I built an armada

Chapter 344: Video released, shocking the entire Dongzhou Sea area

And now, they still say the same thing.

Since the Donghuang Tribe can no longer protect their safety and bring them glory, then it is still possible to immigrate to the Eagle Tribe or other Western tribes, right?

The Eagle Tribe has a super strong naval force. They have dominated the Blue Star for decades and have never encountered an opponent.

So what if the Longxia Navy defeated the Donghuang Sea Self-Defense Force? The recruitment video released showed a strong combat capability, but can it be compared with the Eagle Tribe?

Just take the aircraft carrier as an example. The Eagle Tribe has more than ten, and the military bases are spread all over the Blue Star. They can mobilize troops from nearby to surround the Longxia Tribe at any time.

They even created an encirclement to besiege the Longxia Tribe, hoping to use it to encircle the Longxia Navy forever within the first island chain.

The Donghuang Sea Self-Defense Force was defeated, but it did not break off its connection with the Eagle Tribe. The two tribes still interact frequently.

Don't forget that there are many tribes in the Dongzhou Sea area with the shadow of the Eagle Tribe behind them.

Naturally, such a powerful Eagle Tribe has become the ideal immigration place in the minds of these banana people.

As for the colonists who immigrated to other tribes in the west, the Banana people saw that the western tribes had the military alliance organization of the Northern Alliance, which could provide sufficient security.

In this way, they could rest assured.

In any case, the Northern Alliance was also headed by the Eagle Tribe, and they could get the greatest security at a very low cost.

The reason why they immigrated abroad was because many people's money came from unknown sources, and they were afraid of being discovered by the Longxia Tribe, so they immigrated in advance and wanted to use the military forces of other tribes to protect themselves.

This is undoubtedly a speculative behavior.

It's just that it's easy to come out, but with the improvement of the relevant laws of the Longxia Tribe, it's not so easy for them to go back.

When they saw the tribes around his Dongzhou Sea, they were all scared.

Iron Monkey Tribe, Navy Headquarters.

General Nancy Ding was enjoying a moment of leisure in the office without work, holding a sip of coffee in his hand, and he was particularly comfortable.

In addition to busy work, he could also enjoy such a comfortable life, which he had never thought of.

Suddenly, the intelligence officer came in hurriedly, holding a laptop in his hand, which was a famous brand.

In the entire Dongzhou Sea, the Iron Monkey Tribe is the richest military, and no one dares to say it is the second. They have already controlled at least 30% of the economic lifeline of the tribe, and have become a pole of economic growth for the Iron Monkey Tribe. No one can shake their position.

As long as you enter the upper echelons of the Iron Monkey Tribe, you can basically live a fairy life like a rich man.

Nancy Ding is no exception.

He likes to drink coffee, and it is absolutely produced in Nanshan, specially airlifted back from abroad.

"What's the matter? Why are you so flustered?"

Nancy Ding put down the coffee cup and asked with a frown.

"General, the latest intelligence."

"Longxia Navy has released a new recruitment video."

Hearing the words of the intelligence officer, Nancy Ding was quite dissatisfied.

In his opinion, what's so great about a recruitment video? There are too many CG animations in it. It's nothing more than making the scene more spectacular so that many ignorant young people can join the army and supplement the strength of the younger generation.

Once a naval battle occurs, they will become cannon fodder, and those who survive by chance will be able to become officers and enjoy high salaries after a while.

"What's so surprising about it?"

Nancy Ding was a little unhappy, and her face became gloomy.

"General, you should take a look for yourself."

"There are two videos of naval battles with the East Desert Sea Self-Defense Force in their videos, and many new ships have been exposed."

"We have comprehensively judged that this is a video that is extremely worth watching."

The intelligence staff still maintained a serious attitude and explained patiently.


"Bring it here, let me see."

Nancy Ding was stunned at first, and soon realized the seriousness of the problem, and quickly spoke.

The intelligence staff handed over the laptop, and then quickly clicked the start button, and the downloaded recruitment video was immediately played.

Looking at the content gradually presented in the video, Nancy Ding's expression became more and more serious, and she instantly felt that the coffee in her hand was not fragrant, and her eyes were getting wider and wider.

This is not a recruitment video at all.

