I built an armada

Chapter 312 The sword points towards the Blue Star powers

They were quite afraid that Su Dingping would take away all the 100 billion if he opened his mouth.

In that case, the Navy's funding will return to before liberation in one second, and it will become a pauper again.

"With these 70 billion, we can last for a few months."

"As for the improvement and research and development costs of various missiles, torpedoes and other weapons on the 10,000-ton large drive, we will discuss it later."

Hearing Su Dingping's words, Liu Huaming, who had originally breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly realized that the 10,000-ton cruiser was a brand-new warship, so the missiles that matched it needed to be improved in order to truly exert its due combat effectiveness.

Just like the missiles previously adapted to 052B cannot be used by 052C and 052D, first-generation ships have missile weapons that the first-generation ships can use alone.

Of course, this does not mean that it is a waste or cannot be used. It is mainly because the performance of the ships has become more advanced. The missiles originally adapted to other ships have fallen behind in terms of technical performance and other aspects. .

If you continue to use old missile weapons, the newly developed warships will only be able to greatly reduce their combat effectiveness.

The manufacturing cost of the 052D is about US$400 million. Including the missiles, torpedoes and other weapon systems that are adapted to it, at least an additional US$50 million is needed, which adds up to US$450 million.

This alone is a huge expense.

Xu Dongguo sighed in his heart. The Navy is really a money-eating monster. So much money is gone. They are still too short of money. They need to make money like crazy.

In fact, he sometimes felt that he was not a good leader and could not raise enough funds to fully meet Su Dingping's talent needs.

He once made this assumption. If there are sufficient funds to guarantee it, just like the oil-rich countries in the central region, which have inexhaustible funds, then the Longxia Navy will be different. The use of all three fleets will be the most effective. Advanced warship.

With these advanced warships, the navy can gallop across the ocean and have a new century maritime showdown with the Eagle Tribe.

Xu Dongguo and Liu Huaming looked at each other, and after some eye contact, they looked at Su Dingping and said.

"Ding Ping, I know you are thinking about us. Let's do this. I will grant you 40 billion first to ensure the advancement of your research."

"When the Donghuang tribe's compensation arrives and the military expenditures allocated from above also come down, we will grant you another 30 billion."

"You can do whatever you want."

"Don't worry, we will do a good job with the logistics to ensure that none of your scientific research results cannot be implemented because of money."

Xu Dongguo's words were very touching and moved Su Dingping very much.

In fact, what he asked for was not much. He just hoped that all three fleets of the navy could be equipped with cutting-edge warships as soon as possible so that they would not be defeated in future naval battles, even when facing powerful opponents like the Eagle Tribe.

In the past, naval warships were not advanced enough and could carry out guerrilla warfare at sea, fight with bayonets, and exchange the lives of soldiers for hard-won victory. But in future naval battles, he wants the navy to use more advanced equipment than its opponents and use zero casualties. Victory in the naval battle at the most cost.

The Long Xia soldiers were all the cutest people. Their lives were extremely precious, and Su Dingping cherished them extremely.

"Yes, Chief!"

Su Dingping finally felt relieved. This kind of installment payment was quite suitable for his needs.

As long as the funding is in place, subsequent construction will be accelerated. Whether it is the upgrading and transformation of the integrated military factory or the research and development of new ships, they all need to be advanced quickly.

After talking about some other things, Su Dingping got up and left.

The only four navy bosses left in the huge conference hall were Liu Huaming, Xu Dongguo, Xiao Chongjun, and Qian Wenbing.

"To put it bluntly, the Navy is still a high-tech branch. Without money, it really can't get things done."

"The little money that Soso Sou saved before was all given to Su Dingping. He still brought us miracles. Without the addition of cutting-edge warships, we simply would not be able to meet the challenges of the East Barren Sea."

Qian Wenbing was the first to speak, with infinite emotion on his face, "Before, since Donghuanghai designated the air defense identification zone at our doorstep, we could only stare."

Everyone was convinced when they heard what he said.

Precisely because the navy is a high-tech branch, each warship costs money, and the missiles used also cost money. Old missiles cannot yet be adapted to new warships, and newer ones can only be developed.

In this case, it would be strange not to be disliked.

