I built an armada

Chapter 262: Crazy advancement of shipbuilding plan

Tian Fu on the tree showed a look of joy, and then quickly turned to look at Murakami Hayaki, and said with gratitude: "Thank you very much, General!"

The faces of those involved in the salvage could not help but show signs of joy.

It would be great to receive generous rewards.

After expressing his gratitude to all the salvage personnel, Murakami Hayaki immediately gave a very serious warning to Tao Tree.

"Shu Shang Tianfu, you must keep an eye on me personally from now on."

"Don't let anything happen to me!"

Tian Fu on the tree immediately puffed up his chest and promised: "Hi!"

After everything was given, Murakami Saki took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat on his forehead. It was really too hot. Fortunately, the staff opened the parasol thoughtfully, and he walked in smoothly. In the command center.

Being able to enjoy the coolness brought by air conditioning is really great.

At this time, the staff came over to report to him the various matters related to the reconstruction of the bombed buildings in the headquarters base. He did not make any statement, but his eyes flashed with coldness and a thick Killing intent.

During the confrontation with Long Xia, his home was stolen, which became an indelible shame in the history of Donghuanghai. He must take revenge!

On the other side, the Longxia tribe, the capital, and the naval headquarters.

Liu Huaming had just woken up from his lunch break. Before he could wash up, his assistant hurried in.

"Chief, important information."


The assistant hurriedly reported the specific situation.

"Reporting to the leader, the latest news came from the Donghuang Tribe. Today, the Donghuang Tribe has salvaged all the reconnaissance aircraft wreckage and transported it back to the Donghuang Sea Military Port for relevant data analysis."

"It seems that they want to use the content captured on the reconnaissance plane to reveal the person behind the scenes."

After listening to this report, Liu Huaming's brows immediately knitted together. After hurriedly washing his face, he turned around and walked quickly towards the office.

"Is the news reliable?"

Hearing this, the assistant responded quickly.

"The report, chief, is absolutely true. Murakami Hayaki from the East Barren Sea has already rewarded the relevant salvage personnel. It is Tao Shugami, the head of the East Barren Intelligence Department, who is in charge."

"Although Donghuanghai has not announced it to the outside world, it is basically certain that they have salvaged something."

The assistant did not continue, but Liu Huaming already knew what Dong Huanghai wanted to do next, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried in his heart.

"okay, I get it."

Liu Huaming nodded lightly, and then ordered, "Go and notify the leaders of the three major fleets to come over for a meeting."

The assistant took the order and left. Not long after, Xu Dongguo, Xiao Chongjun, Qian Wenbing and others all arrived.

"Chief, what happened?"

Qian Wenbing was impatient and couldn't wait to ask before he sat down.

"You all should sit down."

"Look at this information, it was just sent."

After everyone sat down, Xu Dongguo handed the received information to Qian Wenbing and others to read.

After taking the document and taking a look, everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

Others don't know who the person who attacked the Donghuanghai headquarters base is, but they know it very well.

Donghuanghai is eager for revenge, and the consequences are disastrous.

"I have to say that the people of Donghuang are really obsessed with what's behind them. They have to spend so much money to salvage the wreckage of the reconnaissance plane, and they are not too tired to panic."

"From their perspective, it is understandable. They are so eager to salvage the wreckage because they want to analyze the contents of the relevant recorders on the reconnaissance aircraft."

"Chief, it seems that Donghuanghai is going to find out the person behind this and take revenge. I'm afraid we have to make some preparations. We must not let them catch us off guard."

Xu Dongguo hesitated for a while, then said, "What do you think is the probability of our 052D being exposed?"

The reconnaissance plane was shot down in the end, wasn't it because the other party discovered something?

"Old Xu, it depends on how much the data in the storage device can be repaired."

Xiao Chongjun said with a serious face, he was sure that Donghuanghai would restore the relevant data at all costs to find out who attacked them.

For them, all they have to do now is to prepare.

Once Donghuanghai deciphers the relevant data and finds the 052D, there is no doubt that they will attack the Longxia Navy.

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

Different from before, the reconnaissance plane broke into the Longxia sea area and was shot down by 052D. They had something to say, thinking that it was a counter-invasion, and Donghuanghai did not dare to do anything.

