I built an armada

Chapter 249 Hai’s house was really stolen

Just when everyone was confused, the door was suddenly slammed open.

Then someone stumbled in and shouted anxiously.

"Report, report to the general. The long-range warning radar has detected an incoming missile. General, please go to the safe house quickly."


Missile incoming?

Shortly after the midnight bell struck, you told me that a missile was coming?

Where did the missile come from?

Could it be that some missile soldiers mutinied?

For a moment, Murakami Saki's face was full of confusion, and his brain had not yet reacted.

I was waiting here to work hard to determine the purpose of the frequent movements of the Longxia Navy, but you came over to tell us that the Hainan Self-Headquarters Base suffered a missile attack?

What the hell does this mean?

What the hell?

Harada Hiroki and others were all dumbfounded.

Everyone looked at each other, saying they had no idea what was going on.

The Donghuang tribe has encountered a missile attack on its homeland. Is this the end of a war?

Aren't there signs before a war?

Why is there nothing?

From various aspects of research, it is impossible for a war to occur at present, and no tribe has such ambition to attack the Eastern Wilderness tribe itself.

Why don’t we Haizi know this?

No prediction in advance?

Countless thoughts flashed through everyone's minds, but no one could figure it out.

They still stood there, not moving, as if they were frightened.

"Generals, leave quickly. The missiles are really coming and the air defense system has been activated."

"It will be too late if we don't leave."

At this time, Tian Fu from the tree ran over and informed him extremely anxiously.

They all knew that it was impossible for the intelligence officer to lie, and the other party's face was full of panic. They immediately realized the seriousness of the problem and the missile attack was real!

If they didn't run away, the missile might hit the Haizi headquarters building.

And once the building collapses, they will all be reimbursed!


"Enter the safe house."

Murakami Hayaki was the first to react, taking the lead and rushing out regardless of the rapid air-raid sirens outside.

Harada Hiroki and others took a deep breath, gritted their teeth and rushed out in a hurry.

On the first floor, the air raid siren sounded even more harsh and urgent.

Throughout the base, countless sailors were running around in a panic, like headless flies.

After rushing into the courtyard, Murakami Saki looked up at the sky. He couldn't see anything clearly. He simply grabbed a running sentry and snatched a high-power military telescope from the other party's hand.

He looked up at the sky again and suddenly discovered that in the northwest night sky, a missile was roaring towards him with a long tail flame.

Seeing this scene, each of them felt incredible.

He was stunned for a moment, and his mind was buzzing.

Baga Ya Road.

There are actually missiles coming.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

Before they could react, the Patriot air defense system at the Haizi base headquarters had already started the interception process, and several air defense interceptor missiles roared out and rushed towards the night sky.


Along with bursts of violent explosions, a fireball appeared in the distant night sky.

Soon the fireball flashed away.

The interception was successful!

The deafening explosion directly woke up Murakami Hayaki and others.

They really saw the Patriot air defense system intercepting incoming missiles just now. So, doesn't it mean that there is really an unidentified missile incoming?

"Why, how come there are missiles hitting our headquarters base?"

Harada Hiroki's voice was trembling when he spoke. The scene just now was really terrifying, and his life was hanging by a thread.

Although as a general commanding the war and a high-ranking member of the Haizi Army, he would naturally not care about his own life or death, nor would he be afraid that the missile would suddenly blow them up. But what he was afraid of was how the missile would penetrate the East Sea. Layers of air defense networks laid out by the desert tribes.

There is a vast sea area in the southwest, with several air defense interceptor bases in the middle, and dozens of warships on the ocean.

There is even an aircraft carrier stationed there.

What kind of missile was this? It was able to break through these air defense blockades one by one, and finally hit the Donghuang tribe itself.

If there is no Patriot air defense system newly introduced from the Eagle Tribe inside the base, wouldn't it mean that the Haizi headquarters base was directly blown up?

And these senior generals will also die in hatred without knowing it!

If the missile was not aimed at the Haizi headquarters base, but at the Imperial Palace, wouldn't it mean that the Kumamoto shogunate, including the cabinet, would be reimbursed?

