I built an armada

Chapter 343 The mentality of the people in the East Desert completely collapsed

This is the future warship of the Navy, and it is also his dream ship.

It has more than a hundred vertical launch units, with a maximum depth of 9 meters, and can even launch a ship-based version of anti-ship ballistic missiles. It is destined to be a ferocious existence like an overlord as it rides on the ocean in the future!

Even if it encounters a fleet as powerful as the Eagle Tribe, it will not be frightened at all, and can even keep the enemy's aircraft carrier fleet away thousands of miles away, thereby greatly expanding the security depth of the Longxia Tribe.

For a moment, Xu Dongguo was filled with emotions and emotions!

How long has passed since then, and the navy has developed to its current terrifying level, defeating the Eastern Wilderness tribe!

It has also established the status of the strongest navy in the Dongzhou waters. Now let's ask the surrounding Xiaoxiao tribes how they feel, to see if they dare to covet Long Xia's interests.

Gently stroking the sketch of the 10,000-ton cruiser, he felt as if he were stroking the ship of his dreams, even more emotional than when he touched his own wife.

The navy will finally be able to stand out from the crowd one day and wield its sword for Long Xia's benefit!

"Now we just sit back and wait for the 10,000-ton drive to be implemented."

"I really hope that day can come soon and make our navy stronger!"

Xu Dongguo suddenly smiled, "I wonder if the Eagle Tribe Navy will be shocked when they see this ship."

At the same time, Long Xia's naval recruitment video not only became very popular on the Internet, but also became a topic of conversation among the general public for a period of time, and naturally spread abroad.

Eastern Wasteland Tribe, Kyoto, Cabinet Headquarters Building.

In a luxurious office conference room, the cabinet leaders were holding a meeting. Suddenly, the door was opened from the outside, and a staff member hurriedly walked in and stopped at the chief's position.

The cabinet leader was very unhappy when the meeting was suddenly interrupted.

What emergency?

It can make staff lose their sense of proportion and suddenly barge in, showing no meeting discipline at all!

But he still suppressed his inner displeasure and signaled the staff to report the situation as soon as possible.

"Reporting to the leader, Long Xia has released a new navy recruitment video."

"There are two videos in it, involving us."

After listening to the report, the cabinet leader's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly said: "Quick, bring it to me for a look."

He immediately suspended the meeting.

The staff immediately took out the tablet, called up the video, and then handed it to the leader in person.

The leader eagerly took the tablet and started watching it.

For only a few minutes, all the cabinet ministers remained silent. No one dared to say a word, but they secretly glanced at the leader's increasingly gloomy old face.

"Baga, the Longxia tribe is bullying others too much!"

"They don't take our Eastern Wilderness tribe seriously at all. They are so abominable."

"This is murder and heart-breaking!"

The more he watched, the more angry the cabinet leader became. Before the video had finished playing, he was so angry that he cursed.

Originally, they had hoped that the two naval battles would not be made public, and at least they would retain a bit of face for their Eastern Wilderness tribe, but now their last fig leaf has been torn away.

It is said that hitting someone is not a slap in the face, but the Long Xia tribe clearly slapped their Donghuang tribe in the face with their bows from left to right!

"You all should take a look too."

The cabinet leader soon finished watching it, and then motioned to the staff to move it to the big screen to play it.

After the video was broadcast, all cabinet ministers present were stunned.

Regarding the details of the naval battle that took place last year, they all knew very well how many warships had been lost in the East Barren Sea, and they also knew that their own aircraft carrier fleet was defeated by Long Xia.

But they didn't know the specific situation of the firefight at that time. They had never seen the video of the live naval battle. As for the specific losses of the Longxia tribe, no other tribe knew about it except Longxia himself.

There had been no movement for so long. They really thought it was a narrow victory, as the Long Xia tribe representative said at the Blue Star Alliance, after paying an extremely heavy price and suffering extremely heavy casualties.

But now it seems that the battle is all centered around the aircraft carrier formation. The super firepower suppresses the aircraft carrier fleet and cannot lift its head. How can this be a narrow victory?

