I built an armada

Chapter 315 General Haizi commits suicide to apologize

"Chief, we must persuade him. We can't abdicate so hastily."

"The chief has nothing to do with this matter. It's all the fault of Murashita Hayaki and his gang."

Facing everyone's suggestions, the cabinet leader weakly waved his hand to stop everyone from continuing to talk.

"The chief has made up his mind and he informed us to come over."

After hearing this, the cabinet members stopped saying anything and lowered their heads one by one, as if they were mourning for their heirs.

The chief of Donghuang is about to abdicate!

As soon as the news came out, it was like a bombshell, and a huge wave was set off in the originally stagnant Donghuang tribe. The wave instantly covered up the huge impact caused by the public surrender.

The people of Donghuang, who originally scolded the cabinet for inaction and Donghuanghai's commander for his incompetence, are now discussing the chief's abdication.

"Why is this happening? He shouldn't abdicate. Is someone forcing him to abdicate?"

"Baga Yalu, I cannot accept the chief's abdication. He is a good man. He should not abdicate to settle this matter. We support him very much. Why is he so upset?"

"It's all those damn incompetent people who actually asked our great chief to abdicate. It's all those bastards. They all deserve to die."

"I want to kill those bad guys. Why do they force the chief to abdicate? What mistake did the chief make?"

"Oh my god, why is this happening? Why do all bad things happen to our tribe?"

In fact, Kumamoto Tokugawa knew very well that the only way to calm down the bad impact caused by the previous incident was to create a bigger incident. Only in this way can the heat subside.

After thinking about it, if it can be called a very big event, then the only way is to publicly announce his abdication.

Anyway, he still has children, and they have grown up. He is fully qualified to take over the position of the new chief and can rekindle the hope of the people.

Sure enough, as soon as the news was announced, it suppressed the people's rebellious psychology.

As a chief for decades, he has a transcendent status in the hearts of the people of the Eastern Wasteland. His authority has long surpassed that of the head of the cabinet, and he is the spiritual support of the people.

Not long after the news of the abdication came out, almost all the people in the Eastern Wasteland focused their attention on the Kyoto Imperial Palace.

This is the residence and office of Kumamoto Tokugawa and members of the royal family of all generations.

It is also the symbol of the highest power of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe!

Even many people from the Eastern Barrens came here to wait for news, and media reporters also squatted here, hoping to report this huge event for the Eastern Barren tribe as soon as possible.

Not only the people of the Eastern Barren are very concerned about this matter, but it has also attracted the attention of various tribes in the East Continent.

After all, the chief of Donghuang has not done enough to move anymore, and it is time to abdicate.

The abdication happened so suddenly that people have to make some other guesses.

The tribes in the Dongzhou Sea were extremely shocked.

Iron Monkey Tribe: "Damn it, I heard you right, the chief of Donghuang actually announced his abdication. Who can tell me what happened? It was fine before, but this happened too suddenly."

Ni Hard Tribe: "This chief of the Eastern Wilderness has been in office for decades and has always achieved good political results. Why did he abdicate? Could it be that he could not withstand the huge pressure brought by surrender? That is a very shameful thing."

Thousand Buddha Tribe: "It happened so suddenly that it doesn't feel like real news. Could they be fake? I feel that this matter has a lot to do with the defeat of the Donghuang Tribe. This is a battle that forced the East to Chief Huang abdicated, that’s awesome.”

Mahou Tribe: "It's indeed very powerful. I'm very glad that I didn't take the opportunity to cause trouble with the Longxia Tribe, let alone fight against Qiufeng. Otherwise, it would be me who would be having a hard time now. You should be careful."

There are still some sober high-level bosses in the tribes of Nanyang. They can see at a glance that the abdication of the chief of Donghuanghai has a close relationship with the defeat of Donghuanghai.

Otherwise, how could it be that the chief of Donghuang had not abdicated earlier and later, but instead officially announced his abdication less than two days after returning to the country after publicly submitting a letter of surrender to the Longxia tribe?

This can only show that the impact of Donghuanghai's defeat is still fermenting, causing no peace within the Donghuang tribe.

Baixiang Tribe: "Previously, all of you were thinking about taking advantage of the Longxia Tribe's free time to carve up interests in the southern seas. Now are you starting to worry? I'm afraid things will be difficult in the future."

Kangaroo Tribe: "Thankfully we didn't listen to what you guys said, otherwise our tribe would have had a hard time. Even so, I still have to take it easy and never give Longxia Navy any chance."

