I built an armada

Chapter 458: The Navy has become the strongest, and the aircraft carrier auction begins

So when it all comes down to it, time is the most important factor!

Therefore, once there is a fight, the first reinforcements encountered are the fighter support from the Eagle Tribe garrison and the Eastern Wilderness Tribe. It will take time for the aircraft carrier battle group to arrive due to the speed of navigation.

Therefore, in the final analysis, it can only be won in the shortest possible time.

Once the rebels on the island are successfully wiped out and the large force successfully crosses the sea, even if the aircraft carrier battle group arrives, it will be of no use and can only be disappointed!

As for the subsequent international pressure, all the rebel forces on the rebel island have been wiped out anyway, no matter how big they are, they are of little use.

The first wave of fighter support is the key to Deng Zhenhua's inquiry!

Su Dingping thought about it, and Deng Zhenhua and Liu Huaming also considered it.

"Lao Liu, do you need to strengthen the support of the air force?"

Deng Zhenhua was still a little uneasy, "Let them cooperate with your navy to conduct a more effective interception."

After Liu Huaming pondered for a moment, he said directly: "The fighter group is indeed a trouble. When the time comes, I can dispatch a few 052Ds and 10,000-ton cruisers and deploy them to the northeast of the rebel island."

"On the one hand, it can support you in taking down the rebel island, and on the other hand, it can intercept the invading enemy."

Having said this, Liu Huaming silently calculated in his mind that once the war started, it would definitely be too late to resupply on the battlefield. Therefore, the ammunition of several warships must be well preserved, and they must not be easily attacked. All of them are reserved for just in case. Reinforcements appear.

With full calculation and good control over the use of ammunition, you can deal with enemies who are hiding behind and causing trouble!

"Lao Deng, we can support you for more than an hour!"

"In more than an hour, we must be mentally prepared to fully deal with the Eastern Wasteland Air Force and the Eagle Tribe fighter group."

After thinking about it, Liu Huaming spoke again, with a very serious tone.

"More than an hour?"

Deng Zhenhua pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "If we don't care about the cost, we can move forward quickly and attack in time."

"It's just that this will require your navy to take more care."

Liu Huaming responded cheerfully: "This is no problem. As long as the rebellion can be wiped out, our navy is duty-bound!"

The beginning of this armed attack is the continuation of the unfinished armed struggle.

other side.

After the chiefs returned to their respective combat headquarters, they immediately held an emergency meeting of commanders at all levels.

Air Combat Command.

Two air force chiefs and a group of air force commanders gathered here.

Since the withdrawal of the two tribes from the western border pass and the southwestern border pass, more than half of the air force has been concentrated here.

For the Air Force, the nearly two hundred fighter jets on the rebel island still put a lot of pressure on them.

The most important thing is that these fighters are basically third-generation fighters such as F15 and F16.

In 2002, the F15 and F16 were considered very advanced third-generation fighter jets on Blue Star, with strong attack power.

The Dragon Xia Tribe's Raptor 10 fighter jets are only equipped in small batches and on a small scale. It is far from enough to rely on them to conquer the world.

At present, the main fighters are the second-generation Ba Ye and dozens of Su-27 aircraft purchased from the White Bear Tribe.

Among them, a total of hundreds of Su-27 aircraft have been purchased, but more than half have not yet been shipped.

The Baye is a high-altitude and high-speed interceptor aircraft. It can be used for homeland defense or reconnaissance, but it will naturally not work if it is allowed to engage in air combat with F15 or F16. If it goes up, it will be beaten.

Then the Air Force is left with the Raptor 10 and Su-27 aircraft installed in small batches, as well as some Flying Leopard fighters, and they can still occupy a certain advantage.

However, advantages are advantages, but they cannot withstand the large number of third-generation fighters on the rebel island.

At present, we can only fight with whatever equipment we have.

Among the three armed forces, the Air Force is currently the weakest and has not yet entered the comprehensive deployment stage of third-generation aircraft.

It is impossible to let one Raptor 10 fighter plane deal with the siege of several third-generation aircraft of the rebels at the same time. This is very unrealistic.

