I built an armada

Chapter 214 The Kay tribe also shows its power

"Finally, our navy has the upper hand against the Eastern Wasteland tribe."

"It seems that our hard work during this period has not been in vain."

"Zhang Zhaoxin also said that it was a live-fire exercise scene. Seeing how he can deceive people and is the director of the War Deception Bureau, netizens are really right."

Lu Guangjun happily took over the conversation. Thinking of Zhang Zhaoxin's deceptive appearance, he couldn't help but reveal a knowing smile on his face.

He knew Zhang Zhaoxin very well and had worked together before.

It's a bit unexpected to be able to make a crazy fool of yourself on a TV show. It seems that people will be forced into this after reaching that position.

However, he believed that he could not do such a thing at all, and it was more suitable for him to conduct research in an integrated military factory with peace of mind.

Since joining the integrated military factory, his position has changed from director to deputy director.

Although it was a deputy position, he was happier and more accomplished than before, and he had made rapid progress academically.

When he was at the 408 Research Institute, he was the dean and his mentality was a bit inflated. He felt that he was very great.

It wasn't until one day after listening to Su Dingping's class that he realized how much of a fool he was. It was then that he realized that he could never stand still and make progress as before.

Even though he has only joined the integrated military factory for a short time, the achievements and satisfaction he has achieved are unprecedented in the past ten years.

At that time, he might have felt a little guilty about being respected, but now he feels at ease.

As a pragmatic scientific researcher, he prefers this kind of time when he has a book full of works and has his own scientific research achievements, so that he feels extremely satisfied.

The more he worked with Su Dingping, the more he felt this young man's extraordinary strength.

Many problems seemed to them extremely difficult to solve. Even if they tried hard, they couldn't find where to start. However, Su Dingping often solved it in just three strokes, five divisions, and two divisions.

This boy is extremely talented and his strength is incredible!

Long Xia Haijun is really lucky to have such a powerful young man, it is like his dream has become a reality.

"I like to hear what Dean Lu says."

"The 052B is your contribution. The design of this type of ship is very outstanding."

"On this basis, we were able to create the 052C. The 052D we are currently working on also inherits and develops the hull. I have to say that this is a very successful design."

Su Dingping nodded slightly and expressed his appreciation for the fruits of everyone's labor.

Type 052B is a cutting-edge battleship.

It has completely changed the messy look of the Longxia tribe's navy ships in the past, becoming very neat and smooth and beautiful.

Such ships have very strong combat effectiveness.

Especially this type of ship has high freeboard, flat deck, square tail ship shape, fully enclosed hull design, the superstructure and shipside are integrated into one, and the bridge part is tilted inward, giving it good stealth performance. .

The surface also uses a nano-stealth coating, which further reduces the probability of being discovered by long-range detection radar.

It can be said that the hull has been fully verified on the 052B.

This led to the creation of the 052C, a third-generation combat ship that is more powerful than the 052B and has higher domestic equipment, making the Longxia Navy officially enter the shield ship era.

Su Dingping remembered clearly that this type of ship was called the Longxia Aegis ship in later generations!

However, in the final analysis, the 052C is just an excessive model of guided missile destroyer, which is only used to deal with the current military pressure from the Donghuang tribe and other tribes surrounding the Dongzhou sea area.

This is just in case a war suddenly breaks out one day, and then Long Xia Navy has no suitable home in its hands, and is therefore in a very disadvantageous situation.

Just like the naval battle against the Eastern Wasteland tribe played in the last fifteen seconds of the video.

If 052C had not participated in the war, the outcome would have been very unpredictable. Maybe the Longxia Navy was really like those arrogant and domineering people in the Eastern Barren Tribe said, and all three fleets might be destroyed by them.

Whether it is the Murasame or the Chunyu, they are all advanced warships equipped by the Eastern Wasteland tribe, and they are not comparable to those warships including 051C and 052.

What's more, the Donghuang tribe is fully prepared and has made it clear that it will cause trouble before Long Xia's navy has risen, and completely eliminate Long Xia's navy at the minimum cost.

Take a step back, even if the team cannot be destroyed, it will still be severely damaged!