Iron Monkey Tribe: "It makes sense. I didn't mess around before, so don't harm me. The abdication of the chief of Donghuang is a matter for the people of Donghuang. They can just solve it themselves. But now the Longxia tribe is stronger. Our situation is not good either.”

Ni Hard Tribe: "That's not true. Our life will not be easy in the future. Iron Monkey, be careful that the Long Xia Navy will kill your family. You were very arrogant at the time and wanted to take advantage of the situation. I remember it very clearly."

Iron Monkey Tribe: "I didn't. It's not me. Please don't harm me."

The rest of the Xiao tribe in the Dongzhou sea area now want to bury their heads in the soil so that the Longxia tribe cannot see them. Yes, they are scared to death now.

It can be said that how arrogant he was back then, he is now pitiful.

Kyoto, Imperial Palace.

The cabinet leader and his party arrived here soon.

When the motorcade turned into the palace gate, the cabinet leader discovered that the reporters had been waiting here early and had set up long guns and short cannons.

It is obvious that the abdication of Chief Donghuang has attracted great attention from many media in Blue Star.

From this point of view, it is inevitable for the chief to abdicate, and I am afraid no one can stop him.

The faces of those cabinet members were ashen, and they felt even more uncomfortable.

For them, this is like a bolt from the blue. No matter how much they don't want to accept it, they have to accept this reality in the end.

In a certain hall in the palace, staff were busy arranging the etiquette required for the abdication ceremony.

The head of the cabinet got off the car and hurried here. When he entered the hall, he saw that the chief of Donghuang was already waiting there quietly, wearing a decent traditional costume with an extremely serious expression.

Standing next to Kumamoto Tokugawa was a middle-aged man in traditional clothing. This man was previously the prince of the Eastern Wasteland tribe, that is, the crown prince, and now he is the next chief.

The three artifacts that symbolize the inheritance of the highest power of the royal family, the Tiancongyun Sword, the Eight-foot Magatama, and the Eight-tatami Mirror, have been placed on the tray. It is obvious that everything is ready, and the abdication ceremony is about to begin at the right time.

Seeing the head of the cabinet come in, Kumamoto Tokugawa nodded to him as a greeting.

The two of them understood each other and knew that this time the Donghuang tribe suffered a disastrous defeat and the country's fortunes were declining, they needed someone with a high enough status to calm the public's anger and regain the people's confidence in life.

The abdication of the chief of Donghuang is the best choice and is in the interests of all parties.

The head of the cabinet took off his shoes, walked over with small steps, bowed to Kumamoto Tokugawa, and prepared to start a journey of persuasion.

"Chief, you don't have to say anything, I have made up my mind."

"I bear the greatest responsibility for this disastrous defeat. I am the sinner of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe and can no longer serve as the chief."

"When I abdicate, I will let the crown prince succeed me. He has both political integrity and talent, and is qualified to be a chief and lead the people to regain their self-confidence and strive for the rise of our Eastern Wilderness tribe."

Kumamoto Tokugawa waved his hand gently, directly interrupted the cabinet leader, and spoke very seriously.

Hearing this, the head of the cabinet let out a long sigh: "Hi."

At this point, he could only choose to respect Kumamoto Tokugawa's choice and let the chief bear the responsibility for the Donghuang tribe's tragic defeat.

it is more than words!

The abdication ceremony was held quickly and moved forward step by step.

Those media reporters waiting at the door were extremely rarely invited into the palace hall, and cameras were set up in a designated area to broadcast the entire abdication ceremony.

A formal ceremonial officer stood on the stage next to him. He had a very high status in the royal family and was respected by the world.

He announced that the abdication ceremony will be moved forward one by one.

Soon Tokugawa Kumamoto came on stage. He nodded humbly to everyone, and then faced the camera with a calm expression.

"I am Tokugawa Kumamoto. I am actually a guilty person. I am unworthy of the love of the people. I have little virtue and little fortune, and I have harmed the country and the people..."

"From now on, I will officially announce my abdication."

"The position of chief has been passed on to Prince Xiong Ben Mingzhao. He is a man of noble character, possessing both political integrity and talent. He will be able to inherit the throne. When I ascend the throne as emperor, he will surely be able to lead the people of the Eastern Wilderness to regain their confidence and rekindle their trust in the country." hope……"

After he announced his abdication, everyone present had red eyes and was shocked.

Kumamoto Tokugawa took all the blame for the defeat, blaming him alone for the defeat, and focused the people's anger on him alone.

I have to say that his good intentions moved everyone present.

After the ceremony, the new chief was selected and received three artifacts representing the highest power.

Finally it was the turn of the cabinet chief to speak.

