I built an armada

Chapter 261 Shocked, Haizi is about to discover the truth

Su Dingping's eyes suddenly brightened a little, and his expression also changed slightly.

"After 055 is conquered, we can turn around and continue to build the Varyag. We will have enough energy at this time."

"At that time, we will have third-generation guided missile destroyers, frigates, and aircraft carrier formations guarded by advanced nuclear submarines, and we will be able to traverse the four seas."

"Even if we encounter the Eagle Tribe's navy, we can still deal with it calmly without falling behind."

Su Dingping was extremely determined at this time. No matter what, the aircraft carrier formation must be developed as soon as possible so that Longxia Navy has the capital to resist powerful enemies.

In his plan, as long as the aircraft carrier fleet is fully assembled, he can focus on developing 10,000-ton large-scale engines and a brand-new flat-deck aircraft carrier.

It would be best to build a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier as soon as possible so that the giant ship can have surging power and electricity resources to use. In the future, laser weapons and electromagnetic gun weapons can also be installed on the ship.

In order to force the Eagle Tribe not to have bad thoughts towards Long Xia, the aircraft carrier fleet must be developed to at least six.

According to the three-three system, one is maintaining, one is training, and one is in use. All three Longxia fleets must have an aircraft carrier fleet that can fight at any time.

More than three million square kilometers of maritime territory and huge overseas interests all require the navy to maintain.

This time, the more advanced Eagle Strike 801B anti-ship missile was also analyzed, with a range of 600 kilometers and a warhead of more than 330 kilograms.

The cruising speed is Mach 1.2, and the terminal penetration speed reaches Mach 5. It can be said that it is basically supersonic cruising throughout the entire process.

Although the weight is only increased by more than 30 kilograms, the high explosive used uses CL-20 eutectic explosive, whose explosive power is equivalent to three times that of TNT.

The new-generation Haihongqi air defense missile 901C equipped is greatly improved compared to the Haihongqi 901B in terms of interception speed and interception efficiency. It also has the ability to intercept ballistic missiles in the mid-course.

At the same time, 055 will also be equipped with more land attack cruise missiles and anti-ship ballistic missiles.

It can be said that it has been comprehensively improved technically compared to 052D!

The comprehensive combat capability is several times that of 052D.

It can be said that 055 integrates all advanced technologies, which naturally means that the technical difficulty is very high and the analysis is even slower.

But Su Dingping is not in a hurry now. Things have to be done step by step.

After making up his mind, Su Dingping jumped onto the deck of the Varyag aircraft carrier.

With just a wave of his hand, the Varyag instantly split into countless small parts, while Su Dingping shuttled through them to conduct all-round research and transformation on this giant ship.

In order to enter service as soon as possible, Su Dingping decided to speed up the analysis of the core technology of the Varyag aircraft carrier.

The three major parts of the aircraft carrier, the power system, the radar system, and the sea and air systems, must be done by oneself, and absolutely no mistakes are allowed!

At the same time, Donghuang Hai came from a very hidden military base.

In the spacious conference hall, Murakami Hayaki, Shugami Tianfu and others were sitting there with extremely serious expressions.

On the table in front of everyone, there is a document that records in detail the relevant parameters of the Varyag aircraft carrier, as well as the document that the aircraft carrier arrived at a military port in the north of Longxia.

As a neighbor of the Longxia tribe within a narrow strip of water, Donghuanghai has naturally continued to pay attention to the news of the return of the Longxia aircraft carrier, and has an in-depth understanding of the Varyag aircraft carrier through various channels.

They have already made a basic judgment that it is absolutely impossible for the Longxia tribe to transform such a 50,000 to 60,000-ton aircraft carrier into a recreational vehicle, and it is extremely likely that it will be built into a usable aircraft carrier.

In addition, the Longxia tribe did not hide the return of the aircraft carrier.

This matter is important, and it has taken such a long time. It is natural that such a huge thing cannot be concealed.

Besides, the appearance of the Varyag didn't tell much at all. At best, it was thought to be a rusty warship. Many cables and internal equipment inside had been destroyed.

When the Soviet Union disintegrated, the Varyag was oppressed by the Western countries headed by the Eagle Tribe and the Black Bear Tribe, forcing them to carry out various sabotages inside the Varyag aircraft carrier.

It really can't be destroyed, so just blast it very roughly.

"The Varyag aircraft carrier has arrived at the Longxia tribe. They also have an aircraft carrier."

