I built an armada

Chapter 165 052D is in sight! The confidence to challenge an entire fleet alone!

Xiao Chongjun and the other three looked at each other in confusion.

Isn't it about the news from the central region? Why is the chief so angry?

Did something happen to 051C?

It shouldn't be, I haven't heard of it.

The three people were surprised.

"Chief, what happened?" Xu Dongguo asked.


Liu Huaming snorted coldly and said a little helplessly.

"Aren't you surprised? Why have the 051Cs arrived? The first foreign trade order has obviously been placed. Why haven't any of the tribes in the central region come to inquire?"

The three of them nodded.

In order to fire this shot, when facing the PLA warships before, I had to fight hard!

If the expansion of foreign trade was not so important to the navy, Liu Huaming and others would not have been so decisive in confronting the navy.

Take risks for the greater good!

"A while ago, news came out from the Eagle Tribe that other tribes in the central region are prohibited from purchasing warships! Anyone who violates this will be punished by the Keyi Tribe!"

When Liu Huaming finished saying this, Xu Dongguo and the other three were furious.

Good guy, we have made so many efforts to open up foreign trade.

As a result, your Eagle Tribe directly called me back to the source with just one sentence?

Am I working in vain?

"That's too much! It's just a technical blockade. We finally broke through it, and now we've got another killer move!"

"Bullying others with your strength! How shameless!"

"Shameless! Shameless!"

The three said angrily.

But anger is anger, and there is nothing that can be done at the moment.

The Eagle Tribe's control over the central region and its power of intimidation in the hearts of many tribes in Blue Star are still unparalleled in the world.

Arm wrestling with the Eagle Tribe is still a very distant thing.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Huaming sighed slowly, suppressed the anger in his heart, and then said calmly.

"Since the way to seek help from others is blocked, we don't have to worry too much."

"Speaking of which, our navy has already gone through the most difficult time! Now it's just a matter of enduring the time!"

"Besides, Liu Shuai also stated before that our navy's military budget will increase next year! Therefore, the current situation is actually beneficial to our navy!"

Liu Huaming's comforting words sounded uncomfortable to them.

The three of them realized more deeply that if they could not compete with the Eagle Tribe, it would be almost impossible to live happily in Blue Star.

"No wonder Dingping mentioned in our navy's three-step strategy that in the second step we must at least compete with the Eagle Tribe Navy!"

"Dingping has seen the future a long time ago! The Eagle Tribe is really a scourge!"

"Alas! Let's endure it a little longer. Since seeking help from outside is not possible for the time being, let's seek help from within! Fortunately, the scientific research expenses over there in Dingping have been tightly controlled. Otherwise, our navy would really not be able to bear it."

The three of them sighed, feeling helpless but having no choice.

A horse is not fat without night grass, a man is not rich without a windfall, and a navy has tight pockets without foreign trade orders.

The conversation changed and Liu Huaming continued.

"By the way. How is the progress of the work on the other two 051Cs?"

"Chief, the first 051C will be completed by the end of the month at the earliest! If it's fast, it's expected to be delivered by the end of December! If it's slow, it will be delivered in January next year." Xu Dongguo said immediately.

"Okay, no need to adjourn the meeting beforehand!" After saying that, Liu Huaming stood up and left the conference room.

Xu Dongguo and others also left with heavy hearts.

Half a month has passed by, and the situation in the central region has become obviously more tense.

The Sun Never Sets Tribe and the Lanxi Tribe also began to prepare their armies. Everyone could see that the Eagle Tribe was serious about it this time, and the Keyi Tribe was really going to finish it off this time.

Whether the Eagle Tribe will sweep through everything like it did ten years ago, the tribes are all looking forward to it, and the White Bear Tribe is even more nervous.

On the night of November 5th, the integrated military factory.

Su Dingping is discussing equipment technology issues with Sun Yongguo and others.

At the beginning of last month, a piece of high-precision equipment had a major malfunction, which slowed down the overall progress.

