I built an armada

Chapter 163 The sky in Dongzhou Sea has changed!

When he learned that the warship had arrived at the Tesha tribe, Dmitri from the Lasi tribe was so excited that he immediately called Zhao Quanfa.

"Mr. Zhao, I already know what you want me to pay attention to."

"Very good! Your Longxia tribe navy is really generous!"

"I'm completely relieved now!"

Behind the words, Dmitri's joy was beyond words.

"As long as Mr. Dmitry is satisfied, to be honest, I don't know what the chief's arrangement means before the news is released."

Zhao Quanfa said politely.

Build a good relationship with the Laxi tribe, and you will need to borrow their help to deal with the Varyag aircraft carrier in the future.

After all, the Ertu tribe is based in the central region and is beyond the reach of the Longxia tribe.

The Varyag aircraft carrier, which was finally secured, cannot be left here to gather dust.

After the two talked, Dmitri hung up the phone with satisfaction.

Now he is waiting for his two warships to arrive.

"Ertu tribe, just wait for me. Your era of relying on advanced Western warships is about to pass. Let's see how I deal with you then!"

There was a hint of cruelty in Dmitri's eyes.

In the past, he felt that there was no hope of revenge, but now that he was sure that the warships of the Longxia tribe could get out of the Dongzhou sea area, he suddenly felt that hope was slowly rising.

On the other side, there is the Longxia tribe's Eastern Fleet headquarters and Xiao Chongjun's office.

"Report to the chief, Mr. Ning has sent news."

Secretary Ning?

Xiao Chongjun looked at the period and suddenly understood.

Today happens to be delivery day.

Xiao Chongjun happily took the secret message and opened it, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Four warships were successfully delivered!

The crown prince of Tesha tribe is very satisfied!

"Not bad!"

Xiao Chongjun was in a good mood.

After waving away the security guard, he immediately called Xu Dongguo.

"Old Xu, did you receive the message?"


"This is a good start! With this good start, many tribes may not be able to help but come to purchase in the future! Our navy's foreign trade market has been opened!"

Xiao Chongjun said with a smile.

"Yeah, I've been struggling for so long, and I'm finally getting through it. If it weren't for the support of the Tesha tribe and the Laxi tribe, my navy's first 051C might not have been launched yet!"

Xu Dongguo on the other end of the phone was also very happy.

After waiting for so long, I finally saw the light.

Recalling the first time he met Su Dingping last year, he still felt a little dazed.

Who would have thought that the gears of the navy's destiny would completely turn because of one encounter.

"I will keep an eye on the two ships of the Tesha tribe. I will need to borrow their hands for the Varyag in the future!" Xu Dongguo said.

"I'll leave this matter to you, I'll rest assured."

While the two were chatting, the White Bear Tribe Navy Headquarters came.

The KGB, which had been busy for several days, did not find much valuable intelligence on the Eastern Wilderness tribe. After all, their main attention was now on the central region, so Navy General Lermontov could completely understand.

Originally, Lermontov had forgotten about this matter, but he suddenly learned that the warships of the Longxia tribe had arrived at the Tesha tribe, which shocked him greatly.

"Is there such a thing?"

Lermontov, who was holding a regular meeting, was stunned for a while.

Pushkin said: "Yes, general, the news has been confirmed! There are four warships in total, all of which were 051C that was revealed before."

"051C?" Lermontov suddenly understood.

During Navy Day half a year ago, the Longxia Tribe Navy specially released 051C.

At that time, he thought that the Longxia Tribe Navy was just trying to show the world that they had the technology to build modern warships!

Unexpectedly, a foreign trade order was completed quietly!

The delivery was successful!

"How much does it cost for four 051Cs?" Lermontov asked.

Pushkin shook his head.

"General, I don't know about this. There is no information from the Tesha tribe!"

"Is it just the Tessa tribe?"

Faced with Lermontov's question, Pushkin shook his head blankly.

He couldn't find this kind of private order.

Seeing no one answered, Lermontov's face suddenly darkened.

If it's just a Tessa tribe, that's it. Anyway, things are already like this, and it's too late to be upset.

But if there are other tribes, then the nature of this matter will change.

This means that the Navy has received a large amount of additional funding!

Lermontov knew how profitable selling warships was, otherwise he would not have been so angry after the negotiation for the second batch of 956E orders failed, and even secretly targeted the Longxia Tribal Navy.

"This news is not good!"

"While all of our attention was focused on the central region, the Longxia Tribe Navy actually stole the chicken! They knew the timing very well!"

Lermontov said solemnly.

It is foreseeable that with the continuous influx of funds, the Longxia Tribal Navy will become more and more powerful!

Everything is just a matter of time!

A tribe with a fleet of all modern warships is very scary.

Sufficient military budget means that more advanced technologies can be continuously updated! This is the most important thing!

If this development continues, no one can guarantee that there will not be a second Haizi in more than ten years!

The sea has become a climate of its own, and even the White Bear Tribe cannot control it at will.

Lermontov could never accept his neighbor becoming a second foreigner.

Our own navy is going downhill, but the opposite navy is constantly rising. Who can tolerate two tigers in one mountain?

