I built an armada

Chapter 313 Shocked the White Bear Tribe

The chief became silent after hearing this, feeling something was wrong in his heart.

After a while, he spoke: "Michael, according to your judgment, how will it compare with our related warships?"

Michael quickly turned to the last page and finally saw the conclusion.

"Great Chief, according to the conclusions drawn by experts, our next-generation guided missile destroyer, the Burke 3, completely crushes the opponent in terms of performance."

"But compared with our current Burke Type 2, the combat effectiveness may be as high as 46%. Our Burke Type 2 is slightly better."

After hearing the explanation, the chief looked extremely shocked.

The development speed of Long Xia Navy's military equipment was able to achieve such great progress in such a short period of time, which greatly exceeded his expectations.

He remembered that in order to cope with the crisis, the Longxia Navy imported the 956E guided missile destroyer to the White Bear Tribe. The combat performance of that ship was directly outclassed by the Burke 2 type.

How long has it been?

Just a few months, right?

A few years ago, the Seventh Fleet dispatched an aircraft carrier fleet and was able to exercise freedom of navigation unscrupulously in the Longxia waters.

"Didn't we impose a military, technical and equipment blockade on the Longxia tribe? Isn't our Batumi organization no longer monolithic?"

"Why else would the Longxia Tribe suddenly have such an advanced Aegis guided missile destroyer?"

Facing the chief's question, all the staff shook their heads vigorously. They had very few channels for obtaining information, so they naturally wondered what the reason was.

Generally speaking, a comprehensive military and technological blockade has been implemented against the Longxia Tribe. The Longxia Navy should not receive technical support. There are only a few broken ships and warships imported from the White Bear Tribe.

It’s been a long time since I paid attention to the Longxia Navy. How come it seems like the Longxia Navy has grown up overnight and equipped with so many advanced ships.

Isn't the development speed too fast?

Of course, this is because they don't know that the 052C is no longer the most advanced equipment in the Long Xia Navy, but has become the 052D.

With the advanced performance of the 052D, the comprehensive combat performance of the 052C can be fully utilized, thus achieving the effect of one plus one greater than two.

Of course, the Eagle Tribe claims that Blue Star has the strongest intelligence collection capabilities, but their control over the Longxia Tribe's navy is incomplete, and the intelligence data they collect is even more flawed.

Not only 052C, but also other ships, especially guided missile destroyers with extremely advanced performance such as 052D.

"Great Chief, and all my colleagues."

"You should focus on the radar on the bridge of this 052C ship. The huge array is very straight. This has not been seen on any other tribal warships."

"And it is not used on our warships. The huge array shows that there are many receiving and transmitting modules installed inside. It can be sure that it is an active phased array radar with very good performance."

Michael pointed directly at the huge formation in the picture and emphasized that if the radar-related performance was not clear, it meant that they did not have enough grasp of the core performance of the ship.

If a naval battle occurs, this will pose a very fatal threat.

"Don't the White Bear Tribe have relevant technology?"

The chief couldn't help but ask. The White Bear tribe inherited a large amount of military technology from the Soviet Union period, which made them all amazed and envious.

The White Bear Tribe can survive for several years just by relying on the old capital left by the Soviet Union.

In recent years, the military cooperation between the White Bear Tribe and Long Xia has been getting closer and closer, and even they are very envious of it.


After hearing this, the great chief then spoke: "In other words, these advanced warships of the Long Xia Navy are not imported from the White Bear Tribe at all. Is this what you mean?"

Seeing Michael nod, the chief's face suddenly dropped and he fell into silence again.

This news was quite unfriendly to them.

His mood at the moment was extremely complicated and somewhat difficult to accept.

I originally thought that as long as a comprehensive blockade of weapons and related technologies was carried out, the Longxia Navy would not develop so fast, or even fall behind, and there would be no need to pay too much attention to the Longxia Tribe.

But who could have imagined that in just a short period of time, Long Xia's navy would undergo earth-shaking changes and truly turn around.

In the past, they felt that there was no need to pay too much attention, but now they suddenly discovered that they had completely miscalculated.

"Great Chief, that's basically what I mean."

