I built an armada

Chapter 250 This is going to expose God

As a Longxia person, as a Longxia naval person.

He did what everyone wanted to do but failed to do before, attack the Eastern Barren Tribe in the Eastern Barren Sea!

But what followed was a huge wave caused by the attack, and the Donghuang tribe counterattacked like a mad dog. This added many variables to the successful return of 052D from the Donghuang sea area, and the difficulty will definitely increase geometrically.

If you are not careful, it will definitely lead to the terrible situation of destroying the ship and killing people.

Comparing the two, excitement still has the absolute advantage.

"Damn it, we made a fortune from this vote!"

"The current Donghuanghai must be in chaos from there, hahaha, it's extremely exciting just thinking about it."

"This is the first time in my life that I've had so much fun."

Zhou Qinglei was so excited that he almost jumped three feet high. For him, this was a thrilling game in which personal life and death did not matter.

Recalling that when Su Dingping said he would attack the Donghuang tribe with missiles, his heart almost jumped out of his throat.

"Lao Zhou, please pass on the order. On the way back, everyone must maintain level one combat readiness."

"Going back is the real beginning of the test. We must pay attention to threats in the three dimensions of sea, land and air, including fighter jets, reconnaissance aircraft, and the Japanese aircraft carrier fleet."

Having said this, Su Dingping thought for a moment, and then said, "As long as the fighter jets don't find us, there is no need to pay attention. Focus on the reconnaissance planes. Once they are discovered, they will be shot down immediately, regardless of whether they are provoking us."

Zhou Qinglei shivered, hurriedly calmed down his emotions and became extremely serious.


He knew very well that Su Dingping's judgment was extremely accurate.

As long as fighter jets do not detect them, they will naturally not take an offensive stance. On the contrary, reconnaissance aircraft can conduct wide-area reconnaissance activities. The electronic reconnaissance equipment and electromagnetic interference equipment they carry will pose a threat to warships.

In this age of discovery and destruction, as long as it is discovered by a reconnaissance plane, it will definitely attract crazy revenge from the little devils.

By that time, they were really in danger.

Therefore, reconnaissance aircraft are far more dangerous than fighter jets.

After giving all the orders, Su Dingping breathed out a sigh of relief.

When the missiles were ordered to attack the Donghuang Tribe's headquarters base just now, no matter how good his mental quality was, he would still feel very excited and his blood would surge.

"It's a pity that it was at night, so the impact was not big."

"If it were during the day, it would definitely be a different scene. I'm afraid it would definitely be big news."

Su Dingping looked at the rolling waves outside the porthole, his eyes gradually becoming deeper, as if he could see through the world and see the future.

Long Xia Haijun has been suppressed for so many years, and today he is finally proud and proud.

Although there are some shortcomings, overall the performance of 052D is quite good.

Even though he took a big risk, Su Dingping did not regret at all that he had issued the attack order before, because both the Longxia Navy and the Longxia tribe needed this victory too much.

Within the waters of Dongzhou, the East Barren Sea is like a big mountain. If Long Xia Navy wants to break through the first island chain and enter the Pacific Ocean, this is a big mountain that it has to climb over.

Previously, everyone in the Long Xia Navy felt that Donghuanghai was so powerful that it was invincible, but Su Dingping did not, so naturally he did not have so much psychological burden.

This is also an important reason why he insists on personally leading the team and serving as the commander-in-chief.

Even if he risks being discovered, he still has to launch missiles towards the Haizi headquarters base to attack. As for whether to intercept or not, Su Dingping doesn't care at all.

Anyway, as long as the fight is over, that's enough!

Let the sailors, including Zhou Qinglei, know that the Donghuang tribe is nothing more than that.

After the order was issued, the entire 052D was busy and ready, and the radar was turned on at maximum power.

"I hope the navy will have smooth sailing after passing this hurdle."

"Let the storm come harder."

Su Dingping withdrew his gaze, sat at the table, spread out the relevant information on the file, and fell into deep thought.

What he didn't know was that they were in the eastern sea 30 kilometers away from the national boundary between the Longxia tribe and the Donghuang tribe.

The Longxia Tribe Navy Fleet is having an armed confrontation with the Donghuang Tribe Sea Auto-related Fleet!

The last time there was such a close confrontation was a few months ago when the Longxia tribe exported warships. The little devils dispatched an Eighth-Eighth fleet for a sneak attack.