"I hope my worries are unnecessary!"

Lermontov said helplessly.

Pushkin saw what the other party was worried about and immediately said: "The establishment of basic industry and technological breakthroughs should not be that easy."

Daleft on the side said: "Pushkin, please stop talking! Last time you said that the Longxia Tribe Navy would not be able to build a modern warship within ten years. What is the result? Only a few months have passed since 956E? 051C has already held a ribbon-cutting ceremony. ! Now four more have been sold!”

"I'm afraid what you said is ironic!"

Hearing this, Pushkin's face suddenly flashed with embarrassment.

No matter how you look at it, the remarks made at that time were suspected of supporting the enemy.

"Indeed." Lermontov also said: "For the Longxia tribe, we can no longer treat it with common sense!"

Daleft nodded repeatedly, and that was what he meant.

Suddenly, Pushkin seemed to have thought of something and said quickly.

"Do you still remember that the PLA Navy made a mistake in its exercise a while ago and damaged several warships?"

"What do you mean? Isn't the KGB still investigating this matter? It's been so many days and there hasn't been much progress!" Daleft frowned slightly.

He didn't understand what Pushkin meant by mentioning this matter at this time.

"Is there a possibility, I mean possibility." Pushkin explained, "The accident on the Haizi warship is related to the Longxia tribe?"

"Impossible!" Daleft immediately said firmly, "Absolutely impossible! If it was really the Longxia tribe that did it, the Donghuang tribe would have raised troops long ago!"

Pushkin also knew that his speculation was too shocking, so he immediately smiled awkwardly.

"That's what I'm saying. After all, the timing of the two happening is too coincidental, so you don't need to take it seriously."

After a pause, he added: "I was also inspired by the general! You can't treat the Longxia tribe with normal reasoning! You can just listen and enjoy it."

Daleft, who was still resolute at first, frowned immediately after hearing these words.

Since it can't be calculated according to common sense, it's not impossible at all.

Daleft looked at Lermontov, but saw that the other party was also thinking seriously.

Obviously, Pushkin's words planted a seed of doubt in the hearts of several people.

For a while. The entire conference room fell into silence.

Seeing that everyone looked very serious, Pushkin immediately coughed.


"Let's not talk about this for now. It's completely late to wait until the incident in the central region is over and then turn around and focus on the Longxia tribe!"

"At most, it will only last a few months and a little over half a year!"

Hearing this, Lermontov nodded.

Let’s stabilize the basics first, and we’ll talk about the rest later.

Even if the Longxia tribe is given half a year, how far can it develop?

At most, there are only a few 051Cs.

It won’t become a big climate!

At the same time, the news reached the Iron Monkey Tribe.

Nancy Ding, the head of the Navy, was stunned when he learned of the situation.

He never dreamed that the modern warship 051C of the Longxia Tribe Navy was ready for export!

Even the 051C can be exported, so is it possible that the most powerful warship controlled by the Longxia Tribe Navy is really not the 956E?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel chills!

After all the calculations, we still have two modern warships left, both of which are of ordinary combat power. Bullying non-modern warships is not a problem.

A confrontation between the same level would be a 50-50 split at most!

In other words, their warships are equivalent to two 051Cs!

In this case, the Longxia Tribe Navy launched four 051Cs. How could he not be afraid in his heart!

"Revenge, it seems completely hopeless now!"

Nancy Ding looked up to the sky and sighed.

Three months after three months, he had been waiting for the opportunity to take action, but found that the sky had changed.

The Longxia Tribe Navy can no longer be bullied by him casually!

Chen Fuyong, who had always been irritable, became quiet now.

He is hot-tempered, but not mindless.

How could he be so violent when faced with such a huge difference in strength?

"This hatred lasts forever!"

Chen Fuyong sighed.

Zhu Wen'an, who had been silent until now, said immediately.

"It doesn't matter! The Feibing Tribe, the Thousand Buddha Tribe... they are more anxious than us! There is also a Haizi! We have no hope of revenge, they can take care of us!"

"Indeed! But Haizi has its own problems now! Who the hell would have thought that their own warships could be wiped out in exercises! Isn't this a joke!"

Chen Fuyong said angrily and was very disappointed with Haizi.

We have promised to fight the little overlord of Dongzhou Sea Area, but we haven’t fought yet. Do you want to practice your own people first in the military exercise?

"Wait a minute!" Zhu Wen'an, who had always been calm, suddenly said.

"What's wrong?" Nancy Ding asked in surprise.

"Have you noticed anything suspicious?"

Chen Fuyong blurted out: "What?"

Zhu Wen'an said cautiously.

"The warship of the Longxia Tribe just arrived at the Tesha Tribe today! Calculating the time, it only took 9 and 10 days for everything to go smoothly! If we push the time forward, is there a possibility that it happens to be the Hainan Self-Military Exercise? When it’s unexpected?”

"How could..."

Before the word 'can' was uttered, Nancy Ding's expression suddenly changed.

"A while ago, there was news from the Nihuang Tribe that their people found many Donghuang Tribe ships searching for something on the high seas! And that high seas is the only way to enter and exit the Dongzhou Sea!"

