I built an armada

Chapter 201 Possibility of aircraft carrier renewal

They can have an accident, but Su Dingping can't!

This is an opinion reached unanimously by the navy, and an internal confidential meeting was even held for this purpose. Su Dingping must be protected in all directions, around the clock!

In their view, senior officers can be replaced, but there is only one Su Dingping.

He is in an irreplaceable position at the core.

For Su Dingping, we can even start a war!

Of course, they couldn't let this happen, so they would nip all dangers in the bud and resolutely prevent any agents or intelligence personnel from finding out who Su Dingping was and what he was doing?

They knew very well that the best way to protect Su Dingping was to downplay him and let the enemy see flowers in the fog and fish for the moon in the water!

"Dingping, every time I see you, I want to tie you up and scold you."

"Look at you, you must have stayed up all night again last night, and you have dark circles under your eyes."

"If the chief sees this, he will definitely reprimand me for not taking good care of you."

"You don't know how important you are to the three armed forces now."

"If you get too tired, I'm sure Qian Wenbing and the others will rush over and tear me apart."

Seeing Su Dingping finish shaking hands, Xu Dongguo complained with great distress, pretending to be angry.

Almost every time I see Su Dingping, I see that he is extremely busy. He hardly even has much time to sleep. If he continues to stay up like this, what will happen?

Can Qian Wenbing, Xiao Chongjun and others spare him?

The construction of the navy requires Su Dingping's contribution, but he can't not take his body seriously, right?

Can you create things unscrupulously when you are young?

"Chief, I will make sure to take more rest next time."

"Isn't it now the final stage of attacking the 052D shield ship?"

"Time waits for us. There is no way. The enemy won't let us stop and rest."

"If we don't capture 052D as soon as possible, I will feel uneasy."

Su Dingping smiled, scratched the back of his head with his right hand, and said helplessly.

As a young man, he also wanted to lie down and rest, but in this position, he didn't have much time to rest.

No matter it was the Donghuang Tribe, the Eagle Tribe, or even the Iron Monkey Tribe, the Feilu Tribe, or the tiny Lijiapo Tribe, none of them had any worries.

These tribes are full of hostility towards the Longxia tribe and are always thinking about how to steal benefits from the Longxia tribe.

For them, the huge southern seas, as well as large tracts of territory and the wealth on them are all coveted. Without a strong navy, how can they protect their home routes? Protect your own national interests?

Now that the Navy is in a critical stage of drought, he can only feel relieved if he speeds up the pace of research, captures the 052D as soon as possible, and transfers it to the slipway engineering and manufacturing stage.

These words made Xu Dongguo tremble, and an icy chill flowed from his eyes.

Although the Longxia tribe has a large territory, it is surrounded by wolf-like beings. They have always been eyeing it, and they are often influenced by big powers from outside the region to cause damage.

The waters of Dongzhou have never been truly peaceful for a day.

Especially the Eastern Wilderness tribe, they are always ambitious and militarism is resurgent.

"What you said is absolutely correct. It's not that we don't want to rest, but that the enemy doesn't let us rest."

"However, you also need to get proper rest."

"I'll just come over and bring the military doctors here. Let them do a full body examination on you."

"Don't worry it won't be long."

Xu Dongguo sighed helplessly, said slowly, and then pushed Su Dingping in front of a bus.

The car door opened, and the modified furnishings were immediately displayed in front of Su Dingping.

It's still a mobile hospital.

Advanced enough!

Su Dingping didn't want to go for a check-up, but Xu Dongguo escorted him throughout the whole process, and told him not to get out of the car until he completed a complete physical check-up.

Facing such a strong Xu Dongguo, he also expressed his helplessness.

Sometimes it's just like this. He can't make the decision in everything. At least in terms of his personal freedom, he often has to obey Xu Dongguo's words unconditionally.

He went to the Western and Chinese doctors, who examined him inside and out.

After the inspection was completed, it took two or three hours. Xu Dongguo did not go upstairs and was waiting in the courtyard.

Fortunately, Sun Yongguo had someone bring a chair.

"Fortunately, nothing happened to you."

"But you also heard that Lao Zhao asked you to get more rest. Even if you are young, you must have enough sleep time."

