I built an armada

Chapter 292 Selling the East Desert Sea Aircraft Carrier to Make Money

If they could really plunder a fortune from the Eastern Barren tribe, it would be like a sudden burst of rain for the navy, which was short of funds.

"Chiefs, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. We are the victor, so it's time for the lion to open his mouth."

"If you feel embarrassed, just think about the compensation that the little devils asked us for in history. That is equivalent to our income for more than ten years."

Seeing the embarrassment on the faces of several leaders, including Liu Huaming, Su Dingping quickly added.

After hearing these words, several people suddenly felt that they no longer felt resentful. On the contrary, they felt that the compensation demanded was too little.

In the history of little devils, lions can speak loudly, why can't the Longxia tribe?

Where in the world can anything be so cheap?

After looking at each other, they all looked towards Su Dingping as if they had reached an agreement.

"What Dingping said is not wrong at all. Let's do this. You will be the one negotiating with Dingping this time."

"And you are the main one."

Liu Huaming said with a smile.

What do you mean?

Let yourself go?

Su Dingping suddenly felt that something was wrong.

He just made a suggestion, but why did his style suddenly change, as if he was included in it.

"No, no, I'm not a professional."

Su Dingping quickly declined, he didn't want to get involved.

"Hahaha, I think you are the best."

Seeing Su Dingping's embarrassed look, Liu Huaming smiled heartily and finally insisted, "I think it's you, you are the most suitable candidate."

"I'm not kidding you, this matter is settled."

Su Dingping suddenly felt uncomfortable. Isn't this just trying to catch a duck?

You can let him command wars or conduct scientific research, but this negotiation is really not possible. He has never done it before.

"Dingping, the chief has made a decision, you have to abide by it even if you don't abide by it."

"The military order is like a mountain, Dingping. You don't want to disobey the military order, do you? Just obey it and show off the momentum you had when you attacked the Little Japanese Haizi headquarters base."

"Dingping, I think you can do it. The chief's choice is correct. You have to believe in yourself."

Xu Dongguo and the other three leaders immediately began to persuade them, acting like they must be Su Dingping.

"Okay, I agree."

Su Dingping was helpless. He knew very well that if he didn't agree, these leaders would never give up.

"This matter of compensation and surrender is finally over."

Then the conversation suddenly changed, and Liu Huaming continued, "Next, let's talk about how to deal with the captured aircraft carrier and the King Kong-class guidance drive."

Xu Dongguo and the other three leaders immediately frowned.

I didn't have any good ideas to say for a while, so I naturally fell into deep thought.

Whether it is the aircraft carrier or the guided missile destroyer, although they were captured from the battlefield, they are still hot potatoes. If they are not handled well, there will definitely be clues left.

Especially the Haruna-class light aircraft carrier, which nominally belongs to the Eastern Wasteland Tribe, but in fact it is owned by the Eagle Tribe.

According to the mutual security agreement signed by the Donghuang Tribe, if Donghuanghai wants to use the aircraft carrier, the chief must apply in person, and it can only be used after approval.

As a result, the Eagle Tribe is bound to get involved in this matter.

Moreover, the Eagle Tribe also has an aircraft carrier built by Donghuanghai itself. This time, it only approved one aircraft carrier.

Of course, the Seventh Fleet of the Eagle Tribe is stationed in the Eastern Wilderness Tribe all year round and has a more advanced nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

Once the Eagle Tribe loses its face and waits until the situation in the central region calms down and moves towards a side that is beneficial to them, I am afraid they will find various excuses and excuses to attack the Longxia Tribe.

For a long time, the Eagle Tribe has set restrictions everywhere, blocked every corner, and implemented various weapons embargoes. The purpose is to never allow the Longxia Tribe to have an aircraft carrier, especially the use of this captured Haruna-class light aircraft carrier!

It can be said that they are very shameless and domineering, but this is the reality of Blue Star.

Everything is based on strength!

The Eagle Tribe is the strongest and most domineering. It has almost established most of the current international rules prevailing in Blue Star. It also likes to use long-arm jurisdiction to interfere very roughly in the internal affairs of other tribes.

With the current strength of Longxia Navy, it is really impossible to provoke such a powerful enemy.

Hiding one's strength and biding one's time is still the main strategy currently implemented. It would be great if they could avoid a head-on confrontation with the Eagle Tribe.

It is really not a wise move to turn against the Eagle Tribe over a Haruna-class light aircraft carrier.

