I built an armada

Chapter 345: I am very sad, the 10,000-ton destroyer is launched

"Thank you, Senior Brother. I will definitely work hard."

Chen Kai responded excitedly, and was so serious, as if he was showing his loyalty to his new master.

He would rather be a dog of the Eagle Tribe than a person of the Longxia Tribe!

He knew that this was an affirmation of his hard work in recent times, and he was one step closer to becoming a real Eagle Tribe member. How could he not be happy?

He felt that if he continued to develop at the current speed, he would soon be able to achieve achievements that Su Dingping could not catch up with, and he might even win the Nobel Prize and become a great scientist who was proud of the world.

When he saw Su Dingping slamming the table at the East Wild Chief on the live TV, he was greatly stimulated, which made him work harder and finally saw the day of success.

Isn't it just a senior foreign affairs translator?

What's so great about it?

As long as he works hard, he can surpass it in a minute.

After all, the Eagle Tribe and the East Wasteland Tribe are two different things. The Eagle Tribe is the strongest on Blue Star, with super comprehensive national strength. No one can stop the Eagle Tribe Navy from dominating the world.

Just when his confidence was soaring, he suddenly saw a naval recruitment video from the Longxia Tribe circulating in the international student circle, which immediately attracted his attention.

"This, is this the recruitment video of the Longxia Navy?"

After clicking it and watching it, Chen Kai's face not only became extremely ugly, but even the whole person was dumbfounded.

Longxia Navy, when did it grow to such a powerful level without knowing it?

When he left, the Longxia Tribe's navy was still in a state of being bullied.

How long has it been since he went abroad?

How did the Longxia Navy suddenly turn over and completely change the situation? Ha, he almost didn't recognize it.

Isn't the Eagle Tribe the only one who has the missile destroyer with four shields?

How come it was put into service today? It also participated in two naval battles with the East Desert Sea Self-Defense Force. Not only did it defeat the East Desert Sea Self-Defense Force, but it also made them kneel down and beg for mercy. After that, they had to submit a letter of surrender, and the entire East Desert Tribe lost face.

For a moment, he regretted it, but it was only a moment.

In his mind, the Eagle Tribe is still very powerful, and it is not comparable to the Longxia Tribe at all. For example, the Eagle Tribe has more than a dozen aircraft carriers and can form the most powerful aircraft carrier fleet in the world, while the Longxia Tribe does not have an aircraft carrier, let alone an aircraft carrier formation.

Isn't the strongest naval fleet on Blue Star composed of aircraft carrier battle groups?

The Longxia Navy Fleet can rely on a fleet composed of purely ordinary ships to kill the light aircraft carrier fleet of the East Desert Sea Self-Defense Force, but can they beat the super aircraft carrier fleet of the Eagle Tribe?

Isn't this a big joke?

People always go to higher places, and he doesn't think there is anything wrong with his original choice, not at all!

Not to mention feeling uncomfortable, he was not even unhappy at all.

Thinking that he would have the identity of the Eagle Tribe after getting the green card, his future would definitely be bright. Not only would he be able to get enough money, but he would also have a high social status.

These were things he could not enjoy in the Longxia Tribe. In an instant, he became more determined to continue to struggle in the Eagle Tribe and achieve higher achievements.

Of course, he would never have thought that the reason why the Longxia Navy had such a fast development speed was purely related to Su Dingping, whom he regarded as a stranger.

In fact, from the beginning, Chen Kai did not regard Su Dingping as an opponent, but a person who could be won over and treated as a like-minded person, until he saw Su Dingping's figure at the surrender ceremony that day, the senior translator of the Longxia Foreign Affairs Department.

In an instant, he felt unbalanced and felt that he was forcibly thrown away by Su Dingping.

If he had not set Su Dingping as a goal that he needed to catch up with, he would not have passed the green card application like today.

But he will never know the truth of the matter. Su Dingping's achievements are no longer comparable to his, and he may not be able to achieve them even if he struggles for ten lifetimes.

"Dingping, Su Dingping, my achievements are definitely not what you can have, and my height is a goal that you can never reach even if you struggle for ten lifetimes."

"Do you really think that being a senior translator in Longxia is amazing?"