After getting all the examination results, Xu Dongguo took a serious look at them, and then felt relieved after listening to the report from the person in charge of the physical examination, Lao Zhao.

Being able to see that all the indicators of Su Dingping's body were intact, as the direct leader, he was finally able to let go of his worries.

This once again proved that Su Dingping was God's favor to the Longxia tribe and specially sent down such a top talent to help them quickly develop their navy and build a super fleet belonging to the Longxia tribe.

"Chief, I know my own body well."

"You may not see that I am very busy every day, but I still take some time to exercise every week."

"I won't stay up late blindly, and I don't want to die before we build our invincible fleet..."

Su Dingping grinned innocently and defended himself.

"Stop talking, don't talk nonsense."

"You want to live a long life, and I want to see you have children with my own eyes. You must not give up your life."

"You have done well in your career, but you still need to work harder emotionally."

"I heard Professor Zhang Gongnong say that you didn't contact that girl named Guo again?"

"Do you want me to bring her in?"

After handing the physical examination report to his secretary, Xu Dongguo looked at Su Dingping with a smile and took the initiative to bring up a lighter topic.

There has been constant good news recently. The third 052C has been successfully launched and arrived at the Southern Fleet. The Turkish tribe has released the Varyag aircraft carrier, which makes him feel particularly comfortable.

Now that he saw that Su Dingping was in extremely good health and that the 052D shield ship had entered the critical stage again, he was even happier.

Hearing Xu Dongguo suddenly mention Guo Xueyun, Su Dingping's heart was touched for no reason.

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time since their last meeting in Qingdao. Even if he knew the school's phone number, he only needed to make a phone call to find the person.

But he was so busy that he didn't even have time to take care of personal emotional issues.

Even if Guo Xueyun agreed, it would be somewhat unfair to her.

Women all need companionship.

And he couldn't even spare any time for her.

"Guo Xueyun."

"Chief, if we don't have time now, why don't we talk about this?"

"Let's go into the institute and talk."

Su Dingping directly changed the topic, got back on track, and made an invitation gesture.

"Let's go in and talk."

After Ruoyou glanced at Su Dingping meaningfully, Xu Dongguo nodded lightly and followed him towards the research institute building.

At the same time, he also secretly made up his mind that he must be the elder of the month to bring the two of them together.

He had heard from Sun Yongguo before that Guo Xueyun had a clean background and was of red blood. Such a family was trustworthy.

Su Dingping is busy with work all day long, where does he have time to deal with personal problems?

As a leader, if he didn't help solve the problem, wouldn't Qian Wenbing and the others say he didn't care about Su Dingping?

Besides, how could a person as capable as Su Dingping have no descendants?

No matter from which aspect, he has control over this matter.

After the group entered the institute, they directly entered the reception room and sat down in order.

Su Dingping did his part to report the current situation of the integrated military factory and the latest progress of 052D.

The current situation of the integrated military factory is very good, and it can basically enter the stage of large-scale recruitment of employees.

Its demand for high-end talents will reach a terrifying figure.

What's more, in addition to building ships, the integrated military factory also produces some other weapons and equipment, so there are naturally many supporting military factories.

"So, everything is ready, all we need is the east wind."

"I think you are ready to recruit people."

"You draft a plan, and if I think it's reasonable, you can submit it to the higher-ups for approval."

"After the second phase is completed, there will be a lot of people needed. It will definitely not be the same as before. We need to screen talents nationwide."

After listening to the report, Xu Dongguo pondered for a moment, then raised his head and looked at Sun Yongguo and Su Dingping, and spoke slowly.

Talents are extremely important not only for the integrated military factory, but also for the entire Longxia tribe.

A group of outstanding talents went out to help the rival Eagle Tribe build the tribe, but as Su Dingping said, there were even more talents left.

The Longxia tribe lacks everything except talents!

No matter how good the talented people are, it is still difficult to recruit three people within the tribe to do the same thing.

It is said that the Three Stooges are as good as Zhuge Liang, but he doesn't believe that he can't find the right talent.

Besides, is there anyone like Su Dingping in the Eagle Tribe?


not a single one!

Su Dingping is a real talent, a strategic master level talent.