The victory over the task force headed by the aircraft carrier in the Eastern Barren Sea is certainly worth writing about, and it is also worth celebrating.

But Liu Huaming and others are not so arrogant that they believe that Longxia Navy has reached the point where it can confront the Seventh Fleet and the Eagle Tribe Navy head-on.

In any case, for now, the Eagle Tribe cannot match the Long Xia Navy in terms of both the quantity and quality of its warships.

You must know that the Eagle Tribe has almost eleven 100,000-ton aircraft carriers, plus various cruisers, destroyers, frigates, nuclear submarines and numerous auxiliary ships, which can directly crush the Long Xia Navy.

Even if Long Xia's navy is powerful enough to fight against one aircraft carrier fleet, they can still form ten aircraft carrier fleets.

So for a while, the atmosphere was a little depressing.

"It's really a hot potato."

Xu Dongguo frowned and said helplessly.

"No, all things considered, we still can't return it. Otherwise, wouldn't we have captured that aircraft carrier in vain?"

"If we keep it in our hands, we will bear the responsibility of the Eagle Tribe to attack."

"There's really no good way."

The two leaders, Qian Wenbing and Xiao Chongjun, also sighed. They really couldn't think of a better way to deal with it.

"Chiefs, I have an idea."

Seeing that everyone was in trouble, Su Dingping suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, everyone looked over.

"Dingping, please stop showing off."

Xu Dongguo urged, he wanted to see what good ideas Su Dingping had.

"Actually, the Haruna-class light aircraft carrier is of little use to us."

“It performs just like that.”

Su Dingping's attitude was that he would never stop fighting without saying anything surprising.

The performance of the Haruna-class light aircraft carrier is just that.

Damn it.

What kind of talk about tigers and wolves?

If the performance is mediocre, why would Donghuanghai cherish it so much and hide it like a treasure?

Several people were in a mess.

The aircraft carrier, such a powerful weapon, is actually said to be unusable.

If other people said that, they would just beat him out with sticks without even thinking about it.

But when Su Dingping said this, they had to think about it seriously.

"I have two reasons."

"The aircraft carrier's combat capabilities can only be unleashed by various types of carrier-based aircraft. Now that the aircraft carrier has all its carrier-based aircraft gone, can we make up for it with our current capabilities?"

"Second, that's the tonnage. The Haruna-class aircraft carrier is a light aircraft carrier and can only be used for offshore escort. To perform these tasks, our frigates and destroyers are enough, as well as shore-based aviation."

"What we need is a ship that can perform ocean missions, train more carrier-based aircraft pilots for the navy, and shoulder the important task of transforming and upgrading the Long Xia Navy."

"It is obvious that the Haruna-class light aircraft carrier completely fails to meet the requirements."

"It's so worthless, what's the use of keeping it?"

Hearing this, several big bosses nodded, recognizing Su Dingping's two reasons.

"You said, in addition to being able to mount armed helicopters, do we have usable carrier-based aircraft?"

Suddenly asked by Su Dingping, Liu Huaming and others were speechless.

Carrier-based aircraft are specially developed. The wing area of ​​fixed-wing carrier-based aircraft is much larger than that of air force fighters. The two are not the same at all.

Air Force fighters can take off from land airports, but they cannot meet the demand for taking off and landing on aircraft carriers.

The Raptor 10 fighter jets currently produced in small batches have been used by the Air Force. Both the effect and response are very good, but there is no way to take off from an aircraft carrier.

Especially since it is a single-engine light fighter, its reliability is far inferior to that of a twin-engine heavy fighter.

Neither the deck area nor the runway length of the light aircraft carrier can meet the needs, and fighter aircraft need to be completely changed.

From the strength of the fuselage, to the hardness of the landing gear, to the materials of the fuselage, and even the tires, comprehensive research needs to be carried out. However, the current scientific research level of the Longxia fighter is still far from meeting the needs.

In addition, it is also necessary to train a large number of carrier-based aircraft pilots, which is a systematic project.

In the past, the Longxia tribe had not been equipped with aircraft carriers, and there was no real practice in this regard. It was simply more difficult to have a carrier-based aircraft immediately than to reach the sky.

On the other hand, as the process of renewing the Varyag aircraft carrier advances, these things can be constructed in a rhythmic manner, without the need to rush to catch up with the progress.

