I built an armada

Chapter 252 Donghuanghai headquarters base was completely blown up

Hearing the news, Murakami Hayaki was also very excited.

"Then divide into two teams. You choose a few capable warships to guard the aircraft carrier. I must intercept the Longxia Navy beyond the national boundary!"

"They must not be allowed to cross the national boundary and enter our waters, disrupting our original plans."

"The second team is responsible for a comprehensive search."

After pondering for a moment, Murakami Hayaki immediately ordered.

Yes, this was the best way he could think of. Anyway, Taro Kishida had more than 20 warships in his hands, so there was no need to be stretched thin if his troops were divided into two groups.

As long as it is directed properly, the effect of one plus one is greater than two.

"Yes, General!"

It didn't take long for more than 20 warships to be divided into two teams. One of the teams was centered on the Haruna-class aircraft carrier and returned to continue searching for the daring opponent.

The other team stayed behind and was responsible for intercepting the warships facing off against the Longxia tribe.

They absolutely cannot allow the warships of the Long Xia Navy to break through the national boundary and enter the Eastern Barren Sea, causing irreversible consequences.

The outside world does not know these things that happened in the East Barren Sea.

The resident tribe, who had been keeping tabs on the latest developments in the foreign affairs departments between the two tribes, could no longer wait any longer. They were all extremely irritable, but they were helpless.

"Damn bastard, what the hell is the Longxia Tribe doing? Why do you say you're going on a cruise, but you won't go on a cruise? What do you mean by that? How come you don't have any credibility at all?"

"Why do they want to learn from the Eastern Wasteland tribe?"

The Iron Monkey tribe has always been impatient. If the monkey is impatient, the representative will directly scold them.

"Let's disperse. Everyone has dispersed. It's already past one o'clock in the evening. There is no news at all from the Donghuang Foreign Affairs Department. I think the Longxia tribe has just given in. They don't dare to take action."

The representatives of the Feilu tribe spoke. They were very sorry that they didn't even see the good show.

"Damn it, why did you make us wait for so long? There's no bullshit news. Long Xia's navy doesn't have that strength, so don't imitate others and pretend to be fat. Is that really okay?"

The Thousand Buddha Tribe immediately took over the conversation and started complaining.

They have been waiting for the opportunity, but the opportunity just never comes.

"Go back and wash up and sleep. The Longxia tribe is a bunch of losers. If we really want to take action, they will give in. They are real soft-footed shrimps."

The Nihard tribe spoke. He was too sleepy and couldn't hold on any longer.

As a result, when the online meeting ended with no results, suddenly the representative of the Asan tribe came online and brought news that shocked all the tribes.

"The latest news, are you still listening?"

"Everyone, do you know that a major event happened not long ago. Donghuanghai headquarters base was attacked by a large number of unknown missiles."

All the representatives of the tribes were suddenly stunned!

They were just waiting to see if the Long Xia Navy would send out reconnaissance planes to launch a war patrol in the Eastern Barren Sea, but suddenly a blockbuster bomb came, and a more ferocious thunder!

What does this mean?

Super big melon!

"What exactly happened? There are actually forces in the Dongzhou Sea area attacking the Donghuang Hai headquarters base with missiles? Isn't this incredible? Is it true or false?"

The representative of the Thousand Buddha Tribe immediately sat down again and asked like a curious baby.

"Yes, tell me quickly, the specific situation, how did Donghuang Haizi encounter an attack?"

Representative of the Iron Monkey Tribe: "I can't wait to know more information, and who is the mastermind behind this?"

The representative of the Asan tribe then said again: "According to the latest information we have, it is true that the missile attack on the Haizi headquarters base is true. And let me tell you, Donghuang Haizi has suffered multiple batches of missile attacks."

"Damn it, oh my god, who on earth can be so ferocious?"

The representative of the Feilu tribe was so shocked that his jaw dropped to the ground. This man was just touching the tiger's butt, so unafraid of death!

"This melon is too big. I'm a coward. I won't eat it. I'm leaving. You guys can play with me."

Seeing the sudden change in the direction of the wind, the Nihon tribe decided to adapt to the wind and immediately exited the video conference.

They came here to take advantage of the situation and make some profits back home, but they never thought about taking advantage of the war.

