I built an armada

Chapter 293 The situation is unfavorable and Donghuang gives in

Each one of them felt their eyes suddenly light up, and their thoughts completely opened up.

"That makes sense."

"As long as the Haruna-class aircraft carrier is in our hands, there is no way to significantly improve the navy's combat effectiveness in a short period of time. On the contrary, it will disrupt our three-step strategy. It is really not worth the loss."

"Dingping, I didn't expect you to be so sober. Thank you for reminding me, otherwise we old guys would have made mistakes."

"Then just sell it and make some money."

Qian Wenbing was outspoken. He looked at Su Dingping with admiration and spoke first.

"I agree with Dingping's view. It is better to sell it than to keep it useless. It is better to recover military expenditures and vigorously develop naval infrastructure. It can also temporarily avoid the conflict with the Eagle Tribe and buy more time for the development of our navy. Why not Not for?”

"Our navy is upgrading. Some old warships have not been in service for long. They can be upgraded and renovated and then packaged and sold to make a profit."

"Chief, I think the strategy formulated by this guy Dingping takes the development of our navy into account in all aspects."

Xu Dongguo also took over the conversation, and he was also full of praise for Su Dingping, not hiding his affection at all.

When the head of the Army and the Air Force had an idea for Su Dingping, he almost stopped dreaming. The Navy couldn't afford to get such a top strategic science master. If he were taken away, wouldn't it cost him his life? ?

"Chief, I also think that Dingping's idea is most in line with our current national conditions."

"It is very worthy of adoption, and it also allows me to see the hope of our navy going to the ocean. We cannot mess up our own army-building strategy for the sake of a captured light aircraft carrier."

Xiao Chongjun also clearly expressed his support for Su Dingping. He felt that his mind was suddenly opened, that is, he should unswervingly follow his own path of building an army.

The ambitions of Long Xia Navy are definitely not something that a light aircraft carrier can support.

At the very least, it should start with a medium-sized aircraft carrier like the Varyag, and then gradually expand to a 100,000-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, becoming a maritime force on Blue Star that cannot be ignored.

However, everyone also understood one of the most important points, that is, sooner or later, the Long Xia Navy will confront the Eagle Tribe, but it is obviously not yet time.

The more they talked, the more excited they became, and the more they talked, the more transparent they became.

A light aircraft carrier, plus those warships packaged and sold together, is definitely not a small sum.

As a result, the Navy received a considerable amount of additional military expenditures.

"The idea of ​​Dingping is very good, so this matter is settled."

"We won't keep any of the aircraft carriers or King Kong-class guided missile destroyers. We will sell them all on the international arms market."

Liu Huaming made the decision immediately. Even though he was a wealthy man, he was very happy at this moment. Having finalized the matter, the stone in his heart fell away.

"I just have a question, who are you selling to?"

Liu Huaming then asked, there are not many tribes on Blue Star who dare to offend the Eagle Tribe.

If you sell it to the White Bear Tribe, it will definitely not be worth the price.

Moreover, they are too close to Long Xia. Their deployment in the eastern region may also put a lot of pressure on Long Xia's coastal defense security. They are not a good sales target.

"The Midlands, they're generous over there."

Su Dingping said with a smile, pointing to the middle of the large land on the map.

Now the central region is severely suppressed by the Eagle Tribe, but it has to rely on the oil they produce. Under this situation.

"Dingping sees clearly."

Liu Huaming's eyes became cold when he heard this. There is really a need in this area in the central region.

"Last time, Zhang Zhaoxin was in charge of the trade with the Tesha tribe, right? Let's send him there this time. In addition, Secretary Zhao, who was in charge of external procurement last time, will also be sent there."

"We must implement this matter as soon as possible. It is best to finalize this matter before the Eagle Tribe reacts."

"To avoid long nights and too many dreams, start implementing it after you get down."

"The country is under the leadership of Dongguo, and we will try our best to meet their needs if we can."

In today's world, military trade has never been a simple military trade relationship, but an extension of the relationship between countries. The relationship between the Longxia tribe and the Tesha tribe has always been good.

The Tesha tribe has a strong need for weapons in this regard, especially the navy.

"Yes, Chief."

"I asked them to leave overnight."

Xu Dongguo immediately accepted the order and went out to make arrangements before the meeting was over.

