I built an armada

Chapter 390 Dingping shows off his power and fights the surrender faction.

"The Eagle Tribe and the East Wasteland Tribe are not opponents of the same order of magnitude. How can we fight? What can we use to fight?"

At this time, the peace faction suddenly asked. In their minds, the Longxia army was still the weak one that had to shrink in the face of a strong enemy.

The two factions argued endlessly, neither of them gave in, and each had their own reasons.

Seeing the two factions arguing, Xue Shuai frowned slightly, and then turned his head to look at Su Dingping next to him.

"Dingping, do you have any ideas?"

The whole venue fell silent for a moment, and both the war faction and the peace faction focused their attention on Su Dingping, including those military experts.

They began to guess Su Dingping's identity in their hearts.

Why did Xue Shuai push this young man out at this time?

Who is he?

Could he influence Xue Shuai's decision?

Many leaders realized that the situation was not good. Xue Shuai suddenly asked this question at this time. I'm afraid he had other intentions?

Some of the peace advocates at the three-army meeting were panicking, worried about what would happen. They knew Su Dingping's ability.

Some of them were shocked. Xue Shuai actually asked the young man with the rank of colonel about such an important matter. Isn't this an international joke?

Su Dingping was not stupid. He guessed Xue Shuai's real thoughts. If he didn't want to fight, why would he suddenly ask for his opinion when the peace advocates were holding high the banner and almost had the upper hand?

"Xue Shuai, Xue Shuai, you are putting me on the fire."

"If you want to do it yourself, just say it directly. Why do you want me to take the blame?"

Su Dingping hesitated and complained in his heart.

Last time he slammed the table, he couldn't stand the surrender speech. This time, he wanted to keep a low profile and never show off.

But now it seems that Xue Shuai will not give him this opportunity at all.

"Just say whatever you want."

"Just say what you really think."

Seeing Su Dingping hesitate, Xue Shuai raised his right hand to signal.

After thinking for a moment, Su Dingping looked at the crowd and then spoke tactfully.

"If we don't fight this battle today, we will have to fight it tomorrow, saying that we want to develop."

"If we don't fight tomorrow's battle and continue to fight it the day after tomorrow, the reason is still that everything is for development."

"If one day in the future we really surpass the Eagle Tribe in terms of economy, and they challenge us again, what should we do? Could it be that we are afraid of losses and post-disaster reconstruction, so we won't fight?"

"There have always been people in our tribe who are afraid of this and that. If they are so timid, what's the difference between them and Wang Jingwei and his ilk?"

As Su Dingping spoke, the leaders of the peace faction on the scene, as well as those so-called military experts, all looked very ugly.

A strange look suddenly appeared in Xue Shuai's eyes. He knew that these rough guys couldn't say any great truths, but if Su Dingping took over, the situation would be completely different.

This young man was fearless and even defied heaven and earth. He even made the chieftain of the East Wasteland speechless and almost vomited three liters of blood and died on the spot.

After forcing the other party to return to the East Wasteland tribe, he immediately issued a bounty order to assassinate Su Dingping.

Although he is young, his ability to talk nonsense is definitely the best in the army, and he can also refute the other party so much that he wants to dig a crack in the ground and crawl into it!

"As for when to fight and how to fight, I can't decide, but what I want to express is."

"We have finished the war in this life, and the next generation will not have to fight!"

When these words came out, many leaders of the pro-war faction were overwhelmed.

Su Dingping's words touched their hearts at once.

Those leaders of the pro-peace faction suddenly changed their faces, and their hearts were also uneasy.

They seemed to see the scene decades ago when they were poor and white but still showed their swords. It was that generation who fought the war that brought decades of peaceful construction environment.

One punch is enough to prevent a hundred punches. Their hearts were in turmoil.

At this moment, no matter whether they were in favor of peace or war, the core issue they were considering had not changed, and it had long been engraved in their bones.

How many of them were afraid of death to be able to reach this point today?

For a moment, a strange emotion spread over the meeting hall, and everyone's mind was filled with shock and emotion.

