I built an armada

Chapter 348: Who dares to run wild in Longxia Sea?

And it has the characteristics of the Longxia tribe. Whether it is 052C or the warships of the unexposed models, the array is astonishing.

Especially the next-generation warship covered in canvas, which has a larger array.

It is obvious that the Longxia Navy has been surging all the way in the active phased array radar, and it is completely determined to fight to the end on this road.

And they were just arguing about the technical route.

This brought them a great visual and psychological impact, which was more shocking than the relevant photos taken in the last discussion.

Last time, they felt that the fleet was at most a facade of the Longxia Navy. To put it bluntly, it was just a bluff, and there was no actual combat capability at all. Almost more than 90% of people held this attitude.

And now, the Longxia Navy’s recruitment video directly played two videos of naval battles with the East Desert Sea Self-Defense Force.

052C has become the main battleship of the Longxia Navy. Its strength is shown in the first video. It has a vertical launch system and an anti-ship missile with an inclined launch in the middle.

It is more inclined to traditional ships, and in the second video, although there are still 052Cs participating in the battle, they are no longer the main force, but another mysterious warship of an undisclosed model.

On the front, a group of unknown number of 052Cs are attacking, while the mysterious warship quietly goes around the back of the East Desert Sea Self-Defense Force and ambushes here.

Such a crazy fighting style is extremely rare in the history of naval warfare.

The combat scenes exposed in the recruitment video are far more impactful than the scenes taken at the surrender ceremony.

"What do you think of this recruitment video?"

"While you are all here, let's talk about it and express our opinions."

After watching it for the third time, Admiral Lermontov looked at everyone and spoke loudly.

After arguing for so long, no plan satisfied him, but the 052C in the hands of the Longxia Navy, as well as the warships of undisclosed models, and the warships covered with canvas at the end, made him excited.

It was like he had encountered a dream ship, and he couldn't take his eyes off it.

In fact, he watched it three times because he wanted to see more of those cutting-edge warships.

The White Bear Tribe currently does not have a single shield ship like this. They are all a group of big, black and rough warships. They look very majestic and domineering, but they are already behind the current trend of Blue Star.

He even has a feeling that if these warships are pulled out to fight against the Longxia Navy, the outcome may be unpredictable.

Before, in their eyes, the Longxia Navy was just a younger brother, and it was not even worthy of being on the stage.

But how long has it been?

The Longxia Navy has been surging all the way, and the speed of updating its weapons and equipment is a bit scary.

The 051C was only exported one or two years ago, right?

Its comprehensive combat power is very fierce. In the hands of the Laxi Tribe, it is completely a main battleship, which has defeated the Ertu Tribe Navy step by step. Now they dare not take the initiative to provoke.

Where is the momentum of the Aegean Overlord!

But it has entered the replacement stage, which means that the Longxia Navy will be equipped with more advanced warships, and according to this trend, it must be the new warship of the unexposed model.

Combined with the photos taken before, this warship has obviously cancelled the tilted launch rack in the middle of the ship and directly installed the vertical launch system.

This is verified from the second naval battle video!

"General, our previous judgment was wrong. Whether it is 052C or the unexposed model warship, its comprehensive combat performance has far exceeded 956E. If it is not imported, the tonnage is also large enough, perhaps the Longxia Navy will include it in the transition period.

"I just observed carefully. Whether it is 052C or that ship, the technology used has completely surpassed 956E. We can no longer find the shadow of inheriting 956E technology from it. It has to be said that the technological progress of the Longxia Navy is obvious. "

"To be honest, we have to admit that the Longxia Navy has embarked on a naval construction path that suits its national conditions. The warships they have built are unique in style and do not imitate any tribal navy's warships."

"Yes, the Longxia Navy is no longer what it used to be. They are no longer a maritime force that is underestimated. It is basically foreseeable that the first island chain cannot lock down the Longxia Navy, and the Eagle Tribe's dream may be dashed. "

Almost all the top military experts expressed their opinions, and their words were full of emotion.