Murakami Hayaki glanced at the rusty Varyag on the document, and a disdainful sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Donghuanghai has accumulated a lot of practical experience in the use of aircraft carriers since long ago. Compared with Longxia Navy, it has an absolute advantage.

"General, there is no need to pay too much attention to the Varyag aircraft carrier. It is just an outdated warship."

"The internal damage is serious, so there is no fear at all."

Harada Hiroki took over the conversation with a mocking smile on his face.

If possible, he really wanted to point his finger at Long Xia's navy and sneer at him. Even such a junk ship could be used. He really didn't know how he had such a brain.

"Even if the Long Xia Navy wants to use it, it may not meet the requirements within ten years. After ten years, it will still lag behind."

"The aircraft carrier is a huge project. Just establishing the relevant supporting industrial system will consume a lot of military expenditures, which will seriously slow down the development of Longxia Navy. But we do not need to be restricted and can develop more advanced various types of aircraft carriers. kind of ship.”

"Longxia Navy wants to challenge our position. I'm afraid they still have a long way to go. We don't need to worry."

"With the small Long Xia Navy, we only need to dispatch one or two Eighty-Eight Fleets to destroy all their surface ships within twenty-four hours."

"We still have the ability to destroy the Longxia Navy just like we destroyed the Beiyang Navy!"

There was a lot of discussion among the people at the meeting. Whether it was words or attitudes, they still had a contemptuous attitude towards Long Xia Navy and did not take Long Xia Navy seriously at all.

After World War II, their military technology developed rapidly with the support of the Eagle Tribe. They built several aircraft carriers under clever names, allowing them to master the technology of aircraft carrier use and construction.

They naturally understand that repairing an aircraft carrier to make it combat effective requires a large amount of manpower, material resources, financial resources, etc., and it also requires a complete supporting industrial system.

However, the Longxia tribe's comprehensive national strength is not as good as theirs, so they naturally invest less military expenditures in national defense construction, and even less is allocated to the navy.

It is already difficult enough to use the limited military expenditures to build destroyers, frigates, submarines and other surface ships. Now that the Varyag aircraft carrier has arrived, it can be imagined.

No matter how they are distributed, it will slow down the progress of Longxia Navy.

It would not be enough to bring down the navy, but it would make Long Xia's navy weak in strength for a long period of time, making it even more difficult to face external pressure.

For them, this is a good period of strategic opportunity.

As long as the situation allows, we can completely eliminate the Long Xia Navy in one go!

At this moment, the door of the conference hall was suddenly opened from the outside, and then a staff member ran in in a hurry, interrupting Murakami Hayaki who was about to speak.

"Report to General, we have salvaged all the wreckage of the reconnaissance plane."

Just when Murakami Saki was unhappy and about to get angry, the staff walked directly to him and reported loudly.

"Very good, thank you for your hard work."

Murakami Hayaki was obviously relieved and nodded towards the staff member.

This news is simply not too important to Haizi.

He was trained like a pug in the shogunate. After returning, he ordered the salvage of the downed reconnaissance plane. No matter how much it cost, he was willing to bear it.

I didn't expect that the results would finally come out today.

They are one step closer to uncovering the murderer behind the scenes, and they can also see the moment when the shame on Hai Zi's head is wiped away.

After the staff member went out, he looked at the excited people.

"Everyone, please don't continue to hold meetings here with the air conditioner blowing on."

"Come with me to the military dock to welcome the salvage team."

Murakami Hayaki couldn't sit still any longer, so he stood up and took everyone in a special car to the Haizi military base in the southwest region.

Although it is only June, the sun has already shown its hot side. The strong light is scorching the earth and everyone who does outdoor activities.

Under the scorching sun at noon, Murakata Hayaki and his team got off the car and waited on the pier to welcome the return of the salvage team.

The wreckage of the reconnaissance plane had been salvaged, and all the high-level maritime officials could not sit still. They came over without any complaints.

Not to mention the scorching sun, even if it is the ninth winter, they will come here without hesitation.

In recent times, Donghuang Haizi has been hit one after another. If the murderer behind the scenes is not found, all of them will be punished. It is a small matter, but bringing disaster to Haizi is a big deal.

Donghuanghai has always been the strongest military force in the East Continent.

But now, they have seen Haizi's successive defeats. Compared with this heat, they are more afraid of not being able to find the mastermind behind the scenes and not being able to eliminate the enemy in one go!