Dare to be so bold as to attack the headquarters base of Donghuanghai, and also attack with multiple batches of missiles, which is enough to prove that the attack must be a tribe, which is not something that their Nihard tribe can withstand.

The Nigang Tribe was the first to slip away, and the Iron Monkey Tribe was not a fool either. After some ideological struggle, they chose to withdraw from the meeting second.

They don't want to get involved in a war with no chance of winning.

However, even if you want to get involved, you need to be fully prepared in advance. You absolutely cannot wait until the war comes and respond hastily, which will eventually lead to more losses than gains!

After the Nihan tribe retreated, the representatives of the other tribes also retreated in shock.

They also realized that the situation was developing in a direction they did not expect, and that it was completely beyond their control as a small tribe.

In order to avoid unnecessary things happening, they decided to leave first.

They have completely lost the thought of leisurely eating, and must go back to make relevant arrangements, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

No one can guarantee that those missiles will not fall on their own heads.

The Eastern Wilderness Tribe has received a lot of anti-aircraft missile support from the Eagle Tribe, which can intercept them like crazy. However, small tribes like them don't have the Patriot air defense system to hold up a protective umbrella in the sky.

The originally relaxed atmosphere suddenly became very tense.

Many tribes in the Dongzhou Sea have a feeling that a storm is coming, as if they heard the footsteps of war approaching.

The news that the Haizi headquarters base had encountered a missile attack could not be concealed, and the commotion caused was so great that it quickly spread from one to ten, then to a hundred, and almost the entire population of the Eastern Wasteland knew about it.

After learning about the situation, the entire Donghuang people were collectively stunned!

For a long time, in their minds, the Zhonghuang Haizi has been the strongest military force in the East Continent, and it is an invincible target. However, now the Haizi headquarters base has encountered a large number of missile attacks.

They have already arrived at the door of their house without making a sound. This is a slap in the face.

The invincible image has completely collapsed!

They felt the pain of the collapse of their faith, and they complained for a while that they couldn't bear it.

"Impossible, impossible, how could our Hainan headquarters base encounter a missile attack?"

"Who, who did it? Our Haizi has the strongest military force in the Dongzhou sea area. How could it be suddenly attacked by a sneak attack? I can't accept it at all."

"Why is this happening? The Haizi headquarters base will be attacked by surprise. This news must be false."

"Who can tell me why this is?"

"Isn't our Haizi the strongest military force in the Dongzhou waters?"

Many people in the Eastern Wasteland, as well as those netizens, couldn't accept such a thing at all, and they were all wailing incessantly.

There were even some nervous guys who rushed directly to the highway and city streets, shouting loudly, and even grabbed passers-by and roared hysterically. This was not the case with a few people.

Just like when the shogunate announced its surrender, the entire Eastern Wasteland people collapsed.

They have always felt that the war they launched was just, and they had snatched numerous resources and benefits from the Longxia tribe and surrounding areas.

But this time, the Haizi headquarters base suddenly encountered multiple waves of missile attacks, which not only shattered the myth of Haizi's invincibility, but also shattered their faith in their hearts.

Their faith has collapsed, and they will naturally go crazy.

Suddenly, people organized self-organized demonstration teams in many cities of the Eastern Barren Tribe. They shouted protest slogans and held protest banners in their hands. They rushed to the Haizi Port and the base gate to gather and protest.

"Give me back my strongest self, my faith, and my hard-earned money!"

"The high-level leaders of Haizi stepped down collectively and committed seppuku. They all deserve to die. We have lost the strongest military force in the East Continent."

"Haizi must reveal the truth and give an explanation, otherwise all high-level officials of Haizi will die."

"Murakita Saki must be dismissed from get out of class and shot!"

The high-pitched sound was pervasive, turning the scene into a super market, a mess.

Within the headquarters.

Murakami Saki was furious when he heard this, and his expression became even more ferocious.

He heard the protests outside clearly. These damn people in the Eastern Wasteland were just too full to hold on and had nothing to do.

He was already in a state of distress, but those bitches were still adding to the chaos.

What is this for?

Damn thing!

However, he had no good way to deal with these people. The security personnel could only expel them and called the police officers from the headquarters to maintain order.

He couldn't just spread all his anger on the heads of these civilians, could he mobilize heavy firepower to attack them all?

