I built an armada

Chapter 389 Dingping enters the capital again, the three armies fight for people

Longxia tribe, Yanshan in the capital, in the secret meeting hall of the Beijing Military Region.

The lights are bright and the generals are gathered.

The leaders from the three armies have all gathered here. They sit in their seats and whisper to each other.

Looking around, there is no position below the level of major generals. Perhaps this meeting was held urgently and there is no time to arrange it.

Su Dingping, who entered the venue with Liu Huaming, glanced at the scene and found that there were obviously several more leaders who had never met before, as well as several military experts!

He also paid special attention and found that the military expert who was confronted by him last time did not come.

As for the name of that person, he had long forgotten it.

He has never had any memory of the surrender faction and the kneeling tribe with weak knees. He is so busy every day and has so much work. Who has the extra time and energy to remember them?

For those people, Su Dingping is unwilling to waste a single brain cell.

Without them, he was relieved, so that he wouldn't have to waste his lips and words arguing with the other party, saving that trouble.

Originally, he was a very calm and kind-hearted person. Why did he have to be forced to become a big mouth?

Compared with mouth, he was more willing to work hard on some practical things and contribute more to the development of Longxia's military industry.

That day, he was really angry about the flattering remarks, so he had to slam the table and curse at such a serious occasion at the meeting of the three military chiefs.

He also knew that the influence was not good. If it were someone else, he would probably have been kicked out by the guards.

"You must be calm and keep a low profile."

As Su Dingping walked, he secretly warned himself to try not to slam the table.

At this time, Xue Shuai had not come yet, and the chiefs were sitting in their seats. He searched for a long time, but he didn't find the place with his name written on it.

What embarrassed him the most was that he was the only colonel at the scene, and he was wearing a white military uniform that attracted people's attention. He stood there like a crane standing out from the crowd.

He felt that he was the most conspicuous person.

He had no idea where to sit. The seats in the venue were basically one for each person, and there was no extra seat for him.

He couldn't sit on the rostrum, right?

"Commander, where should I sit?"

Su Dingping turned his head and glanced at Liu Huaming, asking in a low voice.

Where to sit?

Liu Huaming looked around and was immediately helpless.

Xue Shuai only said on the phone to bring him here, but didn't specify where to sit.

After all, this is not the Navy Headquarters, and he can't arrange it at will.

"How about this, you sit where you want to and wait for the commander to come and make specific arrangements."

"I don't know either."

Liu Huaming shook his head gently.

While hesitating, a familiar voice came over.

"Old Liu, you're here pretty quick."

"Dingping is here too, that's good news."

Following the voice, Liu Huaming immediately saw Deng Zhenhua, the army chief of the same rank as himself, walking briskly with a amiable smile on his face.

When he saw the other party coming, Liu Huaming suddenly felt a headache.

He knew that the other party's visit must be no good, and he couldn't help but raise his eyelids.

But seeing that the other party bypassed him and stopped in front of Su Dingping, the smile on his face became even warmer and brighter.

"Dingping, we haven't seen each other for a while."

"I heard about the Guangfu incident. You did a great job and won glory for us."

"But by the way, when will you come to see our army? We are waiting for you."

Deng Zhenhua said with a smile, his attitude was so amiable, it didn't seem like he was treating someone of a lower rank than himself, but like a good friend.

Seeing him poaching people so unscrupulously in front of him, Liu Huaming's face turned green immediately.

When borrowing people, Deng Zhenhua had expressed his intention to borrow Su Dingping for a period of time, and he agreed, and Su Dingping also agreed.

But do you have to be so impatient and anxious?

"Hey, Lao Deng, you are not kind, I am still here."

Liu Huaming was a little anxious and spoke quickly.

"Why are you so stingy, like a local tycoon? You borrowed more than 15,000 people from me, and you also promised to let Dingping stay with me for a while."

"You can't go back on your word."

This made Liu Huaming speechless, but he didn't give him any chance. Instead, he pulled Su Dingping aside and said, "Dingping, have you developed an air defense missile with a firing height of 23KM?"