As the soldiers in charge of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe, they will all become the sinners of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe!

Unfortunately, he can't get any answers now.

Because everyone at the scene was still in a state of confusion, completely confused about the situation.

"General, we must get to the bottom of this matter."


Harada Hiroki was the first to regain his senses, and ran to Murakami Hayaki in a few steps and gave extremely serious advice.

Murakami Saki also reacted at this time, but his anger suddenly burst into flames, almost burning him.

This missile was clearly provoking the entire Haizi, and it even slapped him in the face, slapping him hard several times.

"Tianfu on the tree, who did this?"

"Did you find out?"

Murakami Hayaki rushed forward, grabbed Tanao's clothes on the tree, and asked gloomily.

"Not yet."

"General, please go to the safe house. For your safety, please move immediately."

"I will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly and give you a satisfactory answer."

Tian Fu on the tree shook his head with a confused face, and then patted his chest to reassure himself. He was extremely anxious now, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

As the chief intelligence officer of Donghuanghai, he actually didn't know where the missile came from, let alone who launched it.


"shut up!"

Murakami Hayaki suddenly roared, and his saliva sprayed onto Tianfu's face in the tree.

"Damn bastard, now the missiles have hit our base. This is a slap in the face of our sea, do you know?"

"And now, you don't know who did it, you just want me to enter the safe house."

“Do you know that this is our Haizi headquarters, and even the headquarters base is not safe anymore, where else is the Donghuang tribe safe?

"I tell you, this is the negligence of the prevention and control department!"

Tian Fu on the tree had a look of helplessness on his face. He was also innocent, okay?

He had not collected any intelligence on relevant military operations before, and he even suspected that this missile attack was completely impromptu and very random.

How can their intelligence department prepare for such an event, whose probability is so small as to be trivial?

They are humans, not gods!

But he was also deceived. The base should be said to be the safest place, but now it was attacked by missiles.

With one, who the hell knows that there won't be dozens more coming from behind?

"Now, immediately, check it out for me immediately."

"I allow you to mobilize all the power you can mobilize. You must find out for me what happened!"

Murakami Saki roared again, very decisively.


The man on the tree did not dare to show any slightness, and with a stern look on his face, he hurriedly took the order.

But just when he turned around and was about to leave to check for clues, the air-raid sirens that suddenly slowed down suddenly sounded rapidly again, even more harshly.

What does this mean?

Is there another missile attack?

Everyone hurriedly looked up and saw a bolide striking again at an extremely fast speed in the deep night sky. The speed was jaw-dropping.

"General, quickly, enter the underground safe house quickly."

Seeing that several senior commanders were all standing and looking to the northwest, Shushang Tianfu urged again with great anxiety.

Murakami Hayaki did not persist this time, but turned around very decisively and led Harada Hiroki and others quickly towards the underground safe house.

Just as they entered the safe house, Patriot anti-aircraft missiles rose from the ground again and shot towards the incoming missiles.

Not long after, the second missile was also successfully intercepted.

I have to say that the interception efficiency of the new model of Patriot air defense missiles is still very high.

Inside the underground bunker command center.

Seeing everything outside through the video, the faces of Murakami Hayaki and others were particularly cold and serious, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.


Just as he was about to speak, Murakami Hayaki suddenly saw the cursors moving rapidly on the huge situation map radar screen, heading this way.

The speed was so fast that another missile was clearly coming!

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5!"

Looking at those red dots, Harada Hiroki counted them subconsciously.

A total of five missiles!

Suddenly, Harada Hiroki, who was standing there, was stunned and his head was about to explode.

After intercepting two missiles, five more missiles actually came.

What is this for?

Will the other side not give up until the Haizi headquarters base is completely destroyed?

Including Murakami Hayaki, everyone was dumbfounded!

They didn't understand at all what was going on and why so many missiles were suddenly attacking.

But before, they didn't receive any news at all.

"What happened?"

Harada Hiroki asked in a deep voice.

