I built an armada

Chapter 177 Just let go and do it


He is sure that the Laxi tribe's revenge will definitely get the support of the Longxia tribe. They can go about it freely and completely knock down the Ertu tribe's arrogance!

No matter what happens to the Ertu tribe, they are finished this time.

Don’t think that the Laxi tribe is a small tribe and there is no one behind it!

Thinking of this, Ares became more confident and straightened his waist. No matter what, he would lead the No. 1 ship to win the first victory in this battle.

On the dark ocean, the two 051C destroyers were like midnight ghosts, sailing towards the target sea area.

Everything went on so quietly.

In the Laxi Tribe Naval Command Center on the shore, Dmitri slowly walked in.

Looking around, various instruments in the hall were flashing with light, and the combat personnel were all staring nervously at their posts, unblinking, for fear of missing any detail.

The remote warning radar always feeds back target information on the Aegean Sea here, and radar monitoring members summarize the information from time to time.

Everyone here knows very well that this battle is related to the honor and disgrace of the Laxi tribe's navy.

Whether they can avenge their shame depends on the two 051C destroyers introduced from the Longxia tribe. These are their only two modern destroyers, and they have pinned all their hopes on them.

From the commander to the soldiers, almost all of them were praying silently in their hearts!

I hope the God of War can bless their battleships!

"Report, two battleships have set off."

"All conditions at sea are normal."

Seeing Dmitri walk in, Ilyas stood up quickly and reported the truth.

As the commander-in-chief of this secret revenge operation, he had an arduous task and did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

Several deputy commanders assisted him throughout the process.

These people are all elite naval commanders of the Laxi tribe. They have been holding their breath since they lost the war with the Ertu tribe and lost their territory.

If they cannot avenge their shame, they will not be able to face the majority of the people of the Laxi tribe.

So this time, they held back their energy and let go.

Of course, they also have a very clear grasp of the latest situation in the Ertu tribe.

The two 051C large destroyers could not be hidden from the Laxi tribe. The Ertu tribe must have known the news, so once they entered the disputed waters between the two sides, their navy would send warships to escort them.

"According to the latest information, an oil tanker from the Ertu Tribe is going to pass through this sea area recently."

"It is very likely that our warships will encounter them."

The intelligence officer sent the latest information, which they also obtained through the International Maritime Information Network, but it only showed tanker information, not warship information.

But they were sure that there was at least one warship escorting the tanker, and it was extremely likely that the best modern warships from the Turkish tribe were sent.

After all, the Ertu tribe is not all idiots.

Now that they have discovered that the Laxi tribe has two modern destroyers, how could they send those junk warships to escort them? Isn't that looking for death?

Once there is a generation difference in a battleship, it is equivalent to being crushed!

There is no way to fight at all, they have suffered such losses before.

"If you encounter better ones, then attack them first."

"Hmph, do you really think that our Laxi tribe is easy to bully and invaded our island? Do you really think that we will swallow our anger?"

"The Ertu tribe took the lead, so don't blame us for being ruthless."

Dmitri took a look at the information, his face became extremely cold, and his body was full of murderous intent.

This was the first time he was so angry.

All of this is because the Ertu tribe has gone too far. They are pressing down on their Laxi tribe step by step, and they want to occupy the entire Laxi tribe territory.

"Yes, sir!"

Ilyas quickly puffed up his chest and responded solemnly.

This battle was of great importance, and he did not dare to be careless.

"very good."

"The troops on shore will fully cooperate with them."

"This battle must be fought well before we can explain it to the people."

Dmitri nodded with satisfaction, and then slowly walked up to Ilyas, patted his shoulder with his broad palm, and asked him to take care of everything.

For the two 051Cs, it was not only a time to test their combat effectiveness, but also a time to avenge the Laxi tribe.


Ilyas knew very well that the success or failure of this battle was related to the future of the entire Laxi tribe's navy.

But he is confident that he can win this battle.

The weapons and equipment sold internationally are all monkey versions, but the Longxia tribe gave them two complete version 051Cs. This is a great trust in them and a kind of support.

They had no reason not to overthrow the Ertu tribe.

Family hatred and national hatred.