Su Dingping said directly, "It is a technical upgrade based on the Haihongqi 901A. Now it should be called Haihongqi 901B, and the maximum effective firing height reaches 30KM."

"Amazing, amazing!"

"No wonder it can easily shoot down the U2 reconnaissance plane flying at an altitude of 23KM."

Deng Zhenhua's eyes lit up a little when he heard it, and he immediately became energetic.

Of course he had heard of the Haihongqi 901A, and had also used the land-based Hongqi 901 air defense missile system modified from the Haihongqi 901A, which greatly met the needs of the army's air defense forces for mobile ambush and filled the gap.

It’s just that the range is not enough to meet the needs of shooting down the U2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, which is a huge hidden danger and loophole for the army.

Although the army chief who participated in the coordination between the two sides had reported to him in detail about the 10,000-ton destroyer, it was another matter to get accurate information from Su Dingping.


Deng Zhenhua’s smile became brighter and more friendly. “The Hongqi 901 you developed before was indeed very easy to use and has made great achievements in the army, but you also saw that the range is too short and the speed is too slow.”

“It can be said that it can’t meet the needs of the new era at all.”

“See if you can change the Haihongqi 901B to a land-based version. Don’t worry about the various research and development costs. Our army will cover them all.”

“I also have a special missile factory there, you can use it at will.”

Hearing this, Liu Huaming’s face turned green and he was almost crazy.

This is obviously to poach Su Dingping.

So, he kept winking at Su Dingping, hoping that the other party would not agree easily.

After Su Dingping pondered for a moment, he nodded and said, "Commander, it's completely possible. There is no technical difficulty."

"I like to hear that."

Getting a positive answer, Deng Zhenhua was overjoyed, and his eyebrows were full of smiles.

"Xue Shuai is here."

Originally, he wanted to continue discussing with Su Dingping, but someone suddenly reminded him at this time.

Everyone immediately returned to their seats, only Su Dingping stayed where he was, standing very awkwardly.

I can't just stand there like this, he looked around and prepared to find a seat to sit down, but at this time Xue Shuai had already walked into the conference room with a dragon-like and tiger-like step.

After scanning everyone, Xue Shuai's eyes fell on Su Dingping.

"Dingping, what are you looking for? Why don't you sit down?"

It was not until this time that everyone noticed that a naval colonel had come to the conference room.

Those who had attended the meeting of the three military chiefs before were naturally very impressed by Su Dingping, knowing that he was a tough guy who dared to slam the table and curse in front of General Xue.

Although this young man had a big mouth and was quite arrogant, the facts proved that he was right. Later, the navy really defeated the East Desert Sea Self-Defense Force again and again until it became the new overlord in the East Desert Sea, which immediately made them look at Su Dingping differently.

This young man is really something!

As for those military chiefs who met Su Dingping for the first time, they all showed curiosity.

Originally thought that he was a staff member of the venue arrangement, but he didn't expect that he hadn't left at this time.

His identity seemed incompatible with the situation here, and he shouldn't be here under normal circumstances.

After all, Su Dingping's true identity has never been disclosed, and only a few people know it.

They all looked at their colleagues on the side, but saw that the other party shook his head and said nothing, suggesting not to ask more questions.

This made them even more curious.

Isn't it said that this is the highest-level meeting of the three military chiefs? There is no colonel at the lowest level, but now a colonel suddenly appears. Why is this person so special?

Looking around, there is only such a colonel. It is hard for the leaders not to pay attention!

They sensed something abnormal.

"Xue Shuai, I'm looking for a seat."

Ye Congrong said with an awkward smile.

"I specifically asked them not to arrange a seat for you, so you don't have to look for it."

Xue Shuai walked forward with Su Dingping, "You will sit next to me today."

"I think you know more about the specific problems of the navy than Liu Huaming, so you can provide me with advice."

Hearing this, Liu Huaming immediately showed helplessness and embarrassment.

The development speed of the navy is faster than expected. He is currently focusing on the construction of aircraft carriers, and there are other things that he is not very clear about.

