I built an armada

Chapter 251 This time 052D went crazy

The most important thing is that so far, they have been completely blind to the situation in the Eastern Barren Sea.

If Su Dingping and his 052D were fine, and they rushed in rashly, it would most likely be a disservice. In that case, the gain would outweigh the loss.

"What is the specific situation over there in the Eastern Barren Sea now?"

Liu Huaming frowned and asked in a deep voice.

"Our personnel in the Eastern Wilderness Tribe have taken action, but no news has come back yet."

After receiving such an answer, Liu Huaming let out a long sigh and frowned even more tightly, completely unable to understand the specific situation.

"Report, the latest information from the Eastern Wilderness Tribe."

At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and a staff member quickly walked in from the outside.

"What's going on? Tell me quickly."

"Reporting to the head, according to the latest situation reported from the front, 20 minutes ago, the Haizi headquarters base encountered an unknown number of missile attacks."

"The reason is unknown and the opponent is unknown."

This news made everyone's expressions suddenly change, and they were all filled with disbelief.

"Wha, what?"

Liu Huaming even doubted whether he heard wrongly and had hallucinations in his ears.

Donghuanghai headquarters base suffered a missile attack?

You're not kidding, right?

This is no longer daring, but the courage of a leopard.

It's just like putting your head on your waistband and rushing to kill regardless of the consequences!

Whose general is so ferocious?

"Who did that?"

"Do you know the news?"

Xu Dongguo asked extremely anxiously.

"Reporting to the chief, there is currently no relevant information."

After the staff member looked through the documents for confirmation, he shook his head slightly and said.

"Okay, you go down."

Until the staff members left, everyone in the room was still in shock.

They all looked at each other for a long time before they came back to their senses.

"Who is this? You are too brave. You are going to heaven!"

"While our Longxia tribe has set up an air defense identification zone and will conduct patrols and investigations in this area, Donghuanghai will definitely take corresponding countermeasures."

"To actually choose this dangerous time to attack the Donghuanghai Self-Headquarters base with missiles is crazy. This person must be crazy..."

When Qian Wenbing said this, someone suddenly popped up in his head. His whole body suddenly shivered, and he swallowed the last words.

Thinking of the sudden retreat of the confrontation fleet in the East Barren Sea that had just been received, a very scary thought suddenly came to mind.

"Damn it, it couldn't have been Dingping, right?"

It came out almost subconsciously.

Xu Dongguo and others also reacted immediately.

"Didn't Dingping say he was going to patrol and investigate the Eastern Barren Sea before? Could it be that he really ordered it?"

"Don't mention it yet, this possibility is very high!"

"Everyone still remembers that during the last test, Dingping instigated Zhou Qinglei to attack the Congyun on the high seas. It shocked everyone at the time, even Xue Shuai. After investigation, it was discovered that Dingping ordered Zhou Qinglei to do it. "

"There is nothing in this world that Dingping dares not do."

"He is so brave, so brave. He is the first person our navy has ever seen."

Several people exclaimed, with disbelief written all over their faces. They felt that this guess was the one closest to the truth.

Looking at the entire Longxia tribe, except for Su Dingping, no one has the courage to do this.

Zhou Qinglei is an excellent commander, but without an order, he would not dare to take the initiative to attack the Donghuanghai headquarters base.

They were so shocked that they didn't say anything. They just looked at each other and slowly digested this horrific fact.

"Chief, no one except Dingping dares to do this. Haizi is making frequent moves, and they must have noticed something."

"Should we also take action to coordinate the situation?"

After a while, Xu Dongguo looked at Liu Huaming and made a suggestion.


Liu Huaming immediately stood up and walked to the combat command seat.

"Order, the front-line confrontation fleet launches a full-scale attack and crosses the national border."

The first order was issued quickly.

"Contact the Air Force and apply to dispatch a heavy fighter formation to support! In addition, send a reconnaissance aircraft to the deserted waters of the Near East to conduct a comprehensive reconnaissance and search for the 052D guide."

"This battle must be won!"

This order was quickly conveyed to the Air Force. At the relevant airports, several of the most advanced heavy fighter jets took off and headed towards the predetermined sea area.

Near the national boundary line in the eastern sea area.