Whether it was reconnaissance aircraft, fighter jets, or Kong-class guided missile destroyers, they were all shot down and sunk. This was clearly a century-old encirclement and suppression campaign.

Does the Longxia Tribe really want any shame?

"Chief, what should we do now?"

Some cabinet members couldn't help but speak.

All the ministers had previously believed that the Long Xia Navy had paid a heavy price to annihilate their aircraft carrier fleet. Now that they learned the truth, they were a little at a loss.

Although they were shocked, many sober people couldn't help but secretly rejoice that the previous losses were not dealt with to the end, otherwise the country would really be in danger of subjugation.

In fact, they still haven't figured out why the Long Xia Navy has risen so quickly.

Since the introduction of 956E, Long Xia's navy has been rushing forward as if they were idle, so much so that they were beaten so brutally that they have not yet recovered.

They also tried every means to prevent the rise of the Longxia tribe, but they failed again and again, and luck was never on their side.

So much so that they all began to have self-denying doubts.

Has the national destiny of the Donghuang tribe been completely trampled under the feet of the Longxia tribe?

No one said a word, just staring at the cabinet leader, quietly waiting for his response.

But the cabinet leader remained silent.

Obviously, his perspective on the problem was different from that of the cabinet members.


After venting his anger, the cabinet leader watched the enrollment video three times alone, and finally sighed very weakly.

He waved his hand at everyone, not wanting to speak at all.

Before, he was glad that the Longxia tribe had paid an extremely heavy price, and even comforted himself that there would be a chance to turn the tables. He only needed to endure for five years or ten years, and there would be a change in the balance of power.

At this time, the opportunity for the Donghuang tribe came.

But now it seems that he feels that there is no hope at all.

Even if they get the right to use the second aircraft carrier from the Eagle Tribe, there is no chance to turn the tables.

Previously, he thought that the Donghuang tribe had at least one aircraft carrier and an 88 fleet to use, which could just form an aircraft carrier fleet with the surviving submarines. If they wait patiently for a few years, they can compete with the Longxia tribe navy.

But now, he had no idea at all.

There was no way to win.

He could only wait for the Eagle Tribe to take action.

At this moment, his heart was extremely tormented, and he could not see the day when the East Wasteland Tribe would make a breakthrough!

When the cabinet ministers saw the leader's uncertain expression, they also guessed that the other party must have been shocked, and thus had great associations, so naturally they could only remain silent.

As for what to do next, they didn't know.

The news soon spread to the headquarters base of the East Wasteland Sea Self-Defense Force. The newly elected commander-in-chief Ishiyama Ryohei was stunned for a long time without saying a word.

Even though he had a raging anger in his heart, he couldn't find an outlet to vent.

The strength of the Longxia Navy was completely enough to crush the East Wasteland Sea Self-Defense Force, so he had to hide his thoughts of revenge first and had to develop in a low profile first.

For a long time in the future, he was destined to be uneasy and could only stay away from the Longxia Navy.

"Shu Shang Tianfu, I have a task for you."

"From today on, the intelligence department will set up a separate Longxia Tribe Bureau to collect comprehensive intelligence on the Longxia army, especially the navy."

"I want all their intelligence, down to every warship and their captain."

"By the way, I also want to know their shipbuilding base, where the advanced warships of the navy are produced!"

Here, he paused slightly.

"And the chief designer who designed these ships, and his family background."

"You must investigate everything for me!"

Ishiyama Ryohei became more and more excited and serious as he spoke.

He knew that the reason why his predecessor Murashita Hayaki failed in command and finally committed suicide to apologize was because Donghuang Haizi was so strong that he became extremely frivolous, careless, and completely ignored the rise of the Longxia Tribe Navy.

In fact, he believed that as long as he was careful enough, he would definitely notice some clues.

However, these were all ignored.

"Yes, General!"

Shu Shang Tianfu responded very solemnly.

When he first saw the recruitment video, he was also shocked and even felt very embarrassed. After all, he was an intelligence officer, but he had no idea when Longxia had a modern warship like 052C.

As for the mysterious warship that appeared in the last video, the bow part was almost the same as 052C, but the firepower was several times more fierce, and they didn't know it.