"Report, the radar detected an incoming unknown missile 90 kilometers away from our coastline. The target is our headquarters base, with a speed of Mach 1.8."

This news was quite explosive, and it made everyone's heads explode.

"Report, according to calculation and analysis, the missile flew from the ocean 90 kilometers away. The actual strike distance exceeded 150 kilometers."

The radar monitor's report was like a bomb exploding in the command center.

It was so fried that everyone was charred on the outside and tender on the inside.

They were all shocked.

It actually came from a place 90 kilometers away.

Isn’t that your home sea area?

Their territory.

Murakami Saki rushed to the situation map in a few hurried steps, and the staff quickly called up the electronic map of the sea area.

Staring at this sea area, he fell into brief contemplation.

He did not believe that sea-owned ships would mutiny.

"Send a reconnaissance plane to me immediately for investigation!"

"Fighters and anti-submarine aircraft also followed."

"I want to see who is causing trouble there."

Although he couldn't tell whether it was a fighter jet or a missile launched by an underwater submarine, he had to ensure full control of that sea area.

At this time, there were ten thousand grass and mud horses running wildly in his heart.

I really can't understand why there are so many missiles attacking in that 90 kilometers, that is, within the Donghuang Sea area, and they are all targeting the Haizi headquarters base.

The other party clearly came here to destroy the Haizi headquarters base.

If it is not handled well, Haizi will become the biggest joke on Blue Star, and he himself will have to commit seppuku to thank the people of the Eastern Wilderness.

It makes no sense!

Precisely because it was night at this time, everything was pitch black, the flames of the missiles were extremely dazzling, and the movement was naturally particularly obvious.

While Murakami Saki and some others were struggling, almost the entire eastern wilderness tribe in the west near the coast was alarmed by the huge explosion.

The people in this area woke up from their sleep. They thought an earthquake had broken out, and they rushed out of their homes in panic like frightened little beasts.

Many people even didn't even wear clothes and were just naked. It was important to save their lives!

None of them knew what was going on.

"What is that? Is it a fireball?"

"No, then, that's an interceptor missile. It was shown on TV. We won't be bombed, right?"

"Who is attacking this? Are we going to be captured? Baga, it disturbs my sweet dream."

"The missile is coming, everyone run away."

"Help, don't blow me up, don't blow me up, I don't want to die yet."

I don't know who shouted, and the crowd that had gathered together and looked up at the sky suddenly dispersed, looking for a hiding place nearby.

At the same time, on the ocean only 120 kilometers away from the coastline of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe, the 052D was already running at full power, and its speed soared to 45 knots, almost the same as a missile speedboat, speeding across the vast Eastern Wilderness sea area.

Long white waves were set off at the stern of the ship, stretching far away.

Sailing at such a high speed, even if the King Kong class came over, it would not be able to catch it.

"Mr. Su, do we want to continue fighting?"

In the main control room, Zhou Qinglei glanced at the situation map and asked curiously.

The missiles fired before suddenly disappeared before they hit the target. They were obviously intercepted.

They also received an important piece of information. A more advanced Patriot air defense missile interception system was deployed at the Hainan Self-Contained Headquarters Base. Otherwise, the current result would not have been achieved.

"Don't do anything for now, let's put a little distance first."

"Then hit a few more."

After Su Dingping thought for a moment, he made a decision.

Hearing this, Zhou Qinglei breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, he opened fire 90 kilometers away from the coastline of the Donghuang Tribe, and his heart was in his throat.

I'm afraid that Hai Zi will notice something from there.

That one was within the East Barren Sea, firing at the Haizi headquarters base.

Looking at the entire Blue Star, I'm afraid no tribe's navy is so bold, right?

They have set a precedent, and they are unique to Blue Star!

After returning home, he could brag about this incident alone for several years. When he is old, he will also have the capital to show off in front of his descendants. He has also wolfed several circles in the sea of ​​​​little devils.

I didn’t dare to think about it before, but now I do it!

The moment he gave the order to fire, he felt that the whole world had gone quiet, and his heart was beating so loudly.

I was both excited and nervous, and my whole body was filled with enthusiasm!

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