"No, General Nancy Din? Could it be a coincidence?"

Chen Fuyong grimaced, unable to accept this situation at all.

"This must be a coincidence! No matter how strong the Longxia tribe is, it can't be this strong!"

"It should be a coincidence!" Nancy Ding said to herself.

"It must be a coincidence!" Zhu Wen'an also said.

Although he made a speculation, it was just a speculation. It was not confirmed anyway, so it didn't matter.

If there were any relevant clues that could prove it, he would instinctively question or deny it.

People will always deny things beyond their own understanding.

This is the state he is in right now.

Like the Iron Monkey Tribe, the top brass of the non-soldier tribe's navy fell into the greatest silence in years.

Whether it was the arrival of the 051C or the PLA Navy's performance accident, they felt that the current Longxia Tribe Navy was full of fog.

This is particularly painful for them who want to carve up maritime resources.

"Damn Haizi, why don't you take action? If you don't take action, it will be too late when the Longxia Tribe Navy becomes stronger!"

"How will we divide the profits then! Shet!"

Olivia was furious.

Carlos waved his hand and said: "Don't mention it. I guess the Haizi military exercise is just a preview of taking action against the Longxia Tribe Navy! But I didn't expect that the exercise was ruined and my own warship was included in the exercise!"

"Haizi's internal adjustment is now the priority, and it will probably take some time before we take action!"

Emilio, who was sitting in the seat, sighed.


He was also worried, but there was nothing he could do.

It's okay to follow the soup, but it's absolutely impossible to let yourself take the lead.

Compared with the Eastern Barren Tribal Navy, the background of the non-soldier tribal navy is much different.

"I have an ominous premonition that the sky in Dongzhou Sea may be changing!"

As soon as Emilio finished speaking, Olivia said.

"General, the sky has changed? It's not like that, right?"

"It's hard to say! Anyway, this premonition is very strong!"

At the same time, the Eagle Tribe, which had always been aloof and undisturbed, was finally alarmed when it learned that four warships from the Longxia Tribe had arrived at the Tesha Tribe.

Eagle Tribe, Black Palace, Warchief's Office.

Senior military officials are reporting to him on the progress of troop deployment in the central region.

"...The Sun Never Sets Tribe, Lanxi Tribe, etc. have expressed their willingness to send troops to cooperate! The troop deployment is expected to begin next month! The troops can be assembled as early as early next year!"

"Preliminary estimates put the total investment in troops at about 450,000! 6 aircraft carrier combat strike groups..."

After hearing the other party's report, the chief said with dissatisfaction.

"The second aircraft carrier fleet has only been mobilized until now. The next three must hurry up!"

In addition to dispatching five aircraft carrier strike groups, the Sun Never Sets Empire will also dispatch an aircraft carrier fleet to assist.

"Your Excellency, Great Chief, we are already working hard." A senior military official said: "But as you know, in addition to maintenance and repairs, before the aircraft carrier strike group stationed in any area is mobilized, detailed arrangements need to be made to prevent Relevant areas are taking advantage of the chaos to cause trouble. So... it has been delayed for a long time."

"Okay, okay, I get it."

The chief was very dissatisfied.

But when I think of the shocking battle ten years ago that shocked Blue Star and established the Eagle Tribe's unshakable position in Blue Star, the early stage deployment alone took more than half a year, and I suddenly felt a lot calmer.

It takes time to prepare and deploy. When the time comes, just like ten years ago, the enemy will be defeated in just a dozen hours, and the remaining time will be spent slowly advancing and cleaning the battlefield.

In short, be prepared and win in a flash!

Just when the chief was about to speak, he saw his staff coming in a hurry.

"Great Chief, there is an unexpected situation in the central region!"

"What's going on?" the chief asked calmly.

The central region is the back garden of the Eagle Tribe, what surprises could happen? He didn't believe it.

"Just now, there was solid news that the Longxia Tribe sold four 051C modern warships to the Tesha Tribe! Moreover, the goods have already arrived!"

"There is still this matter!"

The great chief raised his eyebrows sharply.

The Donghuang tribe is stationed in the Dongzhou sea area, and there are also garrison troops and many other tribes there, so he is not worried about anything happening. Therefore, I have never paid too much attention to the situation of the Longxia tribe. In fact, I almost don't care.

But who would have thought that the other party would quietly make a lot of noise in his back garden.

Four 051Cs, he didn't care at all.

But the other party's behavior made him very unhappy!

On the one hand, the Longxia tribe is suspected of being out of control. On the other hand, the Tesha tribe's move also means that opposition voices in the central region have come to the fore.

Neither of these is good news.

"The Eastern Wasteland tribe is a bunch of losers! Can it still be possible?"

"Under such a siege and interception, how could the Longxia Tribe Navy do such a terrible thing! A bunch of trash!"

The warchief said.

The top military officials were indifferent.

"Your Excellency, Great Chief, why do you care about trivial matters? Once we defeat the Kayi tribe like plowing through the courtyards and sweeping holes, those tribes in the central region will be honest!"

"That's the truth!" The chief said: "Let the news out and make them all be honest!"

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