"But we don't need to worry about the Longxia Navy. Even if they defeat the Donghuang Haizi, our Burke 3 guided missile destroyers will be commissioned soon."

"Large-scale upgrading will ensure that all Burke-3 guided missile destroyers can be used."

Suddenly, a blue-eyed staff member spoke up and said that he still had confidence in his own weapons and equipment.

Once the Burke 3 guided missile destroyer comes out, it will definitely be a high-tech Blue Star warship and a large warship that other tribes cannot match.

The comprehensive combat performance directly crushes the 052C of Longxia Navy.

Hearing these words, the chief couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

As long as they are equipped with Burke-3 guided missile destroyers, no matter how hard the Longxia tribe tries to catch up, the gap will still be very large.

The Eagle Tribe will still be Blue Star's strongest maritime force, and it will still be Blue Star's maritime overlord that no one can challenge.

"Instruct the foreign affairs department to send people to the Longxia tribe tomorrow."

"Be sure to bring me the Haruna-class light aircraft carrier!"

"It is also necessary to collect more relevant intelligence about the 052C warship as soon as possible. I need its complete performance data."

"If you can, bring me a boat and let our military industrial enterprises study it carefully."

After listening to the analysis of several staff members, the chief felt relaxed a lot, and then made arrangements for the next stage of work.

As long as the technology of the Eagle Tribe's warships can be ahead of Long Xia's, it would be best to be one step ahead of them.

"As you command, Warchief."

The staff took the order and left, and soon the chief was the only one left in the office.

Looking at the pile of documents, he frowned and had no intention of reviewing, but fell into deep thought.

At this moment, all his thoughts were focused on Long Xia Haijun. He picked up the new intelligence documents and read them again.

He never understood from the beginning to the end how the Longxia Tribe obtained such advanced technology and built so many cutting-edge warships in such a short period of time. The destroyer hit a four or six.

This is incredible, just crazy.

"What's the problem? It shouldn't be."

"Why can't the military technology blockade stop the development of Long Xia's navy?"

The great chief murmured to himself, with confusion and confusion written all over his face.

You must know that they implemented a comprehensive military and technological blockade against the Longxia Tribe, and also roped in many of their allies, which can almost be said to have completely cut off the Longxia Tribe's possibility of obtaining advanced technology from the western tribes.

In addition, the Eagle Tribe also uses various means to recruit outstanding talents from all over the world, and has also attracted many from the Longxia Tribe.

Logically speaking, under such extreme conditions, Long Xia's navy should develop extremely slowly, but in fact it developed extremely fast, which can be described as incredible.

The chief really couldn't figure it out.

In recent years, the White Bear Tribe has also been blocked, so that they can only rest on their laurels and cannot build large warships at all.

The Eagle Tribe used various methods to slow down the technological development of other non-Western tribes, almost blocking them from the high wall.

"It seems that the Longxia tribe cannot be measured using conventional thinking."

"They are a country that uses abacus to shoot mushroom bombs."

"Don't underestimate them."

After a while, the chief put down the relevant information and expressed infinite emotion.

The Longxia tribe has a profound heritage. It has advocated self-reliance and hard work since the founding of the People's Republic of China. It cannot be blocked by blockade. After seven or eight years of blockade, everything will be available.

The great chief suddenly thought of the great man's words, and his heart trembled slightly.

In any case, the Longxia tribe has existed for more than five thousand years, so it naturally has its advantages.

Late that night, at an international airport in the Eagle Tribe, a business jet was undergoing various inspections before taking off. The crew checked extremely carefully and did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

After all inspections were completed, the business jet received the takeoff order and slowly taxied towards the main runway.

Taking off with afterburner, the business jet soared into the sky and soon disappeared into the dark night.

In the cabin, all members of the Eagle Tribe delegation headed by Acheson gathered at a small conference table to discuss specific countermeasures and how to complete the delivered tasks.

"We will definitely win this time. Long Xia wants to detain our aircraft carrier. That is a dream!"

"I also think this trip will go very smoothly. What qualifications and strength does Long Xia have to negotiate with us on equal terms? Does he think he can dominate Blue Star after winning the battle once?"

