I built an armada

Chapter 215 The Eastern Barren Sea discovered clues

Die generously!

What if the entire army is wiped out?

Anyway, this is a world where the jungle prevails and hegemony reigns supreme. There is no chance for a weak tribe like them to survive.

Rather than seeing the country destroyed and the family destroyed, it is better to fight for once!

Even if the mantis' arm is like a chariot, so what?

Before setting off, all the people on their ship had written suicide notes. If they didn't succeed, they would die. They would never leave the battlefield alive.

It was precisely because of their determination to die that they set off under the cover of night.

They knew very well that once discovered by the coalition forces organized by the Eagle Tribe, they would have a narrow escape and there would be no possibility of survival.

The endless darkness is like a demon opening its bloody mouth, trying to swallow up everything in this world. However, the mine-laying boat of the Kayi tribe is like a lone boat that may be swallowed up by this ink at any time. The sea swallowed it up.

But it moved forward indomitably, as if nothing in front could stop its progress.

"Is there still no signal in the navigation?"

Captain Talib still had some extravagant hopes in his heart, so he subconsciously asked as usual.

"Report Captain, no signal."

"According to the charts, we did not deviate and have been moving forward according to the planned route."

"Captain, we will definitely be able to complete the mission successfully."

After the first mate made an inspection, he quickly reported the actual situation.

The Eagle Tribe has turned off the GPS, how could it be turned on? They are not fools.

They just want to cut off all the communication and command systems of the Kayi tribe, so that the tribal authority will completely collapse and become a puppet controlled by the Eagle tribe.

This night is a counterattack for the Kay tribe, and it is also a night to express resistance.

At noon the next day.


Suddenly a loud noise suddenly sounded on the ocean.

"Look, a warship exploded at sea."

I don't know who shouted, and instantly people on the beach looked towards the sea, and saw a thick black smoke rising rapidly from the sea into the sky.

"What's going on?"

"Could it be that the Eagle Tribe's warship exploded? That's where the Eagle Tribe's warships gather."

"They deserve it if they blow up. God finally opened his eyes and let these invaders be punished!"

"Great, our Navy finally fought back."

After the people of the Kayi tribe figured out the situation, they cheered enthusiastically.

They have always been looking forward to the army being able to fight back, preferably to keep the invaders out of the country, but this is just a dream.

Whether it was from the news or other channels, they all received important news that the Eagle Tribe had the strongest military strength on Blue Star.

They are the biggest source of chaos in the entire Blue Star!

At the same time, on the ocean, the unlucky Eagle Tribe amphibious assault ship was pierced by a mine, and a large amount of seawater poured into the cabin from the hole.

Captain Carl Porter had to order the ship to stop and activate the first-level accident handling plan.

The sleeping crew members were all woken up, hurriedly climbed out of bed, and rushed towards their posts.

There was no time to organize the military uniforms, and the primary goal was to save lives.

They never thought that one day the advanced amphibious assault ship would be attacked by a mine. You must know that this thing is a very old weapon and equipment and does not have the ability to actively attack at all.

"Stop the leak, quickly, stop the leak!"

"Fake, damn the Kayi tribe navy, they must have laid mines!"

"I'm going to kill them all!"

Carl Potter's face became extremely distorted and ferocious, and he had an urge to kill.

He never imagined that despite being in good sailing condition, he would accidentally hit a mine and explode.

Yesterday, the attached ship also conducted a sweep of the surrounding sea. There should be no mines at all.

That must have been temporarily deployed by the Kay tribe navy last night to blow them up.

These ignorant people who dare to provoke the Eagle Tribe Navy are looking for death!

He immediately reported the latest situation to the fleet's supreme commander.

"What, are you sure it was the Kay tribe navy that did it?"

"These damn bitches, they are looking for death!"

After learning the specific situation, Commander William Vinson was immediately furious. The Kayi tribe was trying to do something like a chariot and was overestimating its capabilities!

If you dare to challenge the power of the Eagle Tribe Navy, you will only die!