It wasn't until the situation escalated that 052C took action to completely end the confrontation.

The confrontation between the two sides has lasted for more than two hours, and both sides still have no intention of retreating.

Far away in the capital, Liu Huaming, who was in the naval headquarters building, had led Qian Wenbing, Xu Dongguo, Xiao Chongjun and others to the control and command center.

"Report, there is still no news about 052D."

After waiting for such a long time, the response from the communications staff was still the same as before.

For a moment, Liu Huaming was hesitant.

The two sides have been confronting each other 30 kilometers away from the national border for such a long time. If they move forward, the two sides will really start fighting.

"Where is he?"

"Didn't the satellite scan it?"

Liu Huaming turned to look at the intelligence staff officer next to him and asked anxiously.

"Report to the chief, not yet."

After receiving such a response, Liu Huaming was extremely anxious.

Military reconnaissance satellite technology during this period was not yet mature, and its technical level was far from as advanced as that of later generations.

It is simply not possible to monitor the battlefield environment 24 hours a day and even to track moving targets from a God's perspective.

His eyes once again focused on the front line of the confrontation.

This time, the two sides added up to dozens of warships, and both sides were able to see each other's every move from their own radars.

The overall strength of Long Xia's naval fleet has improved by several levels, but the situation in the East Barren Sea is completely different. Dozens of advanced warships have pressed forward together, occupying an absolute numerical advantage.

On the basis of its numerical advantage, Donghuanghai also has core large warships such as aircraft carriers.

It's just that at this time, the Haizi Fleet is all in a state of confusion, with question marks on their collective heads.

"What on earth is Long Xia's navy doing? What song are they singing? Why did they suddenly dispatch so many warships and deploy them on the national border?"

"Are they crazy?"

"Do you have the guts to start a war with us?"

In the main control room of the Haruna-class light aircraft carrier, Captain Taro Kishida's face was full of confusion, and he did not understand this situation at all.

It has been such a long time, and the fighter planes sent out for reconnaissance have returned. Long Xia Navy has actually sent several warships of different types, which I have never seen before.

Such a big battle was displayed on the electronic sand table, but he really didn't understand why Long Xia Navy made such a big move.

I can't understand.

Did the Long Xia Navy deliberately show weakness to the world and deliberately hide relevant advanced ships?

Even so, he still felt that Long Xia Haijun was throwing an egg against a rock!

This is a long way from the Long Xia coastline. No matter how powerful the Army is, it cannot provide relevant support. The Air Force has relevant heavy-duty military aircraft and can come to support as soon as possible, but it also takes time.

What's more, if Long Xia dispatches the air force, won't their Self-Defense Forces dispatch the air force?

Air Force has advanced fighters such as the F15J.

Could it be that Long Xia Haijun had a seizure?

"Bagaya Road."

"What is Long Xia Haijun doing? Fighting or not fighting, just confronting each other like this, grandma is stupid, what do you mean?"

"Damn bastard!"

"They are dead, dead, and the whole ship has entered the first level of combat deployment."

"I will reveal their true intentions today!

"Pass my order..."

Taro Kishida's brows were knitted together, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind, but he couldn't catch a clue.

The few remaining hairs on his head were almost gone.

Just when he was about to take the initiative to provoke an armed conflict between the two sides, suddenly the communications officer sent an emergency call.

"Captain, General Murashita Hayaki has requested to speak with you directly."

Taro Kishida was slightly startled, and then he quickly answered the phone and said respectfully, "General, this is Taro Kishida. Please tell me if you have anything to say."

He knew that if Murakami Hayaki spoke to him directly, it meant something big had happened.

"Kishida Taro-kun, the latest order is to drive your aircraft carrier fleet back immediately. I have urgent matters here for your fleet to handle."

Murakami Saki said very directly, speaking very fast.


Taro Kishida frowned and asked subconsciously, "General, what should we do about the confrontation between the Longxia Navy and the fleet on the national border? They are only 30 kilometers away. They are not malicious. We retreat and they come up. What should we do? ?”

This is what he is most worried about!

Even an aircraft carrier is stretched thin.

The Long Xia naval fleet opposite is also very strong, almost all of which are Zan Xin ships and even shield ships.

"I don't care, I don't care about anything."

"Now we don't have time to take care of the broken ships of Longxia Navy. There are more urgent events happening here."

