"The Slaughter of Tongguan, slaughter seven thousand people!"

"Ten days in Yangzhou, slaughter 800,000 people!"

"Jiading Three Slaughter, slaughter 100,000 people!"

"The massacre of Kunshan, slaughter of 50,000 people!"

"On the eighteenth day of Jiangyin, nearly 200,000 people were slaughtered!"

"Jinhua Slaughter, slaughter 50,000 people!"

"The slaughter of Jing County, slaughter of 50,000 people!"

"The slaughter of Ganzhou, slaughter of 200,000 people!"

"Tong'an Slaughter, slaughter 50,000 people!"

"The slaughter of Nanchang, slaughter of 200,000 people!"

"The slaughter of Xiangtan slaughtered 100,000 people!"

"Tong'an Slaughter, slaughter 50,000 people!"

"The slaughter of Fenzhou, slaughter of 400,000 people!"

"Nanxiong's slaughter, slaughter 100,000 people!"

"The massacre of Datong, slaughter of 300,000 people!"

"The slaughter of Chaozhou, slaughtering about 100,000 people!"


Zhu Yuanzhang gritted his teeth, a steel tooth was almost crushed, a wisp of blood oozed out from between his teeth, his fists were clenched, his whole body was trembling slightly, and his eyes were blood-red:

"The Qing army was brutal, raped and burned all the way, and was full of bestiality, and the Central Plains ran horses for nearly ten years, and the population of the Central Plains dropped from 40 million to 20 million, which was enough to be slaughtered by the Qing army by 20 million!"

The Daming territory ruled by Zhu Yuanzhang was only a simple Central Plains at the beginning, and in the past twenty years, the Daming Territory radiated from the Central Plains in all directions.

The entire Shenzhou, Daming, Northern Song, Southern Song, Dali, and Western Xia had a population of about 200 million, that is to say, the Manchu Qing Central Plains ran horses for nearly ten years, slaughtering one-tenth of the population of the entire Shenzhou land.

Bai Qi's face turned livid, and the anger fire in his eyes almost spewed out.

He slaughtered 450,000 Zhao soldiers, which was war, and Manchu, which was pure massacre.

Ying Zheng had heard about the bestiality of the Manchu Qing Dynasty in later generations, but when he heard this string of bloody numbers from Zhu Yuanzhang's mouth, he still felt a pang in his chest, he took a deep breath and exhaled a long turbid breath: "At that time, what were the Northern Song and Southern Song Dynasties doing?" "

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head slightly: "At that time, Yue Fei had not yet risen, and the Northern Song Dynasty was already very difficult to resist in the face of Mengyuan's iron horse, and could only barely resist the attack of the eastern side of the Manchu Qing, as for the Southern Song Dynasty, the land of the Central Plains was taken from them by the Manchus, and there was no ability to stop the Manchu slaughter in the Central Plains." "

"In the past twenty years, I don't know that there was a night, I dreamed that those who were slaughtered were wailing in their dreams, begging me to avenge them, and Xu sent blue jade to attack the Manchu Qing Dynasty, killing all the way."

Speaking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang sneered: "Everyone in the world thought that it was Emperor Kang Qiu Mengyuan who became the emperor of the child, and Meng Yuan sent reinforcements to repel the Daming army, and ordered Lan Yu to retreat." "

"Why?" Bai Qi couldn't help but ask.

Zhu Yuanzhang said faintly: "Because the Manchu Qing Dynasty has ten million..."

His voice was like a sigh from a demon in hell, which made Yang Xiao suddenly creepy, he was a smart person, and he instantly understood what Zhu Yuanzhang meant.

The Manchus slaughtered 20 million people in the Central Plains, and if Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to take revenge, he would also slaughter 20 million Manchus, but the Manchu Qing Dynasty only had 10 million, and it was not enough to kill them all.

What to do?


Kill a million this year!

Kill 800,000 next year!

Kill 900,000 the year after that!

As long as the Manchus existed, they would give birth to offspring, and one day, they would kill enough 20 million.

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes were full of hatred: "Five years ago, he ordered Lan Yu to attack the Manchu Qing Dynasty, killing all the way to Shengjing, killing four million, and the next year, Shu sent Chang Yuchun to lead an army to attack the Manchu Qing Dynasty and killed 1.1 million. "

"In the third year, Xu Da sent an army to invade the Manchu Qing Dynasty and killed a million."

"In the fourth year, Xu sent Deng Yue to attack the Manchu Qing Dynasty and killed 1.2 million."

"This year, the massacre has not yet begun..."

"A total of 7.3 million, and there is a gap of 12.7 million, which belongs to you."

Zhu Yuanzhang calmed down: "Your Daqin, can cross the world to fight, so that Daming has no resistance at all, and it is relatively easy to destroy the Manchu Qing, but I beg you, don't destroy the Manchu Qing, unless you can already kill enough 20 million." "

Ying Zheng nodded heavily: "I promise you!" "

"Grandpa Huang! Save me! "

"Father! I don't want to die! "

"Father! Save me! "

"Your Majesty!"

At this time, the noise and the sound of begging for mercy sounded from outside the main hall, and dozens of people were escorted, escorting them by the Baiqi guards, and the leader of the guards led by the guards saw Ying Zheng, first surprised, and then saluted: "Greet Your Majesty!" "

Ying Zheng waved his hand gently: "There is no need to be polite in the army. "

He spoke: "Your Majesty, the great general, these are the princes and grandsons of Daming, as well as the prince, empress, concubine, Liu Bowen tried to take them to escape, and was discovered by the ministers. "

"Grandpa Huang, save me! I don't want to die! "

Zhu Yuanzhang's expression became grim, and he looked at the ten-year-old Zhu Yunjiang coldly and said, "Shut up!" As a descendant! Don't beg for mercy! To beg for mercy is to give shame to Daming! "

After speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the relatively calm prince Zhu Biao and the fourth prince Zhu Di: "You two are very good, you didn't lose face for Xuan!" "

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Empress Ma again, his expression softened, but he didn't say a word, and a dagger slipped down from his sleeve and slammed into his heart.

He snorted, his head slowly drooped, and a strong and fierce voice sounded in the hall: "Son of Heaven Shou... Abroad...... King...... Dead Society..."

Empress Ma, Zhu Biao and other princes and grandsons changed their faces greatly:

"Your Majesty!"


Zhu Yuanzhang's body fell softly on the dragon chair, his eyes were slightly open, his pupils were dilated, the color in his eyes slowly disappeared, his throat was agitated, he wanted to say something more, but he couldn't say a word.

"Your last wish, I will definitely fulfill it for you!"

The color in Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes completely disappeared, and a generation of heroes, Zhu Yuanzhang, killed himself in front of Ying Zheng and died on his dragon chair. _

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