I built an armada

Chapter 429 A rare opportunity, the White Elephant Tribe wants revenge

"What if they send more troops?"

"We have deployed in advance and have an absolute advantage. They are just going to die."

"I don't know what's wrong with the Longxia people. Do they think they can still beat us? They don't even look at the current situation. The navy has been dragged down in the eastern waters. Now the army must be unable to sit still and go to reinforce. Then the balance of victory this time will definitely be on our side."

"It seems that the Longxia people are a group of reckless men. They have to distract themselves to deal with things at sea, and they have to struggle hard here. Isn't this just courting death? Fighting on multiple fronts is a taboo in military strategy! Longxia is finished this time, They will definitely die!"

"Most of the weapons of the Longxia tribe are made by themselves, while our weapons and equipment are the most advanced. How can they fight us? No matter how they make them, they are not as advanced as ours. It seems that Longxia will be crippled if they don't die. They have a small vision."

"Who cares about them? Anyway, it is entirely up to us to decide whether to fight or not. The initiative is in our hands. As long as the Longxia navy is held back by the four tribes, we will immediately march north and kill them seven in and seven out..."

Seeing that all his men were so confident, Panag was very satisfied in his heart, and then said solemnly.

"We were chased and beaten by the Longxia tribe back then, and today the situation is finally going to be reversed."

"It's time for us to take revenge, we must take revenge!"

"This time, we will fight to the heartland of the Longxia tribe and kill them without leaving a single piece of armor!"

The rest of the generals were excited, as if the blood in their bodies was ignited.

Back then, they took the initiative to start a war to teach Longxia's army a profound lesson, but who would have thought that it would end up as a battle to defend the capital.

If it weren't for the White Bear Tribe and many tribes in the Blue Star Alliance, the capital would have been almost gone.

They have always remembered that period of shame deeply.

They were originally prepared to seize the opportunity and go crazy, but they didn't expect that they were killed by Longxia in the end, and they fled all the way.

Now they have changed their appearance and regained their mysterious self-confidence.

"Humph, what happened back then is a shame for us, and we must avenge it. We couldn't do it in the past, but it doesn't mean we can't do it now. Now we are well-trained and have avant-garde combat ideas, so we will never fail!"

"We are no longer the same as we were decades ago. Our army has been reborn and grown into a steel lion!"

"That's right, as long as the White Elephant King gives an order, I will be the first to lead the troops to kill them, kill them and go straight to their lair!"

The generals were full of fighting spirit, passion, and their words were ups and downs, and they were extremely arrogant.

They didn't take the Longxia border deployment seriously, and it wasn't even worth mentioning.

White Elephant Tribe, White Elephant Palace.

For the press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Longxia Tribe to be held, neither the White Elephant King nor his ministers took it seriously.

In their opinion, the aircraft carrier battle group of the Seventh Fleet of the Eagle Tribe has already set off as planned, and the Longxia Foreign Affairs Department is still holding a press conference. What kind of content can be released?

They can imagine it with their toenails!

Sitting in the chief position, the White Elephant King was wearing luxurious clothes that were very clean and tidy, revealing his extremely obedient status everywhere.

Looking around at everyone, the White Elephant King slowly spoke.

"After years of vigorous development and strengthening of the army, our military strength has been significantly improved!"

"It has become the third in Blue Star and the first in Dongzhou. All that is missing is a fight with the Longxia troops."

"Looking at the entire Blue Star, apart from the Eagle Tribe and the White Bear Tribe, we need to give them three times of face. Which other tribe does not need to look at our face?"

"We now have military strength if we want it, and we have national strength if we want it. Everything is ready! This is the best opportunity given to us by God."

"If there is no war, it's fine. Once the war starts, I hope the front-line troops can show the prestige of our White Elephant Country!"

The ministers sitting on both sides of the conference table echoed one after another.

"The Longxia tribe is surrounded by powerful enemies this time. This is a great opportunity for us to take revenge. The king is right. We need revenge."

"This time is our turning point. As long as we win, we will be recorded in the history of our White Elephant tribe. The king is destined to be remembered in history and become an emperor of the ages!"

