I built an armada

Chapter 216 The international situation is treacherous

In their view, it is impossible to complete any combat mission with just one 052B.

Do you really think that the sea is made of mud?

"General, I believe you are aware of the previous naval battle."

"Then let me talk about my own doubts."

"In addition to the 052B on the battlefield, the Longxia Navy also dispatched the 956E and several other ships."

"The strength of these ships, the strongest is 052B, we have fully predicted this and have taken corresponding measures."

"If the battlefield environment is such a balance of power, then we will definitely not lose. However, the Longxia Navy does not follow martial ethics and they carry out sneak attacks."

"There's another damn ship involved in the battle. It outflanked us and cut off our retreat."

"It's very mysterious. So far, I haven't found out that this ship is actually one of the Long Xia Navy."

Katsumura Yota glanced at the questioning white-haired expert and immediately began to explain.

Yes, he has already figured it out. If the mysterious ship had not appeared, Haizi would definitely not lose. Even if we take a step back, even if Haizi loses, it will not lose so miserably!

Almost the entire army was wiped out and the warship was sunk!

This is Haizi's most tragic defeat, bar none!

"You mean there is another mysterious ship participating in the battle. Its performance in all aspects is the strongest compared to other ships in the Longxia Navy, and it even exceeds our own equipment?"

"is that so?"

The expert frowned slightly, and then asked again.

He is worthy of being an expert in naval warfare. Every question goes straight to the core. There is no sloppiness and no nonsense.

"That's basically it."

"General, we must take revenge and completely eliminate the Long Xia Navy!"

"The Longxia tribe should not have a navy, let alone battleships. They must all be killed."

Katsumura Yota nodded solemnly, his chest was filled with burning anger, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Unless the entire Long Xia navy is annihilated, the hatred in his heart will be hard to eliminate!

If the Donghuang Tribe wants to have a future, it must completely strangle the Longxia Tribe's naval power and completely take the Dongzhou Sea as its own.

Especially in recent years, oil and seabed minerals have been discovered in many areas of Dongzhou Sea.

These resources are all natural resources that the Eastern Barren Tribe relies on for their survival. They must do everything possible to snatch them. Otherwise, how can they ensure the economic development of the Eastern Barren Tribe in the future?


"Bagayalu, the Longxia tribe has gone too far to bully others, Katsumura Yota, you are right, we want revenge!"

Murakami Hayaki raised his eyebrows, his entire face was covered with a layer of frost, and he suddenly roared with a clenched fist in his right hand.

Yota Katsumura's description basically restored the true situation of that tragic naval battle.

They encountered an ambush by a mysterious warship, and ended up with a tragic end in which almost the entire army was wiped out. This was a slap in the face to their old self.

Everyone was startled by Murakami Hayaki's sudden anger, and all cast their eyes in confusion.

They completely couldn't understand how Murakami Hayaki could make such an irrational decision.

It has not yet been clarified whether the mysterious warship belongs to the Long Xia Navy or a third-party force. Besides, does this warship really exist?

"You all take a look, this is the mysterious warship."

"It came from the big brother of our Eagle Tribe. It was at the scene on the day the naval battle took place."

"Now I seriously suspect that it took our sea route."

"According to all the evidence currently available, this mysterious shield ship belongs to the Longxia tribe. They have developed new cutting-edge warships."

Murakami Hayaki immediately pulled out a blurry satellite photo from the folder, threw it on the conference table, and said with an unusually cold expression.

All the evidence seems to be linked together, forming a complete chain of evidence.

Although they have no concrete evidence to prove that this mysterious shield ship belongs to the Longxia tribe, this does not prevent him from targeting the Longxia navy.

No matter what, Longxia Navy is their enemy!

The enemy is gradually developing under their noses, and the speed is very fast. This is a very scary thing, and they must make a decision.

If they don't take action in time to annihilate all the forces of Long Xia Navy at this time, they will definitely become their strong enemy in the future.

Let Long Xia's navy grow up, how can they continue to run rampant in the waters of Dongzhou in the future?

