I built an armada

Chapter 347 U The second one is dispatched to investigate the Longxia Navy

"As long as we have advanced warships, we can win time and continue to maintain our position as the overlord of Blue Star."

"Only if we maintain our position as the overlord forever can we absorb the fresh wealth of Blue Star crazily for our squandering. Therefore, we accelerate the application and research and development of new technologies."

The military experts talked one after another, but they did not notice that the chief's face was getting worse and worse, and he was even on the verge of exploding.

The time was too long, more than three months in total, or even longer, which means that according to the nature of the military industry, it is very likely that an uncontrollable situation will occur.

Maybe more than half a year.

This is too bad.

Even if it comes out, there is only an 80% chance of winning. When did the army become so unconfident?

My heart gradually sank.

"Chief, as long as our technology is advanced enough, the time consumption can be made up."

"Although it is half a year late, we have adopted more advanced technology than the original design."

"Please rest assured, Chief, we will definitely not let the Longxia tribe surpass us."

Hawk Henry sensed that the atmosphere was a little wrong, looked at the chief, was shocked, and hurriedly explained.

"In this case, it is still acceptable to wait a little longer."

"But you must promise that it will not exceed half a year!"

After hearing Hawk Henry's words, the chief felt much more comfortable, but still reminded him very seriously.

It was postponed for more than three months than the original plan, and at the latest it would take half a year, but the comprehensive combat performance would be stronger than before, and he was quite satisfied with it.

"Calculate the time, it is about mid-to-late July. At this time point, can you guarantee that the warship will be launched for testing?"

Without waiting for the other party to speak, the chief stared at Hawk Henry and asked.

Under normal circumstances, a warship needs to be launched for testing for a period of time, and all relevant technical problems must be solved to ensure that there are no problems before it can be officially delivered to the navy for use.

It will take about two to three years to be put into large-scale mass production later, and the time cost is still huge.

But now, with the sudden rise of the Longxia Tribe Navy, coupled with the fierce firepower and high-tech military level displayed by the powerful 052D, it has brought a great visual impact to the people on the scene, and also brought them great pressure.

For the last giant ship covered with canvas, all military experts came to a unanimous conclusion without any debate, believing that it is more advanced and has a stronger combat effectiveness.

Thinking of this, the chief suddenly felt that the time was too long.

The status of the Eagle Tribe is about to be shaken. If the status of the Navy Nanbowan is taken away in his hands, wouldn’t it be very bad?

It is completely unacceptable.

The military experts looked at each other and spoke again.

"Chief, this time is completely possible, we can do it."

"The application of new technology also takes so much time, we think the ship can be launched for testing in July."

"There is no problem with this time, we will work harder and work overtime after we go back, but don't forget to settle the overtime pay."

After repeatedly confirming with military experts and military leaders, the chief finally felt relieved and set a time.

"Okay, then we will set it on July 28th, notify all the allies, and ask them to come to our Rim of the Pacific Exercise on August 1st."

"We will also hold a fleet review to let the world know that we are the number one on Blue Planet!"

"No one can shake this position!"

After a little thought, the chief immediately decided, "Of course, don't forget to send a notice to the Longxia tribe, asking them to come and participate when they have time."

"Do you understand?"

At that time, the Burke-3 missile destroyer will be officially included in the navy. The brand-new paint and powerful combat power will let the world know what the most powerful Aegis missile destroyer of the Eagle tribe looks like.

That will certainly bring a strong shock to everyone, letting people all over the world know that the Eagle tribe is the most powerful and unmatched.

The Eagle tribe can still provide security protection for its allies and the vast number of younger brothers.

In their eyes, security protection is a kind of security product, and it is a legitimate reason for them to legally ask their younger brothers for protection fees.

As for choosing August 1st, it is because this day is a special day for the Longxia army and a grand festival.

"Yes, Chieftain."

"August 1st is a very good day. The Chieftain is wise."

Hawk Henry knew the Chieftain's true intentions immediately, and hurriedly accepted the order, flattering the Chieftain a little.

Choosing this day to hold the fleet review, the Chieftain naturally wanted to disgust the Longxia army. His sinister intentions were obvious!