This time, he wanted to take revenge on the Ertu tribe.

The other side.

At the Turkish Tribe Military Intelligence Command Center, Emil arrived in a special car in a military uniform, followed by Nazim and Mustafa.

They are both Emil's right-hand men, and they are the two key figures for him to control the Ertu tribe.

Ever since the Laxi tribe equipped two 051C ships from the Longxia tribe, he has always felt uneasy.

Especially in the recent period, Nazim has not obtained any benefits from the Eagle Tribe. The other party has been delaying, which obviously means that they will not be able to obtain the relevant promised benefits in the recent period.

Facing the Laxi tribe, they can only rely on themselves!

Fortunately, they have modern warships obtained from the Eagle Tribe. Although the tonnage is not as large as a destroyer, it is also equipped with modern weapon systems and radar systems.

"Sir, the two 051C destroyers sold by the Longxia Tribe did not undergo any castration."

"It's the Longxia tribe's own version, and it's two ships directly drawn from the navy."

"This is extremely detrimental to us."

"The Longxia tribe broke the rules of international military trade. They are so shameless."

Nasim frowned and reported the latest information, his expression particularly unhappy.

I use the full version, and everything I sell is the monkey version. This is an unspoken rule of international trade, and it is even regarded as an iron law. After all, no one wants to see the warships they sell turn around and hit them.

But the Longxia tribe did this.

"No, they did it on purpose."

"The Longxia tribe just wants to disgust us and supports the Laxi tribe's navy to defeat us."

"Don't forget, we seized their Varyag aircraft carrier. They are retaliating against us."

Emil figured out the joints in an instant, waved his hand towards Nasim and said, he would not believe that the Longxia tribe would swallow their anger and let their Ertu tribe manipulate it.

Since they have benefited from the Eagle Tribe, they will naturally lose some benefits in other aspects.

Now he just wants the navy to act normally and sink the two 051C destroyers of the Laxi tribe. In that case, even if the Longxia tribe supports it, it will be of no use in the end.

If the Varyag wanted to pass through the strait, it had to pay for its way.

It's so simple and crude!

"In that case, this battle is very important to us."

"We must not fail, but also win!"

Mustafa added on the sidelines that he also realized the seriousness of the situation and that the Turkish tribal navy was under great pressure this time.

While the three of them were talking, they had already stepped into the underground command center.

In the recent battles with the Laxi tribe, the Ertu tribe navy has repeatedly won victories, and has become the overlord of the Aegean Sea.

Naturally, the intelligence department also received information about the purchase of two 051C destroyers by the Laxi tribe, and they also formulated relevant response plans for this purpose.

Now we're just waiting for the Laxi tribe to take action.

Attack and defense.

They are on the offensive. Even if the Laxi Tribal Navy has imported two 051C destroyers, so what?

In their view, the status quo cannot be changed at all.

War requires the support of comprehensive national strength. The Ertu tribe is stronger than the Laxi tribe in terms of land area and comprehensive national strength.

The balance of natural victory will only tilt towards the Ertu tribe.

"Everyone, please sit down."

"Your performance was very good some time ago, and you completely knocked down the arrogance of the Laxi tribe."

"I hope you will continue your efforts and completely wipe out the Laxi tribal navy in one go. Then the Aegean Sea will be our world."

"I don't want there to be a ship from the Laxi tribe on this sea area."

Emil, who was sitting in the chief position, looked around the commanders and said with a gloomy expression, not concealing his ambition at all.

Hearing this, the expressions of the commanders changed slightly.

They never imagined that Emil would be so determined to completely wipe out the Laxi tribe.

As tribes from the Western Sea, they naturally know what losing the sea passage means to the Laxi tribe. Aren't they afraid of triggering a crazy counterattack by the Laxi tribe?

What's more, the Laxi tribe also has two 051C destroyers, but they currently do not have a large warship of this type.

How easy is it to destroy the Laxi tribe?

"You have been keeping an eye on the Laxi military port recently."

"Who can tell me where the two 051C destroyers are at this moment?"

"Those two modern destroyers are the last resource for the Laxi tribe to make a comeback!"

Before anyone could speak, Emil narrowed his eyes slightly and asked again.