Long Xia Naval Formation, Cao Youren was stunned for a while after receiving the relevant orders.

The whole person was in a state of shock, his eyes widened.

Unexpectedly, the lost Su Dingping and his 052D, who had been silent for so long, would actually do such a big thing. This is going to break the sky.

It truly set a new century record for Long Xia Navy.

As long as Su Dingping and 052D are successfully rescued, it will be the greatest victory!

Taking a deep breath, Cao Youren turned on the fleet communicator and said loudly.

"My fellow sailors, I am Cao Youren, and I want to tell you some good news. Not long ago, our 052D broke into the Donghuang Sea, and they launched missiles to attack the Donghuang Sea headquarters base."

"This is the first time that our navy has created something new. He has set an example and inspired us to break our past thinking patterns. He has set an example for us regardless of life and death."

"They just want to tell us that Donghuanghai is not as powerful as we thought. They are heroes."

"And now, they are extremely likely to be surrounded by the Eastern Barren Sea's aircraft carrier fleet."

"I think you, like me, will never allow this to happen."

"Then we have to go to the rescue, even if the road ahead is extremely dangerous, don't you think so?"

"We are Long Xia Navy, we will not abandon every brother"

"Do you think so?"

Having said this, Cao Youren paused.


The fleet sent a signal, and the response was sonorous, powerful and heroic.

"Very good. As Long Xia soldiers, you are doing a good job."

"Then I won't talk nonsense anymore."

"Order, the whole ship is launched."

"Level 1 combat deployment!"

"Anti-attack the enemy at any time!"

After the order was given, 052C outputted full power, and its speed instantly surged to its maximum speed. It cut through the waves and pounced directly towards the national border.

On the left and right sides of the ship, several warships also started their maximum speed at the same time, following closely, like an unsheathed sword thrust towards the East Barren Sea.

at the same time.

Within the Eastern Barren Sea.

Haruna-class aircraft carrier Captain Taro Kishida was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot at the moment.

He is currently implementing the plan to control a large area of ​​the Eastern Barren Sea. Naturally, he will carry out Murashita Hayaki's orders to the letter.

However, under his full supervision, a nasty incident occurred in which the Haizi headquarters base was attacked.

This is tantamount to a slap on his old face!

Even so far, he has not discovered how the other party slipped through the net and did this, but he has made up his mind to completely eliminate the other party no matter what, and he will still eliminate it within the Eastern Barren Sea. , blood for blood, tooth for tooth!

Taro Kishida clenched his fists tightly and vowed to regain his place and take revenge!

At this moment, the radar monitor made an emergency report.

"Reporting to the captain, radar has detected that the Longxia fleet was spotted 80 kilometers away. According to the radar monitoring traces, the Longxia warships were dispatched en masse and were speeding towards the national border. They are only 15 kilometers away from the national border at this moment."


What is Long Xia Haijun doing?

Are they crazy for collectively dispatching so many warships to cross the national border?

Don’t you know that crossing the national border is an invasion of the Eastern Wilderness tribe?

Taro Kishida hurriedly rushed to the radar display and stared at the screen with his eyes wide open. Sure enough, the warships of the Longxia Navy confronting each other on the border line were dispatched collectively, showing a fighting posture, and heading towards the border line like crazy. approaching.


"Crazy, they're all crazy."

Taro Kishida danced and shouted, constantly venting his dissatisfaction.

Before the search in the East Barren Sea was completed, Long Xia's navy pressed forward again. His mood suddenly became so bad that he didn't know how to make a decision.


After taking a long breath, Taro Kishida finally made a decision, "Continue the radar search at full power, continue monitoring, and the fleet will retreat back at full speed!"


the first mate responded hastily.

"Report Captain, the Long Xia Navy is only 8 kilometers away from the national border!"

At this time, the radar monitor spoke again.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the main control room suddenly changed, and everyone suddenly became nervous.

The Long Xia Navy really wanted to break through the national border and came over at all costs.

"Bagaya road!"

"What is the Long Xia Navy doing? You don't even know we are so busy?"

"Do they really think we don't dare attack them?"

Taro Kishida was so angry that he almost exploded on the spot.

"Damn bastards, if we hadn't rushed back, we would have sunk all the ships of Long Xia Navy today."