Once he does this, he will not live anymore.

Just commit suicide to apologize.

Sitting in the chief command seat, Murakami Hayaki rubbed his head vigorously with both hands, but his whole body was extremely exhausted.

"Damn bastard."

"Who is that sneak attacker?"

That's right, no news has come back from the front line so far, so he naturally doesn't know who the other party is.

"Reporting to the general, the radar has once again detected that an unknown missile was launched 92 kilometers away from the coastline and is heading towards our headquarters base at a speed of Mach 1.9."

Suddenly at this time, the radar monitor once again reported nervously.

"woo woo woo woo!"

At the same time, a rapid and harsh air defense siren sounded again in the sky above the base.

Damn it.

here we go again.

There's no end to this, right?

He doesn't take these people seriously at all, and he doesn't even take Donghuanghai seriously.

Murakami Saya hurriedly stood up and almost rushed to the radar screen. After a closer look, he saw that the abnormal cursor was moving rapidly on the display again.

And that target is the Haizi headquarters base!

"Baga! Baga!"

Murakami Hayaki was furious and kept swearing, "Do you really think I am a soft persimmon? Can I be manipulated as I please?"

His fists were clenched tightly, and his nails dug into his flesh, but he couldn't feel a trace of pain. His anger made him only want to find the black hand as soon as possible.

It didn't matter that they fired a few missiles in the first wave, but now it's coming again. Is this an endless supply of long-range land attack missiles?

But their Patriot air defense system is about to collapse, okay?

I originally thought that when the other party saw that the missile was intercepted, they could just stop it and run away.

Unexpectedly, the opponent not only did not escape, but also attacked them with missiles, and showed a posture that they would not give up until they were completely wiped out.

Damn it, that guy is a nine-headed bird, isn't he afraid of death?

Suddenly, the number of small red dots on the radar screen suddenly increased and became very dense.

"Report to General, radar detected 16 incoming missiles."

The radar monitor hurriedly reported loudly, but his expression also changed drastically.

"Shut up, I'm not blind!"

Murakami Hayaki shouted impatiently. He had seen a large number of missiles coming from the radar screen, and the number directly exceeded the previous two waves.

This is clearly a saturation attack that will not stop until the Haizi headquarters base is completely destroyed!

The high speed of Mach 1.9 is extremely fierce.

Murakami Saki felt his scalp numb, there were too many incoming missiles!

"What are Kongzi doing over there? Are they all just losers? So far, no trace of the enemy has been found."

"Bagayalu, they are all bastards. Didn't they see that the base was attacked again?"

"Intercept it quickly, hurry up!"

Murakami Hayaki held the communicator and roared, and even hurriedly ordered the people around the base to be evacuated quickly.

"Quick, evacuate the people."

"Baga, please act quickly!"

It seems that Murakami Sayagi still remembered the people who were protesting outside the Haizi headquarters base, and hurriedly ordered to inform the people truthfully.

When the people outside the base heard that a missile was coming, they didn't believe it at first, but suddenly they heard the rapid air defense siren, and they almost subconsciously looked up in the direction of the missile attack.

Soon they seemed to have forgotten what they were here for, and all of them looked curious.

Before, they had only heard about the missile attack on the Haizi headquarters base, but this time they wanted to be witnesses, as if they were witnessing this grand event.

"Look, in the distance, is that a missile?"

"Could it really be a missile attack? Oh my god, who is this? They are declaring war on our Eastern Wilderness tribe."

"Run quickly, a missile is really coming."

"Help, we can't stay here any longer."

Everyone who was stunned suddenly woke up when someone suddenly shouted a roar, and ran away like wild beasts.

They don't want to lose their lives in the missile attack. As for the protests and demonstrations, they have nothing to worry about. It's important to protect their lives!

For a moment, the scene was in chaos, and many people were even knocked to the ground in a very embarrassed state.

The Patriot air defense systems deployed in the Haizi headquarters base launched interceptor missiles as if they were free. With explosions, many missiles were intercepted.

But no matter how dense the air defense is, there will always be fish that slip through the net. What's more, the Patriot air defense missiles are not as powerful as they are boasted and can achieve a 100% interception rate.

"call out!"

The missile that broke through the air defense network roared down and hit a single building.

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