"For us, apart from being able to carry some armed helicopters, the Haruna aircraft carrier is of little use. It is not even as useful as an amphibious assault ship. It is basically just a decoration."

"And our navy does not need light aircraft carriers. Leaders, we might as well take a longer-term view."

"According to the three-step strategy, light aircraft carriers cannot meet the demand at all."

Su Dingping opened his mouth to explain again, keeping it useless and causing trouble.

"Instead of keeping such a worthless aircraft carrier, I think it would be better to spend precious military expenditures on building more 052Ds so that the navy can have more advanced combat ships?"

"To keep this aircraft carrier, the Navy will inevitably allocate a large part of its military expenditures to invest in it. In the end, it will not be of much use, and it is really not worth it to cause trouble."

"Looking at the renewal of the Varyag aircraft carrier, we can learn from it to build aircraft carriers, build carrier-based aircraft, and train pilots to move forward in a systematic way. Why not?"

"Commanders, there is absolutely no need for you to struggle with such an aircraft carrier that is of no use to us."

Seeing that everyone remained silent and their eyes were focused on him, Su Dingping spoke again, more detailed and serious.

After Liu Huaming and other leaders pondered for a moment, they all felt that what Su Dingping said was very reasonable.

To put it bluntly, the Longxia Navy is not yet ready to own an aircraft carrier, and everything must be started from scratch. Forced equipment will only make the Longxia Navy's pitiful military expenditures even more stretched.

At present, the most urgent thing for the Longxia Navy is to equip more advanced guided missile destroyers like 052D, as well as various types of submarines, and it also needs to continue to promote the renewal of the Varyag aircraft carrier.

If we abandon the Varyag aircraft carrier and forcefully install this light aircraft carrier, the gains outweigh the losses in all aspects. It will also attract the attention of the Eagle Tribe, which is a good and bad strategy.

It is extremely detrimental to the navy and the strategic layout of the entire Longxia tribe.

"Dingping, according to your opinion, should we sell it?"

After Liu Huaming thought about it, he raised his head and looked at Su Dingping and asked.

He gradually had an idea in his mind that he could not waste time and limited funds on Haruna-class light aircraft carriers and Kongo-class guided missile destroyers.

"Sell, but don't be in a hurry to get rid of it."

Su Dingping's answer confused everyone. They didn't understand it at all.


At Liu Huaming's signal, Su Dingping spoke again.

"My chiefs, my idea is very simple, that is to find the right seller."

"This tribe must not have any conflict of interest with us, just like when we sold 051C."

"After selling it, we will keep it in our own hands and carry out renovation and upgrade. As for how long this process will take, it is up to us to decide."

"When we have a thorough understanding of the core technologies of the Haruna-class light aircraft carrier and Kongo-class guided drive, we will tell the other party that we can come to pick up the ship."

Hearing these words, Liu Huaming's brows beat fiercely.

"I'm afraid others won't agree?"

Su Dingping smiled calmly and said: "Don't agree? Then I will sell you two more warships. Do you agree?"

"Think about it, in today's world, apart from the White Bear Tribe and the Eagle Tribe, who else can sell warships to us at such high quality and low price?"

"No, not one!"

When Liu Huaming and others heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up. It was interesting, so interesting.

They also gradually came back to their senses.

Neither the Eagle Tribe nor the White Bear Tribe can buy modern warships that have not undergone technical castration and are still so cheap.

It can only be purchased from Longxia Navy.

"Of course, if others are not satisfied, we can also technically upgrade the 051C sold to them to give it more advanced air defense and anti-missile capabilities and fulfill the protective role of the aircraft carrier."

"Our current production capacity is fully capable of keeping up, and we can also accumulate experience for other shipbuilding bases and lay a solid foundation for the large-scale construction of advanced warships."

"Chief, all the brigade-level and Jiangdong-class ships in our navy must be replaced. We can also carry out technical upgrades on these old warships as needed."

"Everything that can be sold is sold."

Su Dingping said with a serious face and a loud voice.

"The equipment related to the integrated military factory is about to be upgraded, and the 052D is about to be mass-produced. Time is on our side. As long as others cannot find our clues, we will be able to take greater advantage in future naval battles."

"This time 052C and 052D conducted joint operations and achieved fruitful results, which shows it all."

Hearing what Su Dingping said, Liu Huaming and other leaders were extremely shocked. While they were still confused, Su Dingping had already cleared up the clouds, analyzed the situation in a simple and profound way, and pointed out the direction.

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