I built an armada

Chapter 161 Blue Star Earthquake! The big dog owner is confused!

Upon hearing the happy news, Xu Dongguo and others immediately became energetic.

The Haizi Fourth Fleet lost four warships at once, and the Haizi broke his teeth and swallowed them in his own stomach. The escort plan went quite smoothly. Apart from these, is there any happy event?

Liu Huaming smiled mysteriously and said.

"This time, the superiors specially commended our navy! Xue Shuai brought a message, and the superiors said: Our navy did a very good job this time!"

As soon as these words came out, Xu Dongguo and the other three looked shocked, and they couldn't hide the joy on their faces!

For many years, the Navy has not received such a comprehensive praise!

This excites them more than any record.

"This is a great event! It shows that our navy is different from before."

“We are recognized!”

"It's not easy."

Xu Dongguo and the other three said one after another.

In the past, the three of them would have been able to talk to each other, but at this moment, there seemed to be an inexplicable emotion bursting through their chests.

Many words came to my lips, but I couldn't say them out.

After saying that it was not easy, the eyes of the three of them were a little red.

They themselves know very well how difficult it has been for the navy in recent years.

Seeing that something was wrong with the atmosphere, Liu Huaming immediately waved his hand.

"It's all over! Xue Shuai also revealed a piece of news to me. At the year-end meeting, he will fight for more military budgets for our navy!" At the end of the sentence, Liu Huaming sighed: "Our navy has managed to survive. "

The three of them nodded.

"Okay, although we won this time, we still have the same saying, guard against arrogance and impetuosity! Keep up the good work and reach new heights!"

"Please rest assured, chief."

Just as the four chiefs were holding a summary meeting, the Iron Monkey Tribe Navy Headquarters.

Chen Fuyong came to the door of General Nancy Ding's office in a hurry. He was so upset that he forgot to knock on the door and just opened the door and walked in.

Seeing Chen Fuyong coming in a hurry, Nancy Ding frowned slightly and said with a somewhat unhappy expression.

"What happened?"

"General Nannan Ding, something big has happened to the Donghuang Tribe!" Chen Fuyong said with a heavy heart: "Just now, the Haizi Tribe of the Donghuang Tribe announced a huge news! The warships of the Haizi Fourth Fleet will use live ammunition during the exercise It was regarded as a blank bomb, which caused an accident on the warship."

"Is there such a thing?" Nancy Ding exclaimed, finding it very unbelievable: "I have never heard of any accidents during Hainan Fleet exercises before. Are there other factors involved in this matter?"

Chen Fuyong sighed and said.

"I think so too! I feel like there must be something behind this that we don't know about!"

"I'm not worried about anything else. I'm just worried that it has something to do with the Longxia tribe! In that case, we will only be able to covet the huge resources in the southern sea and not be able to take action!"

"Longxia tribe? Probably not!" Nancy Ding shook his head.

The Long Xia Tribe Navy two years ago, even their navy, which was almost at the bottom of the Dongzhou Sea, was able to fight against the autumn wind.

How long has it been?

Being able to sink the Mekong is already a huge step forward, but can it still turn the world upside down?

Obviously, even such a small tribe does not believe this speculation, and other large tribes do not believe it even more.

"What if the Longxia tribe secretly joins forces with other tribes? For example, the White Bear tribe, the possibility of the two tribes joining forces is still very high!"

Hearing this, Nancy Ding looked shocked.

If this is the case, then their navy will never have a chance to turn around in this life.

He quickly asked: "Is there any definite news?"

Chen Fuyong said quickly: "No! The Donghuang tribe just released the news! As soon as I get the news, I will report it to you as soon as possible."

"Check!" Nancy Ding immediately said, "Check it immediately! As long as the suspicion of the Longxia tribe can be eliminated! Everything else is not important! Do you understand?"

"Yes!" After saying that, Chen Fuyong left in a hurry.

Nannan Ding, who was originally in a good mood, now looked as sinking as water and her heart dropped to the bottom of the valley.

When he saw the launch of 051C before, he felt that with the strength of his own navy, there was no hope of revenge. We can only hope that the Donghuang tribe will take action, but they and other tribes take advantage of the chaos to fight against the autumn wind.

In this way, there is no chance of carving up the huge sea resources.

But right now, he had to hide such thoughts in his heart.

The turbulent situation made him panic.

The same scene also played out in the non-military tribe's naval headquarters conference room.

Emilio, who was sitting in the upper seat, was looking through the information handed over by the people below with a gloomy expression.

Olivia and Carlos on the side all looked solemn.

After a while, Emilio read all the information, glanced at a few people, and asked.

"What do you think about this?"