At the very least, it will take Long Xia Navy 20 years, or even longer, to recover.

In that case, Donghuanghai will be able to dominate the Dongzhou Sea for a long time without looking at anyone's face, and they will be able to curb the economic development and social construction of the Longxia tribe.

According to their annual surveys and research on the Eastern Barren Tribe, the Longxia Tribe now has a very complete industrial system and is an important part of Blue Star's international trade.

Many overseas trades require large cargo ships for import and export.

Once the Donghuang tribe completely eliminated Longxia's navy, they would be able to intercept those merchant ships unscrupulously, thereby forcing the Longxia tribe to sign an unequal treaty.

This method is a common trick used by the Eastern Wasteland tribe. Fortunately, 052C caught up and killed the opponent's vicious plan in one fell swoop.

Of course, this was a top-secret report later submitted by the security department.

"Dingping, you are too humble."

"How could we design such a good ship without you?"

"The main credit goes to you."

"Stop being humble."

Sun Yongguo said with a smile. He had followed the young man throughout the whole process and naturally knew that the main part of the 052B hull and the related core technologies were developed by Su Dingping.

At most they are just supporting.

"That's right, there are no outsiders here, so don't be humble in Dingping."

"What was the level of our previous experiments? Now every department uses holographic interactive projection, which directly improves the original work efficiency dozens of times."

"If it weren't for you, we would be where we are today. Just dream."

Zhang Gongnong and others immediately agreed and respected Su Dingping from the bottom of their hearts.

On weekdays, they take great care of the junior Su Dingping.

But in terms of academics, even Zhang Gongnong, who was Su Dingping's mentor, had to admit that Su Dingping's academic level had left him far behind.

It’s really embarrassing to say it.

However, as a mentor, he is still very happy to see Su Dingping achieve such achievements.

There are many peaches and plums in the world, but it is even more joyful and proud to see students achieve success.

"Haha, I am humble, but you are even more humble."

"They always take good care of me, a junior. I dare say that I have the most relaxed time in the entire integrated military factory."

Su Dingping smiled happily. He was very happy and happy to be able to work with these elders.

He never had to worry about life, and he was even equipped with a life assistant. Even Sun Yongguo didn't have such treatment, but it saved him a lot of time.

After returning to the dormitory, there was no need to worry about laundry or shopping.

Administratively, he does not hold any official positions, but he has unequivocal power in the integrated military factory, and he is the actual leader here.

"Starting from today, our 052D can move into the construction phase."

"After this period of collective research on the marine power system, we have finally solved it, and the relevant supporting factories have begun customized production."

"As for the phased array radar, the universal vertical launch system, the new generation 'Star' command system, and the data link, we have to speed up the research and development progress."

"I always feel that the Donghuang tribe will not give up, so 052D must be done as soon as possible."

Before anyone could speak, Su Dingping shifted the topic back to work. He had a strange feeling that the recruitment video released by Long Xia Navy, especially the last fifteen seconds, would definitely be interpreted by the Donghuang tribe.

After hearing this, everyone was obviously stunned.

They all thought of the scene when 052C arrived in time last time, and couldn't help but all nodded in agreement.

The Longxia Navy is now in a very dangerous situation and must make adjustments as soon as possible. The construction work of 052D must also be accelerated.

This is no joke.

"Ding Ping is right. The Donghuang tribe is our old enemy. They have always been evil."

"Last time, our 052C messed with them. They must be thinking about revenge."

"The current Donghuang tribe's navy is still stronger than our navy. We have to speed up the 052D. They are really annoying."

Sun Yongguo and others all agreed with Su Dingping's suggestion.

As a result, the integrated military factory has once again entered a busy situation. Almost every scientific researcher has room and board in the research institute, and has completely entered a crazy working state.

The first thing I do when I open my eyes every day is to do research. When I feel sleepy and tired, I sleep on the camp bed in the house next to me.

In terms of daily life, there are dedicated personnel in charge.

They don't have to worry at all.

In the Donghuang Tribe, a high-level secret meeting was held in the Haizi headquarters building.

Murakami Hayaki personally hosted the event.

