I built an armada

Chapter 430 Send troops for profit, let's see who has the last laugh

Eat from both ends, earn from both ends!

Qianfo Tribe Naval Command Center.

General Srilava was in command in person, and turned to ask the signalman.

"What is the current situation of our fleet?"

"Has it not been contacted yet?"

The signalman shook his head and said, "Report to the general, not yet."

"The fleet is still disconnected, we have no way to call them, and they have not given us any feedback."

Srilava did not realize that the three-tribe joint fleet had been destroyed, but smiled and said indifferently.

"It doesn't matter, Surasak is experienced, let him command the aircraft carrier fleet, it won't be a big problem."

"You go and keep communicating."

He waved his hand and sent the signalman away.

After the signalman left, he looked at his deputy.

"Our tribe has sent out a group of elite troops, including the aircraft carrier fleet, and we have done our best."

"The four tribes' joint fleet will definitely defeat the Longxia tribe. After the success, should we seek some benefits for the tribe?"

"Everyone speaks freely."

Srilawa's idea is very simple. No matter what, they must not miss such a good opportunity.

They must not do useless work and work in vain without getting any benefits.

The exchanges between countries on Blue Star are ultimately about interests. Grabbing more interests is in line with the needs of the country. Aren't they sending troops for interests?

"General, we really need to think about it. Anyway, I think it's still the same as before, asking for a high price and paying it back on the spot!"

"That's right, we should ask for a high price when we should, but we can't ask for too low a price. At least we have to import some warships from the Eagle Tribe to let them replenish their carrier-based aircraft."

"General, of course we have to take advantage of both sides. We should send people to the Longxia Tribe and the Eagle Tribe, and at least mobilize all our elite forces."

"It would be best if both sides could fight, because after this battle, our Qianfo Tribe Navy is very likely to become the strongest navy in the East Continent Sea, and the entire East Continent Sea will be at our disposal!"

After hearing the people General Srilava was also infected by the deputy's excited words, and smiled and said: "Are we too arrogant?"

"General, I'm not arrogant at all. Looking at the entire Dongzhou Sea area, who else is capable of fighting us?"

"No one, not one, we are the overlord."

"When the Donghuang Sea Self-Defense Force was the first, we were the second strongest. Before, the Longxia Navy had defeated the Donghuang Sea Self-Defense Force, and the Longxia Navy became the first, and we were still the second. Now this thousand-year second is going to turn over. I'm so happy just thinking about it."

The deputies talked a lot, extremely excited, as if it was time to divide the benefits after the war.

This time, the Qianfo Tribe dispatched many ships including aircraft carriers, which were almost the elite maritime forces they could show off.

Now they are finally going to become the second in the Dongzhou Sea, which really makes them happy.

"That's right."

At this time, the deputy mentioned, "Before, the Longxia Navy drove its fleet to our doorstep to show off its power. This is a shame and hatred. It must be avenged! We must fight back!"

"That's right. If we don't avenge this hatred, we are not a gentleman. We must also drive the aircraft carrier fleet to Longxia's doorstep to show them how developed our muscles are."

"When the time comes, I will personally lead the team to pay a friendly visit to Longxia. The Longxia tribe will definitely be depressed to death, hahaha."

Hearing this, General Srilawa smiled and said, "If the Longxia tribe is not tough, and confronts our four major tribes' joint fleet, I will look down on them. They are a group of guys without eggs, spineless soft eggs!"

Hearing this, everyone smiled happily, and laughter filled the entire command hall.

How can the Longxia tribe win with one against four?

There is no way to fight, this is a dead end!

Naval battles are not land battles, you can fill them with your life. There is no chance to meet, so what's the point of fighting?

Like the Qianfo tribe, the commander of the Feilu tribe's navy was also dreaming the same dream, asking for benefits from both tribes at the same time.

The commander of the Niying tribe had the same idea.

Although the three tribes formed a coalition and sent out the most elite forces, they all had their own little calculations!

Rather than saying that it was the appeal of the Eagle tribe that brought them together, it would be better to say that it was the naked interests that forced them together.

At the same time, the Longxia tribe.