As long as such people exist, countless top talents can be cultivated. Isn't this how Sun Yongguo, Lu Guangjun, Zhang Gongnong and others were cultivated?

In the past, both Sun Yongguo and others were at their academic peak, but after Su Dingping came out, they published new academic papers every year, and their achievements in scientific research were getting higher and higher.

Who among those who know the integrated military factory in the scientific and technological world wouldn’t want to join?

The professors who came in last time to study the phased array anti-stealth radar together were not willing to go back in the end. Even if they left later, they would never leave them, and it was as if they were parting from each other.

This is the difference between strategic masters and ordinary talents.

What if I went to the Eagle Tribe?

If those people go out, it will be their own huge loss.

With Su Dingping here, not only the Longxia tribe's defense industry will improve at a higher level every year, but so will the national economy.

Many military technologies can be converted for civilian use, and this measure has been implemented in accordance with Su Dingping's arrangements. He dared to say that it won't be long before a large number of companies within the tribe that use military-to-civilian technologies will appear.

Their emergence will boost the development of the national economy, thereby introducing a virtuous cycle, and everything is moving forward at a high speed for the better.

It is precisely because of Su Dingping that he is as stable as an old dog!

"Yes, Chief."

Before Su Dingping could speak, Sun Yongguo agreed on his behalf.

Su Dingping is the core figure of the integrated military factory. He still has important things to do, so naturally it is impossible to trouble him with everything.

Because of this, Sun Yongguo took on a lot of work invisibly.

Whether it is listed externally or in the circle, the integrated military factory is headed by Sun Yongguo.

Su Dingping was quite happy with this arrangement.

Anyway, he doesn't like complicated administrative work. As long as he is given enough time, he is still willing to purely engage in scientific research, do everything he can to do research work, and build the Longxia Tribe Navy into the strongest legion of Blue Star as soon as possible. .

What bullshit do Western tribes occupy the oceans for centuries?

That's all bullshit.

Now that the Longxia tribe is here, the ocean belongs to the Longxia tribe, and all other tribes will step aside!

"That's it for the personnel arrangements."

"Next, let's talk about the problem of the Varyag. We have organized people to go over and take a look. The hull is full of rust."

"The interior was severely damaged. It can be described as horrific."

"Dingping, what do you think we should do with this aircraft carrier?"

Xu Dongguo looked at Su Dingping and asked directly.

There is still a lot of controversy internally. The Longxia tribe does not have any experience in aircraft carrier renewal work, and it does not even know the cabin layout of the aircraft carrier.

The above blocking cables and various subsystems all need to be rebuilt in China.

Looking at the entire tribe, only the integrated military factory has this strength.

If Su Dingping said he couldn't handle it, then the Longxia tribe would probably have to wait for ten or twenty years.

"If we bring it back, we will continue the construction."

"That is a giant ship with very good performance. We should not underestimate the steel technology of the Soviet Union period. I have seen photos of that aircraft carrier."

"I just guarantee that it can still serve us for at least fifty years!"

"Chief, that is non-magnetic steel. To bring back our related supporting steel plants, we need to conduct public relations."

Su Dingping took over the conversation and spoke without even thinking. Even though he did not see the Varyag aircraft carrier live, he had long been interested in this giant ship that fulfilled the Longxia tribe's century-old aircraft carrier dream in his previous life. Very impressive.

Now that he had the opportunity to participate in the continued construction work, he was naturally very happy. For this reason, he also conducted a comprehensive study and deconstruction of the Varyag aircraft carrier in his spare time.

Seeing Su Dingping's sharp and firm gaze, Xu Dongguo's body trembled suddenly, and a wave of emotion flashed through his heart.

To say I'm not excited would be a lie.

As a naval man, especially the head of a naval fleet, he naturally hopes that the Longxia Tribe Navy will have its own aircraft carrier.

What's more, Su Dingping also said that future naval construction will revolve around large ships and aircraft carriers.

If you want to dominate the oceans, you can't do it without the core factor of aircraft carriers!

The development of aircraft carriers is naturally not for the purpose of dueling with the Eagle Tribe's aircraft carriers, but for the national interests of the Longxia Tribe, who will travel overseas to protect waterways and merchant ships.

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