I built an armada

Chapter 160 The whole country is in uproar! ‘Bow’ the spirit of craftsmanship!


Seeing the tragic situation in Inoshita Wada in front of him, Murakami Hayaki let out a long sigh, feeling helpless in his heart.

In the 30 years since he took charge of the Haizi, this was the first major defeat and also the first Haizi general to suffer a loss.

It was something that I would have never dared to think about before.

And it was happening live before his eyes.

"Wada-kun, don't blame me. If you want to blame, blame yourself. You have brought unprecedented shame to Haizi!"

Murakami Hayaki's expression was complicated.

He almost watched Inoshita Wada step by step as he walked towards Haizi's general. He admired Inoshita Wada very much.

In the future, it is not impossible for the other party to take over his class.

But the battle was defeated!

There is nothing he can do!

The cabinet has to give an account, the shogunate chief has to give an account, and the people will also have to give an account.

Inoshita Wada must die.

He died, and he bore all the blame alone. If he doesn't die, the blame will fall on everyone in Haizi.

After glancing at Inoshita Wada again, Murakami Hayato said.

"Someone is coming."

"General Hayaki."

Pointing to the Ishita Wada in front of him, Murakami Hayaki waved his hand: "Clean it up."


Three days later, in the early morning, on the high seas in the south.

Several salvage teams are hurrying to salvage it on the high seas.

After a long period of salvage, nothing was recovered except a large amount of wreckage.

The leader of the salvage team stared at the salvaged items with a gloomy expression.

There are no survivors!

The people on the side looked at these items with fear.

Before they came here, they only knew they were here to salvage things. Who would have thought that what they salvaged would actually be Haizi-related wreckage.

"You didn't see anything, you know!" the person in charge.


Everyone nodded.

"Continue to salvage and expand the scope! I don't believe it. There is not a single survivor from the four warships!"


Under the command of the person in charge, everyone expanded the scope again, vowing to overturn the entire high seas.

Two hours later, at dawn, the good news came.

"Sir, there's a situation."

"What?" The person in charge raised an eyebrow and asked quickly.

"A living person was found on a nearby desert island! He was wearing a Hainan military uniform!"


"Called——Katsumura...what is it..."

"Yota Katsumura?"

"Yes, yes, sir, it's Yota Katsumura!"

The person in charge looked overjoyed.

After working for more than ten hours, I finally discovered it again.

And he is also the captain of the Spring Rain.

It’s a big credit to go back to Gaolu!

The other party said again.

"Sir, Yota Katsumura is not in good condition and needs immediate treatment!"

"Notify the helicopter immediately to pick them up! Then send them back to the headquarters!"


At the same time, within the Donghuang tribe.

The people of the Donghuang tribe don't know what happened yet, and they are still immersed in their daily lives.

Those who drink in izakayas drink, those who entertain in entertainment venues continue to entertain, and those who go to work continue to go to work.

Everything looked so peaceful.

The unparalleled powerful naval fleet is the confidence they can live with peace of mind.

Inside the izakaya, Nohara Shinki, the captain of the Maeyamahana, is drinking in the izakaya.

Since that incident half a year ago, he was laid off when he returned to the Eastern Wilderness Tribe.

No one who has been severely tortured by Hai Zi dares to use it.

This also led to Nohara Shinshu spending day and night in izakayas drinking and getting drunk.

"Damn Inoshita Wada, you're really cruel. I've been training for half a year and I still can't walk well."

Nohara Shinki was drinking wine, feeling bitter in his heart.

After I came back last time, I was tortured and a leg was broken, and it has not recovered yet.

"Don't let me catch you, or I'll kill you!"

Nohara Shinshu was cursing and suddenly heard someone whispering on the side.

"Two days ago, Haizi suddenly took away all the nearby search and rescue personnel. I don't know what happened."

"The people over there have been taken away too? So have some of my friends. They've been there for three days and there's still no news!"

"I was originally going to go to sea today, but a batch of ships under my company were temporarily transferred away. There is no news about when I will go to sea."

"The same goes for me over there. What happened? There was such a big movement this time?"

"I don't know. People in Haizi always keep their secrets when doing things. Even if someone knows, they won't tell them."

Nohara Shinshu, who was drinking, heard these words and his pupils shrank suddenly.

what's the situation?

What happened?

Before he could think about it, he saw the TV screen on the wall jump from the original entertainment program to the Donghuang News Channel.

A huge slogan floated from the bottom of the TV screen.

[General Hiroki Harada issued a public apology. 】

The moment he saw this slogan, Nohara Araki's wine suddenly sobered up.

General Haizi?

Public apology?

What is this all about?

He stopped drinking and stared at the TV.

After a while, Harada Hiroki appeared on the TV screen.

Staring at the camera, Harada Hiroki was silent for a while before speaking.

"I'm really sorry. During the PLA Navy's military exercise a few days ago, due to a work error by General Ishita Wada, he mistakenly used live ammunition as blank ammunition for the exercise, which resulted in the loss of several warships of our Fourth Fleet."