"From today on, the intelligence department will set up a special Longxia Bureau. Hurry up and collect intelligence on the Longxia Navy and all aspects of the Longxia tribe."

"I want to know all the news about all their latest warships, even an advanced 500-ton boat!"

"War is fought with information. Knowing ourselves and the enemy will lead to victory in every battle. We must seize the commanding heights of information!"

"In addition, high-definition satellites will be deployed to keep an eye on the Long Xia Naval Base and keep track of all their movements!"

The chief felt that what he had done was not enough, so he quickly made more detailed arrangements. In his mind, it seemed that the status of the Long Xia Navy had been elevated to the point where it must be strictly guarded against.

Previously, he felt that the White Bear Tribe Navy was worth guarding against. In addition to large surface ships, they also had advanced submarines, which they needed to deal with.

The rise of Long Xia's navy is too fast now. If we don't take precautions, I'm afraid it will be surpassed in a short time.

Just thinking about it makes me feel terrible.

They were surpassed silently, and when they suddenly reacted one day, it would be too late.

Just like the tragic defeat of Donghuang Haizi, they have to learn relevant lessons from this past experience!

In recent times, although the chief has not met with senior officials sent by the Donghuang tribe, he has started research on Donghuanghai's self-defeat.

He also ordered his staff to collect relevant intelligence.

Among the final conclusions, the most important one is that everyone in Donghuanghai has been collectively careless from top to bottom. Before the war, there was no intelligence collection on the sudden change in the equipment of Long Xia Navy.

Under such circumstances, knowing almost nothing about the Longxia Navy, they rashly chose to start a war with the Longxia Navy. The result was already expected.

If the Eagle Tribe hadn't learned their lesson and taken precautions in advance, wouldn't they be even more stupid than the people from the Eastern Wild Sea?

"As you command, Warchief!"

"We will definitely formulate relevant plans as quickly as possible in the shortest time, launch a comprehensive investigation of the Longxia tribe, and seize the time to find out all the details of the Longxia navy."

Defense Minister Hawke Henry, the highest representative of the military, looked serious and immediately patted his chest and promised.

He could see that the chief had been greatly affected by the recruitment video released by Long Xia Haijun. At the same time, he also reminded them that it was time to put Long Xia Haijun on the table.

"If necessary, U2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft can be dispatched to conduct reconnaissance on Long Xia to explore their true and false intentions."

After the great chief nodded with satisfaction, he then nodded vaguely.

The U2 reconnaissance aircraft is a single-seat, single-engine high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft that the Eagle Tribe is proud of. Because its appearance was painted black, it is also called the "Spy Ghost" and is also jokingly called the "Black Widow".

It has the fastest flight speed of 810 kilometers per hour, a flight speed of Mach 0.7, a maximum flight distance of 5,700 kilometers, and a ceiling of 27,000 meters.

Equipped with a high-resolution photography combination system and 8 fully automatic cameras for photographic reconnaissance, it can take clear images of ground scenes within a range of 200 kilometers wide and 4,300 kilometers long at an altitude of 15,000 meters within 4 hours, and 4,000 photos were developed for intelligence analysis...

Simply put, the U-2 reconnaissance aircraft is equivalent to a giant aerial spy army!

For a long time, the Eagle Tribe was proud of its reconnaissance aircraft, which had a very brilliant record.

Of course, it has also been shot down many times by the Longxia tribe using surface-to-air missiles.

In the new century, the Eagle Tribe has also transformed and upgraded it so that it can adapt to modern reconnaissance missions.

Hawke Henry suddenly realized that it seemed that in order to obtain relevant information about the Longxia tribe, the chief did not hesitate to use the U2 reconnaissance weapon again. This shows that the Longxia navy has been upgraded to the same status as the White Bear tribe.

Watts beat Farke.

Does this admissions video have such great potential?

He couldn't help but glance at the big screen again, and his frown immediately relaxed.

There are really many advanced warships disclosed there, including the 052C, its improved models, and even large destroyers covered with canvas.