Fortunately, the navy finally came through and won a huge victory against the Donghuang Sea, completely completing the battle for status within the Dongzhou tribe. The Longxia Navy has now become the veritable boss in the Dongzhou sea area.

Next, they will face the challenge of the Eagle Tribe. In this way, they need to continue to increase investment in research and development and develop more cutting-edge warships. Fortunately, they have strategic-level military experts like Su Dingping.

"We fought this battle very quickly. Although we endured great risks and faced tremendous pressure from both home and abroad, fortunately we won and completely eliminated the main force of Donghuanghai."

"It is not easy to lay a solid foundation for our navy in the next two years."

Xiao Chongjun then started to feel slightly drunk, and he also sighed with emotion.

He knew very well that without those advanced warships, it would be unthinkable to win this battle.

"The victory in this battle has really opened up a new situation for us. It will be of great significance to the future battles with the Eagle Tribe. It is really not easy."

"Although the crisis has become bigger and more uncontrollable than before, fortunately, our navy has become more powerful now, equipped with more cutting-edge warships, and its ability to manage crises has been enhanced. "

Xu Dongguo also has his own words to say about this huge victory in the battle against Donghuanghai. It is really hard-won for the navy to achieve such achievements today.

After having been aggrieved and suing for peace for so long, this battle was not as effective as this one. Donghuang Haizi, who was extremely arrogant in the past, has become the defeated general of Long Xia Navy today.

Undoubtedly, this will have a great impact on the peace of Dongzhou Sea in the future.

Liu Huaming, who was sitting in the first position, nodded slightly after listening. Every fleet commander's words spoke to his heart.

Peace is not begged, but fought with fists.

"You are all right. The time when we wanted to hide our capabilities and bide our time and seek peace through patience has passed."

"Our future development depends on our strength."

"Only a situation created with fists is what we need, and it will last longer."

After exhaling a long breath, Liu Huaming's eyes became more determined. The navy is the foundation for safeguarding maritime rights and interests and ensuring the realization of Longxia's maritime interests.

Without sustained high investment, the navy cannot achieve greater development, let alone ensure that when national interests are violated by powerful enemies, the navy will take action unswervingly.

Gone are the days of using flesh and blood to win victory. Future naval battles will require the support of high-tech equipment.

Especially when facing ruthless characters like the Eagle Tribe who are armed to the teeth with high technology, Long Xia Navy needs more advanced equipment.

"Next, I'll go find Xue Shuai."

"Ask him to grant more military spending to our navy, and we will carry out the strategy formulated by Dingping."

"Our navy needs more, more powerful warships."

Before the three fleet commanders could speak, Liu Huaming had already made a decision. He would be Su Dingping's logistics officer and go all out to ensure adequate financial support.

The future of using strength to defend peace has arrived. This is a fact that no one can change. Fortunately, the Navy is already prepared.

At the same time, the Eagle Tribe and the Black Palace.

It was already dawn in the Eagle Tribe at this time, and the streets were bustling with traffic and busy figures of working people everywhere.

In the chief's office, several senior staff members have arrived and started a new day's work.

"Great Chief, the latest news."

Intelligence officer Michael glanced at the crowd and spoke first, "The matter between the Donghuang tribe and the Longxia tribe has come to an end."

The great chief nodded slightly, not paying much attention to such an important event.

"Great Chief, some of our people are quite dissatisfied with us for not supporting the Eastern Wilderness tribe. They even scolded us very unpleasantly, saying that we were ungrateful."

A blond staff member spoke immediately, looking quite unhappy.

"What do they know? They are a bunch of guys who only know how to take money. They are short-sighted."

"The Donghuang tribe has become a little distracted in the past few years. They dare to say loudly to us that they can't do it. If we don't give it a try, they will have forgotten who they are."

"Now Longxia Navy has taught them a hard lesson for us, isn't it great?"

The chief said meaningfully, in fact, there has been intelligence for a long time showing that the Donghuang tribe has become restless in recent years, and must be punished. It is very good to teach them a lesson at the hands of Long Xia Haijun.

"Now that the Longxia tribe has broken a leg of the Donghuang tribe, they will definitely ask us for help. If we give them a sweet date, the Donghuang tribe will be even more grateful to us?"