"This matter is the fault of Ishita Wada. Ishita Wada has already taken the blame and committed suicide to apologize."

"In addition, I solemnly declare once again that all future exercises will be..."

"I'm sorry to disappoint everyone, Smymace——"

With that said, Harada Hiroki bowed deeply in front of the camera.

Seeing Harada Hiroki bending 90 degrees and bowing to apologize on TV, Nohara Shinki was stunned.

Inoshita Wada is actually dead?

The man who tortured himself to death died like this?

Or commit suicide?

Oh my God!

Was it really a military performance accident?

Nohara Shinju's head was buzzing and his mind went blank.

Not only Nohara Araki, but the entire izakaya was in an uproar.

What a mistake a general made to take the blame and commit suicide!

How many warships did the Fourth Fleet lose?

No one dared to think about it.

The Donghuang tribe network was in a state of excitement as the news was released.

"What happened? Ishita Wada actually committed suicide! Does anyone know?"

"Impossible! This is absolutely false! How powerful is our Haizi, and how high-quality our personnel are? How could we make such a low-level mistake? And he's still a general! I don't believe it!"

"There must be a conspiracy behind this! It's just that we don't know!"

"Could it be that without our knowledge, Haizi's fleet started a war with the enemy?"

"Impossible! How strong is our naval fleet? Looking at the entire Blue Star, there are only one or two who can say that we can definitely win! One of them is still stationed on our side!"

"What's the reason for that?"

Inoshita Wada and the others knew that he was a general with many years of experience. How could he make such a mistake?

So they don't believe it at all.

But it doesn’t matter whether they believe it or not, Hai Zi’s instructions have been given.

At the same time, the Donghuang Tribe entered an office in the Dongdu Cabinet Building.

Murakami Hayaki was sitting face to face with an old man.

"... Chief Shogun, the basic situation is this. The search and rescue team has found Yota Katsumura who survived on the high seas, and he is now on his way back! After questioning, the murderer can be found based on the clues he provided. !”

Kumamoto Shogun stared at Murakami Hayaki for a while, then nodded.

"Investigate carefully, and we must get to the bottom of everything! Murder must be punished with life, and this revenge must be avenged! Do you understand?"


"Here at the cabinet, I will stabilize you. Don't let me down, Hayao-kun!" Shogun Kumamoto waved his hand, indicating that the other party could leave: "Okay, please step back."

Murakami Hayaki bowed and took a few steps back, then turned and left the room.

Looking at the other party's leaving figure, Kumamoto Shogun's eyes flickered.

He personally contacted the Eagle Tribe's garrison at the Eastern Wasteland Tribe, but did not get the answer he wanted.

The other party seemed to know nothing about it, and seemed to be deliberately hiding it, which made him feel quite helpless.

Although looking at the entire Blue Star, only the Eagle Tribe could do this, but the other party seemed to know nothing, which made him very embarrassed.

Even looking for the chief of the Eagle Tribe was of no use.

"We have to find the evidence quickly!"

The Kumamoto shogunate sighed inwardly.

An hour later, Murakami Hayaki returned to Haizi headquarters.

As soon as he came back, he immediately summoned a group of senior officials.

After a while, everyone in the conference room gathered together.

Murakami Hayaki looked at Tian Fu on the tree and asked, "Have you been interrogated?"

Of course Tianfu on the tree knew what the other party was talking about and said quickly.

"General Hayaki, you have sent someone to interrogate Katsumura Yota! This is a confession."

As he spoke, he handed over the confession and explained.

"According to what Katsumura Yota said, the enemy only had one warship. It appeared almost at the same time as the mysterious warship of the Longxia tribe and took action at the same time! But in terms of combat level, it completely surpassed that mysterious warship!"

"The Harusame and Murasame he was on were destroyed almost at the same time! Afterwards, he took active remedial measures and contacted Shuichi Itou."

"But the enemy was cruel. Not only did they attack their lifeboats, they also attacked the Yamagiri and Tatofu! As for the final result, he doesn't know."

"When he woke up again, he had already drifted to the island."

Murakami Hayaki listened to the other party's words and looked at the confession. There was no discrepancy between the two.

"You mean, the other side swept away four of our warships with just one warship? Harusame, Murasame, Yamagiri, and Tatofaze? And they even scared off the fighter formation afterwards?"

Faced with Murakami Saki's inquiry, Shugami Tao said helplessly.

"General Hayaki, based on the confessions of everyone in the combat headquarters, plus the confession of Katsumura Yota, there is a 90% chance that this is the case!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present fell silent.

One warship actually chased four warships and even scared away the fighter formation!

What kind of warship is it that has such a powerful combat capability?

How advanced that is!

I'm afraid only the Eagle Tribe has such an advanced warship! Judging from the known data on various types of warships, there are none in the White Bear Tribe!

Everyone stopped talking and waited quietly for Murakami Hayaki.

After a while, Murakami Saki came back to his senses from the shock.

