I built an armada

Chapter 314 The chief of Donghuang issued an edict to abdicate.

"Chief, the latest news from the ambassador to the Eastern Wilderness Tribe."

After finishing speaking, a staff member invited Boris out, and it didn't take long for him to come in with a piece of information.

Seeing everyone looking at him, they all remained silent.

Boris immediately said: "Chief, and all my colleagues, the news just came back from the Eastern Wilderness tribe."

"The independent forces of Donghuanghai were completely wiped out. Long Xia's navy came to the city, and they had to surrender."

The latest information from the Donghuang tribe is equivalent to ironclad evidence.

The senior navy bosses were silent for a moment. None of them expressed doubts about the sudden rise of Long Xia Navy.

It's just that their emotions are extremely complicated and extremely shocked.

The rise of Long Xia's navy was so fast that they didn't even react.

Pushkin remained silent, but his heart was turbulent, and he didn't know how to describe his complicated mood at the moment.

But he was a little lucky. Fortunately, the relationship with the Longxia tribe was very good, and there was no possibility of armed conflict between the two countries for the time being.

"Boris, who do you think is more advanced between Long Xia's 052C and our warships?"

Pushkin took a deep breath and asked tentatively.

"Report to Chief, we currently do not have similar shield ships."

"We have no plans for shield ships for quite some time in the future."

After Boris looked through the information, he answered seriously.

Although he did not give a direct answer, his meaning was already obvious, that is, the White Bear Tribe does not yet have a shield ship that can compete with it.

"Reporting to the chief, among all the ships equipped in our navy, there is not a single advanced shield ship that can compete with it."

"We have been left behind by the Longxia tribe in terms of naval armament construction."

Even though he didn't want to admit it, the navy commander still stood up and reported it very bitterly.

As the top commander of the navy, he is naturally aware of the current situation of the entire White Bear Navy. In terms of mainstream equipment, it was originally only behind the Eagle Tribe and other Western countries, but now it is starting to lag behind the Longxia Tribe.

"okay, I get it."

Pushkin nodded expressionlessly, but he let out a long sigh in his heart.

The current White Bear Tribe has really lagged behind in terms of naval construction. They are still frantically resting on their laurels and using the warships left over from the Su Meng period.

These warships are undoubtedly outdated compared to today's world trends.

But if they are asked to build new warships, firstly, they will not have enough funds, and secondly, they will lack enough talents.

When the Soviet Union disintegrated, a large number of talents were lost, and a large number of factories and mines closed down, or were acquired by oligarchs and turned into private assets.

Today's White Bear tribe has long lost its former glory, and it is difficult to make a shield ship.

"It seems that the Longxia tribe has really risen."

After the meeting, Pushkin returned to his office with a complicated mood and stood in front of the window sill and said with great emotion.

at the same time.

After leaving the surrender ceremony, Chief Donghuang returned to the Donghuang tribe on a warship. After getting off the ship, he took a special car back to the palace.

As soon as he came back, he locked himself in the room and never came out again.

Even when eating at noon, the waiter brought it to him, but in the end he couldn't deliver it.

This is a hall for worshiping ancestors of past dynasties, which is equivalent to a royal ancestral hall. He knelt on the ground and looked at the portraits of past chiefs. He was in an extremely bad mood and his eyes were dull.

He focused his eyes on the portrait of the previous chief of Donghuang, feeling deeply ashamed.

Especially during the surrender ceremony, he was actually yelled at by a young translator from the Longxia tribe, which made him feel extremely angry and aggrieved.

Growing up, how had he ever suffered such grievances?

Even when he goes out to visit, he is still a guest of other tribes and a real distinguished guest.

When he first ascended the throne, many royal members of the tribe came to express their congratulations. But today, he felt that he was extremely depressed and it was the darkest moment in his life.

At the time when the Donghuang tribe was at its peak and most prosperous, such an incident occurred, which embarrassed the entire Donghuang to the whole world.

Even if he didn't go out to inspect all parts of the country, he could guess that the entire Eastern Wilderness tribe was affected by this incident, their morale was greatly damaged, and the entire people's mental outlook became unconfident and depressed.

