
At the moment when Feng Yuxiang climbed down, the sound wave swept in, and the sound pierced through the golden cracked stone and emptied the cracked cloud.

Boom rumble!

The rubble splashed, and Feng Yuxiang, who climbed down, only felt as if a ten-magnitude earthquake had occurred, and the entire city wall shook violently, and there was a feeling that it was shaking and collapsing.

The vibration did not last for a few seconds, Feng Yuxiang stood up, looked down, gasped, his legs and feet trembled a little, and the soldiers standing on the city wall also looked at the city wall blankly.

I saw that three large openings appeared in the city wall that was ten meters thick and more than ten meters high, just like a giant, cutting a cake, and a few cuts were made on the city wall, and the wall parts of the three huge openings had disappeared, so three openings appeared.


The adjutant swallowed his saliva, his teeth chattering.

You know, even if they have the strongest cannons, if you want to blast such a big opening on the city wall, don't shoot a dozen cannons in the same part, don't want to blast out such an opening.

And that bronze Meng Tian shot through the city wall with just one arrow.

The most important thing is that the soldiers did not die a single person, and the three large openings added up to at least a hundred soldiers, but the arrow exploded the city wall and threw them away, but not a single person died, at most they were only wounded by flesh and skin.

"Shuai, are you still fighting?"

The adjutant trembled.


Feng Yuxiang snapped on the back of his head: "Aren't you going to bombard his mother?" Boom! "

The adjutant smiled and said, "Marshal, looking at this situation, we probably can't win..."

Seeing that Feng Yuxiang did not speak, the adjutant tentatively said, "Or?" Bang his mother's try? "

Feng Yuxiang was silent for a long time, then shook his head and said, "Open the city, surrender." "

"Shuai, really descending?"


However, in half a day, Xi'an City was taken over by the bronze army, and the people of Xi'an City were a little afraid at first, but seeing that these bronze soldiers did not loot and kill, they gradually settled down.

"General, can Feng Yuxiang meet His Majesty the First Emperor?"

Feng Yuxiang said it nicely that 'those who know the time are handsome', and what he said badly was 'seeing the wind and rudder', and as soon as he surrendered, he put his posture very low.

Meng Tian looked at Tianxian and said like gold: "Wait!" "

So Feng Yuxiang and Meng Tian looked up at the sky together, and not long after, the bronze Meng Tian suddenly knelt on one knee: "Your Majesty!" "

Bronze Wang Yi, Madman Chu, and Pang Lieyang also knelt down in unison: "Your Majesty!" "

"Your Majesty!"

In an instant, the voice of 'Your Majesty' in the entire Xi'an City shook. In the chaos and puzzlement, Feng Yuxiang also knelt down together.


The whining sound came, Xiang subconsciously looked up, and saw that there seemed to be meteors falling in the sky, rubbing a large number of Mars with the air, and the flames splashed, and he almost rubbed the smell of flames.


The meteor fell, the earthquake shook, the smoke and dust dispersed, and I saw that what fell on the ground was a stone stele 99 zhang high, with three Qin seals on the stele, iron hooks and silver strokes, like angry dragons winding, each word was tens of meters high, imprinted on the stone stele.

It is the three big characters of 'Xianyang City'!

Feng Yuxiang: Yes, wasn't Xi'an Xianyang in Qin?

The next moment, Feng Yuxiang saw that a behemoth seemed to rise above Lishan Mountain, and in an instant, the behemoth had already reached the sky above Xi'an City.

It was a majestic Heavenly Palace, a complex of buildings, suspended above the city of Xi'an.

Feng Yuxiang, including everyone in Xi'an City, looked at this Heavenly Palace in amazement.

"The Heavenly Palace that rises from the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor of Lishan Mountain?"

"Has Qin Shi Huang become an immortal? Otherwise, why can you build a heavenly palace that can fly? "

"There seems to be a person under the Heavenly Palace? It seems that this Heavenly Palace was held up by a person? "

"Are you mistaken, how can someone lift a behemoth like a mountain peak?"

Looking at the Heavenly Palace suspended in the sky, countless people were shocked and inexplicable, and many people were in awe and knelt down directly.

"The Heavenly Palace is falling!"

"Run! The fall of such a big heavenly palace will weigh us into meat sauce! "

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that the Heavenly Palace slowly descended, falling in the center of Xi'an City, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of tons of Heavenly Palace fell, and the movement was like goose feathers falling.

The Heavenly Palace can only be suspended in the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, and it cannot be suspended without the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, so Ying Zheng directly lifted this majestic Heavenly Palace and placed it in Xi'an City.

"No wonder Meng Tian asked me to clear a vacant land in Xi'an City, which turned out to be the place of this Heavenly Palace."

Feng Yuxiang said in his heart.


A voice that did not wear a golden cracking stone, but was full of majesty, sounded in everyone's mind, and all those who knelt down could not help but get up.

"Feng Yuxiang."

Hearing the sound in his ears, Feng Yuxiang subconsciously looked up and saw a person standing above the Heavenly Palace that fell in Xi'an City.

The man was slender and tall, dressed in a pure black imperial robe, wearing a black and gold crown on his head, and stepping on black and gold boots, standing on the broad Heavenly Palace, but not looking small, but it seemed that the Heavenly Palace could not support him alone, he stood there, but the entire Heavenly Palace, the entire Xi'an City, seemed to exist for him.

No matter who it was, the moment he looked at the Heavenly Palace, his gaze must have fallen on this great man.

He is the only one in heaven and earth!

He is the only protagonist in heaven and earth.

"This must be the First Emperor."

This was Feng Yuxiang's first thought, his second thought:

"Huh? How can I see him clearly? We're at least ten kilometers apart, right? "

He definitely did not have such ability, even a telescope could not see clearly, but he could not even see his face clearly, but even the lines on his imperial robe could be seen clearly.

"I don't have such ability, the First Emperor's methods are really mysterious..."

Feng Yuxiang bowed his head respectfully: "Feng Yuxiang greets His Majesty, but His Majesty has orders, Feng Yuxiang will bow to the fullest." "

"Since you know the time, Xu will not treat you badly, and I want you to electrify the whole country, descend to Daqin, give them ten days to consider, and after ten days, Xu will treat their decision as a war!"

Feng Yuxiang lowered his head and suddenly saw a pair of boots, and his heart was shocked, when did I cross ten kilometers to come to Tiangong?

A thousand words turned into two words: "Obey." "

Huan Zheng's eyes were faint, looking at Feng Yuxiang's back, although this person was a typical old warlord who had defected many times, he was also a patriotic person, and he never cared about personal gains and losses in the general interests of the nation.

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