"I asked the shogunate chief, and the Eagle Tribe garrison said that their warships were not dispatched!"

"Impossible!" Harada Hiroki said immediately: "Only the Eagle Tribe has such a powerful warship! If it wasn't them, could it be the Long Xia Tribe opposite? It's the most ridiculous thing in the world!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

Even if it is said that such a warship belongs to the White Bear Tribe, they will believe it! But if you say it's the Longxia tribe, you won't believe it even if you beat them to death!

Murakami was silent for a long time.

I thought I could find out the enemy based on Yota Katsumura's confession, but I didn't know that Yota Katsumura was defeated so quickly and unjustly that he didn't even know who the enemy was.

The investigation instantly hit a dead end.

Murakami Hayaki looked at Tao Shushang and asked, "Did you get any results from your investigation?"

Tian Fu on the tree shook his head helplessly.

"General Hayaki, no valuable clues were found!"

"Change the direction and focus on investigating the Eagle Tribe."

"General Hayaki, what if we find out that it is really the Eagle Tribe?"

As soon as Shushang Tianfu finished speaking, Murakami Saaki was instantly speechless.

Yes, what should we do if we really find that the warship belongs to the Eagle Tribe?

Without ironclad evidence, there was nothing he could do.

Even if there was irrefutable evidence, there was nothing he could do against the Eagle Tribe.

It doesn’t matter if you check it, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t check it!

Thinking of this, Murakami Saki sighed heavily.

Originally, the Longxia tribe with a rising navy was already enough of a headache for him, but now there was another unstable factor.

Murakami Hayaki said to himself with helplessness.

"Recalling thirty years ago, I served as the general of Haizi and continued to be the commander. Under my construction, Haizi became unparalleled and looked down on me. Wherever the Haizi fleet went, all the tribes in the entire Dongzhou sea area, who Don’t you look up to my sea and breathe?”

"It can be said that we have taken advantage of all the time! Our sea is full of vitality and everything is in competition. We are still in a state before our eyes! In just thirty years, there has been such a major strategic failure!"

"Eagle Tribe, what kind of checks and balances are you playing! Baga——"

Murakami Saki cursed secretly, feeling sad in his heart.

"Haizi, is it possible that it will decline in my hands?"

No one could answer Murakami Hayaki's words.

After all, the Eagle Tribe was involved, and that was the clan leader's tribe. How could they dare to talk too much.

Shushang Tianfu said bravely: "General Hayaki, I will send people to investigate right now! In addition, send people to interrogate Katsumura Yota for the second time, hoping to get some valuable information from the interrogation!"

"Go ahead and let me think alone!"

Murakami Saki waved his hand and motioned for everyone to leave.

After a while, Murakami Hayaki was the only one left in the huge conference room.

Looking at the empty conference room, Murakami Saki let out a long sigh.

At this moment, he did not know that the warship that suddenly appeared belonged to the Longxia Tribe Navy. He always thought that it belonged to the Eagle Tribe.

There is no way, only the Eagle Tribe is the strongest and has the most advanced technology in the entire Blue Star.

If such an advanced warship does not belong to the Eagle Tribe, who else could it belong to?

At the same time, Longxia tribe's capital, the navy headquarters conference room, Xu Dongguo and other four chiefs gathered here.

"Chief, there is news from the front. The escort team passed through the Majia Sea yesterday and has now reached the Indian Ocean. According to the time, if nothing unexpected happens, it will be delivered on time on the 30th!"

"Well, very good!" Liu Huaming nodded with satisfaction.

The biggest obstacle to the escort has been solved this time, and there shouldn't be any big problems later.

Besides, with 052B as the vanguard and 052C as the secret protector, no matter how big the problem is, it won't be a big deal.

Xiao Chongjun took the words and said with a smile: "Haizi has already given the results, they..."

Xiao Chongjun told Haizi's situation, and several people laughed after hearing it.

"You really have the spirit of craftsmanship!" Qian Wenbing couldn't hide the smile on his face.

This time he won a big victory, and he felt extremely happy.

When the next 052C is commissioned into the Southern Fleet, many tribes in the entire southern sea area will become more honest!

The pressure on the Southern Fleet will also be much less!

No! To be precise, it is not certain who will be under pressure at that time.

"The combat level demonstrated by 052C this time exceeded our expectations! We must deploy quickly." Qian Wenbing urged.

"Old Qian, I know you are anxious, but don't be anxious! My Northern Fleet is ahead of you!"

Xu Dongguo said cheerfully.

"Urgent, urgent, urgent, what's there to do?" Liu Huaming glared at the two of them and said, "If it weren't for Comrade Dingping and the others working hard day and night, where would 052C come from?"

"I'm warning you, no one is allowed to secretly urge me! This is an order!"

Qian Wenbing and Xu Dongguo said in unison: "Yes! Chief!"

"Dingping has its own ideas, so just wait patiently for me. You will be indispensable!"

When the conversation changed, the seriousness on Liu Huaming's face disappeared for a moment, and then he said with a smile.

"I have another happy event to tell you!"

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