Previously, 051C bought several Tessa Tribe ships, all of which were handled by Zhang Zhaoxin and other naval foreign military trade departments. Zhang Zhaoxin has now been appointed as the head of the military trade office, and such an important task naturally falls on him again.

What's more, Zhang Zhaoxin still has some connections in the central region, so he knows the way well and doesn't have to worry too much.

After receiving the order, Secretary Zhao took a flight overnight to the Tesha tribe in the central region.

Zhang Zhaoxin stayed in the country, commanding military trade remotely and stationed at the base to implement the other party's needs.

After the matter was basically settled, Su Dingping did not rest, but chose to return to the aircraft carrier.

The fate of the Haruna-class light aircraft carrier and the Kongo-class guided missile destroyer has been decided, and there will be no changes. So we must rush to crack the relevant core technologies as soon as possible before they are sold. All aspects of performance data must be available. Write them down one by one.

There are three pounds of iron in a broken ship. Su Dingping decided to maximize the role of the Haruna-class light aircraft carrier in the Longxia Navy, which is of great significance to the continued construction of the Varyag aircraft carrier.

As for the King Kong-class guided missile destroyer, while being able to provide relevant technical data, it can also play its role as an imaginary enemy warship.

According to various sources, the King Kong class was developed on the basis of Burke II.

The Burke II guided missile destroyer is one that the Eagle Tribe will continue to improve in the future. It will develop into the Burke III type and the Burke IV type, which will continue to be upgraded and transformed.

But there is no way to change the root cause. As long as the research is thorough, the performance data of the main battleships of the Eagle Tribe Navy will be mastered by the Longxia Navy in the future. This will be crucial to the powerful opponents that the Longxia Navy will face in the future. Significance.

At the same time, the Donghuang tribe, Kyoto, was in the conference hall of the cabinet meeting.

The supreme commander of the Haizi, General Murashita Hayaki, arrived here early, looking forward to clarifying some things for Donghuang Haizi, and explaining that it was definitely not that Donghuang Haizi was useless, but that God had abandoned them.

The defeat was not their fault, it was God's failure to help.

They have always been favored by Amaterasu, but not this time.

His face was extremely pale, indicating that he was extremely cold and suppressed his anger.

The bold words he had sworn in front of so many cabinet members now turned into ruthless slaps on his old face.

He could feel the strange looks from the cabinet members, as if they were trying to eat him alive.

That feeling made him very unhappy, but he had to suppress the anger in his heart.

"Didn't someone say before that we should rectify the Haizi when we return? We must improve our combat effectiveness and revive the strongest maritime force in the Dongzhou Sea? Why are you mute today? Where did the powerful Haizi go?"

Suddenly, at this moment, a cabinet member stood up and started sarcastic towards Murakami Hayaki, without leaving him any sympathy at all.

"Baga, General Murashita Hayaki, you are really unbelievable. Donghuang Haizi, the number one in the Dongzhou sea area, was damaged like this in your hands. Aren't you ashamed?"

"Murakita Hayaki, tell me, Haizi has been established for decades. Have you ever seen Haizi lose so miserably? People have already placed warships at our door. Do you have any reaction? ?”

"In my opinion, Murakami Saki is no longer suitable to be a general. He should commit seppuku to thank the Eastern Barren Tribe. He is the sinner of the Eastern Barren Tribe!"

That cabinet member was like a fuse, igniting the anger of all cabinet members at once.

Murakami Sayamu sat there without saying a word and could only bear it silently. He even felt that being severely cursed by a cabinet member would make him feel better. In fact, it was also a kind of inner suffering and self-blame.

Suddenly at this moment, Kumamoto Tokugawa, the chief of the Kumamoto shogunate, suddenly looked at Murashita Hayaki.

"Murakita Hayaki, can you explain where the Haruna-class light aircraft carrier and a guided missile went?"

"Now, answer me truthfully."

Faced with this aggressive question, Murakami's neck suddenly jerked, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

But he could only shake his head in response to the other party.

"Are all the ships that participated in the war, including the aircraft carrier, gone?"

Kumamoto Tokugawa's voice turned cold instantly, as if the conference hall had suddenly entered the twelfth lunar month of winter, and the temperature dropped suddenly.

The other cabinet members also had cold eyes, but their ears were wide open.

"Yes, it is."