"This will allow us to execute future plans to expand our presence."

After listening to these words, several staff members all showed signs of enlightenment.

All the previous doubts have been explained. It has to be said that the chief is very cunning and has a deeper meaning in not allowing any senior officials to meet the representatives sent by the Eastern Wilderness tribe.

"You guys need to have a deeper understanding of the Longxia tribe. They are not strong enough now, but they are making rapid progress."

"Especially their military works, the more you read them, the more you know your enemy and yourself, the more you can win every battle. We must not forget that our military power is used to maintain our tribe's superpower status."

Before the staff could speak, the commander reminded him again that he had obtained a lot of information about Long Xia's navy from the intelligence department.

He had always felt that the Longxia Navy was weak, but after this naval battle, he realized that the Longxia Navy was rising at an alarming rate.

Although the current Long Xia Navy is still very weak, it must not be underestimated because of this.

"Yes, Warchief."

All the staff nodded quickly and agreed.

"Have you found any results from your investigation into the whereabouts of the Haruna-class aircraft carrier?"

Facing the sudden inquiry from the great chief, Michael, as an intelligence officer, quickly took out a document, opened it, looked at it, and then reported it.

"Great Chief, based on comprehensive information from various sources, the light aircraft carrier is in the hands of the Longxia tribe."

"It is basically certain that this information is true and reliable."

Hearing this, the chief frowned slightly and then said:

"Now that this matter is confirmed, we must send someone to the Longxia tribe and bring the Haruna-class aircraft carrier back to me. They bought the Varyag aircraft carrier and can fall into their hands, but this light aircraft carrier We have the technology.”

"So it absolutely cannot fall into their hands."

The staff in charge of foreign affairs quickly stood up and said: "Yes, the chief!"

After all, the control of the two aircraft carriers built by the Eastern Barren Tribe must still be in the hands of the Eagle Tribe. The Eastern Barren Tribe has no command and dispatch power at all.

"Great Chief, there is one more thing."

"This surrender ceremony was held aboard a 052C of the Long Xia Navy. After multiple comparisons by our technical staff, we found that this is the shield ship we captured last time via satellite."

"The shield above is larger than our Aribok 2, and the detection range is longer."

"They have equipped a batch of such advanced shield ships, and their power cannot be underestimated."

Michael urgently provided a new piece of information and sent it to the chief, reporting it with a serious look on his face.

"Oh, there is such a thing?"

The chief quickly took the document and read it carefully.

He didn't look at the photos of the surrender ceremony. As for the other insignificant content, he turned directly to the page 052C and started reading. His brows gradually furrowed.

There were many warships gathered around the 052C battleship where the surrender ceremony was held, and there was even a glimpse of the 052D.

Michael also distributed photos of 052C to other staff, as well as a blurry shield photo taken last time by satellite.

After some comparison, everyone basically confirmed that the shield ship captured by the satellite was 052C.

But I never expected that just how long had passed before Longxia Navy would actually equip such a batch of new warships.

On top of the relevant documents, a large amount of very impressive observation data was recorded next to the 052C frontal photo, and its performance in all aspects is very impressive.

"Great Chief, Captain Astor, who led this time, conducted a comprehensive investigation and analysis of this warship on site and found that this shield ship of the Long Xia Navy has very powerful air search and strike capabilities."

"Almost all the reconnaissance planes and fighter jets of the East Wasteland Self-Defense Force were destroyed in his hands."

"In addition, according to the report sent back by Astor and the relevant data he collected, our military industry experts conducted a comprehensive analysis and calculation and found that the range of the anti-aircraft missiles it launched was at least one hundred kilometers,"

"The anti-ship missiles equipped basically achieve supersonic penetration throughout the entire process, and it is simply difficult for the close-in defense system to effectively intercept."

"It's a pity that it was just a visual inspection and did not provide more detailed data."

Michael then took out another document, opened it and read it, and then said, "It is a pity that all the independent forces of Donghuanghai have been destroyed, otherwise we can collect more detailed data."

Next, Michael focused on introducing the relevant performance of 052C, and of course the relevant data collected by satellites.

An intuitive result that everyone got after hearing this was that the 052C equipped by Longxia Navy was a warship with strong combat performance, and they felt their scalps explode.

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