I built an armada

Chapter 200: The aircraft carrier must be continued when it comes

If you look down from a high-altitude perspective, you will definitely find that the manhole covers of the 052D vertical hair system are all open at this moment.

The interceptor missiles burst into the air like Gatling fireworks during the New Year, as if they were free of charge. The smoke dragged out instantly engulfed the entire bow of the ship.

The thrust of the rocket engine was so great that it quickly accelerated the missile to Mach 6. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared from sight and became a small dot on the fire control radar, quickly rushing towards the target.

As the YJ-101B anti-ship missile approached at extremely high speed, it soon broke through to less than 200 kilometers away from the 052D, while those accelerating Hongqi-901B interceptors were even faster.


Suddenly, an interceptor suddenly fell from the sky. In the blink of an eye, it hit the YJ-101B anti-ship missile that had entered the ultra-low-altitude sea-skimming flight. There was a violent explosion and smoke rose.

Soon its radar wave reflection cross section completely disappeared.

One after another was intercepted.

In the main control room of the 052D shield ship, no one dared to relax at all. They were all still staring at the operation interface in front of them, ready to fight against the second batch of incoming targets at any time.

"The Harpoon missile is slow, so keep it close."

"Don't waste the Haihongqi-901B interceptor on me."

The captain, who had been staring at the situation diagram of the 'Star' command system, suddenly issued an order.

There are only 80 holes in the 052D. Even if all of them are equipped with Shanghai Hongqi-901B, there will only be 80 bombs, so four bombs in one hole are used.

Equipped with the smaller Haihongqi 107A air defense missile, its maximum range has been increased from the original 30 kilometers to 80 kilometers, and its maximum speed has reached Mach 5, which is fully capable of dealing with incoming anti-ship missiles at supersonic speeds.

Not only that, it also has extremely high maneuverability and steering capabilities, and the maximum overload exceeds 50G. Once it enters the envelope of this missile, neither fighter planes nor missiles can escape interception.

To deal with slow anti-ship missiles like Harpoon, it would be a waste to use Haihongqi-901B air defense missiles.

According to the principle of using good steel on the blade, air defense missiles like Haihongqi-901B have always been used to deal with high-value, faster anti-ship missiles, leaving sufficient reaction time for ships in advance.

Block the greatest danger further away.


The director of the air department immediately took the order, entered the target parameters, set the interception distance, and put the missile into the automatic launch program.

Once the Harpoon anti-ship missile reaches the calculated distance, the anti-ship missile will quickly attack the target to intercept it.

This is the benefit brought by the late launch. Both the radar and the computer equipped on the ship have extremely high combat performance, and the technology has been greatly improved compared to the 052C shield ship.

On the situation map, several Harpoon anti-ship missiles were coming menacingly, but their moving speed was not as crazy as the YJ-108B anti-ship missiles.


As these harpoons approached five kilometers, the 1130 close-in defense gun fired several bursts in succession.

The resulting barrage destroyed those Harpoon anti-ship missiles in an instant.

The 1130 close-in defense gun fires out 11,000 shells per minute. Each shell is as thick as a baby's arm, and the barrage formed is even more airtight.

It is specially designed to intercept supersonic anti-ship missiles that slip through the net at the end. For such subsonic anti-ship missiles, it is not a problem at all.

Su Dingping didn't have to worry about the 052D shield ship being unable to intercept it.

When the action was launched in the air, the underwater 'Oyashio' class submarines had also launched operations. The same three submarines came from three different directions.

They kept extremely low noise and quietly approached the 052D shield ship!

The Oyashio-class submarine is a comprehensive conventional attack submarine with a standard displacement of 2,700 tons and a full-load displacement of 3,000 tons. It adopts many noise reduction technologies, which reduces the noise by 20 decibels based on the original.

However, the maximum attack range of this submarine is 50 kilometers, which means that if it wants to use torpedo attack, it must get closer to a place less than 50 kilometers away from 052D.

The news that the Harpoon anti-ship missile had been intercepted had already been conveyed to it through the data link.

Naturally, it is impossible to continue to use the submarine-launched version of the Harpoon anti-ship missile. Instead, it directly uses torpedoes to attack. The torpedoes it is equipped with are direct-sail type.

In other words, after the torpedo is fired, its trajectory is straight and it will keep moving forward without turning.