If we follow the normal process, the third 052C is already being forged at this moment! Due to equipment problems, the overall forging of the second 052C is only halfway progressed!

After that incident, Su Dingping realized a very important issue.

It is no exaggeration to say that the most advanced and sophisticated equipment in the integrated military factory are almost all ‘disposable’! Once something goes wrong, there is no one in the entire integrated military factory who can repair it!

If you find someone from the relevant manufacturer to repair it, it obviously won't work.

When people come and repairs are done, you can't hold them back and not let them go, right? Once let go, the secrets of the integrated military factory will be exposed! When the time comes, the Eagle Tribe will turn its guns and abandon the Keyi Tribe.

That night, Su Dingping held a high-level meeting overnight.

Finally, after some deliberation, he made the decision to suspend the second 052C forging plan and focus all his energy on researching high-precision equipment and technology.

The decision is easy to make, but when it comes to actual implementation, it is still very difficult.

After all, the top military industry experts in the integrated military factory are very knowledgeable about the technical fields related to warships, but they can only be said to be proficient in operating those high-precision equipment.

Repairing and even overcoming related technologies is almost a new field for them.

Fortunately, the 052C forging project was stopped, otherwise they would not be busy at all.

"Dingping, the current progress of the research is quite smooth. That's the cost... half of the forging cost reserved for the third 052C has been used! If everything is done, 2.5 billion will not be enough!"

Sun Yongguo said melancholy.

"It's okay, feel free to use it! If the fee is not enough, I will apply to the chief! If the technology of these equipment is not in my own hands, I will feel uneasy!"

Su Dingping said seriously.

"Last time it was just during the forging process, and the losses were within the acceptable range. Next time at the critical moment of technical research, the equipment malfunctions, and the impact will be even greater!"

“The more effort you put in at the beginning, the easier it will be later on.”

After a pause, Su Dingping added.

"It's also my fault. I was in a hurry and didn't consider the equipment."

"Dingping, how can I blame you for this! Who would have thought that equipment bought at a high price would have problems after more than half a year of use." Sun Yongguo said immediately.

"But this time we will fix the technical problems on the equipment first, so that if problems arise later, they can be easily solved."

"It can also cultivate a group of more technical talents! Overall, the rewards far outweigh the efforts."

Su Dingping said: "Indeed, it will be easier to get started with those equipments!"

This time, the equipment technology research was the same as the previous warship technology research, with Su Dingping taking the lead.

Although the Military Illustrated Forging Space cannot analyze the relevant technologies on high-precision equipment, all the high-precision equipment that Su Dingping reproduced and entered the Military Illustrated Forging Space can be dismantled and then quickly assembled by him like a warship. together.

In the Military Illustrated Forging Space, he does not need to worry about the problem of being unable to assemble the equipment after being disassembled by himself.

In this way, cost and time are also greatly saved.

Otherwise, this batch of equipment worth billions cannot be afforded by the 2.5 billion research cost. It is difficult to achieve great results even if tens of billions are invested.

Fortunately, more than a month of hard work paid off a lot.

It's just that the cost is a bit tight.

After a while, Sun Yongguo laughed and said: "If we continue like this, we will really be able to cultivate a group of all-round talents here!"

"There is no need to stick to all-round talents! This thing requires too much talent and is too time-consuming. We don't have that much time." Su Dingping said.

"As I said before, in the limited free time, teach students in accordance with their aptitude!"

"Don't worry, I understand the importance." Sun Yongguo nodded.

Those 4,000 ordinary naval soldiers, under the influence of their ears and eyes, coupled with the guidance of these top military industry experts, have made great progress.

There are many outstanding naval officers and soldiers who have received outstanding honors from internal selections.

If this development continues, as Su Dingping said before, the integrated military factory can really become the beginning of a new industrial system for the navy!

In the subsequent expansion, these people will be the technical backbone!