It is completely a display of the advanced warships of the Longxia Navy, and it is also another sword-drawing action of the Longxia Navy.

The first naval battle was completely free of casualties, while several warships of the East Desert Sea Self-Defense Force were sunk. The video of the second naval battle was even more exaggerated. A mysterious warship of an undisclosed model went directly behind the buttocks of the East Desert Sea Self-Defense Force warship.

This decision can not only be said to be a bold move, but also rely on the super comprehensive strength of this mysterious warship.

At least its stealth performance is super strong, otherwise it would be easily discovered by long-range detection radar, and at the same time it has very strong electronic warfare capabilities.

Only one warship was stuck in a key position, and then it attacked the East Desert Sea Self-Defense Force participating fleet directly from behind.

A truly beautiful ambush, too strong.

Whether it is 052C or the undisclosed model warship, they are all modern warships with very fierce combat power, and they are also advanced warships that they cannot obtain through any channels.

They were not chosen by the Longxia Navy to visit, and they had missed the opportunity to fully understand the Longxia Navy.

"Okay, you go down."

Leaving the laptop behind, Nancy Ding asked the intelligence staff to leave.

In just a moment, he asked his assistant to call Chen Fuyong, Zhu Wen'an and other senior officers of the Iron Monkey Tribe Navy.

Even though it was already lunchtime, he still insisted on holding an emergency meeting.

"You are all here, let's take a look at this Longxia Navy recruitment video first."

After speaking, the staff played the Longxia Navy recruitment video on the big screen according to the instructions.

After watching the video, everyone was silent.

Their expressions became extremely strange, and they were even a little relieved.

"General, the gap between us and the Longxia Navy is getting bigger and bigger. Their warships are getting more and more advanced. We are not their opponents at all."

"We should be thankful that we haven't troubled Longxia in the relevant waters recently, otherwise we would be in trouble."

"The Donghuang Sea Self-Defense Force has been beaten like that. If we conflict with them, I'm afraid we will die even more miserably. We don't have the strong support of the Eagle Tribe behind us."

"The current Longxia Navy has occupied an absolute dominant position. This form cannot be changed. In the future, no one can challenge them in the Dongzhou Sea."

The relevant naval officials finally spoke their minds. They are now more clear-headed than ever.

They had a naval battle with Longxia before, and they thought they were still very strong. But after watching the video this time, they realized how ignorant they were.

Can the Longxia Navy be beaten?

"Since you all have a clear understanding, I won't say anything extra."

"From today on, without my permission, none of you are allowed to take any action against the Longxia Navy. If you are deceived and act, you know the consequences."

"I will personally send you to the military court!"

General Nancy Ding glanced at the group of people under his command and reminded them very seriously.


Everyone agreed in unison.

At the same time, many tribes in the Dongzhou Sea held an online meeting for this reason.

They were all terrified and trembling with fear.

Feilu Tribe: "Fuck, luckily we made a quick decision, otherwise we wouldn't even know how we died. The Donghuanghaizi was beaten so badly, not to mention us."

Niying Tribe: "Last time the Longxia Navy fleet visited, we were lucky to have served them carefully, but now it seems that we were not careful enough and were a little bold."

Qianfo Tribe: "Oh my God, I can't help but be thankful for my wise decision. Fortunately, we didn't send out the aircraft carrier fleet, otherwise we wouldn't even know how our aircraft carrier sank."

Tiehou Tribe: "We can only say that we were lucky. We have not been named by the Longxia Navy, and we hope that we will never be named. We have no other intentions, but we are afraid that the light will hurt our eyes. "

White Elephant Tribe: "I have been doing well recently. I have not caused any trouble and I don't have too many desires. I hope that the Longxia Navy will not remember me anymore."

Li Jiapo: "We always feel that we are just a small place that cannot accommodate two strong naval fleets. The Longxia Navy will never visit us, and there are no pirates here."

These tribes in the Dongzhou Sea area are now full of desire for survival. They are not willing to have any conflict with the Longxia Navy at this time, otherwise they will be courting death.

Donghuang Haizi was strong enough before, right?

But what has Donghuang Haizi become now? It clashed with the Longxia Navy twice, and even the aircraft carrier formation was killed in the end.