It is better not to let the large number of Seventh Master and Sixth Master go up to fight. It is no different from going to die.

Training of pilots is originally very difficult and is an extremely precious resource. If we do this, what will happen after this battle is over?

At this time, an Air Force chief said: "The current situation is like this. We have too few third-generation aircraft that can be used. The only ones that can be used are Raptor 10 and Flying Leopard."

"By the way, there are still some Ba Ye. The rest of the fighter planes are too old and cannot be used at all."

"This battle of ours requires a quick victory, so that we cannot dispatch old fighter planes."

Another Air Force chief also said: "We have installed a batch of Su-27 aircraft, but the number is still too small, and most of them have not been installed yet. Now most of them have been transferred."

"Hey, I'm really irritated. The delivery speed of the White Bear Tribe is too slow. We ordered more than a hundred fighters in total at the beginning, but several years have passed and we only got a few dozen."

"Their efficiency is too low. It's really delaying us."

"If most of the remaining goods arrive, we won't be under so much pressure."

"So, I think among the three armies, our Air Force is the biggest shortcoming and the biggest test!"

After these words were spoken, the hearts of all the commanders suddenly sank.

"If that's the case."

An Air Force colonel said, "Then we can't fight head-on with them in air combat. Instead, we must cooperate with the navy to raid their air base first, blow up the airport runway, and eliminate as many rebel fighters as possible on the ground."

"In this way, the pressure on our pilots will be reduced a lot."

"Well, that's one way. But how to fight? Is it a land-based missile, or our air-to-ground missile?"

"Either let the Flying Leopards go for ground-to-air raids, or do you want to dispatch bombers?"

"Otherwise, if we bring the Navy over, wouldn't the Navy directly shoot down high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft like the U-2? With the addition of the Navy's anti-aircraft missiles, and our cooperation with the rebel fighter groups, our chances of winning are still Very big.”

"Don't forget, everyone, the rebels also have long-range warning radars. With the support of the Eagle Tribe, they have deployed radar facilities in all key locations over the years."

"With a detection range of more than 72 kilometers, the probability of our fighter jets and land-based missiles being discovered is very high, and they will definitely intercept them."

Hearing someone mention the radar facilities in the hands of the rebels, the two air force chiefs couldn't help but glance at each other, and both could see a hint of surprise in the other's eyes.

And these radars can only be left to the navy to deal with.

They all thought of the advanced stealth warships such as the Navy's 052D, which were able to go in and out of the relevant waters of Donghuang without being discovered.

The military radar deployed on the Donghuang tribe is stronger than the rebels on the rebel island in terms of detection range and function.

As a result, they became more determined that this battle must have the cooperation of the navy.

As if unknowingly, the status of the Navy has been raised to a whole new level in the minds of these Air Force chiefs.

Meanwhile, Army Combat Command.

Several leaders also gathered together to discuss specific combat plans.

"Our troops have been trained in a targeted manner. There is no big problem in sneaking in. However, if you want to land safely, you need to beware of land-based missiles in the hands of the rebels and air force raids."

"If we don't knock them out first, it will have a great negative impact on our crossing the sea and landing."

"Therefore, once the war begins, we must first knock out the rebel fighter groups and seize air supremacy. At the very least, we must kill most of their air force and gain local air supremacy!"

Everyone knows very well that the key to cross-sea operations is to control the air. Without air threats, the Army's landing will not cause too many casualties.

As a result, the pressure will be placed on the Air Force.

"How is our air force? Can it gain air supremacy?"

At this time, one of the chiefs directly asked, "The Army can't bring land-based anti-aircraft missiles to the sea to fight."

"It's hard to say."

"The Air Force has transferred advanced fighter jets from other directions, but the number of third-generation fighters in our Air Force's hands is still too small, only a few."

"If we want to rely on them to control the air control with certainty, I'm afraid it will be quite difficult."

"That is the problem of the Air Force itself. We just need to do our own thing well. We must be well prepared and formulate a plan with air supremacy and partial air supremacy."

"If the Air Force needs help, they will ask for it."

When the commanders said this, they understood the current predicament of the Air Force, and they were under greater pressure.