Therefore, no matter what, he will never accept the rise of Long Xia's navy, and must take advantage of this moment to completely kill them!

But he still had a lot to do before hanging.

At the very least, the navy must unify its opinions and form a joint force against Long Xia's navy!

In fact, in the entire Dongzhou sea area, no matter whether it is the Beibang navy, the Nanbang navy, or other tribal navies, they are no match for them. It can be said that they are invincible.

Even if they were invaders in the past and massacred so many people from these tribes, so what?

Blue Star is a place that values ​​strength. Without strength, it is nothing, and it doesn’t even have a chance to survive.

They are very powerful now, and the navy has several eight-eighth fleets. They are the tribe with the strongest equipment in the Dongzhou waters, bar none!

What's more, there is a giant like the Eagle Tribe behind them.

It's just that over the years, their self-defense forces have been subject to too many restrictions.

If you want to fight a war with Longxia Navy, the shackles around your neck must be removed!

Once the shackles are removed, the Self-Defense Forces will be able to expand their armed forces and prepare for war unscrupulously, and the Hainan Self-Defense Forces will definitely bear the brunt.

And this will also be recorded in his life archives and become a highlight!

Just thinking about it made him extremely excited.

When everyone's eyes fell on this satellite photo, they were all attracted to it, as if the photo was a pile of golden gold.

In this blurry satellite photo, a ship with four shields is clearly visible.

In addition to the naval gun, the bow of the ship is a vertical launch system, and further back it seems to be equipped with a close-in defense gun. The bridge is a blur, with only spherical objects of different sizes, like radar radomes.

The wide deck and hangar at the rear of the ship are very obvious, even from a high-altitude perspective.

"Are you sure this shield ship belongs to the Longxia tribe?"

"I think 80% yes. With the help of this ship, Hai Hai was attacked from behind by the Long Xia Navy last time. They are so despicable and shameless. General, we want revenge!"

"General, we must cause trouble for Long Xia's navy, completely defeat them, and let them know who is the real king in the waters of Dongzhou!"

"No matter what, we will never make life easy for the Long Xia Navy. We must completely annihilate them to ensure our dominance in the Dongzhou waters."

After seeing the blurry satellite photo and hearing that it was from the Eagle Tribe, the experts and professors suddenly became extremely angry. Many of them even rolled up their sleeves, wishing they could rush in with their battleships right now. Battle with Long Xia Navy on the battlefield!

The Eastern Wasteland Tribe has always been the watchdog of the Eagle Tribe.

The Eagle Tribe's infiltration into this tribe has reached such a pervasive level that a culture of worshiping the Eagle Tribe has formed in society.

As long as the Eagle Tribe gives it, it must be the best.

Experts and professors like them are naturally no exception, or even more so.

Seeing that the experts and professors were clamoring for revenge on the Longxia tribe, naturally the leaders of the sea were not to be outdone, and started shouting with great passion.

The voice of revenge instantly filled the entire conference hall, and the crowd was excited for a moment.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Murakami Hayaki's mouth revealed a terrifying arc, and his eyes shone with a fierce light. He was already filled with murderous intent.

No matter what, this time he will lead Haizi to take revenge.

However, his rationality still made him a little more calm.

Against Longxia Navy, he still had an important issue that he had not yet solved, and that was intelligence!

That's right, their intelligence on Long Xia's navy was really terrible.

So far, they have not really understood the internal situation of the Longxia Navy production base. Why did the Longxia Navy seem to be cheating in just a short period of time.

In the past, 051C was the most advanced, but it turned out that people directly used it for export to earn foreign exchange.

Now that a video of 052B participating in actual combat has been released, doesn't it mean that the Longxia tribe is equipped with more advanced warships?

If that mysterious shield ship belongs to the Long Xia Navy, then they will have to take a long-term approach and adjust their battle plan, otherwise they will repeat the same mistakes and let Haizi be defeated again.

"From now on, Shushang Tianfu, you will step up the collection of intelligence on Long Xia's navy."

"I want all their intelligence information, every ship and its location, especially that mysterious shield ship. You must find out its traces for me!"

