As time passed, the fearless courage and belief of the Daming soldiers gradually disappeared, they are also people, they will also be afraid, seeing that their attacks can hardly hurt the enemy, they can't help but doubt the meaning of their desperation.

Bai Qi's gaze crossed the huge battlefield and fell on Zhu Yuanzhang on the capital of Daming, and he was as sluggish as a sculpture at the moment:

"If you don't surrender yet, is there any strategy?"

Suddenly, Zhu Yuanzhang walked down the city wall and disappeared into Bai Qi's field of vision.

At dusk, the battle was decided, leaving a part of the army to guard the prisoners, and part of the army to take over the capital, the palace, and Bai Qi led ten people into one of the halls in the palace.

The capital already existed before the establishment of Daming, and after the repair of Daming, it is even more resplendent, condensing the efforts of hundreds of craftsmen in Daming, and is extremely brilliant and magnificent.

One hall after another, towering and arching, stretching for tens of miles.

At this time, this prosperous palace has become very silent, and the palace maids and eunuchs cannot see a single one.

"Great General, a little abnormal, be careful."

Yang Xiao reminded in a low voice.

"Watching Zhu Yuanzhang act, it's not like someone who will give up willingly."

"Zhu Yuanzhang and Daming Chongchen did not escape, staying in this palace, it is likely that there is some conspiracy, and they want to die on the same level as me."

Bai Qi sneered:

"Die together? That also requires them to have the ability to die together! "

Saying that, Bai Qi walked towards one of the palaces, and under his divine thoughts, Zhu Yuanzhang was among them.


Pushing open the gate, the setting sun shone into the dim hall, and on the dragon chair, Zhu Yuanzhang wore a dragon crown and a dragon robe, as if he was participating in the grandest sacrifice, and his eyes were shining at Bai Qi who walked in.

Although he is about to become the king of the dead country, Zhu Yuanzhang sits on the dragon chair, and seems to have become the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang, who is calm and unhurried in case of accidents.

He sat on the dragon chair, his eyes sharply looking at Bai Qi, and although he didn't say a word, the atmosphere in the air was about to solidify.

Bai Qi understood his eyes, it was a kind of unwillingness and anger that Daming was about to destroy the country.

"Commander of the Fourth Army of Daqin, Bai Qi."

Zhu Yuanzhang looks very ordinary, but his voice is very thick and magnetic, as long as you hear him speak, you will subconsciously ignore his appearance, and over time, you will feel that he looks very attractive.

"The emperor of Daming, Zhu Yuanzhang."

At that time, the Manchu Qing Dynasty went south to run horses and ravaged the Central Plains, and the Ming Sect was revealed, and Yuanzhang was also outstanding in military merits, rising step by step in the Ming Sect, from an altar master to a deputy sect leader, but seized the fruits of victory.

This is a black spot for him.

But no matter who it is, even Zhu Yuanzhang's extreme Mingjiao, they have to admit that Zhu Yuanzhang is indeed a powerful ruler.

In his hands, Daming's national strength has been rising and developing rapidly, in just twenty years, Daming has changed from a newly established country to a country with the first national strength, Daming has never failed in foreign wars, and even almost destroyed the Manchu Qing state, if not for Meng Yuan's help, I am afraid that there is no Manchu country now.

In the past twenty years, to the land of the Manchu Qing Dynasty in the north, to the land of the Song Dynasty in the northwest, and to the land of the Southern Song Dynasty, the Daming Dynasty has expanded its territory, and its territory has become larger and larger year by year.

And Daming is already planning to destroy the Southern Song Dynasty, if it were not for the sudden arrival of Daqin, maybe the land of Shenzhou would achieve great unification in the hands of Zhu Yuanzhang.

It's just a pity that everything did not turn out.

His ambition was dashed in a sudden accident.

"Shu, can I meet Ying Zheng? I want to know who defeated him. Zhu Yuanzhang said in a deep voice.

"Wait for me to report to Your Majesty."

Not long after, Ying Zheng had already appeared in the hall, and Zhu Yuanzhang immediately fell his gaze on Huan Zheng, looking directly: "Emperor of Great Qin, Ying Zheng!" "

"Emperor Ming Zhu Yuanzhang, he has been looking up for a long time."

This is not a compliment, for Zhu Yuanzhang, he is indeed looking up to him for a long time.

This emperor who rose from the humble end, leveled the masses, and restored the Central Plains was something he once admired.

It's just that the meeting between the two turned out to be in such a situation, one is a prisoner of steps, a loser, and the other is a victor who destroys his rule.

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned slightly: "Are you mocking Xuan? "

In his mind, how could Ying Zheng have admired him for a long time, and he had admired Ying Zheng for a long time.

Huan Zheng shook his head slightly: "You have a strong mind, rise cloth, wei wu scriptures, restore the Central Plains, can be called the lord of heroic martial arts, although Xu defeated you, there is really no need to laugh at you." "

Looking at the dynasties and dynasties, in terms of ability and achievements, there are really few who are comparable to Zhu Yuanzhang.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang also had a reputation for tyranny in later generations, when he was really in that position, he realized how hateful corrupt officials were.

In many dynasties, the emperor was soft on corrupt officials, not because they did not want to use tough measures, but because the interests of the whole court were intertwined, and the emperor could not use tough means at all.

Only the founding emperor has absolute authority to implement thunder means.

The founding emperors were all capable people who could fight war on horseback and govern the country on horseback, and their authority was unparalleled in the whole country, so they were able to ignore anyone's interests and use the toughest and cruelest means to crack down on corrupt officials.

It's just that Zhu Yuanzhang rose to the end and hated corrupt officials the most, so his methods were the most cruel.

"You who destroyed Xuan's ambition, the First Emperor of Qin, Ying Zheng, actually had such a high opinion of Xuan, Xu suddenly felt less uncomfortable."

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed inexplicably, he looked at Huan Zheng: "Can I ask you for something?" "

"Say it."

Zhu Yuanzhang said calmly: "If you destroy the Daming of Xuan, the people of Xun will also become your people, and the Manchu Qing Dynasty caused a lot of killing in the Central Plains." Remembering everything in my heart! Xu has been avenging them, twenty years, this revenge has not been finished, in the future, this revenge, it will be up to you to avenge, if you do not avenge them, Xu will not let you go in the netherworld! "_

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