It is simply impossible to restore national self-confidence in a short period of time.

All of this happened during his reign. It is a shame that he cannot wash away and will always be remembered by history.

I originally thought that after working for a while, I would abdicate and become a king, but now it has left a huge stain on the chief's tenure, which cannot be washed away.

The scene of submitting a letter of surrender to the Longxia tribe has been frozen in history and will forever be imprinted on the history of the Donghuang tribe, and even more so on his life.

If he continues to stay in the position of Chief of Donghuang, Kumamoto Tokugawa will not be able to pass the test in his heart.

Ever since, he had the idea of ​​abdicating.

"Even a little brat from the Longxia tribe dares to yell in front of me and point fingers at me. The world has become depressed."

"Have the Eastern Wasteland tribe ever been so humiliated?"

"It seems that the glory is gone, the national fate has passed, and the Donghuang tribe is no longer the country of gods protected by Amaterasu."

Kumamoto Tokugawa knelt down straighter with a dead expression, and his whole body suddenly aged several years.

"Someone is coming."

Soon the door was opened from the outside, and then an aide walked in.

"Your Majesty, it's time for you to eat. If you have any other questions, please wait until after the meal."

The aide held a tray with sumptuous food on it, carefully placed it in front of Kumamoto Tokugawa, and softly persuaded him.

"Go and inform the head of the cabinet and tell him that I have something important to announce."

Without even looking at the food, Kumamoto Tokugawa ordered eagerly.


The staff readily agreed. After taking a deep look at Kumamoto Tokugawa, he turned around and walked out.

Kyoto, inside the Cabinet Building No. 1 Conference Hall.

The head of the cabinet and other cabinet members were all present.

Since they did not participate in the surrender ceremony, they watched the entire process, and their mood was extremely bad. Even today, they still have no way to recover.

"Chief, this incident is an indelible shame for us. Someone must stand up and take responsibility and give the people an explanation."

"Surrendering to a Longxia tribe that is lagging behind us is a great humiliation for us, and it also lowers the national dignity of our tribe."

"This incident has caused us huge losses."

"Otherwise, we will not be able to explain to the people at home."

After a long silence, a cabinet member finally stood up, suppressing the raging anger in his heart.

This time, Murakami Hayaki was not invited to the cabinet meeting, so he was naturally excluded from the power structure and would never be allowed to come out to make people disgusting again.

After hearing these words, everyone was convinced that only Murakami Hayaki's seppuku could wash away the shame with his blood, and more importantly, inspire the people of Eastern Wasteland's self-confidence.


Seeing that a quarrel was about to break out, the head of the cabinet slapped the table and shouted loudly.

In an instant, the conference hall became quiet again.

"It has been so long, how is the situation in the country? Have the people risen up and made trouble?"

Facing the question from the head of the cabinet, everyone immediately fell silent, and no one dared to answer immediately. This was completely different from before, and it was a bit lifeless.

"Reporting, based on the information coming back so far, the situation in various places is not very good."

"The anger of the people has been ignited, almost burning the entire Donghuang tribe. There are a large number of people demonstrating in various places to protest against the authorities."

"Moreover, we ask the commanders of Donghuanghai to step down collectively and commit suicide."

"Especially General Murashita Hayaki, they asked him to apologize and commit hara-kiri in public."

After a while, a minister of the interior stood up, looked through the relevant information, and then reported the report truthfully.

It can be said that the people of the Eastern Wilderness tribe are on the verge of exploding. Once a spark is thrown, they will burn like a pile of dry firewood.

Seeing that the cabinet leader's expression did not change at all, the interior minister spoke again.

"They asked the general to commit seppuku, and they also demanded a comprehensive rectification of the Eastern Barren Sea."

"Also... Anyway, those people have gone crazy. They have turned into thugs. They even asked us to resign collectively and asked you to impose a self-imposed penalty of 30 million yen."

When he finished his last words, the interior minister's heart suddenly rose to his throat.

He is really afraid that the head of the cabinet will target him and thinks that he wants to seize his position. In this case, it would be very bad.

After listening to the report, the cabinet leader raised his eyebrows and sighed, but said nothing.