The physical burn is completely within the bearable range, but the mental pressure is the greatest pain.


Suddenly at this time, a whistle sounded in the distance, which immediately cheered everyone up and they hurriedly looked into the distance.

Suddenly, they discovered that the salvage ship was slowly sailing towards the military port.

"It's here, it's finally here."

Seeing the salvage ship, Murakami Saki said excitedly.

"Huh, we have endured so much pressure and finally recovered the wreckage of the reconnaissance plane. We can also give an explanation to the shogunate, the officials, and the people."

"Baga Yalu, no matter who did it, we must take revenge and completely interrupt the enemy's black hands."

"We absolutely cannot tolerate being trampled on without restraint, and we must pay with blood!"

Harada Hiroki and others gnashed their teeth and roared, their eyes flashed with cold light, and each of them had murderous intent.

It was obvious that they were completely angry, and they had to completely destroy the Black Hand to relieve their hatred.

Murakami Saki's eyes gradually became gloomy, revealing murderous intent.

In the past few days, he had not had a good night's sleep. He was either rectifying the commanders at all levels at sea, or staring at the salvage of the wreckage of the reconnaissance aircraft at sea.

For the smooth implementation of this matter, he even coordinated many large salvage ships and sent warships to escort around.

It can be said to be a huge expense!

Of course, he also used all the connections at his disposal to investigate the murderer behind the scenes, but no bullshit was found.

It seemed as if the mastermind behind the attack on them appeared out of thin air and then disappeared out of thin air.

There is extreme weirdness everywhere.

Of course, he doesn't believe in God, he only believes in facts.

The first thing to exclude is the Eagle Tribe, as well as Oppa, Kangaroo and other tribes that have a good relationship with them. Especially the Eagle Tribe is the godfather of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe.

As for the White Bear tribe in the north, they have also been ruled out as suspects.

Apart from the Haizi, there seems to be no other force that is the strongest maritime force in the Dongzhou waters and has the ability to do this. They will not have warships mutiny and attack the Haizi headquarters base at that location, right?

Isn’t that just nonsense?

Besides, he checked every PLA warship and found out that none of them had mutinied.

As for other Dongzhou tribes, he also sent people to secretly investigate them, but they were not touched at all. In this way, the clues were completely lost.

As for Longxia Navy?

The main ships are all old-generation ships. The most advanced one is the 051C, which does not have the ability to attack land at all.

Shelling them?


The attacks on the PLA headquarters are all missiles!

At the discussion, everyone basically eliminated Long Xia Haijun without any controversy.

After some careful consideration, Murakami Hayaki felt that the most likely thing was done by his enemies. While most of the Haizi ships were out confronting the Ryuuka Navy, there was a gap in the defense of the home, and he took advantage of the situation to complete the theft. !

Over the years, Donghuanghai has relied on itself to be the strongest in the East Continent. It has been unscrupulous and domineering, and has made many enemies!

After analyzing these enemies, his scalp suddenly became numb.

Actually, the White Bear Tribe has been included in the calculation, so there is nothing we can do, and we are stuck in an endless loop.

This is very painful.

The investigation also hit a dead end and stalled.

At this critical moment, the opportunity finally came when all the wreckage of the reconnaissance plane was salvaged, and they no longer had to worry about flying around like headless flies.

It didn't take long for the salvage ship to stop at Pier 2 of the military port.

The crane quickly moved the wreckage piece by piece to the land. It was wet and miserable.

"Counting completed"

"General, all the wreckage is here."

As the commander-in-chief of the salvage operation, Shugami Tao quickly walked up to Murakami Saki and loudly reported the report.

"Are the black boxes, recorders, etc. still there?"

Murakami Saki nodded, and then asked impatiently.

"Report General, everyone is still here."

Tianfu on the tree immediately called the staff and found all the important parts.

More than ten minutes later, relevant military industry experts also came forward and confirmed a series of important equipment such as black boxes and electronic data storage.

"Report to the general that the data storage device is damaged and it will take several days to fully interpret it."

Murakami Saki was very satisfied with this response from the military industry expert.

"Very good, please repair and interpret it as soon as possible."

After the explanation, he turned to look at Harada Hiroki, and then gave instructions.

"Harada Hiroki, all personnel involved in the salvage must be recorded and rewarded."

"They have done a good job."

Harada Hiroki hurriedly accepted the order: "Hi!"

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