Chen Kai said confidently, and he had already imagined that one day in the future he would be able to meet Su Dingping as an excellent talent of the Eagle Tribe.

He believed that on that day, he would be high above, looking down at Su Dingping's face full of regret.

Senior translator.

There are many on Blue Star, but there are very few top talents, and even fewer who have won the Nobel Prize, and he may be able to get it.

When he really reaches this step, he will definitely be able to say very proudly: "Su Dingping, you will never surpass me in this life."

At this moment, the integrated military factory.

Su Dingping is busy in the forging space of the military industry illustrations.

In the virtual space, next to the Varyag aircraft carrier, the main structure of a large destroyer has been forged in the huge dock.

It is extremely majestic, and the hull is so new that it shines.

It weighs a full 13,000 tons!

This is the 10,000-ton destroyer, the dream ship he has been working hard to build.

He circled around the 10,000-ton destroyer several times, without missing any details, and it was almost a perfect replica of the 055 million-ton destroyer in his previous life.

Integrated mast, four large radar arrays, many places on the hull are inlaid with phased array radar panels, highly integrated electronic equipment, and a closed design throughout the body, which further improves the stealth level.

If the 052D belongs to the second generation of stealth ships, then this 10,000-ton destroyer is the third generation.

The radar reflection area is further reduced, and the infrared optical characteristics are significantly reduced, especially the chimney part has been specially optimized.

The enemy wants to use infrared detection or other detection methods to obtain its specific location information. That's a dream!

If Su Dingping had such a large missile destroyer before, he would never break into the doorstep of the Donghuang tribe, but sailed directly around the four islands of the Donghuang tribe, and finally broke into the waters near Kyoto.

Directly deter the capital of the Donghuang tribe from the sea!

The highest authority and organization of the Donghuang tribe are all placed under the firepower coverage of the 10,000-ton destroyer!

"Yes, yes, the 10,000-ton destroyer is different."

"Look at this damn extraordinary momentum, it's completely under control."

"The next step is to install the core equipment and turn it into a usable 10,000-ton destroyer!"

Su Dingping muttered to himself, but his hand was stroking the 10,000-ton destroyer. The surface was very smooth without any impurities and protrusions. It was really well-made.

This is what a future warship should look like!

In his mind, the more beautiful, simpler and more harmless the warship is, the more ferocious it is!

The 10,000-ton destroyer is just an empty shell at the moment, and there are still many equipment that have not been installed. Those are what need to be tackled next, and forging will naturally take a little time.

But Su Dingping still has the confidence to solve it as soon as possible.

He just lifted his foot casually, and he was already at the weapons manufacturing plant in the virtual space dozens of kilometers away.

The reason why the distance is so far is that if the weapon explodes during the experiment, it will definitely be troublesome.

Almost all weapon systems can be produced here, such as artillery, missiles, and even nuclear weapons, of course, as long as he wants.

With the roar of machines, Su Dingping could see that the arsenal was running at full capacity.

The arsenal in the virtual space is becoming more and more advanced and perfect, and all production lines are produced and assembled by intelligent robots.

All are automated production, and no human participation or intervention is required at all.

As long as Su Dingping unlocks the relevant core technology, he can use the holographic interactive projection in the virtual space to produce the relevant weapons, and then he can manufacture them.

He first came to the missile production factory, where the new generation of Eagle Strike 108A anti-ship missiles are being built.

This is a missile with a maximum range of 600 kilometers, a cruising speed of 0.8 Mach, and can reach Mach 3 in the supersonic flight stage. The ultra-high speed plus sea-skimming flight can effectively immunize the interception of air defense missiles, and use "snake-like movement" for terminal penetration.

Of course, the 10,000-ton destroyer must be equipped with another more advanced Eagle Strike 201A hypersonic anti-ship missile, with a maximum range of 1,500 kilometers, twice that of Eagle Strike 108A, an average flight speed of more than Mach 6, and a terminal penetration speed of Mach 10.

This is an anti-ship weapon specially designed for the Eagle Tribe aircraft carrier, which is to drive them all out of the sea within 2,000 kilometers of Longxia in wartime.

In addition to anti-ship missiles, it also needs to be equipped with anti-ship ballistic missiles and ship-borne cruise missiles to give it super strong land attack capabilities.