In fact, his idea is very simple. Since the Laxi tribe wants to use these two 051C destroyers to make a comeback, it is enough for them to keep an eye on them.

Just master every move of these two warships, and then follow the relevant action plans prepared in advance to lay an ambush.

The tonnage of their advanced ships is not as good as that of the Laxi tribe, but they can use flexible tactics to surround these two large warships and beat their master to death with random punches. The wolf pack tactics will surely sink the two destroyers into the sea.

As soon as this was said, everyone fell silent.

They really don't know.

The intelligence services have always been in charge.

As a result, everyone unanimously turned their attention to the person in charge of the Intelligence Department.

The head of the Intelligence Department was immediately confused.

How can you blame yourself for this?

He also didn't receive a notice telling him to keep an eye on those two songs 051C 24 hours a day.

What does Emil mean?

No wonder they took the opportunity to attack their intelligence department?

"Quickly activate the long-range detection radar and radio capture."

"Inform the warships at sea to search for those two damn 051C destroyers."

But he couldn't control that much now. The person in charge of the Intelligence Department stood up hurriedly, came to the information acquisition center, and urgently activated the relevant emergency plan.

Soon they received feedback.

"Report, the two destroyers of Western Rhona were not found in the relevant waters."

"Report, no target found at Laxi Tribe Military Port."

"No relevant targets have been found in the Aegean Sea."

Pieces of intelligence information were compiled, and the atmosphere in the command center suddenly became solemn.

For them, this is definitely not a good thing.

The Laxi tribe obviously did not let them know and took this opportunity to launch revenge against them.

"Fools, are you all losers?"

"I can't even guard two warships. What do you do for food?"

"Do you know how much trouble those two 051C destroyers will cause us?"

"Each of its ships is equipped with eight anti-ship missiles. Which of you currently has relevant information?"

"They also have some air defense!"

Emil's head was about to explode when he heard it, and he yelled at everyone with a gloomy face.

He now seriously suspected that after winning several consecutive battles, the Ertu tribe's navy treated the Laxi tribe with contempt and developed a sense of pride.

For the Ertu tribe, this is a very dangerous emotion.

The Laxi tribe is backed by the Longxia tribe. Don’t they know it?

Do you really think that the Longxia tribe is so kind and doesn’t sell monkey-version weapons?

You must know that the Longxia Tribe is one of the five major gangsters in the Blue Star Alliance. Even though the current national power is not as good as the Eagle Tribe, the weapons and equipment they have developed are used to fight against the Eastern Wilderness Tribe and the Eagle Tribe.

They have always hidden advanced weapons, and even the relevant performance of the warships for sale has not been announced.

For them, this is extremely dangerous!

"I think you are all distracted. Have you forgotten that we detained an aircraft carrier of the Longxia tribe?"

"Do you all think they are vegetarians?"

Emil felt that he was about to be blown away by the navy guys. The more he spoke, the angrier he became, and his voice became hoarse.

What he hated most was that these naval commanders were so insensitive and did not regard the two 051Cs as a piece of cake.

The Laxi tribe did not have modern warships before, but those two 051Cs are real modern destroyers.

The threat posed is not something they can afford.

Moreover, he was sure that the Longxia tribe had a back-up plan.

We have already reached such a dangerous situation, and these commanders are still so carefree. They really don’t know whether to live or die!

"From now on, you all cheer up and keep your eyes on the disputed waters."

"We absolutely cannot let those brats from the Laxi tribe succeed!"

Before anyone could speak, Emil once again gave serious instructions.

The disputed sea area between the two parties is so large. He believes that the Laxi tribe will definitely cause trouble in the relevant disputed sea area and make full use of the powerful performance of the two 051C destroyers to retake the relevant islands.

He could even imagine with his toenails that the Laxi tribe would definitely make big moves next.


The commanders who had been scolded hurriedly raised their heads and straightened their chests in response.

They are afraid too.

One of those two modern destroyers has eight anti-ship missiles. Don't the two ships combined have as many as sixteen?

If any gunboats or warships not equipped with anti-aircraft missiles encountered them, wouldn't they be beaten like a melon?

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