I built an armada

Chapter 164: Being fooled by the boss! Zhan Lu Bureau is famous!

The military leaders were right, but the chief felt unhappy.

Because of this incident, a lot of unstable factors suddenly appeared in our good back garden.

This makes the great chief who always speaks the truth in Blue Star, how can he bear it in his heart.

If it weren't for the fact that this operation against the central region was imminent and had to be launched, he would have been in trouble.

"Great Chief, put the overall situation first!" the staff also said.

Obviously, compared to these small actions of the Longxia tribe, the stability of the central region is the overall situation.

"It is precisely because of the overall situation that we have to let the news out! One Tesha tribe is enough. If one more tribe forms a trend, will we still have control over the central region in the future?"

The chief said calmly.

After hearing this, the staff and others nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, I'll take care of this matter," the staff member said immediately.

The warchief nodded.

Immediately, the staff said again.

"By the way, Chief, I don't think it's that simple when there was an accident at a PLA performance a while ago. At that time, you were busy discussing important matters with the chiefs of the Sun Never Set Tribe and other chiefs, so this matter..."

The great chief waved his hands.

“Let’s discuss these small matters after the matters in the central region are over!”


The great chief never dreamed that it was precisely because of his lack of care that he gave the Longxia tribe a chance to rise to prominence.

Looking back many years later, he stamped his feet in annoyance.

As the news spread that the Tesha Tribe had purchased four modern warships from the Longxia Tribal Navy, as the chief had expected, many tribes in the central region became excited.

Originally, this kind of sales could only be done by two big guys and a limited number of large tribes.

But due to the special characteristics of the central region, no one from the large tribe is willing to sell.

It would be better not to make this money, but to ensure the stability and control of the back garden.

But things were different now. The sudden rise of the Longxia tribe's navy gave them some hope.

Who wants to be controlled by others for the rest of their lives?

But before they could get the scriptures from the Tesha Tribe, news about the Eagle Tribe spread among the high-level officials of many tribes.

Otherwise the Kayi tribe will be doomed.

As soon as this news spread, the tribe's senior officials immediately fell silent.

Although this matter was not voted on at the Blue Star Alliance meeting, they all saw that the Keyi tribe would not be able to escape this time.

The shadow of ten years ago once again hangs over their hearts.

No matter how active my mind is, I can only suppress it in my heart and pretend it never happened.

That night, the news that 051C appeared in the Tesha tribe reached the ears of military fans.

For military fans who are always concerned about the progress of the Navy, this news is too shocking.

From now on, I will always covet other people's warships and drool with envy. Who would have thought that one day my own warships would be bought by a third-party tribe!

There are still four ships at once!

If you tell me this, it will make you more angry!

On the Iron Blood Network, the appearance of a post stirred up a stir.

"Times have changed, and our navy can also sell warships to foreign countries!" 》

"Sold warships to foreigners? Are they real or fake? How do we do this with our navy's little background?"

"051C! My friends abroad saw it with their own eyes in the Tesha tribe! It is said that the crown prince patrolled the sea with four warships for a long time, and many people saw it!"

"It turns out to be the 051C! Let me tell you! At first, I just thought that the 051C had reached the threshold of a modern warship, but unexpectedly it opened the door to our navy's external sales! This is great news!"

"No! They used to block us and stop us! Now, our warships can be sold out! Just thinking about it makes me angry! Hahahahaha! Times have begun to change!"

"After all these years, I'm finally getting through it!"

While all the military fans were excited, they suddenly thought of another thing.

"What do you think we should do? Will the Eagle Tribe suddenly do something cruel?"

"It's very possible! This step is very uncertain! If it works, the situation will open up. If it doesn't work, there will be endless troubles! The Navy is also taking a gamble."

"I don't think it's possible. Now all the Eagle Tribe's thoughts are on the Keyi Tribe in the central region. It's just an opportunity for us to take a breather! It would be difficult if we missed it."

"That makes sense!"

They are happy, but the shadow of Blue Star's responsibility always lingers in their hearts.

Unless one day I become the leader of Blue Star, this kind of pressure will never go away.

As for becoming the leader of the Blue Star, even military fans who have always had unconventional ideas have never had such a dream.

It’s so incredible, so dreamy.

Never in my wildest dreams would I dare to be so bold.

"Tomorrow is the National Day. I wonder if the navy has exposed any new warships! The 051C was exposed last Navy Day, but this time it has been sold out. I am sure that our navy saw it and hid it!"

As soon as the news came out, military fans were suddenly filled with gloom and began to discuss it enthusiastically.

"You don't have to think about it, this is the wisdom of our ancestors. I just hope that the hidden warships can be comparable to the 956E, then I will be satisfied!"