Murakami Saki explained very quickly, even becoming hurried, but he felt extremely unhappy in his heart, and he wanted to hit someone.

It’s already so urgent.

"In just over ten minutes, the Haizi headquarters base encountered a missile attack."

Hearing this, Taro Kishida was suddenly startled and suspected that his ears had heard it wrong.

"General, is this true?"

Murakami Saya no longer had that time, so he issued an order again.

"It happened suddenly and there is no time to explain."

"From now on, I order you to immediately mobilize all attached ships to return and conduct sea sweep patrols in Sea Area 13."

"Reconnaissance aircraft and relevant fighter jets were dispatched to verify all targets in this airspace and lay down a dragnet."

"Start from the high seas and slowly retreat towards Sea Area 13."

"This is a death order. Don't let go of any trace, otherwise you will be treated as dereliction of duty!"

Upon hearing the latest order, Kishida Taro hurriedly stood up straight, not daring to be a curious baby anymore.

"Yes, General."

"I obey orders unconditionally!"

Even though the communication was cut off, Taro Kishida was still in a state of complete confusion, standing there motionless.

Damn it.

What does this mean?

We are currently engaged in an armed confrontation with a fleet related to the Long Xia Navy.

As a result, the rear headquarters base was stolen.

Real or fake?

Even now, he still doubts whether the news is true or false.

Looking at the entire Blue Star, who dared to do such a thing because of his bravery and bravery?

Totally audacious and unscrupulous.


Everyone is so crazy!

This is to completely provoke a large-scale armed conflict in the Dongzhou waters.

You really don’t want to live a peaceful life anymore, do you?

Even though he had doubts in his heart, Taro Kishida did not dare to be negligent at all. He picked up the microphone and issued a new combat order. The fleet returned and turned around to head to Sea Area 13.

The numbering of relevant sea areas is also to adapt to the needs of sea area management under the new situation, and is an internationally accepted practice.

Not only does this happen in the Eastern Barren Sea, but also many oceanic tribes on Blue Star do this.


On the other side of the national border, Cao Youren, the captain of the 052C first-generation shield ship No. 3, sat on his captain's throne in the main control room, his brows gradually frowning.

"Reporting to the Captain, the Donghuang Hai fleet on the opposite side is in full retreat."

The intelligence officer's report made his heart suddenly rise to his throat.

"Is there something going on with Mr. Su?"

This was what he was most worried about. Haizi suddenly retreated and there were unusual movements, which was enough to explain a lot of problems.

The situation is urgent.

He did not dare to neglect at all, and hurriedly ordered the communications officer to connect the phone to the command center of the Navy Headquarters and make an emergency report on the scene.

The sudden news plunged Xu Dongguo into deep sadness.

He rarely smoked in front of people. This time he smoked cigarettes one after another, and his whole body was almost swallowed up by the thick smoke.

He is really worried.

Su Dingping and 052D have been out for such a long time, and they are still operating in the East Barren Sea. No news has been sent back. Their life and death are unknown. How can people not be anxious?

Su Dingping's position in the navy is irreplaceable!

Anyone can be missing the Navy, but Su Dingping cannot be missing!

Qian Wenbing and Xiao Chongjun were also smoking, and their brows were tightly knitted together, almost turning into chrysanthemums.

Even though the command center had a complete ventilation system, the smoke still did not dissipate.

Liu Huaming saw this scene, but did not reprimand them. This is extremely rare.

At this moment, he was also extremely irritable. My whole heart was hanging in my throat.

Unexpectedly, what was supposed to happen happened without mercy.

"What the hell, something big happened."

Xu Dongguo took a long drag on his cigarette and looked at Liu Huaming who was not far away with great anxiety. "Chief, we might as well fight them and attack the warship directly, just find any excuse."

"Do you really want to fight back?"

Seeing the three people looking at him, Liu Huaming was hesitant and thought for a moment.

If you find any excuse to cross the national border, the Donghuang tribe will think that the Longxia Navy has invaded their territorial waters, and maybe a fight will occur.

The Eagle Tribe has always wanted to provoke a war between the two sides. Once a fight breaks out, the one who will really benefit is the Eagle Tribe.

He was really unwilling to do so.

Moreover, the current strength of Longxia's navy is not strong at all, and its warships are still in the process of being replaced.

Taking action at this time would be extremely disadvantageous for the navy.

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