After looking at the time, Sun Yongguo said: "Dingping, Chief Xu is arriving soon."

Yesterday, Xu Dongguo had been notified in advance before he was coming.

"get ready."

Su Dingping said.

As Sun Yongguo left, Su Dingping glanced at the drawings on the table, and his eyes fell on the attribute panel in his mind.

[052D guided missile destroyer - shield ship, displacement: 6800~7500 tons, 155 meters long and 18 meters wide, an advanced 'second generation' destroyer. 】

[052D guided missile destroyer main power system (analysis progress 100%); 1130 close-in anti-gun system (analysis progress 100%); Type 346A active phased array radar (analysis progress 100%), front 48 units + rear 32 units vertical launch System (analysis progress 100%), 'Star' combat command system (analysis progress 100%)...]

All core technologies of 052D have been analyzed!

In addition, the core technology of the new generation'Eagle Anti-Ship Missile System' and the 'Haihongqi Air Defense Missile System' have also begun to be analyzed.

If it weren't for the equipment failure, the analysis process of the two missile technologies would have been much faster. Right now, it's just the beginning.

But the new generation of Eagle Strike anti-ship missile technology can increase the speed of anti-ship missiles to Mach 2.5 or even higher! Anti-aircraft missiles also exceeded Mach 2!

This speed is unparalleled among all Blue Star's ship-based anti-ship missiles and ship-based air defense missiles!

When such an advanced missile is installed on the 052D, the navy will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Really, a single warship can challenge an entire fleet!

Su Dingping is still looking forward to the full version of 052D.

Now, after researching the core technology of high-precision equipment, I will devote myself wholeheartedly to the forging of 052D and the analysis of the two missile technologies.

After the 052D is completely finished, the next step will be the 0550,000-ton large-scale drive, which is said to be a sharp blade that can single-handedly defeat the entire aircraft carrier fleet!

After busying for a while, seeing that the time was almost up, Su Dingping got up and walked downstairs.

Downstairs of the Integrated Military Factory Research Institute, Xu Dongguo is here.

Seeing everyone looking haggard, Xu Dongguo said.

"Did you encounter any problems?"

"Chief, the problem is not big and can be overcome." Su Dingping said.

Changing the topic, Su Dingping continued: "The second 052C may not be launched until the end of November."

"It's okay, don't worry!"

Xu Dongguo waved his hands repeatedly,

Although he covets the second 052C, he also knows the importance. Even if Su Dingping didn't say it too bluntly, he felt in his heart that there was something wrong with the integrated military factory.

Dismissing the others, Xu Dongguo and Su Dingping walked into the office.

"Dingping, there are no outsiders here." Xu Dongguo said: "Are you encountering difficulties? If you have difficulties, just tell me. If I can help, I will definitely help. If I can't help, I will find a way to help!"

"If that doesn't work, there are still Chief Liu and Xue Shuai."

After a pause, Xu Dongguo added with a smile: "By the way, there is good news. After sank four warships on the high seas, Xue Shuai and his superiors reacted. The military budget of our navy will definitely increase a lot next year! "

"Chief, half of the forging cost of the third 052C that was previously advanced has been spent! The remaining half may not last this month."

As soon as Su Dingping finished speaking, Xu Dongguo's mouth twitched sharply.

Isn’t it said that 2.2 billion is about the same? Why has the cost of the third ship already exceeded the cost before the second ship has been released?

If the Navy's background could be like that of the Army, with a military budget of more than 90 billion, he would wave his hand without even frowning.

052C is very strong and will definitely be supplied to any large tribe.

But the situation of the Longxia tribe is different. Economic development is the top priority at the moment.

The reason why the military budget will increase significantly next year is because of the huge contribution made by 052C. Xue Yunzhi took a lot of convincing to convince him.

Xu Dongguo also knew that his request was a bit greedy. He wanted the horse to run and eat less grass. But he is really anxious. Who knows how long the matter on the high seas can be kept hidden?

