I built an armada

Chapter 178 Conflict in the Sea of ​​Power

"Yes, act quickly!"

Emil scolded in a deep voice, none of these commanders are worry-free.

Two very modern destroyers, equipped with a lot of weapons and equipment.

Those previous gunboats combined were not even qualified to carry shoes for 051C.

And in their hands, only the few battleships imported from the Eagle Tribe have modern combat capabilities, and these commanders in the naval command headquarters have actually won some battles and captured some territory. I felt complacent and contented.

It is obvious that these commanders have not learned the principle that arrogant soldiers will be defeated.

The Langxi tribe now owns two 051C destroyers, but they actually don’t know where they are. It’s simply unreasonable!

The more Emil thought about it, the angrier he became. These commanders didn't even think that they were about to die.

Do you really think that the Longxia tribe will not take action?

He knew very well that in addition to the monkey version of the weapons being sold internationally, there was also the situation where one tribe purchased weapons and equipment from another tribe, which to a certain extent was paying protection fees to another tribe.

Blue Star has always been like this. Although the Longxia Tribe keeps saying that it will not interfere in the internal affairs of other tribes, why is it not providing protection to the Langxi Tribe by selling such an advanced battleship to the Langxi Tribe?

After Emil scolded everyone, everyone in the command hall became busy.

Everyone was in their positions, and the radar monitor was very alert, staring at the long-range warning radar with his eyes unblinking, for fear of missing an important detail.

"Send out patrol aircraft to strengthen patrols in the newly occupied sea areas."

"Be sure to find those two battleships for me."

Commander Mustafa picked up the walkie-talkie and directly issued a new combat order. No matter what, they must find the two warships as soon as possible.

Only by discovering it first can they take the next step.

"Order warships in nearby sea areas to strengthen patrol alert."

"Everyone has entered the first level of combat readiness."

"If anyone acts careless to me, I will engage in military law!"

Mustafa ordered again, very decisively.

Now the Ent tribe must be very energetic, and they must not let the Langxi tribe succeed in their sneak attack.

Even if the two 051C destroyers are very advanced, they are just two ships.

Once discovered, they can send nearby warships for reinforcements and the air force to attack. Even a group fight will sink the opponent.

In a saturation attack, he did not believe that he could not completely sink the two 051Cs.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the relevant waters of Quanhai suddenly became tense.

It's just that it's dark at this time. Except for those night owls, all ordinary people have fallen asleep. Naturally, not many people pay attention to this brand new military conflict.

Whether in the city or on the sea, everything seems so quiet.

Boom, boom, boom!

The waves hit the shore hard one after another as usual. The young men and women on the beach were still so happy and did not notice anything strange at all.


In the dark night, a giant ship sailed forward slowly, as if it would never end, with no intention of stopping.

On the mast at the top of the bridge, the radar rotated around and around, and the electromagnetic waves it emitted silently swept the surrounding sea area.

No movement can escape the scanning of this radar.

Even though it is mechanically powered, it is also digital and modern, with a detection range of 60 kilometers.

In the main control room.

The radar detector is the eyes of the ship. He keeps his eyes on the radar screen the whole time.

Ding, ding.

The radar beeps from time to time.

Everyone, including Captain Ares, was very nervous.

Even though they knew that the performance of the 051C destroyer they were driving was very advanced and far exceeded all other warships of the Langxi tribe, this time they went deep into the disputed waters, and it was still captured by the Ent tribe.

After the Ent tribe occupied these islands, they deployed relevant reconnaissance equipment on these islands to keep an eye on the surrounding waters around the clock.

They know the performance of those radars very well, so they always operate close to the edge.

What reassures them most is that the longest detection range of the 051C radar is a full 60 kilometers.

The radar on the island is only 40 kilometers away, and there is a difference of 20 kilometers between the two.

Even so, they did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

In any case, this place has become the enemy's territory. They must not be careless and let the enemy discover their traces.

At the same time, the Longxia tribe.

In a certain command center.

Liu Huaming was sitting in the office. The door was suddenly opened from the outside, and the assistant hurriedly walked in.

"What's up?"

Liu Huaming turned his head and glanced curiously.

"The Langxi tribe implemented a revenge plan, and two 051C ships appeared in the waters occupied by the Ent tribe under the cover of night."