They had obtained some photos from the representatives of the Blue Star Alliance Trade Organization before, but they were also partial.

"General, I promise to fulfill my mission and complete the task."

"Collect and destroy the development momentum of the Longxia Navy."

Without waiting for Ishiyama Ryohei to speak, Shu Shangtianfu added again, he was even a little afraid of being killed by the new general in front of him.

The Longxia tribe had a new warship, and he, the head of the intelligence department, should be the first to know.

But he did not provide effective intelligence information.

"I hope you can implement it as soon as possible and let me see the results."

"I can forgive the past, but if you fail to do your job well, I will punish you."

"You should know the consequences even if I don't tell you."

Ishiyama Ryohei narrowed his eyes and reminded him in a deep voice.


Tanfu Shukami shuddered and quickly straightened his chest.

At the same time, the Longxia enrollment video was circulated wildly on the network of the Donghuang tribe, and the number of views soon exceeded 30 million.

This is a very scary number, proving that one out of every four Donghuang people has watched it.

After watching it, they all fell silent.

Those radical right-wingers used to shout wildly and jump higher than anyone else, shouting all day long that they wanted to seek revenge on the Longxia tribe and regain the top position in the Dongzhou Sea.

But now they can't say anything.

They all seem to have their mouths sealed with tape.

How can they take revenge?

What can they take revenge with?

Should they be sent to die? Use corpses to withstand missile attacks?

The confidence that the people of East Wilderness had accumulated with great difficulty was once again shattered, leaving them with bleeding hearts and pale faces.

"There is no hope. Our tribe has no hope. We will never be able to defeat the Longxia tribe."

"The Longxia navy is too strong. We can't compete with them at all. They are the first-class navy of Blue Star. We have declined and will never rise again."

"Economically, we are suppressed and exploited by the Eagle tribe. Now militarily, we have the help and technical assistance from the Eagle tribe, but we are still not as advanced as the warships of the Longxia navy. What good life can we have?"

"All our labor results have been confiscated. Our national fortune has gone downhill and will never rise again..."

They can no longer see the day when the tribe will be prosperous, and they feel that there is no meaning in fighting. Let's just muddle along.

The enemy has become so powerful, which is more painful than they themselves have become weak.

As for the banana people who immigrated to the East Wasteland tribe, and the new East Wasteland people, they felt regret for the first time after watching the relevant videos.

"Fuck, when did the Longxia Navy become so strong? Why didn't they tell me earlier? I have to immigrate here now, wasting so much of my time and energy. They really deserve to die."

"I am very confused now. Why didn't I hesitate and delay the time? If I were slower, maybe it wouldn't be like today. It's all because the Longxia high-level people are so fucking assholes."

"Damn it, I had full confidence in the Donghuang tribe. I thought they would definitely cheer up and get up wherever they fell, but now it seems that there is no hope at all. We can't win. We can't win at all. We will be left behind even more in the future. I There is no hope at all. "

"To be honest, how about immigrating back now? I am thinking about doing this."

"The above, if you ask me, it may not be easy to immigrate back. If they don't accept it, won't we be laughed at? Brother, you need to choose another way out."

"In my opinion, we should just go all the way and die as a ghost in the East Wasteland. We must not go back. We are all Longxia people. Don't we know our own situation? What we can bring out must be the best. As long as the East Wasteland Sea continues to develop, it will definitely surpass the Longxia tribe. "

The new East Wasteland people quarreled endlessly. None of them wanted to give in to each other. There was a smell of traitors.

When these people were struggling, some of them chose another path.

"In my opinion, it is better to immigrate to the Eagle Tribe, which is in need of a large population. We are wasting our youth in such a hopeless tribe, and we have to guard against the revenge of the East Wasteland people all day long. This feeling is not good."

"I also agree with this statement. Immigrating to any western tribe is fine. Anyway, we must avoid the super vortex of the Longxia Tribe. I don't want to have anything to do with Longxia in my life."

"Alas, the East Wasteland Tribe is really too cowardly. It is far inferior to the Eagle Tribe. They have super military power and strong financial strength, and can cut leeks all over the world."

In the past, they all shouted that water flows to low places and people go to high places!

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