Once we can't hide it, Haizi's fleet will inevitably come out!

This is a no brainer.

At that time, without sufficiently advanced warships, it will be very troublesome.

Of course, the main reason was because he was betting on a surge in foreign trade orders, and was tricked by the Eagle Tribe.

With this thought in his mind, he still forced a smile.

"It's okay, it's about the money, I'll figure it out!"

Immediately, Su Dingping explained all the previous problems.

After listening, Xu Dongguo frowned.

I can still think of a way to deal with money matters. But there is nothing we can do about the equipment.

Last time, the White Bear Tribe secretly took action and cut off some goods, causing those big companies to lose money rather than ship goods. If the secret operation hadn't been arranged early and Su Dingping had a third plan in hand, the integrated military factory would definitely not be what it is now.

Now if I want to purchase those equipment, there is no way.

"As for the equipment, I...I'll figure it out."

This sentence is obviously not as confident as before.

"I have solved the equipment problem here." Su Dingping said.

Then, he took out a piece of information and handed it over.

"Chief, this is a list of all the high-precision equipment in the integrated military factory! Some of them are marked with '×', some are marked with '√', and some are marked with '?'."

Xu Dongguo took it and looked at it for a few times, then looked at Su Dingping with some confusion.

"The equipment marked with '×' is of average advanced level and can be obtained from major military factories, so it was not conquered."

"What about those who scored '√'?" Xu Dongguo asked.

"Those equipment, including those marked with '?', are all high-precision equipment and cannot be produced domestically at present."

Xu Dongguo nodded, he knew this well.

If nothing else, this batch of equipment was purchased at a large cost.

Su Dingping continued: "We have already conquered the core technologies of the equipment marked with '√'! With these technologies, at some cost, we can also hope to produce them ourselves! Those marked with '?' are still being researched, Hurry and we hope we can get it done this month.”

At first, Xu Dongguo didn't think too much, and was still thinking about where to get spare parts for these equipment.

When Su Dingping said this, he was stunned for a moment, his eyes widened, and he pointed at the catalog in his hand and said in shock.

"You...have you conquered all of these?"

"Yes, Chief! It's my fault for saying this. I didn't consider the issue of preparedness. It's too late to remedy it now!"

Xu Dongguo looked at the densely packed technical list marked with '√'s, swallowed quietly and shook his head.

"No, no, no! How can I blame you! You are already very busy, these should be things we should consider! It's because we didn't do our job well!"

Su Dingping did not continue to struggle with this issue and said again.

"By the way, Chief. I know our military budget is tight. These core technologies marked with a '√' can be given to our own companies appropriately."

Xu Dongguo raised his eyebrows suddenly and looked at Su Dingping in disbelief.

"You mean...sell it?"

"Yes! On the one hand, these technologies can improve our overall internal industrialization level! On the other hand, they can also be exchanged for some military spending, right?"

"How much does it cost?"

"If we sell it depending on the situation, let's say at least more than 10 billion! Those companies are willing to pay this money."

Xu Dongguo's heart skipped a beat.

More than 10 billion?

Or should I say less?

It could be as much as 20 billion!

And there are quite a few who type "?"! If they are all sold, more than 20 billion will be unstoppable!

After all, it is a consensus that technology is more expensive than equipment!

Previously, several leaders were still worried that without new foreign trade orders, the navy's development momentum would slow down in the future. Unexpectedly, they came to the integrated military factory and got such a big surprise!

Xu Dongguo looked at the ticking technologies again, as if he was looking at the sky full of military expenditures, and his heart was filled with excitement.

The hand holding the directory used a little force.

"I discussed this matter with Chief Liu and the others! I will definitely leave it to someone I trust to handle it."

This is the first time that the Navy has sold technology to the private sector, and Xu Dongguo is still very excited.

Improving the overall level of civilian industry can also raise military spending, killing two birds with one stone!

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