"A big war is about to take place in Quanhai."

The assistant reported the latest news truthfully.

"Is it finally starting?"

"Then let the Ent tribe pay some price."

Liu Huaming responded expressionlessly that the two 051Cs would not fundamentally change the balance of forces between the two sides, but they would give the Langxi tribe hope of revenge.

The Ent tribe has been very close to the Eagle tribe recently. When the Varg passed through the strait, it was obvious that they sided with the Eagle tribe to help them cause destruction behind the scenes.

Not only did they put forward very harsh conditions, but they were still determined not to trust the Wager.

The Longxia tribe will never swallow this bitter pill.

If the Ent tribe does not release the Wage for a day, the revenge will not stop for a day. If you can sell two 051Cs to the Langxi tribe, you can sell them more, and the price can be discounted.

The Dragon Claw Tribe is one of the five permanent members of the Lianzhong. They were ridiculed by the Ent Tribe. If they didn't have any attitude, wouldn't it mean that cats and dogs could ride on them and show off their power in the future?

The tribes on Blue Star have always been so naive.

Dignity exists on the edge of the sword, and truth is only within the range of the cannon!

The Langxi tribe and the Yuente tribe have always had territorial disputes. This time, it is absolutely impossible for the Ente tribe to do so without paying a price.

Now it’s just a matter of waiting and watching.

The Langxi tribe was chosen during the New Year period of the Longxia tribe. It seems that they know how to give gifts!

"Send an order to Zhang Zhaoxin and ask him to pay close attention to the Langxi tribe."

"If they still have needs, we can provide them with support."

"The Ent tribe should pay the price!"

After a moment of silence, Liu Huaming turned to his assistant and gave instructions.


After receiving the order, the assistant turned around and left.

A country's military trade is all approved by the military boss.

After all, military products are not ordinary commodities. Which country to sell to is not determined by the other party's money, but by the quality of the relationship between the two parties.

The 051C previously sold to the Tebo tribe was also approved.

Now in the central region, the Longxia tribe has successfully reached out, and the next step is to slowly remove the nails of the Hero tribe.

Even if you can't remove it, you still have to make the other party feel sick.

Don't think that the Longxia tribe will be good gentlemen and swallow their anger and let them bully you.

After the assistant left, Liu Huaming stood up and walked slowly to the window, staring at the blue sky outside. From time to time, birds flew past.

Blue Star has always been uneasy, especially the western tribes headed by the Eagle Tribe, who are causing trouble everywhere like a troublemaker.

Nowadays, the Longxia Tribal Navy is rising step by step due to the existence of Su Dingping.

They also have the confidence to guard the sea frontier.

It can also export advanced warships, stir up the situation on one side, and provide eye drops for the Eagle Tribe.

To put it bluntly, strength is still needed!

What made him most happy was that after Xue Shuai inspected the integrated military factory again, he obviously showed great support for the navy. Even the head of the Air Force and the big brother of the army said that they would support the vigorous development of the navy.

After decades, the Navy has finally been able to obtain more military spending to vigorously develop warships.

And all this is due to Su Dingping!

This young man's talent is really astonishing to the world. Fortunately, he did not choose to study abroad like many young people who are talented, go to the Eagle Tribe to develop advanced weapons, and then turn against the Longxia Tribe.

Wasn't the Eagle Tribe's most advanced intercontinental ballistic missile militia series designed by a talent from the Longxia Tribe's past?

Now that they have Su Dingping, why should they be afraid of those developed tribes?

Sooner or later, the Longxia tribe will become the strongest in Blue Star.

The goal is the sea of ​​stars!

Just thinking about it makes my blood boil!

The other side.

The Eagle Tribe Military Department has always been on high alert for the central region.

Military reconnaissance satellites that constantly fly over the sea have long reported every move in this sea area here.

"Fake, what do the Langxi tribe want to do?"

"Is this trying to stir up regional tensions?"

Looking at the intelligence that had just been sent in, Donald Henry's face was full of gloom. What he hated most was that the Langxi tribe did not report to them before taking action.

When purchasing warships, I made my own decision, and actually purchased two 051Cs from the Longxia Tribe. It was simply unreasonable.

They all felt offended.