After all, it is sailing in sea water, so it cannot have a turning nozzle like a missile.

Although the torpedo is such a small mine, its technical complexity is not something that ordinary countries can manufacture.

At this moment, the Oyashio-class submarine No. 1 is still two hundred kilometers away from 052D. Any missile launched from this distance will be discovered, and it will not be able to escape the fate of being hunted.

As long as it persists for a while, it will succeed.

The captain directly ordered everyone to enter a silent state, so that the submarine is in the best silent state!

Three submarines came from three different directions.

Always keep moving forward at a constant speed.

Everything went on quietly, as if nothing happened on the sea, the waves were still rolling and the undercurrent was surging.

The water is as dark as ink, giving people an extremely deep and bottomless terror that is frightening.

In this vast ocean, human beings are as insignificant as a speck of dust scattered in the air and can be ignored to the point of being insignificant.

Although the 052D destroyer has a displacement of nearly 8,000 tons, it is still so small compared to the sea, but it still stands there stubbornly, with an unmoving expression.

Various sensors and radars on the ship are all scanning this space without blind spots.

"Attention sonar department."

"Maintain surveillance of underwater targets."

"When you find a target, you can carry out the operation independently without asking for instructions."

The captain directly delegated the command authority and let the anti-submarine department fight alone, while he himself mainly focused on the overall situation and maintained the best condition at all times.

Since being equipped with the 052C first-generation shield ship, the internal organization of naval ships has also undergone tremendous changes.

The original captain was in charge of the overall situation and was responsible for all combat units on the ship. Instead, it was changed to a department responsibility system. The ship was divided into several major departments such as anti-aircraft, anti-ship, anti-submarine, and electromechanical departments. Each department had its own department. depaerment head.

Department heads are responsible for collecting and attacking intelligence and enemies in their areas of responsibility.

This greatly reduces the burden on the captain and can allocate tasks reasonably. He only needs to lead the overall situation.

The departmental system is a great improvement from the previous organizational structure and can maximize the talents of all crew members.


The head of the sonar department happily accepted the order.

Then he put the headphones on his head and listened carefully to the ticking sounds coming from the headphones.

A bulbous nose active sonar detection system is installed on the bow of the 052D ship, and the tail towed sonar cable is also put into the seawater and extends for several kilometers.

Active and passive sonar systems work together, continuously absorbing all the sounds in the deep sea.

There are countless sound sources collected by sonar, plus ocean background sounds. If you want to find the unique noise of the submarine among these messy sounds, it is impossible to rely on human ears alone, and errors will inevitably occur.

The 052D guided missile destroyer has comprehensively upgraded its sonar system and established a super sound pattern database.

In fact, this has been done since 052C.

It started a little late, but the results are obvious, greatly reducing the workload of sonar soldiers.

With the help of supercomputers, they were easily able to distinguish noises belonging to submarines.

Even if it is easy, no one in the sonar department dares to take it lightly. They all know how dangerous submarines are to ships.

Any omission on their part will bring irreversible disaster to the ship.

As a bystander, Su Dingping was very satisfied with the captain's assignment of tasks, and it also gave him reassurance.

In fact, this is destined to be a complex confrontation in a high-tech environment, and electronic warfare will be used throughout the entire process...


While Su Dingping was watching the work, there was a sudden knock on the door of the laboratory, forcing him to exit the virtual space of military industrial graphics.

Stretching, he walked over and opened the door.

It turned out that it was Sun Yongguo who came over. He had a bright smile on his face and could not suppress the excitement in his heart.

"Dingping, you haven't slept for another night, right?"

"Look at you, you have dark circles under your eyes. The chief will be here soon. If the chief sees you like this, I will definitely be scolded."

"The chief asked me to look at you. Please tell me how I can look at my old bones."

"Oh, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's go and wash your face."

Seeing Su Dingping like that, Sun Yongguo felt extremely distressed. While talking, he pulled him outside and headed towards Su Dingping's residence.

In order to facilitate research, Su Dingping directly arranged his dormitory in the research institute.

Anyway, his luggage is very simple, a bed, a wardrobe with a few sets of clothes, and some daily necessities, that's all.

For him, the most important thing is to engage in scientific research.