If we don't eliminate them all, it will be difficult to relieve the hatred in our hearts!

Originally, the navy wanted to maintain a record of zero casualties in this war against the Kayi tribe, but unexpectedly it was broken. This was obviously a deliberate attempt to give him eye drops.

"Give me the order to organize at least three waves of attacks."

"I will completely wipe out the Kay tribe navy and sink every one of their ships!"

"Farke, they all deserve to die!"

After ending the call, William Vinson directly called the combat staff officer over and conveyed the latest order to him.

Soon on the aircraft carrier deck, carrier-based attack aircraft were equipped with anti-ship missiles and bombs, which were pushed onto the catapults, accompanied by the commander's order.


The steam catapult exploded with fierce elasticity, dragging the fighter plane forward at an increasingly faster speed.

At the end of the deck, the acceleration of the fighter jet had increased to the speed necessary for takeoff, and the fighter jet roared into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, several fighter planes took off one after another. After gathering in the air to form a formation, they rushed directly towards the ports of the Kayi tribe navy.

As dense as locusts, the Kayi tribe navy at the port had long been prepared for air attacks and evacuated those warships in advance.

Even so, various military ports still encountered large-scale indiscriminate bombing.

Many civilian ports were also bombed to pieces!

The other side.

The East Barren Tribe's impromptu emergency meeting was still in full swing. The experts and professors could not tell the specific location where the last fifteen seconds of the video was taken, and could not decipher more information. This made Murakami Saki very angry.

If they cannot interpret the relevant and accurate information, they will not be able to use this as a basis to retaliate against the Longxia tribe, and they will have to swallow the huge losses Haizi suffered before.


"Can't we decipher anything?"

"Just let us know about this modern guided missile destroyer of the Long Xia Navy?"


Murakami Saki was shouting hysterically. He wished he could arrest those experts and professors and shoot them.

He felt like the last fifteen seconds of the video were mocking their incompetence.

He even ridiculed him, the supreme commander of Haizi, for being nothing but bullshit!

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

The experts and professors who were invited were so frightened that they suddenly shrank their necks and did not dare to raise their heads. They wished they could dig out three rooms and two halls with their toes, then get in and never come out again.

They are here to help interpret the video, not to die. If they have to hand over their own lives here because of this matter, would it be too unworthy?

They had long heard of Murakami Saki's ruthlessness.

This guy is unscrupulous in order to achieve his goal!

"Report, report."

At this moment, the staff officer rushed in with a few steps, his voice trembling.

"What's up?"

"Report to the general, Yota Katsumura is outside asking for an audience."

The staff officer hurriedly reported the situation, but cold sweat broke out on his forehead. It was because he was scared.

"What Katsumura Yota?"

"I don't know him, tell him to get lost and stop bothering me!"

Naturally, Murakami Hayaki wouldn't remember who Yota Katsumura was, so he issued an eviction order without even thinking about it.

He was holding an emergency meeting, and suddenly an unrelated person came. How could he not be angry?

"General, Yota Katsumura is a survivor of the last naval battle."

"He said he had important information to report, about the recruitment video released by Longxia Navy."

The staff officer did not turn around and leave immediately, but gave a detailed report on the situation very responsibly. He could see that the meeting had reached a deadlock, and no one present was able to effectively interpret important information.

The arrival of Yota Katsumura may be able to break this deadlock.

"Then ask him to come in."

"Asshole, I want to see if he has any important information?"

Murakami Hayaki frowned slightly and said in an annoyed tone.


The staff officer took the order and left, and soon brought Katsumura Yota in.

Seeing so many high-level officials from Japan, as well as experts and professors, sitting in the conference hall, Katsumura Yota was still a little nervous, but his anger drove him to take a determined step and walked in very firmly.

"Report to the general about the recruitment video released by Long Xia Navy."

"I have something to say."

After standing up, Katsumura Yota said.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, the strong smell of alcohol quickly filled the conference hall, causing everyone to frown.

This guy is so drunk. What important information can he report?

Murakami Saki's face gradually turned gloomy, and he regretted allowing this drunkard to come in.