After taking several deep breaths, he suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Communication Corps, contact the Longxia Navy on the opposite side and ask them what they want to do. Are they going to provoke a war between the Donghuang Tribe and the Longxia Tribe?"


After only a moment, Taro Kishida gave the order very helplessly.


After receiving the order, the communications troops immediately began to try to contact the Long Xia Navy through international channels.

Time passed little by little.

However, three minutes have passed and there is still no contact.

It was obvious that Long Xia's navy refused to communicate with them.

Seeing this, Taro Kishida's heart suddenly sank.

There was a deep uneasiness deep in my heart.

Long Xia Haijun's behavior was too abnormal and strange, completely beyond his control and expectations.

And until now, almost the entire Donghuang Sea has not figured out where the force came from to sneak attack the Haizi headquarters base.

Is it a long-range bomber?

Or a submarine?

Or maybe a warship?

As for the fighter jets, they were directly eliminated by them. The number of missiles a fighter jet can carry is limited, and the weight cannot be too heavy.

However, there have been more than six missiles that attacked the Haizi headquarters base, and they were all extremely large missiles, unless there was an extremely large fleet of aircraft attacking.

If a fleet of aircraft were to attack, the long-range warning radars deployed by the Eastern Wilderness tribe could predict it in advance and dispatch fighter jets to attack it as soon as possible.

But so far, the dispatched fighter jets and patrol planes have not found any incoming targets in the air.

As for large fighters such as long-range bombers, they are fully capable of carrying out such dangerous missions.

If it was really a bomber, it would definitely have to pass through his defense line.

And if he fails to monitor it, then he will be blamed and will be severely punished. He should not think about having a stable life in the future.

As for warships, he would be in even greater trouble.

Because the enemy ship swaggered from his defense zone to the East Barren Sea, and pressed to a place only 90 kilometers away from the East Barren coastline. This was an intrusive firepower output.

He was rushing back desperately to catch whose black hand belonged to him, but now Long Xia's navy was so careless that he suddenly attacked from a flank.

Should we continue to return reinforcements or continue the confrontation with Longxia Navy.

For a moment, he was caught in a dilemma.

"Reporting to Captain, the Long Xia Navy is only 5 kilometers away from the national boundary. If they continue to move forward, they will break through the national boundary."

The radar monitor spoke again at this time, extremely anxious.

There are only a few kilometers left. If emergency measures are not taken, Long Xia's navy will cross the border and enter the Eastern Barren Sea.

"Bagaya road!"

Taro Kishida was so angry that he was about to explode on the spot, and shouted, "Contact the headquarters immediately, quickly."

It didn't take long for the signal corps to establish contact with the Haizi headquarters.

"Report to the general..."

Before Taro Kishida could finish what he said, Murakami Saki couldn't wait to ask, "Taro Kishida, have you found any traces of the enemy? Tell me, what is that thing?"

"Report, report to the general. No abnormalities have been found so far."

Taro Kishida took a deep breath and said bravely, "What I want to report to you is another matter. It is very urgent."

"Why are you so impatient? Tell me quickly. I'm still busy."

Saya Murakita seemed very troubled, "The cabinet is very dissatisfied now, and the people's anger has also been ignited. I have to face all of this."

"Report to General, I'm sorry to bother you. What I want to report is that the confronting Long Xia Navy suddenly took action. They rushed towards us and are less than 4 kilometers away from the national border."

"What should I do with it?"

After looking at the radar screen, Taro Kishida reported the report very quickly.

A long time passed, but there was still no response from the communicator. If it weren't for the sound of heavy breathing, he would have doubted whether Murakami Saya had just hung up and left the matter to himself.

The enemy in the East Barren Sea has not yet found any trace of it, and now Long Xia's navy is going crazy and wants to rush across the national border.

What are they going to do?

Are you taking advantage of the situation and causing trouble?

Murakami Saki was so angry that he almost broke his back teeth.

"General, I tried to get in touch with Longxia Navy before, but they didn't give me a chance."

Seeing no response, Taro Kishida added some more information.

"What's the situation now? Does Long Xia's navy show no signs of stopping?"

"Yes, General."

Taro Kishida responded very simply, but he was extremely anxious in his heart.

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