Even though they were covered up, those military industry experts directly said that it was a cruiser, with a tonnage of at least more than 10,000 tons!

It took less than two years to go from lagging behind to being able to easily defeat Donghuang Haizi.

This growth rate is really scary.

If they continue to grow at this rate, doesn't it mean that it is only a matter of time before they surpass their Eagle Tribe?

If we don't prepare in advance now, the consequences will be really disastrous.

"Understood, Warchief."

"As soon as our intelligence personnel figure out the general scope of Long Xia Navy's secret research base, we will immediately dispatch U2 for secret investigation."

"With the help of Black Widow, we will definitely be able to fully grasp all the secrets of the Longxia Tribe's scientific research base, so that they have no right to wear pants or clothes in front of our Eagle Tribe!"

"With the height of the U2 reconnaissance plane, as long as we don't go deep into Long Xia's territory and they look up, there is nothing we can do."

Henry Hawke said quickly that he knew very well that compared to the warships of the Longxia tribe, the secret research base for studying these warships was more important.

Once a war begins, they can directly destroy the research base and completely cut off the Longxia tribe's ability to obtain new warships.

At present, the upgraded U2 reconnaissance aircraft is still unique in the entire Blue Star.

In the early years, when the White Bear Tribe held a celebration, they sent this reconnaissance plane over, and the result almost made the Great White Bear Tribe so angry that he was hospitalized.

In order to defeat U2, the White Bear Tribe spent a lot of energy.

Using the upgraded version to deal with the Longxia tribe, the Longxia people will definitely not be able to resist.

And once this reconnaissance aircraft is discovered by the public flying over the Longxia territorial waters, everything will be free to come and go, which will make the Longxia people angry. In that case, the Longxia tribe will definitely lose face.

And they can use this opportunity to humiliate the Longxia tribe!

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Listening to the speech of the military representative headed by Hawk Henry, the chief finally showed a satisfied smile.

Everything is back under his control, this feeling is really good!

Even the battle in the reconnaissance aircraft such as U2 was sent out, which shows how much the Eagle Tribe attaches importance to the Longxia Navy. It has already placed this once small role in the position of a strategic opponent.

The Eagle Tribe has always been like this. It will never allow the emergence of a second tribe with military strength exceeding theirs on the Blue Star, otherwise it will be prevented and suppressed crazily.

The recruitment video was naturally transmitted to the White Bear Tribe.

White Bear Tribe, Navy Headquarters, Conference Hall

One day, Boris from the KGB walked in with a video file.

Admiral Lermontov was presiding over a high-level meeting to discuss the next generation of White Bear Tribe naval warship models, and all the senior naval commanders were present.

They all hoped to take a military route suitable for the White Bear Tribe and build their next generation of advanced warships.

Everyone argued endlessly, but could not agree on one thing.

At this moment, everyone saw Boris actually walked in, and then they all stopped and looked over.

"Are you discussing the construction of the next generation of warships?"

"Then I suggest you take a look at the recruitment video released by the Longxia Navy first."

"There should be something you are interested in here."

Boris sat down and handed the video file to the staff.

Not long after, the Longxia Navy recruitment video was played on the big screen in the conference room.

As the video played, the conference room fell into silence, and everyone stared at the content of the video being played with wide eyes.

Their hearts were churning, and all that came up was bitterness and bad taste.

In the past few years, the Longxia Navy had to spend a lot of money to buy 956E from them, but now there are so many shield ships, and the battle array is bigger and more numerous.

This is running all the way in a direction that they can't understand at all.

In the past, they speculated that the rise of the Longxia Navy must have a great relationship with the 956E, and even thought that the Longxia Navy must have copied some of its weapon systems, or reconnaissance systems, or even electronic warfare systems.

Or some of the power systems inside, in short, all kinds of copycats and imitations.

Now 052C, and the new warships whose models have not been exposed, have become the main warships of the Longxia Navy. There is no trace of imitation of 956E on these warships.

They even think that 956E has fallen behind in front of these warships, because all of Longxia's warships use new vertical launch systems and four-sided shields, and have embarked on a road similar to the style of the Eagle Tribe Navy.

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