They all had to admire that the current Longxia Navy had completed a complete transformation and officially entered a new stage, becoming a force that cannot be underestimated on Blue Star.

Even if the Eagle Tribe encountered it, it would be a headache.

The only shortcoming is that the Longxia Navy has no aircraft carrier and cannot carry out ocean operations.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, the Longxia Navy does not seem to have such an urgent need for ocean operations. After all, Longxia's foreign trade has just started not long ago.

And when Longxia's trade flourishes, the meaning will be completely different. By that time, the Longxia Navy may also be equipped with many cutting-edge equipment.

"In this case, we should also work harder. We can't continue to argue over the selection of the next generation of warships, right?"

Lermontov coughed twice and brought the topic back to the main topic.

In fact, he did not expect that the recruitment video released by Longxia Navy would also affect them.

At the same time, in the Kremlin, the Emperor's office.

White Bear King Pushkin was sitting in the office. After Boris finished his work at the Navy Headquarters, he rushed here without stopping.

Such an important matter must be sent here as soon as possible.

The great changes in the Longxia Navy have been placed in front of everyone, and there is no reason not to let Pushkin know.

"Emperor, this is the latest naval recruitment video released by Longxia."

"I have sent it to the Navy to watch."

After Boris finished speaking, he played it directly in front of Pushkin after getting Pushkin's permission.

The video was finished soon.

Although Pushkin's expression did not change, his eyes widened several points, and his mood was particularly complicated.

Who would have thought that when they were busy competing with the Eagle Tribe for interests in the central region, the Longxia Navy actually achieved a sudden rise and made a very big leap.

"Okay, I know about this."

"Let the people at the institute know too."

Pushkin didn't want others to know what he was thinking at the moment, so he simply sent Boris away.

"Yes, Great Emperor."

Seeing that the report was over, Boris stood up and walked outside.

At this moment, Pushkin was the only one left in the luxurious office, and his mood became even heavier.

Whether it was 052C or a new warship, the comprehensive combat power had obviously surpassed the level of most warships in their navy, and it was truly unprecedented progress.

But at the beginning, the Longxia tribe had reported heavy losses, but from this video, it was completely untrue, which means that the Longxia Navy had deceived the whole world.

During that period, the Longxia Navy had been busy with construction.

Unknowingly, when the world was not paying attention, so many new warships had been quietly equipped.

"I really didn't expect that the Longxia Navy has developed to such a level."

"Even we have to pay attention to it."

Pushkin muttered to himself, his eyes full of complex light. The old neighbor's progress was too fast, completely beyond his expectations.

As a neighbor, he hoped that the Longxia tribe could develop so that it could hold back the armed forces of the Eagle tribe in the East China Sea and greatly reduce the strategic pressure of being surrounded.

But from the perspective of national interests, he didn't want the Longxia Navy to develop to a very strong level all of a sudden.

In that case, once the two tribes turned against each other, the warships they placed in the East China Sea would not be able to defeat the Longxia Navy at all.

But in general, their relationship with the Longxia tribe will only get better and better for a long time, so naturally there is no need to worry about these problems.

How good it would be if such a development speed fell on the White Bear Tribe.

A military research institute of the White Bear Tribe.

Turgenev sat in his office, enjoying a moment of leisure time.

Soon the assistant opened the door and walked in, looking so anxious.

"The latest news came from the KGB. The emperor specifically requested that it be sent to our institute."

"A Longxia recruitment video, sent by their navy."

"It's full of cutting-edge warships."

The assistant's words made Turgenev, who was originally dismissive, change his face instantly and sit up straight.

"Quick, let me see it."

The assistant quickly handed over the laptop and clicked on the play.

Turgenev was Professor Zhang Gongnong's classmate and good friend when he studied abroad in the White Bear Tribe. The two had a very good relationship. Later, he was responsible for negotiating with Longxia on the issue of introducing 956E.

As the video played, Turgenev's expression became more and more solemn, and his eyes became as big as copper bells, with incredible light bursting out of his eyes.