But this time, it was shot down in the East Barren Sea. If this got serious, there would definitely be a dispute, and it would even rise to the level of an armed conflict.

They all agreed on one thing, that reconnaissance plane must have captured something, otherwise Su Dingping's temperament would not have used anti-aircraft weapons to shoot it down.

"Don't tell Dingping about this first, lest he make a noise and want to go back."

"There's nothing that kid wouldn't dare to do."

After a while, Liu Huaming took the lead in breaking the silence and reminded everyone.


Xu Dongguo and others looked at each other and nodded in agreement tacitly.

They all knew that once Su Dingping returned to the integrated military factory, he might drive the 052D into the East Barren Sea to steal homes.

They had all seen that boy's ability to confuse people. With a few words and a slap in the face, Zhou Qinglei and others were immediately made to scream and rush forward.

This guy is a born senior commander!

If he was given an aircraft carrier fleet, he would dare to attack the Eagle Tribe.

"Dong Guo, please send someone to the integrated military factory to operate the 052D proficiently as soon as possible. You can call on the original batch of sailors to prepare them for the expedition."

Xu Dongguo readily agreed to Liu Huaming's arrangement.

Everyone here has the same attitude towards this matter. Su Dingping must not be allowed to go into battle in person again.

"Wen Bing, secretly transfer all six of your 052Cs to the Northern Fleet base, plus our 052Bs, to form a task force."

"In addition, use nuclear submarines to escort us."

"In our coastal waters, against the Donghuang Fleet, we have more than a 50% chance of winning."

"As long as they don't take action, we will drag it. Once the second 052D is launched, we will be able to suppress them with firepower."

Liu Huaming then made detailed arrangements. As long as enough time is bought, Longxia Navy will be able to obtain more advanced warships.

And those 052D are the key equipment for Longxia Navy to completely surpass Haizi!

The greater the number, the stronger Longxia's navy is and the more confident it is to deal with the sea and save itself.

Of course, in addition to the integrated military factory, the other two major shipbuilding bases of the Longxia tribe are also going all out for production. With sufficient military expenditures, more 052Cs can be produced and put into use.

By the end of June, the Navy will have eight 052C ships in service.

Under this situation, Su Dingping could officially start building 052D at high power.

After the 052D is installed on a large scale, warships that are more advanced than the 051C can be exported to foreign countries, thereby earning foreign exchange to supplement insufficient military expenditures.

You must know that the Navy's money is simply not enough based on appropriations alone.

If the 052C is exported, that one ship can earn billions in foreign exchange, which can be described as lucrative.

After all, the cost of building such a ship is also 2.5 to 3 billion. The cost is still very high, but its combat level can rank very high among the ranks of Blue Star destroyers.

Su Dingping has always been meticulous about shipbuilding, and has almost achieved the ultimate level of savings, and will never waste a single cent of money by taking any detours.

In fact, if it weren't for these measures taken by Su Dingping, the cost of building a 052D would be higher. An extra five or six billion would not be a big problem at all.

After all, every warship is also a major project.

No matter what kind of warship it is, its cost is very frightening, costing over one billion or several billion.

"It seems that we still need to try our best to open up the international arms trade market and raise more funds for the navy."

"Our navy is still underfunded."

"The total cost of the aircraft carrier fleet alone is tens of billions. If we don't coordinate it well, it will really be too much to bear."

Everyone here strongly agreed with Liu Huaming's words.

The Navy has such a big treasure like Su Dingping, so it naturally needs to have sufficient funding, otherwise it won't take long for tens of billions of funds to be easily squandered by you.

Of course, they also knew very well that these squandered funds were directly transformed into the navy's ships, forming combat effectiveness, which directly improved the navy's combat effectiveness by an unknown number of levels.

In real terms, the navy has made a lot of money.

"Then everyone should take action and let the military trade department participate in more international military trade exhibitions and hang out some of our warships."

"No matter what, the international market still has great potential."

"If we can export one warship, we can earn the price of one warship."

Qian Wenbing and others all agreed. They were eager to carry out more foreign military trade cooperation and export more advanced equipment to help the oppressed tribes resist the invasion.

"By the way, Chief, Dingping mentioned it to me the day before yesterday."

"High-frequency pulse laser rust removal equipment is a dual-use instrument for both military and civilian use. It can be extended to civilian use. We might as well set up a civilian factory ourselves to produce civilian products."

