The battleship Nagato, with a displacement of nearly 40,000 tons, is equipped with 8 410-mm main guns, 18 140-mm secondary guns, 10 127-meter anti-aircraft guns, and 66,128 cannons of various types, making it one of the most powerful battleships in the Yagi Kingdom and even now.

The Yagi Kingdom had long regarded the country that had been riding on their head for thousands of years as an imaginary enemy, and the Yagi Kingdom's most powerful battleship, which had sailed the East China Sea since its inception, seemed ready to attack that country at any time.

On this day, a figure on the vast sea stepped on the void and appeared above the Nagato.

This figure is mysterious and strong, with a cold face, a wild and domineering temperament, a set of battle armor that is pitch black and full of strange patterns, but it still can't hide the furious power of his body.

Li Cunxiao's eyes indifferently glanced at all the soldiers on the battleship more than two hundred meters long, and his voice was like a cloud rumbling in the sky:

"On the order of Your Majesty, destroy Yagi! Wait, die! "

Everyone on the Nagato, including the captain, looked up at Li Cunxiao in a daze, their eyes full of disbelief:

"How can someone fly? Could it be that God can't do it? "

The captain is a typical Yagi man, short, with a mustache, his reaction is fast, although it is not clear who is coming, but he also vaguely knows that there is a group of extraordinary people in the world, they can fly to the sky, one person can be the enemy of ten thousand armies, even if the world has entered the era of thermal weapons, there is still a transcendent status.

For example, the sword saint of the Yagi Kingdom, who is the master of the emperor and can be on an equal footing with his emperor, is also the belief of all those who practice martial arts in the Yagi country, and legend has it that the sword saint once leveled a mountain, and the captain also went to the flattened mountain to pay respects.

But even so, the captain did not believe that there would be a sword in the world that could level a mountain, he preferred that the sword saint might have extraordinary abilities, but it was far from the power to level a mountain from the legendary sword.

He believed that the Sword Saint was mythical.

People always have doubts about things they have not seen with their own eyes.

But at this moment, the captain suddenly believed something, he saw with his own eyes people who could fly.

The captain stayed for a few seconds, then quickly reacted and roared hoarsely: "Fire!" Fire! Aim for him! Fire with all your might!! "

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The firepower on the Nagato ship is far from being comparable to Feng Yuxiang's army, and it can be said that the firepower on this battleship alone can suppress all the firepower of Feng Yuxiang's army.

The 410-meter main gun itself is more than 2,500 tons, the firing range is more than forty-five kilometers, one gun is enough to destroy targets within a radius of 100 meters, and the walls of Xi'an City only need such a shot to disappear.

And such a cannon, at once there were eight volleys, and the others had 18 140-mm secondary guns, 10 127-mm anti-aircraft guns, 66 128 guns of various types, and in an instant, the sky and the earth were dark, all covered by artillery fire.

The target was the man standing in the sky.

Even if it is a god, should he face such firepower?

The most powerful battleship in our Yagi Kingdom, even the gods can kill!

Everyone on the Nagato looked up, and saw that the dense shells whistled and tore the air, and the sonic boom resounded throughout the heavens and the earth, with the harsh sound of a ghost crying wolf howl, covering Li Cunxiao in it.

This is enough firepower to destroy a city.

Li Cunxiao's eyes were indifferent, and he sneered: "The small skill of carving insects, no matter how strong the external force is, it will eventually return to the external force." "

Great power to itself.

This is the common understanding of everyone in Daqin.

No matter how powerful Daqin's equipment is, it is for people, and foreign things can be used, but they cannot be dependent.

In Li Cunxiao's opinion, everyone on this behemoth was as weak as ants, and if he wanted to, none of these shells could hit him.


The 410-meter main gun shell bombarded Li Cunxiao at twice the speed of sound, and at this moment, Li Cunxiao sucked violently, like a Kunpeng whale swallowing the sea, and a huge inhaling sound sounded.

Li Cunxiao's inhalation, the air in a radius of tens of miles was instantly inhaled into his mouth, the wind was fierce, the air flow was turbulent, and in the eyes of the people on the battleship, the space where Li Cunxiao was located was distorted.

What's more, I saw that because the flow speed was too fast, I saw that a wind blade was formed, cutting the space, leaving one space crack after another.


One inhale and one exhale, only a tenth of a second.

Exhale like a thunderbolt.

A white mass of essentially the same amount erupted from Li Cunxiao's mouth with a huge booming sound.

The air in a radius of tens of miles was condensed into a fist-sized punch, and suddenly exploded, how powerful it should be.

Like a nuclear bomb exploding, mushroom clouds rise hundreds of meters high.

The howling air currents and the dense shells collided together.

Before those devastating shells could explode, they were cut to pieces by the dense hurricane like blades.


After all the shells were destroyed, the blade hurricane disappeared towards the battleship, and the entire battleship trembled violently, feeling that it would disintegrate at any moment.

And the hundreds of soldiers on the battleship let out a terrible scream, only to feel that the back of the head felt like someone had been hammered hard, and the last two awls were inserted from the ears, stirring violently, and then thousands of knives were cutting all over the body.

They saw the most terrifying scene in their lives, only to see that the clothes on their companions disappeared in a tenth of a second, followed by flesh and skin, internal organs flying, and in a blink of an eye, a person turned into a skeleton with only Bai Sensen's skeleton, and there was no piece of flesh and skin on the clean whole body.

The hurricane dispersed, and a skeleton fell with a bang, turning into a pile of bone meal.


The most powerful warship of the Yagi Kingdom fell apart directly and sank into the sea.

Under a roar! Terrifying!

"Quick! Fast! Fast! Telegram to the Imperial Hub! "

Of course, a fleet will not have only one battleship, there are four frigates alone, one second, the Nagato ship is still fine, and the next second, the most proud battleship of the Yagi Kingdom actually fell apart directly into the sea.

This scene was obviously watched by everyone on the frigate, and at almost the same moment, the captain of the frigate, while sweating coldly, sent a telegram to the center of the Yagi Kingdom, and then ordered a death attack on Li Cunxiao. _

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