"Kill all the border troops of the Longxia tribe. We will kill our way through. By then, the hinterland of Longxia will be ours. Hahahaha, the king will lead us to expand our territory."

"King, as long as you give an order, our troops will be invincible!"

After being praised by the ministers, the White Elephant King was directly floating. He felt very good about himself and felt that he must be an emperor of the ages in the history of the White Elephant Tribe!

At this moment, he seemed to have seen the White Elephant Army marching straight in and seizing large tracts of the territory of the Longxia tribe.

When that moment really came, he would definitely leave the most vivid and colorful strokes in the history books of the White Elephant Tribe and become a great figure that the White Elephant Kings of later generations would imitate!

"We have such a good opportunity this time, thanks to the tenacity of the Longxia tribe. If they had continued to keep silent like before, we really wouldn't have gotten this great opportunity."

"Anyway, we still have to thank the Longxia tribe and those decision makers."

"Hahaha, why am I so happy."

The White Elephant King's words immediately caused all the ministers to burst into laughter.

The atmosphere of the meeting was very relaxed, just like a tea party.

Like the White Elephant Tribe, the Iron Monkey Tribe in the southwest of Longxia was also gearing up.

From top to bottom, everyone felt that this was a very rare opportunity.

The brave will die of overeating, and the timid will die of starvation.

Now they have to be bold and seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take revenge!

They even think that they can occupy a large area of ​​Longxia Tribe's land and completely destroy this tribe.

For the other tribes that stood by and did not enter, the White Elephant Tribe and the Iron Monkey Tribe sneered.

In their view, once this opportunity is missed, there will be no more in the future.

Such a deep hatred, if this generation does not take revenge, will it be left to the next generation?

On the other side, the East Wilderness Tribe, Kyoto.

The road from the garrison base to the airport had been blocked in advance.

A large number of security personnel were deployed on both sides of the road, and they were responsible for the surrounding vigilance and security along the way!

These security personnel had been issued death orders.

Absolutely no accidents were allowed to occur, and the Great Chief's convoy must be ensured to pass without fail!

Behind the cordon formed by these security personnel, a large number of East Wilderness people crowded there in advance, ready to see off the Great Chief's departure.

Of course, these so-called people were also strictly screened, and there were also many plainclothes and special agents among them.

They held high the flags of the East Wilderness and the Eagle Tribe, and pulled out a long banner with various farewell slogans written on it, which seemed extremely cordial.

It can be said that many slogans have reached the stage of being corny, and the Great Chief is completely regarded as the savior of Blue Star.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the head of the cabinet has never enjoyed such treatment.

In the garrison base.

At this moment, the chief had gotten up and put on a well-tailored private suit, and he looked very straight and energetic.

A new day had arrived, and he felt that today was a day to create history, and it was also his most proud work as the chief.

As long as he completed the task, he would disgust the Longxia tribe.

His staff and assistants were already packing up, packing everything up, and handing it over to the staff to send to the nanny car.

The head of the cabinet had arrived here early, and the special car was parked outside the garrison base, ready to come to meet at any time, and escort the chief and his party all the way to the airport.

In the reception room.

After getting off the special car, the head of the cabinet came here, and happened to meet General Cruz accompanying the chief for dinner.

He also came over, sat down at the invitation of the chief, and also accompanied him to eat.

"Chief, everything is ready."

"I will personally escort you to the airport. There will be no safety issues along the way."

The cabinet leader had a flattering smile on his face, like a subordinate reporting to his superior.

In his opinion, no matter how flattering, it is not too much!

The resurgence of the East Desert Sea Self-Defense Force depends on the chief and the Eagle Tribe.

"You did a great job, I am very satisfied."

The chief chuckled and nodded, "After returning, I will lobby the parliamentarians to let them agree to provide you with relevant weapons and equipment as soon as possible."

"Just wait patiently for the news. Don't worry, we will still provide security for our allies."

He could naturally understand why the chief was so humble and completely served him, the chief of the Eagle Tribe, as if he were a servant.

In fact, he had repeatedly weighed the pros and cons with his staff.