And they are not as strong as Donghuang Haizi, how can they fight?

Once they fight, I am afraid that the country will be destroyed!

No one is willing to lose his life like this, let alone be so hot-headed as to seek death.

The release of the recruitment video not only shocked the entire Dongzhou Sea, but also shocked other tribes on Blue Star.

Who could have thought that the Longxia Navy would become so powerful?

Facing the Donghuang Sea Self-Defense Force, the first in the Dongzhou Sea, others would have been scared to death, but the Longxia Navy turned the tables, suppressed the Donghuang Sea Self-Defense Force, and destroyed the fleet.

The last video was only a few seconds long, but it was enough for foreign intelligence agencies to infer many things.

The picture of the super giant ship covered with canvas at the end of the video attracted everyone's attention, especially the vast number of ship researchers.

"Did you notice the mysterious warship covered with canvas? Could it be the next generation of warships of the Longxia tribe? It seems to be over 10,000 tons."

"A 10,000-ton giant ship, that's unlikely. The Longxia Navy has never been equipped with such a large-tonnage warship. This one looks like a cruiser. I guess its combat power is definitely not as good as that of the Eagle Tribe."

"Fuck, when did the Longxia Navy learn to make PPTs and fool people? I just promised that they will definitely not be able to build it in the end, and will only be a laughing stock. Just learning to walk, you want to run, learn from the Eagle Tribe, that's courting death."

"Covered with canvas, this is too ugly, are you afraid of seeing people? Such garbage, even if given to us, we don't want it, it can't be compared with our British warships at all."

"We in the Gallic Chicken Tribe say that such a warship will only be stupid, big, black and rough, and will eventually emit black smoke. Don't let the propeller fall off and leak water as soon as it goes out to sea."

The Western tribe has always been arrogant, so naturally there is nothing good to say about this mysterious warship.

Many third world countries are still very envious of the Longxia Navy. While owning so many cutting-edge warships, they have not stopped their pace of progress and continue to develop cutting-edge warships.

Even though it was devalued by the Western tribes to be worthless, Longxia military fans are still very excited. When they discuss 052C and mysterious warships, they always bring up this warship covered with canvas to talk about.

Even military magazines such as Ship Magazine and Military Express have published it and launched discussions on this mysterious warship.

At the same time, in the Eagle Tribe, a top university.

In the laboratory of Professor Kelvin's research group at a top university.

Chen Kai was like a cow and a horse, doing experiments and recording relevant data in the laboratory, just to get some results as soon as possible.

Since he came here to study, he has been fighting for a green card, wanting to become a citizen of the Eagle Tribe and become a superior being.

"Kai, your green card has been applied for!"

"Congratulations, you have become a citizen of our Eagle Tribe."

At this time, a white-skinned and blue-eyed young man strode in with a bright smile on his face, and waved the relevant documents at Chen Kai in the room.

"Really? It's really been approved?"

Chen Kai jumped up excitedly when he heard the news, and his eyes were wet.

He has been waiting for this moment for too long.

He worked hard to do research, and it took more than a year, and now the green card application has finally been approved.

The next step is to get a green card, and he will become a member of the Eagle Tribe.

Of course, he also needs to go to the immigration office to swear that he will always be loyal to the Eagle Tribe and become a thorough Eagle.

For him, this moment is undoubtedly worth celebrating.

"Of course it's true."

"Kai, come on, you have a huge advantage over other Longxia people who came to our Eagle Tribe. You stayed here because of your scientific research strength and technology."

"You are more noble than those who immigrated by paying money, and you will be more respected by our Eagle Tribe people."

The white-skinned and blue-eyed young man handed the information to Chen Kai, and the smile on his face became more intense. He was really happy for Chen Kai and recruited a talent for the Eagle Tribe.

In scientific research, Chen Kai is undoubtedly talented, surpassing many Longxia international students.

However, he has always dreamed of staying in the Eagle Tribe with his talent and fighting for the interests of this tribe, so he would not care about the life and death of the Longxia tribe.

Even when he was dreaming at midnight, he felt that a genius like him should not be buried in Longxia, so he was ready to change his name.

Only in this way can he completely cut off from the past and live with a completely different identity.

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