Murakami Hayaki could only nod his head and responded.

The naval battle had been like that, with almost all the ships participating in the battle being wiped out. As for where the aircraft carrier had gone, how could he know so clearly as a god?

Maybe it was floating on the sea like a ghost ship, or maybe it was captured by Long Xia's navy.

Both situations exist.

As for the Longxia tribe, Liu Huaming personally issued an order. Anyone who reveals information about the Haruna-class light aircraft carrier and warships will be sentenced to death, and the news will naturally not spread.


"We have all been defeated like this. Long Xia Navy wants us to surrender openly and compensate them for their losses?"

"Asshole, who will compensate for our losses?"

Kumamoto Tokugawa was so angry that his lungs were about to explode, and his anger was about to burn out the last trace of his sanity.

He had never been so angry as he was today.

Aircraft carrier, the aircraft carrier is gone.

The Eighty-eighth Fleet is gone too!

Almost all the independent warships in the sea were lost. What a huge and tragic loss is this?

"Bagayalu, Long Xia is too arrogant."

"You Haizi are so useless, you are just a fool in command, and you actually allowed us to be defeated so miserably!"

"Such a huge loss is something we have never experienced in Haizi. No, our tribe has never experienced it in decades. Murakami Saki, do you know?"

"We must not surrender openly, let alone pay compensation. If they have the ability, they will launch a war against us!"

The anger of the cabinet members could not be increased and they started shouting. They even started a new round of war to suppress the arrogance of Long Xia Navy.

In their view, even if Long Xia's navy were to resist, it would only be a victory for one branch of the military. They also had Lu Zi and Kong Zi, so they could take back everything they lost.

You can even fight a very beautiful counterattack and fight directly into the Longxia tribe.

"Murakita Hayaki, does it mean that if we don't surrender and make compensation, the Ryukatsu Navy won't evacuate the warships?"

After waving his hands and everyone quieted down, Kumamoto Tokugawa asked again in a deep voice.

"That's right, Chief."

Murakami Hayaki's whole body was going numb, but he had to bite the bullet and respond.

He could already foresee that he was in danger. According to the current situation, the Kumamoto shogunate would definitely go on a killing spree and personally participate in the rectification of Donghuanghai.

"Chief, as well as all the cabinet members, this is a unanimous vote passed by the Blue Star Alliance. If we continue to fail to comply, I am afraid that even the Eagle Tribe will take the lead in punishing us."

"We cannot afford such consequences."

The head of the foreign affairs department had to stand up and emphasize it again.

Last time, it was because he violated the resolution and took the initiative to provoke a war. As a result, he lost like this and made the Eagle Tribe extremely dissatisfied.

If it is violated again, the Donghuang tribe will fall into a terrible situation that will never be restored, and there will be no room for change.

The Donghuang tribe is now in trouble internally and externally. Faced with such a situation, even though Kumamoto Tokugawa is extremely arrogant, he has to choose to give in and lower his head.

"Immediately send people to the Longxia tribe to negotiate with them and find a compromise solution. I can't apologize publicly, but I can add a little compensation."

"In addition, the cabinet sent personnel to communicate with the Eagle Tribe and allied tribes to see if there is a special plane on this matter."

"Don't be afraid of spending money. Some money should be spent, and it must be spent!"

Kumamoto Tokugawa let out a long sigh and finally made corresponding arrangements directly.

After doing all this, he stood up and left the conference hall immediately, unwilling to continue looking at such a group of very annoying guys.

Seeing that the chief stood up and left, many cabinet members also stood up and left, with undisguised sneers on their lips. They had no sympathy for Murakami Saki, on the contrary, they had deep disgust.

Haizi lost this battle so miserably that they felt shameless and shameless.

Long Xia's navy surrounded the Donghuang tribe and put the muzzle of the cannon into their faces. It was really called face-mounted output, riding on their necks to perform crazy output.

After receiving the order, the cabinet immediately started making arrangements and left the conference hall.

As a result, there was only a solitary guy like Murakami Hayaki left in the conference hall, sitting there alone with a look of depression on his face.

After a while, he let out a long sigh, and his whole body seemed to grow old all of a sudden.

How unruly and unruly he was in the past, now, he was so downcast and his whole person was sluggish.

He really regretted it. Why did he start a war with Long Xia Navy?

Why are you so hot-headed?

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