Letting him in would be a shame.

"What are you talking about? Just say it!"

Murakami Hayaki ordered in a deep voice.


"General, and sirs, I discovered that the last fifteen seconds of Long Xia Navy's video were taken at the scene of a naval battle."

Katsumura Yota shocked everyone present as soon as he opened his mouth. They all stared at this guy in stunned silence.

Who is this guy?

are you crazy?

Can he interpret it?

Then why do you have so many people and hold meetings for so long without coming up with a clear answer? Are you smarter than us?

The experts and professors all lost their composure and had the urge to rush over and beat this guy up.


Finally, an expert spoke up.

"I am a survivor of that naval battle. What the Longxia Navy warship intercepted was the anti-ship missile we launched."

"Our anti-ship missiles were too slow and were intercepted not long after they were launched."

"We fired a total of eight anti-ship missiles, two of which were fired at the warship."

"But unfortunately, one was intercepted and one fell directly into the sea."

"That was not a drill accident. It was an armed conflict between us and the Long Xia Navy. We were sunk by several warships."

"General, I want to avenge those dead Haizi brothers!"

The more Yota Katsumura spoke, the more excited he became, and finally he stared directly at Murashita Hayao, the supreme commander of the Haizi.


These words were like a huge boulder thrown into a calm lake, causing huge waves.

Everyone immediately started talking.

As a witness to the naval battle, Yota Katsumura did have the right to speak, but they couldn't just completely believe his words.

Because there are too many doubts.

"No way. When did our sea become so vulnerable?"

"That's right, this guy must be drunk and talking nonsense. No matter how powerful the warship Long Xia Navy is, it is impossible for one of us to sink so many ships."

"This guy is just a lunatic. He talks nonsense. At the level of Long Xia Navy, I really can't compliment him."

"One 052B destroyed nearly half of our Eighth Eighth Fleet. How is it possible?"

To put it bluntly, they didn’t believe what Katsumura Yota said at all. In their opinion, everything needed a reasonable explanation, otherwise how could they believe it?

In terms of strength, Haizi has the strongest armed force in the Dongzhou waters. It is the strongest in terms of the advanced level of its warships and the quality of its crew.

As for the Long Xia Navy, except for the fact that the crew members were very hardworking and worked very hard, the level of both warships and weapons and equipment was not as good as theirs.

"Yota Katsumura, you heard it too!"

"We cannot choose to believe your words unconditionally just because you are a survivor of that naval battle."

"Do you understand?"

Murakami Hayaki said expressionlessly, with a strong warning tone.

At the same time, he already somewhat believed Katsumura Yota's words. If he were a drunkard, he would not be able to speak in such an organized and clear manner.

And he believed that this guy had made relevant preparations before coming.


Yota Katsumura responded quickly and seriously, knowing that he would have to present more powerful evidence next.

This matter is very serious. It is impossible for Haizi to choose to start a war with Longxia Navy immediately just because of his few words, not to mention that the other party already has advanced ships.

So be very careful!

"General, what I said is true and not a lie."

"You zoomed in on the video, especially the final interception."

"By the way, I took screenshots and developed them before I came here."

Katsumura Yota then took out an enlarged photo of the second before the interceptor exploded. It was very fast, but he also captured it.

After Murakami Hayaki took the photo, he looked at it carefully for a while and then handed it to the experts and professors.

"You guys should take a look too."

"The intercepted missile was indeed installed by our navy."

"In that respect, it was indeed a battle scene."

After the others heard this, they immediately checked it carefully. As expected, this detail was ignored by them, and they suddenly lost their composure.

After all, they are all senior experts and professors, so it’s a matter of face, okay?

"Yota Katsumura, this is indeed a scene of actual combat."

"But we have a question. We are attacking from a fleet, and we are ambushing Long Xia Navy-related ships."

"But why, your entire army was wiped out?"

"I'm afraid it's difficult to achieve this with just such a Type 052B, right?"

After several experts and professors read it, some people quickly raised questions.

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