I built an armada

Chapter 428: Draw your sword when you meet an enemy, everyone listen carefully

It would be better to build a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in one step. Anyway, the navy can handle it, so it won't matter if it goes slower.

"Report, the 123rd ship formation has completed the supply operation and is expected to arrive at the scheduled sea area to carry out the mission in four to five hours."

Next, Zhang Zhaoxin opened another document and continued reporting.

"Very well, give them the order to carry out the mission as planned."

Liu Huaming nodded slightly, feeling much more at ease.

It's not enough to have the first echelon in the waters near Dragon Claw Island. It's too weak. If the second echelon arrives in time, it can share the tasks of the first echelon.

They have already made predictions about the possible route of the Eagle Tribe nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle group.

The Long Xia Navy conducted exercises around these necessary routes and collided with them head-on.

There are not many routes from the Eastern Wasteland Tribe Garrison Base to Dragon Claw Island, and taking the sea route is much slower than the air route.

If the other party wants to reach Dragon Claw Island before the great chief sets off, they will definitely not take a long way around.

The preset location that Zhou Qinglei and others are heading to now is on the sea boundary line to intercept the aircraft carrier formation on the high seas. This is the result of repeated deductions by several people on the sand table.

Of course, Zhou Qinglei and the others will not fight alone, but will have a first-tier fleet to respond at any time.

Everything has been arranged, and now we are waiting for the arrival of the aircraft carrier.

"If the aircraft carrier formation attempts to break through in four hours, then fight!"

Before Zhang Zhaoxin could leave, Liu Huaming decisively said in a very serious tone.

In the face of national interests and dignity, any attempt to thrive or endure is sheer nonsense!

As the time for the press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs got closer and closer, the minds of many tribes suddenly became active.

They speculated that this incident was most likely related to the alliance between the aircraft carrier fleet of the Eagle Tribe's Seventh Fleet and the three-tribe combined fleet.

If, as in the past, we were just protesting to express dissatisfaction, there would be no need to engage in such a massive mobilization.

After all, the Eagle Tribe never accepts any protest.

The previously lively tribal channels in the Dongzhou Sea area were now silent, and each tribe had its own agenda.

Longxia Tribe, Beijing, Headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Ambassador Chen was waiting for the news extremely anxiously. He kept taking out his mobile phone to check the time, almost getting angry.

Four hours have passed since the news was released, but the Navy seems to have forgotten about it, and there is still no movement.

We have waited from midnight to now around four in the morning. In more than an hour, it will be dawn.

There was no news from the navy, but there was already news that the Eagle Tribe's Seventh Fleet aircraft carrier battle group was dispatched. This made him even more anxious, almost getting angry.

In three hours, the war chief will be boarding Air Force One and preparing to fly to Dragon Claw Island.

At this moment, I'm afraid the war chief is ready to get up and make preparations.

Time keeps moving forward.

Just at this time, his assistant ran over and urged: "Ambassador, four hours have passed, and the people below are urging me more and more. Is there still no news from the Navy?"

Ambassador Chen just glanced at his assistant but said nothing.

The assistant immediately understood that there must be no news.

"What on earth are the Navy doing? They are already in a hurry. Are they not in a hurry at all?"

Hearing this, the ambassador felt anxious. He took out his confidential phone and wanted to contact the Navy, but he was afraid of damaging the Navy's layout.

He put the microphone down again, suppressed his irritability and stood up.

He walked slowly to the window sill, opened the window and took a look at the courtyard below.

I saw more and more people gathered outside, with three floors inside and three floors outside, a large, dark area, with at least three to four hundred people. It seemed that the whole world was paying attention to this press conference of the Longxia tribe.

In fact, he knew very well in his heart that if he held a press conference at this time, there must be several important events to be announced.

I just don’t know what the Navy is planning, and it’s so secretive.

Since no one came, they could only wait patiently!

Other than that, there seems to be nothing they can do.

Time is invisible and intangible, but it always flies by and passes quietly through your fingertips.

Amid everyone's restlessness, half an hour passed and then an hour passed.

