's heart dropped a little.

12 targets, eight locked, 4 more to go!

12v8, on average one anti-ship missile is divided into less than two anti-aircraft missiles.

Whether he could stop it or how many he could stop, Itou Shuichi had no idea at all.

When he was watching the Murasame and Harusame's counterattacks through the radar monitor just now, he didn't have such an intuitive feeling.

But it was only now that he realized how stressful it was.

"Report Captain, the missile launch has been completed! The first round of interception is expected to be carried out in 76.4 seconds, and the location is 31.2 kilometers away from our ship! The second round of interception will be started after 83.4 seconds, and the interception site is expected to be 12 kilometers away from our ship in 29.6 seconds! The third round of interception is expected to be 29.6 seconds away from our ship! The interception location is 2.8 kilometers away from our ship!"

Three rounds!

Able to carry out three rounds of effective interception!

Although the interception distance of the third round of anti-aircraft missiles was too close, the threat to warships was greatly increased.

But one more anti-aircraft missile interception will increase the probability of survival.

If you switch to Murasame or Harusame, you won't be able to wait for the third round.

The deputy captain said from the side: "With three rounds, we can intercept 12 anti-ship missiles. There is great hope!"

Itou Shuichi nodded solemnly.

"How many ammo are there in total?"

"Reporting to Captain, there are 40 anti-aircraft missiles in total!"

"40! Even if all three rounds are intercepted, it will consume the ammunition storage of our 36 anti-aircraft missiles and anti-aircraft main guns!"

Itou Xiuyi was worried.

"If the enemy carries out a second strike, there will only be 4 anti-aircraft missiles left, and our probability of survival is very slim!"

"Probably not." The vice-captain said: "This warship has attacked the Murasame and Harusame before. How many bombs are there on it?"

Itou Shuichi did not answer this question, but was thinking about rescue and asking for help.

Even if the fighter jets are flying smoke, it is impossible to catch up before the second batch of anti-ship missiles hit the warship! And he and others were still thinking of going over to save Katsumura Yota.

Now it seems that whether he can survive is a question.

"What did the headquarters say?" Itou Shuichi looked at the correspondent.

"Captain, there was a sudden radar warning just now. You didn't finish what you said. I...I forgot to contact the headquarters." The correspondent said with shame.


Itou Xiu slapped the opponent's head one by one, and with a 'pop' sound, the hat flew off.

"Captain, I'll contact you right away!"

"Air support!"

"Yes, Captain!"

At this time, the radar monitor shouted again.

"Report Captain, the radar has detected 12 missiles again!"

Hearing this, Yi Tangxiu was shocked.



It’s not over yet!

24 anti-ship missiles, how do you want me to stop them?

"Report Captain, the missile is not flying towards us! It is..." After staring at the radar display for a few seconds, the radar monitor shouted: "Tachikaze! The enemy ship has also locked onto the Tatokaze!"

"That's unreasonable! Are you trying to challenge two people again? This is too much!"

Itou Shuichi was furious.

His angry roar was still echoing above the main control room, and the radar monitor was heard shouting again.

But this time, the tone was obviously much more panicked and frightened than before.

"Report Captain! The radar has detected missiles again!"


Holy shit!

You don’t have enough anti-ship missiles!

Yi Tangxiu was almost numb.

"Report to captain, the missile is not directed at our ship and is not locked on the Tatofu."

"Where is that?" Yi Tang Xiuyi asked in surprise.

"It's...Colonel Yota Katsumura and the others."


Itou Shuichi stood there blankly, his mind going blank.

The warship can still block it, but how can the lifeboat block it?

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