"You must keep an eye on this matter for me personally and take charge personally!"

"I'll give you one last chance. If you still can't handle this, just commit seppuku to thank the world!"

Immediately, Murakami Saki turned to look at the intelligence officer and directly issued a death order.

Once they face off against Long Xia's navy, it will be a fight to the death!

Therefore, the maneuver of any ship in the Longxia Navy must be tightly controlled. Missing any information will have a fatal impact on their layout.

Modern warfare, destroy upon discovery!

They were fighting an information war. If they couldn't grasp all the information about Longxia Navy, then they might as well stop targeting the Longxia tribe.

The fire of revenge was burning, but it did not completely burn away his sanity.

On the contrary, he became extremely cautious!

This is his extremely cunning and sinister side.

All in all, he wanted Hai Zi to continue to become the overlord of the East Continent's sea area under his command, and no surrounding tribes could underestimate them.

As long as the Longxia navy is defeated, they can continue to seize the Longxia tribe, thereby achieving the goal of occupying the entire Dongzhou sea area.

Even if it’s the 21st century now, so what?

Blue Star has never changed in any way from the beginning to the end. As long as their fists are hard enough and their strength is strong enough, they will be able to obtain more development resources!

I won't care about so much shit.


Tian Fu on the tree was trembling with fear and responded quickly and seriously.

Fortunately, he survived for another extra day. This time, he wanted to mobilize all the espionage personnel to collect every move of Long Xia's navy.

Especially for those cutting-edge warships, the performance and tonnage of each ship must be mastered!

At the same time, he had secretly made up his mind that no matter what, he must investigate the situation of the entire Long Xia Navy.

"After you guys go down, train your troops and horses to prepare for war!"

"No one is allowed to lose their temper. Please keep your spirits up, do you hear me?"

"This is a death order. Anyone who violates military law will be served!"

Murakami Hayaki then turned his attention to the other Haizi commanders and ordered in a deep voice.


The commanders stood up hurriedly and took orders with utmost respect.

"General, if we want to completely defeat the Longxia Navy, we must also seek a larger Self-Defense Force combat area."

"We must seek military dismantling. We must loosen our shackles and gain the right to engage."

"Otherwise, we will have to ask the Eagle Tribe for instructions during the war."

"Of course, we will also encounter criticism from the powerful Blue Star countries. This is what we must first overcome."

After a while, an expert made suggestions to Murakami Hayaki.

For now, the Self-Defense Forces only have defensive power, but do not have the power to actively engage in war with other tribes. This requires the Eagle Tribe to remove the shackles on their necks.

Although they have always been unwilling to admit that they have defeated the Bu Kingdom, they have an almost instinctive fear of the Eagle Tribe, mainly because the two mushroom eggs have completely beaten them into turtle grandsons.

Even the famous professor of the Donghuang Tribe said that the Donghuang Tribe was a castrated watchdog from the Eagle Tribe!

To them, this is not a slander but a compliment.

Without the right to engage in battle, it means that any military adventure they take against Longxia Navy is always illegal and will be despised by the world, thus affecting the reputation of the Self-Defense Forces.

The Self-Defense Forces have always been seeking military unbundling, hoping to gain more military powers.

For its own development, the Eagle Tribe has gradually gained more military autonomy at the request of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe from time to time. Once the unbundling is successful, it will be his credit.

After combining everyone's wishes, Murakami Saki quickly patted his chest and made a promise.

"You are right, we must seek military liberation."

"I will personally explain the situation to Chief Kumamoto Shogun and request him to come forward to negotiate with the Eagle Tribe."

"I believe we will be able to achieve our goal."

He is a man who combines his words with his actions. After the meeting, he started drafting the reporting document.

On the other side, the central region.

An amphibious assault ship hit a mine during navigation and exploded a huge crater. This incident immediately triggered a fierce response from the Eagle Tribe.

At the same time, they also launched a series of investigations.

They even used military satellites to scan the surrounding sea areas, and finally they found some clues.

The fact that the Longxia tribe provided military equipment to the Keyi tribe and related tribes throughout the central region before the war started made them furious.

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