In his rebirth, he will devote all his energy to scientific research and improve the Longxia tribe's naval equipment level as quickly as possible so that this suffering tribe will no longer be bullied by other tribes.

In essence, Blue Star is a jungle society, where the weak eat the strong.

The weak don't even have a chance to survive!

this is the truth!

Extremely cruel.

Naturally, Su Dingping didn't care much about his personal life.

As for money, there are already many rewards from above. If there is not one million, there are still eight or nine hundred thousand. He is not short of money at all!

Even if he stays in the institute for a long time, he will not go out to spend money.

"The chief is here again?"


Su Dingping had a puzzled look on his face. He remembered very clearly that there had been no major events in the integrated military factory recently that would have alerted the chief to come in person.

However, he was still forcibly pulled out of the laboratory and dragged towards his dormitory.

Even when the third 052C shield ship was launched, the leader was not present in person. Instead, it was just launched. Someone from the Southern Fleet came to pick up the ship and drove away directly.

By the way, he remembered that on the night when he received the ship, Qian Wenbing, the leader of the Southern Fleet, personally called to express his gratitude and invited him again to visit the Southern Fleet as a guest when he had time.

As in previous generations, the first batch of 052C shield ships will all be given to the Southern Fleet for use.

The Southern Fleet governs the largest sea area of ​​​​the Longxia tribe, and there are many small gangs around it. Without a super fleet, it cannot control the situation at all.

Anyway, the fleet can maneuver across the entire territory, so it doesn’t matter what the real regional divisions are.

If something goes wrong in the northern seas, the southern fleet can also dedicate part of its strength to rush to the rescue. It depends on which tribe who is short-sighted dares to come forward.

Now, unlike the previous life, the second phase of the integrated military factory project has been completed on schedule.

As long as the technical workers mature, he can start mass production of 052D.

"I'll give you some news in advance."

"The Ertu tribe cannot withstand the pressure. They have agreed to release our Varyag."

"I guess the chief's trip has something to do with this matter."

"Of course, this is purely my personal speculation."

Sun Yongguo pushed Su Dingping into the dormitory, and then told his guess.

He also obtained relevant information from internal channels. He was so excited that night that he could not sleep.

There are already photos of the Varyag aircraft carrier, and he has seen it a long time ago. Although it is rusty, from a professional point of view, he believes that this is a super giant ship that can be continued to be built.

Although it has been stored in the Black Sea Black Bear Tribe for a long time, it itself has not been eroded much. I have to say that the steelmaking technology of the Su Xiong Alliance is indeed very impressive.

Even in his mind, he had begun to think about how to continue the construction of this giant ship. Naturally, the relevant plans still needed to be discussed with Su Dingping.

But it is certain that once the giant ship returns to the country, it will be taken to the integrated military factory to accept subsequent transformation tasks.

"Oh, they are actually willing to let me go?"

"This is a good thing."

"It seems that we need to work out a feasible renewal plan for this giant ship."

"Arresting cables, marine power systems, and hangar modifications."

Su Dingping said very professionally as he walked into the house. He remembered clearly that the Varyag later became the No. 16 ship of the Longxia tribe and was a real aircraft carrier.

The Longxia tribe's century-old aircraft carrier dream was also realized on him.

I never thought it would still be like this in this life.

However, he already has a relevant transformation plan. The radar directly uses Sea Star 346A, and the marine power uses steam power. As for the internal transformation of the ship, it can be carried out as needed.

"Oh, now is not the time to talk about this. You'd better wash up quickly."

"I just answered the phone and said that the chief will be arriving in half an hour. It would be outrageous if we didn't go down to greet him."

"The chief wants to see you by name."

Seeing that Su Dingping was seriously analyzing the renewal plan, Sun Yongguo immediately became anxious and pushed Su Dingping to the bathroom. He even squeezed the toothpaste for him and had to wait for him to brush his teeth.

After hastily washing up, Su Dingping, Sun Yongguo and others arrived at the entrance of the research institute.

Just as he was about to go to the door to greet him, the chief's car had already parked firmly in the institute's compound. The door opened, and Xu Dongguo and a group of people slowly walked out of the car, with warm smiles on their faces.

They didn't feel there was anything wrong with Su Dingping not going to the door to greet him, so naturally they wouldn't be angry.

In their minds, Su Dingping's importance had long surpassed their own.

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