It was around six o'clock, and the originally dark night sky had now become bright. Ambassador Chen in the office couldn't help but look up and glanced out the window. He knew that daybreak was about to come.

Ambassador Chen was very worried. Could there be something unexpected happening with the Navy?


And just when he was worried, the door was suddenly pushed open.

"Ambassador Chen, I'm late, sorry."

The person who came was none other than Xu Dongguo, who was in military uniform, the leader of the Northern Fleet and one of the navy chiefs!

When Ambassador Chen saw the person coming, he was startled for a moment, then hurriedly stood up and went to greet him.

He did not expect that the Navy would send such a heavyweight and powerful figure to host a press conference. It seemed that there was some explosive news to be revealed.

In an instant, all his restlessness disappeared.

"Dongguo, I've been looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally I've got you here."

Ambassador Chen stepped forward and grabbed Xu Dongguo. Realizing that something was wrong, he immediately gave his assistant a look, "Go and guard outside and close the door."


The assistant hurriedly walked out, closed the door, and personally guarded the door, like a door god.

Ambassador Chen and Xu Dongguo were the only two people left in the office.

"What important thing happened that requires you to go there in person?"

Ambassador Chen lowered his voice and asked extremely curiously.

He could predict that this incident would be earth-shattering.

"You are right. This matter is indeed very important. I am afraid that the news will be leaked, so I must come here in person."

Xu Dongguo nodded lightly, "I was at the headquarters to discuss the follow-up deployment, so I was delayed for some time and came late."

"So how's it going?"

Hearing this, Ambassador Chen was relieved and quickly asked with concern.

"Everything is under control."

Ambassador Chen was relieved a lot by Xu Dongguo's words.

Next, Xu Dongguo took out a photo from his briefcase and handed it over, "Look at this."

After Ambassador Chen glanced at Xu Dongguo in confusion, he immediately took it and started looking at it.

After just a few glances, his brows furrowed.

The photo shows a large floating warship, to be exact, it should be an aircraft carrier, but it has wounds.

"This, this is?"

After looking at the photos, Ambassador Chen was a little confused.

"This is the aircraft carrier Gabet of the Thousand Buddha Tribe. It has been captured by us now."

"I'll bring it back tomorrow night at the latest."

Xu Dongguo explained immediately, looking very relaxed.


The aircraft carrier of the Thousand Buddha Tribe?

Did you hear that right?

Ambassador Chen's eyes widened and he was in a state of confusion.

Then he pointed at the aircraft carrier in the photo and said with great excitement: "Is this...could it be..."

He was trembling a little when he spoke, and he was even more excited inside. Suddenly, he thought of something, and then looked at Xu Dongguo with a shocked face.

"You guessed it right. The combined fleet of the three tribes was completely wiped out. Only this aircraft carrier was captured by us."

Xu Dongguo nodded slightly and informed the actual situation.

These words were like a bombshell, and the bang made Ambassador Chen's mind go blank.

So shocking.

It was so shocking.

The combined fleet of the three tribes was actually sunk. Only this aircraft carrier was left alive, and it was captured and brought back.

Has the navy become so powerful?

"So, what about our losses?"

After a long time, Ambassador Chen finally asked.

"If we really want to count losses, it is the loss of some missiles, which adds up to a lot of military expenditures."

Hearing Xu Dongguo's light-hearted joke, Ambassador Chen immediately laughed heartily.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Ambassador Chen raised his head and laughed, "Okay, okay."

Tears flowed from his eyes as he smiled. He had been feeling aggrieved for such a long time and finally felt proud.

As the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he knows very well that strength is always the basis for safeguarding justice, national defense is the real backing of diplomacy, dignity lies only in the edge of the sword, and truth lies only in the cannon!

Talking about foreign affairs without the strength is just bullshit!

Therefore, what Xu Dongguo brought was not only good news, but also a shot in the arm that cheered up all the members of the Foreign Affairs Department and made them straighten their backs!

"This is such a big matter and you really need to be cautious, hahaha, it's okay to be late."

"I was worried for a long time whether something would happen. Now I understand, it's really amazing! The comrades in the navy are all good people."

"I feel relieved now."