Is this really the Longxia Navy?

It has only been a few years, and it has developed to such a terrifying level?

Even the active phased array radar is on board, and the array is larger than the Eagle Tribe Burke 2, which means it has a longer detection range and more powerful functions than the latter.

Moreover, each ship is more advanced than the other, and the ship design is also very simple. There is no extra equipment on the surface, and there are no obvious edges and corners. This is a very obvious stealth design.

A large number of vertical launch systems are installed on the bow, hiding all the air defense and anti-ship missiles carried.

In terms of the beauty and neatness of the ship, it is far better than the previous 956E, so its comprehensive combat effectiveness can be several streets ahead of the latter.

At present, those equipped by the White Bear Tribe, whether giant ships or small ships, all do not have the Aegis air defense system, and the functional division inside the ship is still very simple and crude.

This is very unfavorable to the promotion of modern warfare. If you want to organize a modern naval battle, you need more ships to cooperate.

And these ships of the Longxia Navy have obviously achieved multi-functionality, and in some ways, they even exceed the level of many Western tribes.

Thinking back to what he had said to Zhang Gongnong, that the Longxia Navy would never be able to make a way for itself, he couldn't help but feel ashamed.

He knew very well that the Longxia tribe had already taken a unique path of weaponry development and had become a powerful maritime force on the Blue Planet that could not be underestimated.

On the other hand, the White Bear Tribe seemed to be still relying on the old capital left over from the Soviet Union period.

Not only did they not have a single shield ship, they only had one aircraft carrier. Currently, the only weapon that could surpass the Longxia Navy was their nuclear submarine, their trump card.

"Time flies, and it's unforgiving."

"The Longxia Navy has finally taken a path of armament construction that suits its national conditions, and they no longer need to rely on us."

"To some extent, they have surpassed us."

After reading it, Turgenev, who had been silent for a long time, spoke slowly, his face full of frustration and unwillingness.

But he knew very well that this was an accomplished fact that could not be reversed at all. In the future, the White Bear Tribe would no longer have the opportunity to export weapons and equipment to the Longxia Tribe and take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune.

You know, before that, they were the teachers of the Longxia Tribe.

When the Soviet Union existed, it sent many experts and staff to help the Longxia tribe build its military industry.

During the White Bear Tribe period, they exported many weapons and equipment to arm the Longxia tribe.

Now the Longxia Navy seems to have surpassed them in the military technology of surface ships. If they continue to develop at this pace, it will not be long before they will look up to the Longxia Navy.

Only he knows the bitterness.

On the other side.

After the Navy recruitment video was released, the Navy's official website was semi-paralyzed for several consecutive days, and the staff were frantically maintaining it.

However, there were too many people who registered online, and they were all crowded together. The number of visits increased instantly, exceeding the limit that the network bandwidth could bear. This was unexpected by everyone.

You should know that the recruitment video released before was not so popular.

Other registration channels were also overcrowded.

The Navy has entered the public eye in his hands and has become more glorious. Several Navy leaders were so excited that they couldn't sleep at night.

It is a great honor to be able to see the Navy's achievements today. How can people not be excited?

How long did they endure?

It was such a hard and painful journey.

Fortunately, today they successfully reached a new stage and made the navy powerful in the Dongzhou Sea!

Who dares to run wild in the Longxia Sea in the future!

Even if God comes wearing a helmet, it won't work!

The retired naval chiefs in the early years called to congratulate Liu Huaming, Xu Dongguo and others. They were really happy.

Even some air force and army chiefs called to congratulate.

The army and air force are naturally proud of the strength of the navy. Everyone fulfills the important task of defending the country. When the sea is safe, their pressure is much lighter.

Although everyone has disputes on weekdays, the starting point is to strengthen the army and protect the country.

Now that the navy is getting stronger and stronger, it means that Longxia can safeguard its maritime interests.

At the moment when the enrollment video was released, they knew the true situation of those naval battles, which had been kept secret before.

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