Several people shook their heads.

"Just say it."

After hearing this, Olivia immediately said.

"This matter is weird inside and out. I feel that with the strength and discipline of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe, it is impossible for such a major mistake to happen! Therefore, there must be something fishy about this matter!"

Carlos took over and followed suit.

"That's right, from what the other party said, it seems that more than one warship was damaged! What a major military mistake this is? What's that called... Yes, both Inoshita and Wada committed suicide! There must be something behind this incident! "

"I think so too! But the information revealed right now is only a little bit, and there is no way to investigate it!"

"Don't even think about it, Haizi must have blocked all the information! Being able to say this in public shows that they have reached an internal agreement! It will be difficult to break through from the north! Now we can only wait for the mysterious The participants came forward to speak out!”

As soon as the others finished speaking, Emilio asked.

"What if both sides remain silent like this?"


Several people looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"If it is really a mistake in the military exercise, then that's it! If the Longxia tribe is involved behind this incident, then we will really have to be more cautious when operating in this sea area in the future!"

Emilio said solemnly.

In fact, even if all Haizi's fleet is wiped out, they will not frown, but will raise a toast in celebration.

The Dongzhou Sea Area lacks such a powerful opponent. Excluding the Eagle Tribe, it is the Dongzhou Sea Area that has no soldiers, tribes and navy.

But if there is the shadow of the Longxia tribe behind this matter, then they are doomed.

We can only covet the huge sea resources, but there is nothing we can do! Even the islands we occupied before must be spit out one by one!

This is absolutely unacceptable to them.

"This matter should have nothing to do with the Longxia tribe." Olivia tentatively said.

Immediately there was humanity.

"It shouldn't matter!"

"What should it be? It must be okay!"

"Yes, yes, it must be okay!"

Everyone comforted themselves in their hearts.

Mainly because this thing is too incredible.

It is normal for the small tribal navy to say that the malfunction occurred because the warship was not skilled in operation or did not understand it well.

But how can anyone practice using live ammunition as blank ammunition?

If this is the case, then Ishita Wada is definitely the biggest traitor within Haizi.

Excluding all kinds of low-level mistakes and illogical factors, everyone can only focus on the Longxia tribe.

But considering the strength of the Longxia tribe's navy, they had to suspect that the Longxia tribe had secret helpers.

"After waiting for more than half a year, I thought the two sides were going to have a conflict last time! Unexpectedly, they still restrained themselves, which made our excitement in vain!"

Emilio sighed.

"With something like this happening now, until the situation becomes clear, we're afraid we'll have to keep waiting!"

"Oh - when did this come to an end!"

Emilio and others felt heavy.

It's so painful to have such a big piece of cake right there and see that you can't eat it.

Compared with these small and medium-sized tribes, which are limited by their intelligence capabilities, it is difficult to detect more details. The KGB, known as Blue Star's strong intelligence system, launched a secret investigation into the Donghuang tribe as soon as it noticed the anomaly.

The Donghuang tribe was so tight on the incident involving the Congyun last time that the KGB finally discovered the clues.

White Bear Tribe, Navy Headquarters Conference Room.

The person in charge, Lermontov, was discussing matters in the central region with a group of naval admirals.

As the Eagle Tribe mobilized more and more troops in the central region, the White Bear Tribe also felt a lot of pressure.

In addition to an aircraft carrier combat strike group that has been deployed in the central region, a second aircraft carrier combat strike group is also on its way, plus various army, air force, etc.

The military force deployed by the Eagle Tribe is already very powerful!

But that's not all, the Eagle Tribe also plans to call on its followers to take action together.

The relevant proposals have been approved by senior cabinet officials and will be put into action soon.

By then, the interests of the White Bear Tribe and its allies in the central region will be severely impacted.

Who knows, after the Eagle Tribe cleans up the Keyi Tribe, will they also remove part of their power?

Therefore, the pressure on the White Bear Tribe is still great.

During this period, most of the attention was focused on the Eagle Tribe and its allies as well as the central region, and they did not pay too much attention to the situation in the Dongzhou Sea.

"The several warships deployed in the eastern waters cannot move for the time being!" Lermontov said.

"Once we transfer all the fleets, this area will be empty. If the Eagle Tribe makes a mistake against us, our control over this sea area will be greatly reduced."

Pushkin took over and said: "The main reason is that the Eagle Tribe has done too much this time! It's almost as good as the one ten years ago!"

Just when a few people were worried, news suddenly came.

"General Lermontov, there's something going on in Donghuang Tribe!"

Lermontov frowned slightly.

I am worried about things in the central region, so there is trouble in the Dongzhou Sea area? Can it still make people worry less?