For example, before tonight, his understanding of the 10,000-ton destroyer was only on the model drawings, and he didn't know that Su Dingping had turned it into reality.

He had just conducted a sea trial and made a great contribution.

It can even be said that even Xu Dongguo, the direct superior, probably doesn't know what level the navy is at now.

Deng Zhenhua and the head of the Air Force also changed their expressions slightly, but soon calmed down.

Only those military leaders who met Su Dingping for the first time were in disbelief.

Who is this young man from the navy? Xue Shuai thought so highly of him and arranged him to sit next to him.

His military rank is actually a colonel, not even a major colonel.

Even if he is a top military adviser who has returned from studying abroad, they all know him.

Could it be that he is better than these people?

However, at such a young age, probably no more than 25 years old, he has become a naval colonel. This matter itself is not right.

These leaders were extremely curious, but no one asked much, just secretly guessed in their hearts.

This young man must be a mysterious figure hidden in the navy!

Su Dingping had no choice but to follow Xue Shuai to the rostrum and sat on the empty seat to his right.

Sitting here, he could see the curious light in the eyes of the leaders below, all examining him.

"Everyone is here, let's have the meeting."

After glancing at everyone, Xue Shuai spoke directly, "You are clear about the current situation, right? Tell me how we should deal with it next?"

The relevant information has been sent to everyone, and before coming here, they have already asked these people to consider the changes that will occur in the future.

The leaders kept silent and looked at each other. They really haven't thought it through yet.

I only know the strength of my own military branch, and I don't know anything about other branches.

This kind of thing has always been the responsibility of top military advisers, and this time is no exception.

"Looking at the current situation, I don't think it has reached an irreconcilable point."

At this point, the military expert subconsciously turned his head and looked at Su Dingping. It was obvious that he was too impressed by this young man and was afraid that the other party would suddenly attack him.

"I think peace is the most important thing for now!"

"We have just joined the Blue Star Trade Organization not long ago, and the social economy is developing in a good direction. We only need to persist for a period of time to achieve an overall improvement in national strength."

"We will be more confident when we take action at that time."

Another military expert also spoke up: "What we lack now is time, and we will trade space for time. The Eagle Tribe is not the East Wilderness Tribe, and our chances of winning are slim."

After several military experts spoke up, they immediately attracted the approval of some leaders of the peace faction.

It has not been long since we joined the Blue Star Trade Organization, and the national economy has been effectively improved. Naturally, no one is willing to have an armed conflict with the Eagle Tribe now, thus interrupting this process.

It is really unwise to fight head-on now, and trading space for time naturally meets the expectations of many people.

In their view, they must continue to choose to be tolerant now.

"What do you think?"

Xue Shuai looked at everyone and asked.

"Xue Shuai, I don't agree with this."

As a war faction, Liu Huaming was naturally the first to stand up.

"Liu Huaming, why do you disagree?"

"Do you know that the East Wasteland Tribe and the Eagle Tribe are not on the same level?"

"The last time you defeated the East Wasteland Marine Self-Defense Force, it was a series of coincidental victories. It is impossible to replicate it against the Eagle Tribe."

The leader of the peace faction immediately retorted with contempt, obviously looking down on the navy.

"That's right, we can't fight now."

"I'm as angry as you are, but we need time to strengthen our own strength."

"It's not easy to join the Blue Star Trade Organization Alliance. Look at the country's strength now. We need to buy more time, understand?"

Another leader of the peace faction took over the conversation and said righteously.

"If we rashly choose to go to war with the Eagle Tribe at this time, abandoning a bright future and fighting for it, it is not worth it."

"Dragon Claw Island is there, it can't run away, and when we become stronger, it will naturally be taken back."

Then, another leader of the peace faction spoke up, talking endlessly, and looked heartbroken.

As if Liu Huaming was a national sinner, the peace advocates criticized him verbally and did not give him any chance to refute.

"You are surrendering and begging for mercy on your knees."

"We are soldiers. Now the enemy has bullied us to the point of no return, and you still choose to hide here and survive."

"I feel ashamed for you."

Liu Huaming did not show weakness and stood up to refute.

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