He knew very well that once the anger of the people was ignited, they would say anything. Not to mention scolding him, even the chief of Donghuang would dare to scold him.

Not asking him to commit seppuku is enough to keep his mouth open.

In this incident, the people's demand is that someone step forward and take responsibility.

After taking a deep breath, the head of the cabinet turned his attention to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, who hurriedly sat up straight.

"How is production in various places recovering now? The impact and panic caused by Long Xia's navy approaching the city should have dissipated a lot, right?"

After the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry quickly looked through the documents, he responded truthfully: "Boss, we have sent people to relevant companies to appease them and expanded support."

"In addition, we have also increased subsidies and wages by 20%."

"It's still stable for the time being. It will take some time to fully recover."

"Chief, according to our investigation, the main reason is that the people have no confidence in the country. They mostly push forward with a pretentious attitude, which is very Buddhist."

"So subsidies alone are not enough. We need more means."

This answer made the cabinet leader very irritable and extremely unhappy.

Chief Donghuang's public surrender has severely damaged the people's self-confidence, and the impact is still spreading.

Once all the people become Buddhist and have no hope for the country, then the future of this tribe will be in doubt. If they want to revive the economy and national strength, it will be impossible to talk about it.

"That's it, that's all."

The head of the cabinet waved his hand helplessly, and then emphasized in a serious tone, "Under the current circumstances, maintaining social stability is the first priority of all work, and social unrest must not occur again."

"Otherwise, our country will really be doomed."

"Do you understand?"

"Everything else can be put aside, only maintaining stability is the most important!"

"Increase investment in this area."

The cabinet members nodded with deep understanding.


The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Minister of Security immediately stood up and walked out of the conference hall to arrange relevant matters.

As the two people left, silence returned to the conference hall again.

The leader of the cabinet said nothing, and the other members didn't know what to say, but the atmosphere became increasingly weird.

"The Haizi side really needs a thorough rectification, and the adjustment must be resolute."

"As for General Murashita Hayaki, please retire from the command post. He is already old."

After the cabinet leader was silent for a moment, he spoke again, "He is a general and he is old. There is no need to commit seppuku. It is necessary to withdraw from the stage. This is the best way to deal with it."

Hearing these words, everyone shuddered. They knew very well that this was tantamount to a direct sentence of death for Murakami Hayaki's career. He would never want to enter a command position again in this life. If he did not commit suicide and apologize, he would still be able to obtain Retirement eligibility is already merciful.

"Do you have any opinions?"

After hearing the question from the cabinet leader, everyone shook their heads hastily.

"No no."

"The leader was kind and spared the general's life."

Everyone responded one after another, and soon reached a consensus that Haizi's adjustment was imperative.

"Dong dong."

Just when the general policy was set, there was a knock on the door of the conference hall.

After getting permission, a staff member walked in anxiously and whispered in the ear of the cabinet leader: "Chief, the chief is calling."

"Please be sure to answer."

The staff member soon transferred the call, and the cabinet leader quickly stood up, picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

For an instant, all the cabinet members remained silent, but their ears were all stretched wide, hoping to hear some explosive news.

"Dear chief, please tell me, I am the head of the cabinet."

The head of the cabinet responded solemnly, very respectfully.

"Hi, hi, hi!"

After nodding several times, the cabinet leader finally hung up the phone, but he didn't put his hand down for a long time.


The next second, his legs softened and he slumped down on the chair. His chest was heaving violently, he was breathing heavily, his mind was in a trance, and his face was even more uncertain.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked and completely panicked.

"Chief, what happened?"

"What did the chief say?"

After a while, the leader of the cabinet came back to his senses, slowly raised his head and glanced at everyone, with a complicated look in his eyes.

"The chief said he takes all responsibility for the surrender."

"He will announce his abdication soon."

After hearing these words, the expressions of all the cabinet members suddenly changed, and their hearts felt like knives stirring.

"No, no, the chief is not responsible for this."

"Yes, the chief is innocent. We cannot let him abdicate. Everything is Haizi's responsibility. Haizi must take responsibility and let them accept punishment."

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