Slowly walked to the speaker's seat, coughed twice and cleared his throat, and the leader of the cabinet spoke with great seriousness.

"According to royal regulations and the supreme law of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe, the abdication process is completely compliant and the succession is successful."

"In the near future, a good and auspicious day will be chosen to host the enthronement ceremony of the new chief..."

The official speech ended quickly, but the cabinet leader did not stand up and leave. Instead, he glanced at the reporters present, and his expression became extremely solemn.

"Using this opportunity, I want to explain one thing to all the people of Eastern Barren in front of the TV, as well as the vast number of people of Eastern Barren."

"In recent times, a series of events have occurred. It is very sad, but I have to admit it."

"We lost to the Longxia Tribe in the sea battle on the Eastern Barren Sea, and it was a disastrous defeat."

"But we will never give up. If we fell today, we will definitely be able to get up tomorrow, because we are a country blessed by Amaterasu..."

"We will definitely return to the top of the East Continent's waters. Our sea will definitely regain the throne, sweep away all evil forces, and protect the security of our waters."

"People of the Eastern Wasteland, you are the people blessed by God. Please regain your self-confidence and backbone, fight for the tribe to rise again, and regenerate strength for the next contest with the Longxia tribe."

“We work with you to contribute to the prosperity of the tribe.”

"Long live the people of Eastern Wasteland, long live the Empire of Eastern Wasteland!"

After a very inflammatory speech, the hall immediately burst into warm applause, and many people were moved to tears.

The people of the East Wasteland in front of the TV were moved to tears, and they rekindled their confidence in life.

Yes, they were deeply moved.

In the end, Kumamoto Tokugawa took on all the responsibilities and abdicated successfully. The inspiring speech of the cabinet leader finally successfully restored the passion for struggle of a considerable number of people in the East Wasteland.

For the East Wasteland tribe, this is a good start.

Yes, they listed the Longxia tribe as a strategic competitor and wanted to defeat it.

However, the cabinet leader and other high-level officials of the East Wasteland tribe did not know that the Longxia Navy was no longer what it used to be, and was not worthy of being the opponent of the Longxia tribe.

The Longxia tribe's sight had long jumped out of the Dongzhou Sea and was going to compete with the Eagle Tribe for the Blue Star Ocean.

The headquarters base of the East Wasteland Sea Self-Defense Force. ,

In a spacious and bright office.

The TV was playing the live broadcast of the chief's abdication speech, and the sound was like the cuckoo crying blood, constantly stimulating the nerves of Murashita Zaoki.

He knelt on a piece of white cloth, with a polished samurai sword on his left hand, flashing with a breathtaking cold light under the light.

This samurai sword is his favorite. Once he returned from West Point Military Academy, he became the youngest and most promising officer of the Maritime Self-Defense Force. He was personally received by the chief and presented to him.

After getting this sword, he carried it with him as an honor, and maintained it carefully every day. It was the glory of his life.

And today, he would use this samurai sword to end his life and take responsibility for the tragic defeat of the Eastern Maritime Self-Defense Force.

He was wearing a black samurai suit, facing the direction of the palace, with an extremely serious expression.

"Today, officially announce the abdication!"

When the extremely serious words of Kumamoto Tokugawa came from the TV, Murashita Hayaki grabbed the samurai sword, held the handle tightly with both hands, and raised it high.

"Your Majesty, you are not guilty, and you have no guilt at all."

"I am the one who deserves to die. I am the sinner of the Donghuang tribe. The one who deserves to die is my villager Zaomu."

Then, he suddenly changed the direction of the samurai blade, pointed it at his abdomen, and stabbed it fiercely.

"Long live the Donghuang Empire, long live the chief!"

As he shouted loudly, the samurai blade was completely immersed in his abdomen, and the bloody tip and part of the blade came out from his back. Gradually, he lost his vitality, his body fell heavily to the ground, and his eyes became scattered.

As his consciousness gradually faded, he actually saw the scene of the duel with the Longxia Navy in his mind. The ships of the Donghuang Sea Self-Defense Force were hit, exploded, and fell silent.

On the sea, there were many Donghuang Sea Self-Defense Force sailors who fell into the water. They were lonely, desperate, and finally swallowed by the huge waves.

The strongest maritime armed force in the Dongzhou Sea area just watched the defeat, but he was powerless.

The Longxia tribe flag fluttered in the wind, and even the sun shone on it, making it shine brightly like stars.

If he had not provoked the Longxia tribe and had not always thought about invading the Longxia tribe...

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

Of course, if he had to do it again, he would definitely be ten thousand times more careful!

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