As he spoke, Ambassador Chen squeezed the photo with his fingers a little harder, which showed how excited he was.

Seeing Ambassador Chen being so excited, Xu Dongguo, who was standing by, remained silent.

He could understand the other party's mood at the moment. The foreign affairs department needed such exciting news. The increase in naval strength was also the greatest support for those engaged in foreign affairs work.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go to the press conference."

"Today's news will definitely shock the whole world!"

After a while, Ambassador Chen came to his senses and returned the photo to Xu Dongguo.

Blue Room, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The press conference was held here, and the staff had arranged the venue in advance, which was solemn and solemn.


With the sound of several lights turning on, all the bright headlights were turned on, instantly illuminating the place like daylight, and the spacious hall immediately seemed extremely bright.

As soon as the door opened, many reporters poured in and found seats in the press box.

In an instant, hundreds of people gathered in the Blue Hall, and the scene was very lively.

The staff also entered the hall to maintain order and make final preparations, letting everyone know that the long-awaited press conference was finally about to begin.

The reporters took out their notebooks, voice recorders and other things and prepared them, and the cameramen had their guns and cannons ready.

There were not only reporters at the scene, but also personnel arranged from the embassies of various tribes.

"Hey, why haven't you started yet? I've been waiting for so long, at least half an hour, right?"

"It's almost six-thirty, and it hasn't started yet. Isn't it going to delay time again?"

"I seemed to have seen the chief of the Navy just now. Could this press conference be related to the Navy? Could it be that the Long Xia Navy collectively protested and accused the four tribes of jointly sending troops?"

"Hey, if protest is effective, then why use force?"

"Stop arguing, Ambassador Chen is here..."

I don't know who shouted, and everyone looked towards the door.

Sure enough, Ambassador Chen, dressed in a crisp black suit, walked in with a dignified stride.

Behind him was a middle-aged man in navy uniform, with very steady and powerful steps.

This combination really shocked many people present.

They all looked confused and couldn't understand why the head of the navy would come over at this moment.

Is it possible that the navy chief wants to protest in person?

"That's not right. Why is the head of the Navy here? And his level is not low."

"Could it be that the navy thinks it would be more effective to send such a heavyweight to stand up to express protest? Long Xia's navy is really interesting. Wouldn't it be useless to come out at this time?"

"If the protest is effective, the chief will not go to Dragon Claw Island. The Longxia tribe will try to clean up some useless things. We will see what news they release next."

"Anyway, I've already written the title. Long Xia Haijun's protest is based on a lack of strength."

Everyone was talking a lot, but no one was optimistic about this press conference. Instead, it was filled with all kinds of ridicule and ridicule.

In their opinion, Long Xia's navy was hopeless.

Holding a press conference is most likely to admit defeat!

Protests without strength will not be listened to by anyone, let alone ignored by anyone. They can only act like clowns!

Ambassador Chen and Xu Dongguo looked at each other, and then Ambassador Chen took the lead on the stage.

For a moment, hundreds of pairs of eyes looked at Ambassador Chen with confusion, hoping to get some answers from him.

It can be said that except for Ambassador Chen and Xu Dongguo, everyone at the scene, including all the staff, was in a state of confusion.

"Hello everyone."

Ambassador Chen smiled at everyone, adjusted the microphone, and began to say, "Before the press conference begins, I first remind everyone that you must be mentally prepared, because the things that are about to be announced next are very big, and I am afraid that your My heart can't bear it for a while..."

Just five minutes before the Longxia Tribe’s Foreign Affairs Department held a press conference.

The eastern border area of ​​the Baixiang tribe.

They have deployed three divisions of troops here.

There are also a steady stream of tanks and armored units, moving towards this direction in a mighty manner.

In the eastern river valley base of the White Elephant Tribe.

The personnel responsible for observing the movements of the Longxia tribe have discovered that the Longxia tribe members have also begun to mobilize and have more heavy firepower. This is not good news for them.

Immediately, he reported the relevant information as quickly as possible.

After receiving the news, base commander Panag couldn't help laughing.

"It seems that the Longxia tribe has discovered our deployment, and they are increasing their troops here."

The other generals immediately started laughing.

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