It is still very necessary to re-arm the East Desert Sea Self-Defense Force. At least there is one more armed force that can guard the East Continent waters and guard against the White Bear Tribe, which directly relieves them of a lot of military pressure.

"Thank you, Chief. You are the great benefactor of our Donghuang tribe and our savior!"

"We will definitely pray for your longevity and eternal status."

The cabinet leader was very excited and said with great emotion, with an exaggerated smile on his face.

Air Force One did not stop at the garrison base, but at the airport dedicated to the Donghuang tribe, which was spacious enough to accommodate the farewell ceremony.

It takes more than an hour to get from the garrison base to the airport.

The chief turned his head and looked at Cruz on the side.

"General, how are the preparations?"

Cruz hurriedly said: "Please rest assured, Chief, everything is progressing normally and everything is ready."

"The aircraft carrier battle group is maneuvering to the designated sea area, and the escort fighters have been checked and can take off at any time."

After listening to the report, the chief was relieved.

If there is no problem with safety, then the visit plan can be smoothly carried out without too much worry.

"Chief, I need to report something to you."

At this time, the cabinet leader spoke again, but his eyes were full of excitement.

"What's the matter?" the chief asked.

Seeing that he had successfully aroused the chief's interest, the cabinet leader hurriedly said, "The Longxia tribe is preparing to hold a press conference, but the time has been postponed again and again. I don't know what they are up to."

"I think they are holding a press conference at this time, which is nothing more than a protest. The chief does not need to take it to heart."

The chief nodded slightly. He did not take it to heart, but asked with interest.

"Then why do you think they have to postpone it again and again?"

The cabinet leader said quickly: "According to feedback from all sides, the Longxia tribe must have encountered troubles, so they have to change the original plan again and again."

"All this is the credit of the chief. As soon as you came out, the Longxia tribe was instantly overwhelmed."

"They must be scared and dare not hold a press conference."

Being flattered suddenly, the chief was still very useful, and his mood was much better.

Not long after the voice fell, General Koro walked in quickly.

"Report, received the latest news, the Longxia tribe press conference will be held on time at 6:50 on the Blue Star of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

"The door has been opened, and hundreds of people have entered the Blue Hall to prepare for it."

After listening to this report, the faces of several people present showed surprise.

They originally thought that the Longxia tribe didn't dare to hold the meeting, but they didn't expect that they would still hold it.

At this time, the chief smiled lightly and said very proudly.

"On this blue planet, everything still depends on fists, and foreign affairs need armed forces as a backing!"

"Only when your fists are strong will people listen to you, and they are willing to listen."

"If your fists are not strong, who will listen to you?"

"If you want to listen to your words, will you listen?"

The head of the cabinet quickly echoed: "Of course not."

"That's it, isn't it just a press conference to protest? It's just impotent rage, and it has no influence."

"We should still do what we should do!"

The chief said confidently. In his opinion, everything the Longxia tribe is doing now is irrelevant.

"Don't worry, there is still plenty of time."

"Don't worry too much."

Hearing the words of the chief, General Koro hurriedly said: "I understand."

The news that the press conference was about to be held quickly swept across the blue planet like a tornado, and naturally spread to the tribes of Dongzhou.

Like the attitude of the chief of the Eagle Tribe, the relevant persons in charge of the Niying Tribe, the Feilu Tribe and the Qianfo Tribe did not take the press conference of the Longxia Tribe seriously.

To be more precise, they did not care at all, and at most regarded it as a leisure and entertainment program to kill time.

In their view, the three tribes have been tightly tied to the Eagle Tribe, so they belong to one, and they will prosper together and suffer together.

As long as the Eagle Tribe persists, the joint fleet of the three tribes will be fine, and the tribes will become better and better.

This time the three tribes jointly sent troops, and they are all the most elite forces, which is a very good opportunity!

The top leaders of the three tribes have been secretly discussing how to maximize their interests and gain more benefits after this incident.

In any case, the South Continent Sea must not be a wasted trip.

To get benefits from the Longxia Tribe, naturally, we must also get some benefits from the Eagle Tribe.

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