It has become so big that naturally more and more Longxia people have begun to care about this matter.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens and military fans have all gathered on the Tiexue forum, anxiously waiting for first-hand news. They want to know what the current status of the Longxia navy is.

"Brothers, we just got news from the East Desert Tribe that the Seventh Fleet's aircraft carrier battle group has been dispatched, and the destination is naturally the waters near Longzhua Island. This is to escort Air Force One in advance. Damn it, it's really damn it."

"Now it's equivalent to the navy of the four tribes coming out to deal with our navy. They are ganging up on us. It's so despicable and shameless. Just thinking about it makes me angry. They are too arrogant. They are just bullying too much. They are just a bunch of bastards!"

"Don't mention it, it makes me angry just to mention it. I'm not going to work today. I have to stay in the Internet cafe and wait for the latest news. I want to see how arrogant the four tribes are!"

"Hey, scolding has its effect. After all, the truth only lies in cannons. Exchanges between countries are based on strength. If the fist is not strong, no one will listen to what you say. How humiliating it is, but we are still Need to endure."

"When our fists harden, we must get this debt back!"

For a while, netizens were very emotional, and there were millions of messages on the forum.

They were all expressing their views on the navy. Every line was filled with encouragement and a desire for victory, but they were also full of helplessness and sadness.

The weak ones don't even have the strength to resist. The world is about the law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest.

"Over the years, we have endured humiliation and endured heavy storms. No matter how big the storm is, we have come through it. In the past, when our navy was attacked at our doorstep, our ancestors came up with land guns and boarded the ship. But now at least we don't have to do that. This is progress!"

"Yes, our navy defeated the Donghuang Haizi and captured all their aircraft carriers. We follow the path of independent research and development, and the navy's warships are constantly being updated. Time is on our side. I believe we can defeat them. , we can still rise again as soon as possible!”

"The reason why Xiaoqiang cannot be killed is because of his tenacious vitality. I believe that our navy will become more courageous and stronger with every setback."

"Everyone, who knows what the sudden press conference held by the foreign affairs department means?"

"What's the point? It's just that I can't beat you, so I'll just tolerate it for now. Make a statement, protest and condemn, and then get back on the stage when you get stronger."

Someone immediately stood up and expressed different opinions.

"No, it's definitely not right. I have a friend from Beijing who was at the scene. He told me that seeing the navy's heavyweight chief appear with his own eyes, it's definitely not an easy matter."

This news was like a boulder thrown into the lake, setting off huge waves and triggering a new round of widespread speculation.

"I can't understand it. The chief of the Navy ran by to hold a press conference. It seems like this is a big deal."

"The heavyweight chief of the Navy, wearing a military uniform, swaggered into the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the gaze of everyone. If he wanted to protest, he only needed a spokesperson."

"There is something fishy in this. It doesn't sound like a condemnation. It seems more like announcing the results of the victory to the whole world. But is this possible? I really don't understand it. I hope the answer will be revealed as soon as possible."

Many netizens realized that this press conference was obviously different. The guests attending were all heavyweights, which was very interesting.

Everyone knows that this press conference is unusual. Netizens can't figure it out, and the intelligence departments of the tribes can't figure it out either.

At the same time, the press conference was held in the Blue Hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

After Ambassador Chen said the words, "Let everyone be mentally prepared," the reporters and other tribal foreign affairs personnel present began to murmur in their hearts, wondering what was going on.

This conference is even more full of curiosity.

Even though they racked their brains, they couldn't figure out what happened recently, which would make them unbearable. They have all seen the big world.

Ambassador Chen looked at the reporters and media people below with a smile. Everyone was looking forward like curious babies, and their ears were eager to stand up like rabbits.

He knew that what he said just now was very successful in attracting the attention of these people.

"Now, if you have any questions, start asking them."

"Today I am going to be unique. Without releasing any news, I would like to use your questions to introduce the theme of today's press conference."

"I know you must be very curious as to why we chose to hold a press conference at this juncture, right?"

"Then feel free to ask questions."

Ambassador Chen withdrew his gaze and said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, a foreign media reporter stood up.