Su Dingping's few words completely changed the situation on the scene.

At this moment, there was an unprecedented sense of mission flowing and stirring in everyone's heart.

We have finished the war in this life, and the next generation will not have to fight!

What an inspiring word, even those who advocate peace, the reason they did that was not for the next generation to have a better future?

They had bet that the Eagle Tribe would stop after getting the advantage, and stop when they saw the good, as long as there was no real war, there was still room for maneuver.

But Su Dingping gave them a wake-up call!

They suddenly realized that the Eagle Tribe was a jackal!

But would the jackal stop when it saw the opportunity?

Not at all!

The fierce jackals, tigers and leopards let them bite off a piece of meat today. Longxia retreated once, and then retreated again and again. Where can the Longxia people retreat to in the end?

As long as such a tribe tastes the sweetness once, such things will inevitably happen frequently in the future!

If they give in every time, then they will lose the blood in their bones as soldiers. Even if the Longxia tribe develops well in the end, I am afraid they will no longer have the courage and determination to safeguard the interests and development of the country.

No matter how well the tribe develops, it will eventually become a big piece of fat meat in the eyes of others, and they can eat it whenever they want.

As for the war faction, they are more confident at this moment. They all insist on not giving in. If they take a step back, they will lose the blood in their bones that a soldier should have. They will become like what Su Dingping said, and they have to consider everything. This is not okay, that is not okay, and they are timid in their actions.

Everyone in the peace faction knew that the Eagle Tribe was a jackal that could never be fed. If they gave in to them, they would give the Longxia Tribe a space to develop. This possibility was too small to be considered.

But now, as long as it didn't happen, it could be used to comfort themselves.

As many people in the peace faction chose to keep silent, the voices of peace became smaller and smaller in an instant.

The military expert wanted to say something before, but he opened his mouth and whispered: "What if..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Su Dingping.

"What if, can you explain it clearly?"

If it had been the last time, he would have slammed the table and scolded the other party for being a decadent scholar who had misled the country and the people.

And this time, he sat next to Xue Shuai, so he naturally needed to restrain himself.

The most important thing was that he was obviously much more mature than before.

"Haha, you keep saying what if, how many what ifs have you seen the Eagle Tribe give us? Not to mention the distant past, let's just talk about the past ten years."

"The ancients knew that if you feed jackals with your own flesh, you will have no more flesh on your body, but the jackals' appetites will never end! Are you going to give the entire Longxia as meat to the jackals of the Eagle Tribe?"

Su Dingping did not give the guy any chance to refute, and then spoke again,

"Look at the Donghuang Tribe now, they claim to be the castrated watchdogs of the Eagle Tribe, , they obeyed the arrangements of the Eagle Tribe in everything, and followed them closely, but what was the result? "

"Last time, they violated the vote led by the Eagle Tribe. Did we beat them all the way to their doorsteps? "

"Have you ever seen the Eagle Tribe take action to control them? "

"It can be seen that the Eagle Tribe is not trustworthy at all. "

"Such a tribe that does not follow the moral code of war, you actually bring up the "what if"? "

"What is your intention?"

Faced with Su Dingping's question, the military expert immediately chose to remain silent.

To put it in the near future, the bloody lesson of the East Wilderness Tribe is in front of us.

To put it in the distant future, the Eagle Tribe's reconnaissance aircraft, bombing of foreign agencies, and sending aircraft carrier fleets to block the military operations of the Longxia Tribe, one by one, all happened recently, all in the past ten years.

If we push it back, there are more.

The lessons of history, they know better than anyone else.

They want to refute, but as soon as the rebuttal comes to their lips, they have to swallow it back, because what Su Dingping said is the fact.

"Back then, when we didn't have nuclear weapons, we faced nuclear blackmail from the West. How many times did the Eagle Tribe encounter?"

"Later, we mastered nuclear weapons through the efforts of our ancestors, and they began to instigate the Thousand Buddha Tribe, the White Elephant, the Iron Monkey, and the East Wasteland Tribe to make trouble one after another and cause trouble for us."