"You don't need to look at it. After landing, we will go straight to the point, take back the aircraft carrier and leave."

The several entourage members were all confident and extremely arrogant, and did not take the Longxia tribe seriously at all.

Each of them knows very well that any foreign affairs activities are based on strength.

The strength of the Longxia tribe is simply not as good as theirs, so naturally they have no choice but to surrender, unless they no longer want to live in peace.

White Bear Tribe, Ke Palace.

In the chief's office, Pushkin was sitting at a spacious desk and reviewing relevant documents.

Boris from the KGB was allowed to walk in, holding a black document bag in his right hand.

"Chief, we have the latest information."

After sitting down, Boris began to report the situation with an extremely serious expression.

The KGB is the intelligence agency of the White Bear Tribe. It has very powerful intelligence collection capabilities. They knew about the war between Longxia Navy and Donghuang Haizi when it happened.

"The Long Xia Navy not only defeated Donghuanghai, but also wiped out Donghuanghai's independent power in one battle."

"So much so that when Dong Huanghai Zizi participated in the surrender ceremony, he had to borrow several warships from the Seventh Fleet of the Eagle Tribe to support his appearance. The Long Xia Navy will now take the first place in the East Continent Sea."

Then Boris took out another stack of photos from his handbag and handed them to Pushkin.

"Chief, these are on-site photos, especially these advanced warships. The Longxia tribe has never released them to the outside world before."

"The four-sided shield completely breaks away from our style and adopts a Western-style battleship style. It also has their own characteristics. It can be said that this is completely independently developed by them."

After taking the stack of photos and just looking at them, Pushkin's face suddenly became extremely serious, and he was even more shocked in his heart.

Pushkin did not make any comments. The first thing he said was: "Let's go to the Ministry of Defense."


White Bear Tribe, Navy Headquarters.

More than ten minutes later, Pushkin and Boris appeared in the spacious conference hall here.

There were many senior navy officials gathered in the conference hall. They all looked puzzled and had no idea why such an urgent security meeting was being held.

After everyone sat down in order, Boris distributed all the photos according to Pushkin's request.

"Dear naval generals, the warships in these photos are the latest warships of the Long Xia Navy. They have four shields and look larger than the Burke Type 2 of the Eagle Tribe."

After Boris reported the relevant information, he sat in his seat without saying a word.

The senior navy officials were immediately shocked. Everyone's faces were filled with shock and disbelief. They took the photos and looked at them carefully.

The 052C is so beautiful. The four-sided shield on the bridge flaunts its multi-target detection capabilities at the same level as Aegis, and it also has an active phased array radar.

The bow of the ship is a chocolate vertical launcher unit, the middle of the ship is a large-caliber anti-ship missile launcher installed obliquely, followed by a radar antenna, and further back is an anti-aircraft missile launcher, and below is the hangar.

The entire ship tilts inward, obviously possessing stealth capabilities.

"This, is this really a battleship of Long Xia Navy? How is this possible?"

"That's right. Didn't they buy the most advanced 956E from us? In less than a year, they have already completely absorbed our 956E?"

"No matter how much they advance by leaps and bounds, it's impossible for them to upgrade so fast, right? This is unscientific. This is completely beyond the scope of scientific laws. Isn't this something to bluff people?"

"Even I don't really believe it. This battleship is too sci-fi. We don't have the equipment. How could they have it?"

"Our technology is enough to support Long Xia for several years. It will take more than ten years for this kind of sci-fi warship to be equipped. Anyway, I don't believe it."

Among the senior officials, only one or two people believed it, and most of the others did not believe it.

In their impression, the Longxia Navy is still a backward and vulnerable armed force. The 956E is the most advanced warship in the Longxia Navy.

"According to intelligence, Long Xia's navy defeated Donghuang Haizi, and a surrender ceremony was held two days ago."

"Our media also carried a live broadcast."

Boris couldn't help but interjected, still looking at everyone expressionlessly.

He didn't believe it at first, but after watching the live video, he completely believed that everything was true. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain how the Long Xia Navy killed the independent forces of Donghuanghai overnight, came to the city, and forced the chief of Donghuang to personally Come out and hand in your surrender letter.

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