After introducing himself, he asked directly: "Ambassador Chen, what do you think of the four tribes jointly dispatching a naval fleet?"

Ambassador Chen said directly: "The navy of the four tribes was dispatched jointly? We have never heard of a fleet of the four tribes. When did this happen?"

Everyone had surprised expressions on their faces when they heard this.

Everyone was dumbfounded, feeling that they were not in the same world as Ambassador Chen and other people from the Longxia Tribe's Foreign Affairs Department.

The elite navies of the four tribes came in and out and gathered in the relevant waters of Dongzhou. They all launched a north-south attack on Long Xia's navy. This is something that almost all tribes in Blue Star know, but you don't know?

Although I am not a human, you are a real dog.

Are you actually pretending to be stupid for us here?

The reporter hurriedly continued to ask: "Ambassador Chen, maybe you didn't hear clearly just now. Let me explain now."

"I mean, what do you think of the Nihan Tribe, the Thousand Buddha Tribe, and the Feilu Tribe, who, under the call of the Eagle Tribe, formed four tribes to jointly dispatch the navy to visit Dragon Claw Island? "

Ambassador Chen glanced at the reporter and then said: "As for your question, the chief of the navy will answer it in person later."

"Next person!"

At exactly this time, Kufujiwara, an ambassador sent from the Eastern Wasteland tribe, stood up.

"Ambassador Kufujiwara, what questions do you have?"

Ambassador Chen raised his hand to signal, keeping a warm smile on his face.

"Ambassador Chen, do you think that after this dispute, your Longxia Navy can still maintain its position as the number one navy in Dongzhou?"

"Do you feel that maybe this is an opportunity for us in the Eastern Barren Sea to return to glory?"

Kufujiwara's words were extremely sharp, going straight to the core of the problem, and full of gunpowder.

Everyone present looked at Ambassador Chen. This was a meeting between old enemies.

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, and what follows is destined to be a fierce battle between dragons and tigers. The media reporters present immediately became excited, as if they had been injected with blood.

"Ambassador Kufujiwara, your question is very constructive."

Ambassador Chen smiled casually and said pointedly, "It's hard to say the former, but the latter is absolutely impossible. I'm afraid it can only be realized in a sweet dream."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Ambassador Kufujiwara laughed unscrupulously, "Ambassador Chen, it seems that you still can't understand the situation. It's sad! It's sad!"

"Do you know that the destruction of Longxia Navy is an inevitable trend and no one can stop it unless..."

Having said this, his triangular eyes narrowed slightly, and he continued, "Unless your Long Xia Navy just gives in and surrenders. But by the way, that is your Nanzhou waters, territorial waters, right? The enemy has already broken in." It’s your territorial waters, so you shouldn’t kneel down, right?”

"Your ancestors have stated that Long Xia's territorial waters are guarded by Long Xia's navy. You must have forgotten everything. In that case, your navy will be just a bunch of soft-footed shrimps."

"That's not the style of your Long Xia navy, right?"

Ambassador Kufujiwara had a mocking look on his face, and he almost laughed from ear to ear.

The foreign media reporters and envoys who came to watch the show immediately laughed. They were all very happy to see the Longxia tribe being ridiculed.

Ambassador Chen was not moved at all. He still had a warm smile on his face and spoke very calmly.

"The chief of the navy will give you the answer you want in a moment."

"Next person……"

Later, he selected several reporters to ask questions and answered the corresponding questions.

The time lasted until 7 o'clock.

It is already bright outside, the city has fully woken up after a night's rest, and people are starting to rush for life, but major events that affect Blue Star are happening here.

Seeing that it was almost done, Ambassador Chen raised his hand and looked at his watch, and then handed the scene over to Xu Dongguo.

"Okay, now the scene will be handed over to the navy."

"This is Xu Dongguo of our navy, Commander Xu. He will help answer the questions that were answered by the navy just now."

"Chief Xu, please!"

The two people had already negotiated the time, rhythm, and division of labor for the press conference when they were in the office.

All in all, this press conference was the Navy's home field. He was assisting from the side and everything he did was to warm up the Navy.

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