Intelligence officer Tao Kukigami, Hiroki Harada and other high-ranking naval commanders were all in attendance. They first watched the latest recruitment video released by Long Xia Navy and Zhang Zhaoxin's interpretation of it in "Military Intelligence One-on-One" .

Also present were a series of experts and professors on naval warfare, military intelligence, etc. They were all top talents from the Eastern Wilderness Tribal College and Research Institute, and had been deeply involved in their respective fields for many years.

They were specially invited to study the last fifteen seconds of naval battle video.

These fifteen seconds contain too much content, and the amount of information is simply explosive, allowing different people to interpret different meanings from it.

Now Murakita Saki can't wait to know whether this is a live-fire exercise or a battlefield scene.

After all, the correlation between the two is too close.

Live-fire exercises can be directly transformed into actual combat if they encounter an enemy attack. The common point between the two is that they carry live ammunition.

If it is training, you can also use blank ammunition such as training ammunition.

"Mr. Suzuki, do you see anything?"

"Is this a real combat scene or a drill scene?"

After half an hour, seeing that no one had provided an answer, Murakami Hayaki couldn't wait to ask.

"General, it's hard to say."

"But looking at the background, it seems to be on the distant sea. The surroundings are pitch black and you can't see the sea beyond."

"The missile that was directly intercepted last time was like an incoming anti-ship missile."

"I would like to ask, is this really a modern warship equipped by Long Xia Navy?"

Professor Suzuki slowly raised his head, frowned and explained that he was just curious when the Long Xia Navy had such good warships, which were very modern.

I'm afraid there is also a stealth coating, which makes it difficult for ordinary radar to detect it.

The last words were not so much his personal doubts as the doubts of everyone present.

Judging from this admissions video, Longxia Navy is no longer what it was yesterday.

If they want to take advantage of Long Xia's navy again, they really need to be well prepared.

"General, the sea conditions are still very complicated."

"It's only 15 seconds. There is too little information. At most, it can prove that this is a real live ammunition target shooting scene."

"If we have more data, we will definitely be able to decipher the specific sea area."

A silver-haired expert raised his head and responded apologetically.

Everyone at the scene was pretty much the same. The sea was just too vast. There was no premise and no ending. Those fifteen seconds were just a clip.

They are humans, not gods.

How do they interpret whether it is an actual combat scene? They are not witnesses of naval battles.

Just when the research on the Eastern Wilderness Tribe's emergency meeting came to a standstill, the central region.

The Kayi tribe has encountered fierce air attacks in recent days. Many military targets in the territory have suffered devastating blows. The losses of the Kayi ground troops and air force can be said to be very heavy.

There is no other way, they are facing the strongest military force of Blue Star.

Even after experiencing the first war with the Eagle Tribe, ten years had passed.

During this period, for the Kayi tribe, it was not easy to restore both economic and military strength.

Especially from the beginning, the Eagle Tribe used full firepower and strong electromagnetic suppression, directly cutting off the important communication link between the troops of the Kayi Tribe.

Although the Tomahawk cruise missile launched was not very fast, it dealt a fatal blow to the radar stations of the Kayi tribe.

As soon as the war started, most of the Kayi tribe's radar stations and electronic detection bases suffered devastating blows, which directly blinded the Kayi tribe's army.

If you can't even see the enemy, how can you destroy the opponent?

Therefore, from the beginning, the Kayi tribe was in an extremely passive position of being beaten.

Even so, the attacks in recent days did not make the Kayi tribe surrender immediately, especially its navy.

Missile speedboats and minelayers were imported from the Longxia tribe, and operations have already begun.

On this day, the night was like ink.

The Kayi Tribe navy's mine-laying boat brigade took advantage of the darkness and set sail, quietly moving toward the Eagle Tribe's maritime ship assembly area.

They had previously learned the location of the Eagle Tribe-related ships from the news and intelligence.

Everything went on so quietly, and the ship moved forward on the sea like an assassin who died tragically and generously.

In fact, it was very dangerous for them to leave the port in such darkness.

After all, the Eagle Tribe has turned off the GPS navigation system in this area in one direction, leaving any ship sailing in this area in a state of blindness.

Even so, the Kay tribe navy was resolute.

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