"Comparable to 956E? Are we moving too fast? 956E only arrived last year! I think it is worse than 956E, but it is completely acceptable! Take your time, time is on our side now!"

"It makes sense, take your time and take every step carefully! It depends on the National Day tomorrow!"

Many military fans had a heated discussion all night, and until dawn the next day, they were still not finished.

They have indeed suffered too many grievances in recent years, and they are happy from the bottom of their hearts to see the navy making such a big step from blocked technology to selling warships to foreign countries.

It was the National Day holiday anyway, so many people stayed up all night, either squatting in front of the TV or in an Internet cafe, waiting for the Navy to reveal new equipment on National Day.

However, the calmness during the National Day left them very disappointed.

The Navy didn't even give a damn.

After finally waiting for the "Military Intelligence One-on-One" program, all the military fans couldn't sit still and immediately started questioning mode.

Facing the questioning, Zhang Zhaoxin said with a bitter face.

"Alas! Our warships are actually just like that! Really, I didn't lie to you."

"The reason why Tesha Tribe is being sold is that people think highly of us and don't dislike our 051C difference! Otherwise, why do you think so?"

"If 051C is really powerful... No, it's just average. Think about it, the technology is stuck, how could 051C be so powerful?"

The military fans who were originally in high spirits were all dumbfounded when they heard what Zhang Zhaoxin said.

What's going on? Why is this different from what we expected?

Wasn't it because the Tessa tribe bought 051C because it was good enough?

If this were not the case, then why did no one want our batch of non-modern warships?

"I am crying when I say it! How long has it been since 956E arrived? I also hope that our navy has made a major breakthrough! However, this is unrealistic! The upper limit of 956E is right there. We are just imitating it. How much can we imitate? ?”

Zhang Zhaoxin directly told the facts and made the military fans stunned.

They feel that their heads are about to explode. On the one hand, they have fervent expectations in their hearts, but on the other hand, they are based on reality.

Many people have to doubt themselves, are they thinking too much?

"Viewers, please rest assured. As soon as there is good news, I will inform you as soon as possible."

"after all."

"I also hope that our navy will soar into the sky, right?"

Seeing Zhang Zhaoxin's sincerity, many military fans were fooled to death.

The more they thought about it, the more they felt that Zhang Zhaoxin had not lied to them.

What is the identity, status, and reputation of the other party, a dignified naval commander? How could he lie to an ordinary person like himself?

Is it necessary?

It's not necessary at all!

How did they know that the navy's warships had already gone crazy on the high seas, and they were still kept in the dark.

After all, it was them. After watching Zhang Zhaoxin's latest program, I suddenly felt that 051C was just like that, and the Longxia Tribe Navy was just like that.

The dignified colonel did this in front of countless audiences, how could the Navy go so far?

It was Zhang Zhaoxin's divine assist that caused many tribes who had doubts that the accident on the Haizi warship was related to the Longxia tribe to dispel their inner doubts one by one.

They felt that if it were them, they would wish that all the more than 200 tribes in Blue Star knew about such shocking news!

It seems that we have indeed overthought it, and the accident in the Haizi exercise is indeed a coincidence.

Many tribal leaders secretly thought in their hearts.

As time passed, attention to the Longxia tribe declined rapidly.

On October 8, Zhou Qinglei and others arrived in their own waters in a warship.

After arriving home, 956E went straight to the Southern Fleet, and Jiang Shengrong on 052B took Ning Decai and others and eight multi-functional supply ships straight to the Eastern Fleet.

052C also followed closely behind, but never showed up in front of everyone.

Even Jiang Shengrong and others didn't know that the 052C was fighting at that time. They only knew that Zhou Qinglei was commanding a mysterious warship.

On the afternoon of the 10th, the Eastern Fleet military base.

Xiao Chongjun was already waiting on the shore.

As the 052B and other warships docked, Jiang Shengrong and others stepped off the warship, and Xiao Chongjun stepped forward with excitement.

"Comrade Jiang Shengrong, thank you for your hard work."

"Chief, as a member of the navy, this is what I should do!"

After shaking hands with Jiang Shengrong tightly, Xiao Chongjun looked at Ning Decai: "Comrade Ning Decai, thank you for your hard work."

"Chief, I'm lucky to have fulfilled my mission and successfully delivered the warship! If it's hard work, Captain Jiang and the others are even harder!"

Regarding the mysterious warship, Ning Decai did not mention it.

He knew in his heart that he could only mention some things if he knew them. For twenty days before and after, I didn't even see the mysterious warship, so I knew that mysterious warships were taboo in the navy.

It can only be understood, not spoken lightly.

"It's all hard work!"

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Shengrong said.

"Chief, I have sent Mr. Ning and the others back. It's time for me to return to the Northern Fleet and resume my duties."