"Knowing that our air force is weak, they sent reconnaissance planes to investigate and provoke us."

"Knowing that our navy is not good, they sent aircraft carrier fleets to provoke and make trouble."

"They help the surrounding tribes develop their military strength. Do you really think they want to help them? Isn't it just selling weapons to them, arming them, and strengthening the capital of our surrounding tribes to make trouble? The Eagle Tribe knows very well that the more advanced the weapons, the greater the damage they will cause to us."

"If they are kind, why don't they sell them to us? For us, they not only don't sell, but also create a technological blockade, absorb our talents, do everything possible to curb our technological development, and implement a full-scale blockade against us."

Speaking of this, Su Dingping deliberately glanced at those military experts and asked very heartbreakingly.

"Excuse me, is this what you begged for by kneeling on the ground?"

Su Dingping's tone was very calm, but it sounded like thunder in everyone's ears, and it was more like a sharp blade hitting many people's hearts.

The faces of those leaders who had previously firmly advocated peace turned red!

"...I'm not, I didn't, I just..."

Such murderous words made the military experts who advocated peace speechless. They didn't want to be identified as the kneeling tribe on the spot.

They also have to save face!

If they say anything more, they might be labeled as enemy spies and forcibly kicked out.

The military expert before was also speechless at this moment.

"We joined the Blue Star Trade Alliance to develop our national economy, not by kneeling on the ground, but by forcibly blowing the door open with cannons after we drove the fleet over."

"If not, I'm afraid I'd still be worried about joining the trade alliance this year."

"Good development is only one aspect of the matter, it's just a show. Without the strength to protect peaceful development and the backbone to never retreat, the show of peace will be overturned at any time."

Su Dingping spoke again, very seriously.

"Looking through the history books, which marriage was not humiliating? Which time was not continued to be manipulated?"

"I always believe that peace is fought, not blown."

"So, you..."

At this point, Su Dingping looked at the stubborn peace advocates not far away, or they were the surrenderists.

"Is it difficult to make you admit that the Eagle Tribe is ambitious and is a jackal that can never be fed?"

Su Dingping's rapid-fire words made everyone feel uneasy.

Everyone understands the truth, but Su Dingping said it so blatantly in such a serious occasion, which made them feel particularly complicated.

At this time, everyone realized why Xue Shuai called Su Dingping, a young man, and specially arranged him to sit in such an important position next to him.

It turned out that he wanted to express the above meaning through Su Dingping's mouth.

Some of the leaders who had experienced the last meeting of the three military chiefs naturally thought of this.

Xue Shuai turned his head and gave Su Dingping a look of approval. He was very satisfied with his performance just now and the current attitude of everyone.

"Everyone, who has other ideas now? You can also say it."

The leaders of the peace faction all looked pale, as if they were uncomfortable after eating fly shit.

The attitude is so obvious, what else can they say?

If they had known this earlier, why did they come out to embarrass themselves?

Those military experts who advocated peace were also silent at this moment.

The overall situation has been decided, and it is useless to say anything more!

Seeing that everyone had nothing to say, Xue Shuai spoke again.

"Our national sovereignty and territorial integrity have always been our last bottom line!"

"We soldiers exist for this, otherwise what are we for?"

"I agree with what Dingping said just now. Peace is fought for, not begged for."

"Our ancestors exchanged their flesh and blood for today's status. We must never retreat."

At this point, he looked around at everyone.

"So next, let's discuss the specific response plan!"

Hearing these sonorous and powerful words, the heads of the peace faction were all scalped. They felt like jumping clowns, jumping out recklessly.

Even, they had a deep sense of crisis.

I'm afraid that the days ahead will be difficult. Today, I left Xue Shuai with the impression of a surrenderist!

However, the other heads did not have such thoughts. Instead, they had different ideas about the specific plan, and they frowned involuntarily.

If they chose to fight directly, it would obviously be inappropriate.

It is not realistic to issue a warning to the Eagle Tribe.

The Longxia tribe is in a defensive position. If you warn them directly, they won't listen at all, so it's just a waste of words.

This is not an ultimatum!

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