"This reminds me that whether it is international or domestic, it is a blue ocean market."

At this moment, Xu Dongguo suddenly looked at Liu Huaming eagerly and mentioned something very important.

In the past, the core technology was sold to some domestic companies, but if this laser rust removal technology is sold, it will only be a one-time deal.

It would be a waste of resources to hand over such a huge domestic market to others.

"Dingping, I really can't take any time off."

"Since we can create a civilian version, we will continue to transfer relevant technologies."

"We can't be directly involved in the operation."

To be honest, Liu Huaming also wanted to participate, but there were regulations above that the troops could never participate in business activities, so they could only settle for the next best thing.

After explaining the military trade matter, Liu Huaming took the initiative to bring the topic back on track.

"In the recent period, you should do some precautions after you go down and be wary of sneak attacks from Donghuang Haizi."

"They are good at sneak attacks. We must not go down the same old path."

Everyone immediately took orders.

"Yes, Chief!"

After the main tone was set, everyone began to get busy after leaving the Navy Headquarters and performing their duties.

Thinking that Su Dingping was still tied up in the headquarters, Liu Huaming's inner worries were slightly reduced.

Su Dingping, who stayed at the headquarters, has not been idle recently. Instead, he held a meeting with a group of experts and professors on a new round of aircraft carrier renewal work.

With the putting into use of high-frequency pulse laser rust removal instruments of various sizes, the preliminary rust removal work is progressing very smoothly, and the aircraft carrier's repair plan must also be finalized.

In the conference room, Cheng Yiqiang and other experts from the 702 Research Institute were all present, as well as experts in other fields, all of whom were industry elites.

"We conducted detailed demonstrations and conducted mapping of the interior of the ship."

"It is unanimously agreed that the 12-unit 'P-500' anti-ship missile launcher on the bow should be retained so that the aircraft carrier can have long-range anti-ship capabilities."

"We have aircraft carriers to conduct ocean operations. With this anti-ship missile system, we can ensure the safety of the formation."

When discussing whether to retain the 12-unit "P-500" anti-ship missile launcher on the bow of the ship, some experts stood up first and insisted on following the old path of the Soviet Union period.

In other words, the construction will be continued based on the Varyag aircraft carrier intact.

"We think so. Even if this thing is kept, it won't be a problem."

"Anyway, there are 12 anti-ship missiles mounted on the bow of the ship. The firepower is quite fierce and it can carry out ocean-going anti-ship missions."

"I think it should be preserved. This is a witness to history."

Several other military industry experts agreed. Only by preserving 12 such large potholes can the actual value of this aircraft carrier be highlighted.

Su Dingping just looked at everyone and was not in a hurry to express his opinion.

Anyway, there is still a long way to go in the continued construction of this aircraft carrier, so there is no need to rush to this moment.

In his plan, although the renewal of the Varyag aircraft carrier in this life will not take 11 years, it will still be needed for two or three years.

Even with the help of military industrial illustrations, the construction time can be greatly shortened.

However, continued construction is much more difficult than actually building an aircraft carrier, and the amount of work is also huge.

"Dingping, why don't you speak?"

Cheng Yiqiang suddenly looked at Su Dingping at this time, "We are just expressing our opinions, you don't need to care about our attitude."

He knew very well that Su Dingping had extremely rich technical accumulation in the field of shipbuilding, and he was the soul of the aircraft carrier's continued construction work.

"Do you really want me to express my opinion?"

"Then I will offend you all."

Su Dingping took a deep breath and glanced at everyone, "My opinion is to dismantle it. The 'P-500' anti-ship missile launcher is useless and can no longer meet the needs of future aircraft carrier formation operations."

"If we want to continue building, we will continue to build a very pure aircraft carrier. It is a mobile maritime airport."

"As for anti-ship matters, leave them to the auxiliary ships."

Sure enough, as soon as Su Dingping finished speaking, everyone's expressions changed slightly and they all fell into thinking.

This is an academic discussion and they are not going to get angry.

Their heads haven't turned around yet, so naturally they still want to continue building the Varyag as it was before, with just some minor changes.

After a moment of silence, Cheng Yiqiang spoke again: "Isn't such a big place wasted?"

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