After seeing off Jiang Shengrong, Ning Decai and others, more than an hour later, 052C also docked.

As soon as he saw 052C, the excitement on Xiao Chongjun's face almost overflowed.

The most powerful foundation of the navy, which has sunk a total of five warships from the sea, belongs to its own Eastern Fleet!

Before Zhou Qinglei and others could walk down, Xiao Chongjun had already greeted them.

Touching Zhou Qinglei's hand tightly, Xiao Chongjun said: "Comrade Zhou Qinglei, thank you for your hard work!"

"Chief, it is our duty to dedicate ourselves to the Navy!"


Xiao Chongjun patted Zhou Qinglei's shoulder and said more words with every move.

Turning to look at Cao Youren, Xiao Chongjun asked: "Comrade Cao Youren, have you learned anything from this trip?"

It was his idea to arrange for Cao Youren and others to study on 052C.

He is still waiting for Cao Youren and others to get started with 052C as soon as possible!

"Reporting to the chief, the harvest is great!"

Cao Youren said seriously.

Ever since 052C showed its might, the special aura in Cao Youren's heart regarding Haizi's power and invincibility was gone, and the shackles in his heart were also opened.

During this trip, in addition to gaining a deeper understanding of 052C, my fighting spirit and confidence became even higher.

"Very good! Well done!"

After the warship stayed, Zhou Qinglei and others took a special plane and rushed back to the Northern Fleet.

Xiao Chongjun held Cao Youren in a confidential conversation and learned about the situation in detail.

The details of the battle situation reported back by Zhou Qinglei gave Xiao Chongjun a different shock than those told by the person involved in person.

After understanding all the details at that time, Xiao Chongjun became more and more delighted when he looked at 052C, just like looking at a new wife.

"The maintenance and upkeep of 052C cannot be brought to the shipyard. You can do it yourself in private!"

After telling Cao Youren, Xiao Chongjun went back with satisfaction.

A few hours later, Zhou Qinglei reported all the details at the Northern Fleet Command.

Xu Dongguo sighed repeatedly.

Obviously he was the first to see 052C, and he ended up taking advantage of the Eastern Fleet.

The second 052C will be launched in half a month and will be commissioned into the Northern Fleet by then, which makes Xu Dongguo feel a lot better.

"Chief, are we going back to the integrated military factory next?"

Faced with Zhou Qinglei's inquiry, Xu Dongguo thought for a while and said.

"Stay here first and wait for the news from Dingping. It's almost over, it will only be a matter of half a month!"

"Yes, Chief!"

According to what Su Dingping said at the time, now that the technology has become more proficient, a 052C can be produced in two and a half months.

Starting from August 1st to October 10th, the second 052C was almost ready.

After waiting for half a month, there was still no news about the second 052C.

"It shouldn't be. It's almost the end of October. Why is there no news about the second 052C?"

After seeing the performance of 052C in actual combat, Xu Dongguo hopes for the stars and the moon and hopes that the second 052C will already be in service.

Not only did we not wait for the second 052C, we also didn’t wait for the order from the central region.

This confused Xu Dongguo and others.

Four 051Cs have been sent to the Tesha tribe, and there are no problems. Are those tribes not interested?

Are you so willing to be exploited by the Eagle Tribe for the rest of your life?

On the 26th, Xu Dongguo raised this confusion at a high-level meeting of the Navy.

Xiao Chongjun and Qian Wenbing looked at each other in surprise.

Liu Huaming said: "I have sent people to find out the news. The results should be available in the next two days."

"Well!" The conversation changed and Xu Dongguo continued: "Chief, this second 052C..."

"No hurries?"

"I'm not in a hurry, mainly because it's been almost three months and there's no news at all. I'm worried that Dingping will be in trouble." Xu Dongguo said tactfully: "As you know, Dingping's predictions are always very accurate. As I said before We launched the boat in early August, but on the 1st it gave us a surprise! We were not on time this time, so wasn’t that what I was worried about?”

Xiao Chongjun smiled and said: "Old Xu, when did you start taking detours?"

Xu Dongguo frowned and said, "052C or something, I'm not in a hurry!"

Qian Wenbing also said: "I'm the last one anyway, so I'm not in a hurry!"

The three of them exchanged words with each other, and Liu Huaming also felt that maybe something unexpected had happened.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Let's do this, Comrade Dongguo, you can take the time next month to express condolences and see if there is anything we can do to help!"

"Yes, chief, I promise to complete the mission!"

As soon as Xu Dongguo finished speaking, Liu Huaming's security guard walked in.

The guard handed over a piece of information and left quickly.

"News from the central region is coming!"

With that said, Liu Huaming opened the information.

Just a glance, and the anger flashed across his face.

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