Li Cunxiao's eyes were deep, like a demon, holding the Yuwang Hammer, with a domineering posture, he blatantly stabbed out.



The blade was like a peacock opening the screen and suddenly exploded, densely, like a forest propelling, the air within a radius of ten miles was suddenly pierced by the ubiquitous blade.

Under this terrifying power, the four frigates seemed so insignificant, such as the footsteps of the Nagato ship, and all the soldiers on it followed the frigate into the sea.

Li Cunxiao withdrew Yu Wang Qiao back into his domain space, frowning slightly: "The Barbarian Country has such external weapons, but the Land of the Summers does not, no wonder the Land of the Summers is so miserable." "

"But after all, it is all external forces, it cannot be long-lasting, and it is not enough."


The four telegrams almost entered the Yagi National Military Department in no particular order, and when they saw the first telegram, they couldn't believe it, after all, it was a battleship developed by the strength of the Yagi nation, it is the most powerful battleship in the world today, it has only been in service for less than two months, how can it destroy the hands of one person?

Even the hand of the navy that destroyed the land could accept it, but destroying it at the hands of one person was simply a big joke!

But soon, four telegrams with the same content made them suspicious, and immediately sent a telegram to Nagato, but there was no response for a long time.

This news soon reached the upper echelons of the Yagi Kingdom, where nearly ten high-ranking figures such as Emperor Taisho, Prime Minister Kei Hara, Minister of the Navy Yuzaburo Kato gathered, and so on.

"Yaga! Kato! Are you kidding me? The most powerful battleship of our Yagi country, destroyed by one person? "

Emperor Taisho's already ugly face became more and more distorted, anger almost spurted out of his eyes, mouth and nose, a pair of eyebrows almost twisted up, and saliva sprayed Kato Yuzaburō's face.

Yuzaburo Kato is already sixty years old, and his energy has become very poor, even if he was sprayed by Emperor Taisho, there was not much expression on his face, and his tone was calm:

"Your Excellency the Emperor, in fact, this is likely to be true, even if the captain of one frigate is wrong, it is impossible that the captains of all four frigates are wrong."

"Moreover, so far, our telegrams to the Nagato and the four frigates have not responded, and we speculate that the four frigates also sank into the sea with the Nagato after sending the telegrams."

"Who is it! Who the hell! "

The emperor stood up, paced angrily, and then suddenly pulled out the katana on the table, split the table to pieces, and after venting, threw the katana on the ground, the emperor slowly calmed down, and said with a solemn face: "The question now is this person, who is it?" "

Kato Yuzaburo said lightly: "According to the content of the telegram, this person is from the East China Sea, most likely from that land, and may be a monk who has been in retreat for a long time..."

The faces of all the high-ranking figures became, and it was hard to wait until the land became weak, they could have the opportunity to occupy the land and occupy the Magpie's Nest, but why, the dawn of the earth just appeared, and it was extinguished.

Why? That land is actually still a terrifying existence?

The emperor sat on the tatami mat with his face full of unwillingness, and muttered: "Wuyun Changlong, Wuyun Changlong......... The martial arts are long, the martial arts are long......... Hard work, should be when my Yamato nation rises, why can't the land of that piece of people and Zhong Lingyuxiu belong to my Yamato people? "


How unwilling!

Sixty years ago, through the Meiji Restoration, countless Yamato people threw their heads and shed their blood, so that the Yagi Empire rose and entered the forest of great powers.

And what was that land like sixty years ago? Under the rule of which decadent empire, it is like a sunset, dying.

In the past sixty years, the land has been constantly humiliated, and the Yagi Empire has become stronger every moment, and it can swallow that land in front of its eyes.

Everything came to an abrupt end.

"Sword Saint!"

Suddenly, as if remembering something, the emperor's dim eyes lit up like torches: "We in the Yagi Empire also have such an existence!" "

"Quick! Fast! Go and invite the Sword Saint! "

"No thanks, I'm coming."


As soon as the words fell, a figure had appeared in front of everyone, this person had broad shoulders and a thick back, his ears were as wide as two small fans, his hair was like grass, his body was tall and large, two meters tall, and a wide robe could not hide his majestic body.

Where is this Sword Saint.

Get away from a battlefield.

"Your Excellency Sword Saint!"

Everyone, including the Emperor, stood up in unison and spoke respectfully, they had all seen the strength of the Sword Saint.

The Sword Saint said calmly and indifferently: "I can easily destroy a battleship with a single sword, and although the comer is powerful, it may not be better than me." "

The bark of the human shadow tree, listening to the words of the sword saint, everyone was overjoyed, and their hearts suddenly settled down a lot.

Minister of War Yoshiichi Tanaka said with pity: "Your Excellency the Sword Saint has such strength, if you can enter that land with me and the others, I am afraid that we already have a place in that land." "

As soon as the words fell, the sword saint suddenly stood up, his eyes were like swords, full of icy killing intent: "Your war has nothing to do with me!" I came only because I was happy to see the hunter. "

Pedal on!

Tanaka Yoshi took a few steps back, his face turned pale, and he roared madly in his heart: "Madman! Martial madman! "

Although he was angry in his heart, he did not dare to show it at all, the age of the sword saint has long been more than a hundred years old, and the name of the sword saint has been nearly a hundred years, whether it is prestige, the status is far more than him, even the emperor may not be comparable.

Although the sword saint is nominally the master of the emperor, he is clearly separated from them, and he does not listen to the emperor, does not listen to the Yagi Empire, and he will not understand the great righteousness of any empire and nation.

There is only martial arts in his heart! Only swords!

In order not to let family affection influence him, he killed all his parents, children, wives, and all relatives who were related within three generations after he became known as the Sword Saint at the age of thirty.

In these hundred years, he has received dozens of disciples, all of whom have been carefully taught, but none of them have survived, and all of them have died in his hands.

Because he cultivated disciples not to inherit the mantle, but to cultivate a person who could confront himself, but unfortunately, no disciple could confront him.

As for that land, he had also traveled, but the prosperity of that land Dao art exceeded that of martial arts, and he did not find anyone in martial arts who could compete with him, and fighting against Daoshu did not help him sharpen his martial arts swordsmanship.

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