In Xida Shihai, they have deployed at least two aircraft carrier strike groups and dispatched fighter jets to patrol the nearby waters all day long.

And they actually didn't know either, and they relied on satellite detection.

It was obvious that the Langxi tribe had no trust in them at all, which really made them very angry.

After all, they are all from the same camp, so how come the Langxi tribe is so close to the Longxia tribe?

"Send reconnaissance planes and satellites to keep an eye on this sea area."

"I think they will do something."

Donald Henry quickly gave an order to the intelligence officer. As the boss of Blue Star, he naturally had to monitor all armed conflicts on Blue Star and then take advantage of them.

How many wars have they started over the years?

He knew very well that since he could not stop the Langxi tribe


The head of the Intelligence Department readily accepted the order.

The other side.

Quanhai, the Ent tribe occupied the area on the ocean.

On a large destroyer, the lights were still not turned on. The entire ship was on high alert. The gun jackets had been removed and in the main control room.

"Report to captain, an enemy ship and an oil tanker were spotted 54 kilometers away from our ship."

"The ship is an escort oil tanker."

"According to the identification friend or foe signal, it was an Ent tribe warship."

"The model is being verified."

Suddenly, an abnormal signal target was displayed on the radar screen, and the radar monitor hurriedly made a report.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

They all knew that in this era of discovery and destruction, they could immediately press the anti-ship missile button and use missiles to sink the escorting warship.

Why don't you be polite to it?

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. It has been several minutes. Why hasn't the captain ordered an attack yet?

The head of the naval attack department looked nervously at the two Ent tribe targets and rubbed his hands with excitement. He wanted to press the missile launch button immediately and fire a soul-crushing missile at the damn warship.

The high-intensity training in recent days has made them well aware of the performance of this destroyer.

According to the data, the YJ-801A equipped on this warship can attack targets as far as 55 kilometers away, with a success rate of 90%.

"Report, information from Shore Control."

"The enemy has at least two modern warships operating in this sea area, one overtly and one covertly escorting this oil tanker."

Soon the No. 1 ship received the latest intelligence, and the staff immediately reported it to Ares.

"What about two warships?"

"We are a large destroyer."

"Have you found out what model that escort warship is?"

After hearing this, Captain Ares snorted coldly, and then asked the radar monitor.

At this time, his blood was boiling. Once the implementation was clear, he would be the first to launch an attack and knock out the enemy to let them know how powerful it was.

"The report is still being verified."

The radar monitor responded simply.

The other side.

On the dark ocean, two Gazantipu-class ships, one in the dark and one in the dark, closely followed the 100,000-ton oil tanker Black Pearl through the sea area they occupied.

The Gazantip class is a modern warship purchased by the Ent tribe from the Eagle tribe.

The equipment is still very rich, including an Eagle Tribe MK-75 76mm 62-caliber naval gun and a MK-15 Phalanx close-in defense gun.

The MK-13 single-arm launcher is installed on the bow of the ship to launch the Standard-1 series medium-range ship-to-air missiles. The missile range reaches 46 kilometers and the maximum flight speed reaches Mach 3.

The rate of fire reaches 15 rounds/minute, and it can also launch Harpoon anti-ship missiles with 40 ammunition.

There are generally 36 Standard Type 1 anti-aircraft missiles, plus 4 Harpoon anti-ship missiles.

2 triple-mounted 324mm MK-32 torpedo tubes.

It adopts a double hangar design and is equipped with 2 SH-60B Seahawk anti-submarine helicopters!

In terms of firepower, this is a quite ferocious frigate and one of the few modern destroyers of the Ent tribe. It can crush the previous warships of the Langxi tribe.

They are also the capital of the Ente tribe to dominate this sea area, and they have repeatedly severely damaged the Langxi tribe's navy.

At the same time, two warships of the same model were dispatched to escort the oil tanker. This shows that the Ent tribe attaches great importance to it. It is really not careless at all.

Inside the bridge, Captain Samarkand held a telescope and looked at the sea from time to time, alert to everything around him.

The Ente tribe and the Langxi tribe were in a state of conflict. They passed through this sea area that had just been seized from each other, and they had no choice but to deal with it carelessly.

"Damn Langxi tribe, they are really not afraid of being beaten."

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