"According to the previous combat plan, we must first knock out the rebel military bases, airports, and combat readiness roads that can take off fighter jets."

"Try to suppress the enemy's firepower, and then we will advance the cross-sea operation and land on the island."

"It's definitely not possible to follow the procedures like this. We need to make a quick decision and move forward together!"

"If we advance together, our casualties will probably increase. I'm afraid something won't be good."

"By the way, can't the Navy free up its hands now? Didn't the Navy independently intercept the carrier-based aircraft of the Donghuang Tribe and the Qianfo Tribe before? They can conduct long-range interceptions on those fighters at sea."

"We need the navy to cooperate with us. This can increase the chance of victory and reduce casualties!"

At the end of the discussion, several leaders suddenly discovered that the army also needed strong cooperation from the navy. Undoubtedly, the strength of the navy was confirmed by them to some extent.

With the navy's cooperation in military cross-sea operations, it will undoubtedly be easier!

"It seems that we have to admit that maritime operations still require a strong navy."

Several leaders almost reached a consensus.

Soon, the army chief and the air force chief met again and fully exchanged operational opinions.

In the end, both sides discovered that the army and air force were inseparable from the navy. Especially when conducting island operations, this need became very urgent and indispensable!

This was completely unimaginable before.

This discovery made them very helpless.

In modern warfare, the importance of the navy is increasing day by day, which is independent of human will.

The combat method that Su Dingping, Qian Lao, and Xue Shuai had conceived that day, with the navy as the core, integrating the five elements of sea, land, air, space and electricity, will be fully verified in this operation to eliminate the rebellion.

In any case, this is destined to be a very modern war!

After the two discussed it, they immediately sent someone to contact Xu Dongguo to exchange the details of the combat plan, discuss it, and formulate a new combat plan.

No one realized that this attack on the rebel island would be a preliminary integration of naval and air integrated operations.

At the same time, at the dock of the northern military base.

Zhang Zhaoxin led the buyers to visit the Gabet aircraft carrier, and while visiting, he explained the performance of each equipment.

For the combat strength of the Gabet aircraft carrier, several tribal representatives who have aircraft carriers are not very interested, but the other tribal representatives who do not have aircraft carriers are still very interested.

Although the Gabet aircraft carrier has suffered a lot of damage from the war, several internal core equipment is basically intact.

"Dear representatives, please bid with confidence."

"We will definitely deliver a complete Gabet aircraft carrier at that time. We will repair it and completely restore its combat effectiveness. We will also upgrade it to a more modern level."

"We will ensure that it has combat effectiveness that is worth the money, and we will send warships to escort it to your hands."

"You can rest assured about this!"

Zhang Zhaoxin's repeated assurances reassured many tribal representatives.

It's just that the representatives at the scene had different thoughts.

Some thought that if I don't have it, others can't even think about buying it!

In a word, I can have it, even if I buy it back and dismantle it, you absolutely can't!

If I have it, you must have it right away, that won't work, I will never let your dream come true!

Some people think it would be great if they bought it quietly. What do you want to do with such a big show? Now, we are all dragged into the pirate ship. Even if we don't bid later, we will feel embarrassed!

If there is a bidder in the Western Alliance, whether it is the Hans tribe, the British tribe, or other tribes, other member tribes of the Western Alliance will certainly follow suit.

There is no way. These traditional old powers will never sit back and watch other tribes become stronger, or other allies become stronger.

If the Hans tribe buys it back and its military strength rises again, won’t it cause the Western Alliance to collapse?

For a moment, the atmosphere at the auction site became tense. Every tribal representative couldn’t wait, and they were eager to take the Gabette aircraft carrier under their command.

After Zhang Zhaoxin’s introduction, the atmosphere on the field was almost set off, and the tribal representatives were almost determined to bid.

Zhang Zhaoxin turned his head and looked at Secretary Wang De next to him. The moment the two looked at each other, they smiled and nodded, knowing that it was almost time at this moment.

He was responsible for introducing the performance of the aircraft carrier, and Secretary Wang was responsible for the specific price negotiation. The two divided the work and cooperated.

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