"Bring it to me and see!"

As a result, after taking a look at the information, Lermontov's expression suddenly changed.

"Is there such a thing?"

"Yes, General Lermontov! The KGB people discovered the anomaly yesterday and are now investigating it secretly! They should find out soon."

"Okay, I understand." After saying that, Lermontov passed on the information: "You all have a look!"

Pushkin and others took a few glances at the information, and their expressions changed.

"Exercise? Damage warships? Or Hainan? Isn't this deceiving people?"

"How could Haizi tell a lie that even a fool would not believe?"

Obviously, Pushkin and others did not believe it at all.

"It seems that more than one warship was damaged. It seems that the situation in Blue Star is turbulent everywhere!"

Lermontov said.

"I remember last month, Hai Zicai damaged a Cong Yun, right?"

"Yes, General! At that time, they suspected that we were responsible, and sent many people to investigate within us! Of course, we also arrested many people!" Pushkin said immediately.

"Once, it might be an accident! Twice in a row, something is wrong!"

Daleft immediately said: "I suspect that the damage to the warship may be fake!"

Pushkin raised his eyebrows, looked at the other party, and said in surprise: "You mean?"

"Last time I suspected that the Eastern Barren Tribe was acting freely in the sea! This time I feel even more like this! Maybe they plan to cooperate with the Eagle Tribe to cause something in the East Continent Sea?"

"With their urine properties, it's not impossible to do it!"

As Daleft finished speaking, everyone's hearts trembled.

The Eastern Wasteland tribe is restless, and they all know it! The Eastern Wasteland Tribe obeys the Eagle Tribe's command, and they know it all too well.

If this is the case, then the Eagle Tribe is playing a big game!

Lermontov said: "So, we really can't send away the warships in the eastern waters!"

Daleft said: "I even think that we need to continue to increase our strength to avoid accidents!"

"Increase strength?" Lermontov shook his head: "It's inappropriate at this juncture! The central area is the main battlefield. If necessary, we can defend here first!"

Everyone discussed it for a long time and felt it made sense.

The central region is the top priority!

Just as Lermontov was about to end the meeting, the latest intelligence from the KGB came over.

After learning the news, Lermontov raised his brows sharply, and a look of surprise flashed across his face.

"General, what's wrong?" Pushkin asked quickly.

"The KGB has confirmed that the Fourth Fleet of the Sea made this mistake and lost at least two warships! Not only that, a lot of various ships of the Eastern Wasteland Tribe have been mobilized in the past two days. Judging from some clues, those ships are very They may have been called in for rescue.”

Changing the topic, Lermontov said: "In other words, the accident on the warship is a fact! It is not fake news!"

"Is it an exercise, or did Haizi start a war with other tribes while we were distracted in the central area?" Daleft asked blurtly, "The opponent's strength cannot be underestimated if it can cause such great damage to Haizi. ah!"

Lermontov was silent for a while, then shook his head.

"The KGB is still investigating and it will take time! I hope it's the former. If it's the latter, we'll be in big trouble!"

Everyone was silent.

Once it is the latter, it means there is an extra powerful opponent!

At the same time, in the Indian Ocean.

As half of the voyage passed, it was smooth sailing and Bird Edin, who was in charge of the cargo, was in a good mood.

He didn't care about the rest. As long as he could escort these four warships back to the Tesha tribe safely, his mission would be completed.

Bird Edin, who was listening to Ning Decai's various anecdotes, suddenly received a call from the Crown Prince.

"Mr. Ning, I'm sorry."

Walking aside, Bird Edin answered the phone.

"Crown Prince, everything goes smoothly on my side! Arrive on time on the 30th!"

"I know." On the other end of the phone, the crown prince said, "Something big has happened in the Eastern Wilderness Tribe, do you know?"

"Something happened? I didn't know!"

Bird Edin looked confused. He was in the warship and had no idea what was happening outside.

"Haizi damaged several warships. It was said that there was an accident during the exercise, and the live ammunition was used as blanks! Ishita Wada, the general of Haizi, took the blame and committed suicide!" After a pause, the crown prince asked reluctantly He asked: "Did you have any accidents along the way?"

"No! Absolutely..." Halfway through his words, Bird Edin was suddenly stunned.

"Is there a situation?"

"Yes! But I'm... not sure." Bird Edin suddenly remembered that a leading warship left the convoy a few days ago and did not return until more than a day later.

Almost subconsciously, Bird Edin looked at Ning Decai.

Ning Decai seemed to sense something, turned his head to look at Bird Edin, and smiled at him.

The harmless smile of humans and animals made Bird Edin think of a lot at once, and he couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Could it be that the Longxia tribe really did it?

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