The new generation of Haihongqi air defense missile 901B has a maximum firing height of 27KM and an interception speed of more than 6 Mach. It adopts inertial guidance/mid-course command correction + active radar homing guidance on the terminal missile.

This is a basic configuration. On this basis, it must be equipped with an interceptor missile specifically used for air defense and anti-missile.

The 10,000-ton destroyer must be included in the national missile defense system of the Longxia tribe. It is an important part of the entire system.

In the early stage, the 10,000-ton destroyer used chemical kinetic weapons, that is, the traditional artillery system, but after the development of the upgraded model, it must be equipped with electromagnetic guns and laser weapon systems.

In that case, the military industry system will be challenged again.

Su Dingping still hopes to further improve the upgrading of the current military industry system of the Longxia tribe.

Just thinking about it makes him very happy.

These advanced missiles are all 100% domestically produced, and they are not afraid of the technological blockade of Western tribes at all. They have also formed a weapon and equipment system with Longxia characteristics.

Especially the Haihongqi 901B air defense missile, with a firing height of 27km and a maximum speed of more than 6 Mach. What kind of reconnaissance aircraft can escape its firepower attack?

If one shot is not enough, then another one will always shoot you down.

The enemy sent advanced reconnaissance aircraft to spy on the Longxia tribe. Even if it is driven by God wearing a helmet and a bulletproof vest, it will never come back.

They can't put bulletproof vests on the planes, right?

Since they can't, then God will be killed too!

The territory of the Longxia tribe, you can break in as you want, do you really think it's the past era of being slaughtered by others?

Basically, after these two missiles are equipped, there will be no rivals in the entire Dongzhou Sea area.

And Su Dingping also plans to transplant all these two missiles to 052D to further improve the combat capability and firepower level of 052D.

Once this batch of missiles is successfully developed, it will definitely be used from sea-based to land-based in the future.

The coastline and border of Longxia tribe are so long that more air defense missiles are needed, as well as super counterattack capabilities, especially in the southwestern border areas, to deal with the White Elephant tribe.

Since the self-defense counterattack, the White Elephant tribe has been holding back a grudge and wants to retaliate against the Longxia tribe again, and even deployed hundreds of thousands of troops in the border area.

The best way to deal with such a shameless tribe is to crush them in terms of weapons and equipment, so that they are always under the deterrence of the Longxia tribe, and can give them a fatal blow at any time!

Let them be in danger of national destruction at any time!

For a long time, the environment around Longxia tribe has been the most complex. Not only is the land border long, but it also has many neighbors, and there are always bad neighbors among these neighbors, either instigated by the Eagle tribe or like to take the initiative to make trouble.

Su Dingping felt that what he should do was to develop as many advanced weapon systems as possible and crush the enemy directly in terms of weapons and equipment!

Only by deterring those small tribes, the Longxia tribe will be able to have a safe development environment, and the Longxia tribe will certainly usher in a new peak!

This is something that no one can stop. Even if God brings a group of Seraphim here, it will be useless!

Because the Longxia people do not believe in God at all.

"With another effort, the 10,000-ton destroyer can be launched."

"I'm really looking forward to that moment."

Su Dingping said in a low voice, and then continued to invest in new scientific research. He needs to speed up the pace of scientific research and take down all the core technologies as soon as possible.

Time is running out. The Longxia Navy is not strong enough and is facing the deterrence of the strongest maritime force on Blue Star.

Qingfu is not dead, and Lu's troubles will not end!

If the Eagle Tribe is not eliminated, they will continue to disturb the national security of the Longxia Tribe!

At the same time, the Eagle Tribe, the Black Palace, and the Office of the Great Chief.

There are many people gathered here, they are from the top military and top military experts.

But their eyes were fixed on the big-screen TV in the corner.

The TV was playing the recruitment video released by the Longxia Navy, with new warships one after another, which was completely a carefully planned weapons exhibition.

The first time had been watched, and there was still silence.

The chief could only signal the staff to play the second, third, and even fourth time.

Finally, after the fourth time, the military experts started arguing, turning this place into a lively vegetable market.

"This ship must be brand new. You can see that although the ship type is the same, the four shields on it are larger than those of the 052C, and there is also a stick underneath. It is obvious that it has been upgraded and must be a new generation of active phased array radar."

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