The most he said to his disciples was: Either you beat me to death, or I beat you to death, whoever dies, can only blame himself for his inferior skills, can't blame others, if you can beat me to death, I will only be happy, will not resent you, hate you.

If it weren't for hearing that a master could destroy battleships this time, he would definitely not come, what national righteousness, the country's danger, and him, are all things that do not concern him.


A person quickly ran in, knelt on the ground with a pop, and said in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty the Emperor! Our fleet in the East China Sea was all destroyed at the hands of that man, and at his speed, I am afraid that he has already entered the sky over our territory. "


Emperor Taisho, who had just sat down, suddenly stood up, his face full of disbelief.

"Eight Quacks Road!"

Yuzaburo Kato can not calm down, he is the Minister of the Navy, every fleet is his heart, the fleet in the East China Sea occupies two-thirds of the Yagi Kingdom's fleet, all are capital battleships, all destroyed, the navy is already badly damaged.

"Are you sure?"

The man trembled and held up a few telegrams: "This is what the telegram says, according to the route, the destination is the country of Yagi." "

"Very good!"

The sword saint did not smile angrily: "The good show has begun!" "

Before the words fell, only the phantom of the sword saint was left in the room, and the whole person had disappeared without a trace.

"Let's all go, if the Sword Saint can't build merit, we can only rely on ourselves." Emperor Taisho waved his hand gloomily.

Prime Minister Hara said tentatively: "Your Majesty the Emperor, why don't you try peace talks?" Can destroy two-thirds of our Yagi country's fleet, the strength is like a god like a demon, although the sword saint is powerful, but he may not be his opponent, if he can negotiate peace, pay a certain price, you can eliminate this threat, why not? "

In the entire upper echelons of the Yagi Kingdom, Hara Kei was the only one who tended to treat the land with a gentle attitude.

Yoshi Tanaka was furious: "Your Excellency Prime Minister! What are you talking about? Peace talks, don't even think about it! What did our Yagi Empire pay to have such a thing, ranking among the great powers, in order to one day no longer grovel, so that one day we can look down on everyone on that land from above. "

"Now, you actually told us that you want peace talks? Want to go back? Still want to bow your head? Don't! No way! "

Yoshi Tanaka let out a hoarse roar, his hair open, and his eyes breathing fire.

Yuzaburo Kato said angrily: "We can't negotiate peace, this person is so arrogant and wants to make us bow our heads with the hand of one person, we should use the strongest means to fight back!" Better die standing than live kneeling! "

"But will this person back down because of me? We have already destroyed two-thirds of the fleet with heavy losses, if the Sword Saint is not his opponent, what if we are not effective against him? On the contrary, it completely arouses the ferocity of this person, who will bear this price? "

"I'll come."

Emperor Taisho said indifferently: "No matter what the cost is borne by me, Tanaka-kun is right, we have put in so much effort, in order to be high, and bow down, especially ..."

Emperor Taisho paused: "Face the people of that land!" "

Hara Jing sighed secretly, he understood the reason for all this, the Yagi Kingdom had yearned for that land since the beginning of civilization, and the country of that land was the heavenly kingdom in their eyes, whether it was writing, clothing, food, etiquette were superior.

For thousands of years, their attitude towards that country has been groveling, and all the Yagi countries, from top to bottom, have an almost perverted fanaticism about that land.

When the country on that land was strong, they did not dare to show it.

And the country in that land is weak, and they are strong, they completely tear off the disguise.

By the time Li Cunxiao crossed the sea to the skies over Tokyo, the Yagi Kingdom had already assembled its troops, fighter planes took to the air, hundreds of fighters floated over Tokyo, and the aura of slaughter enveloped the sky and the earth.

In front of the fighter group, the sword saint stood with his hands in his hands, his short hair stood up like a lion, and his eyes were as bright as flames: "You, finally here." "

He seemed to be talking to himself, and sighed:

"The pressure you have given me has never been greater, this battle, I have been looking forward to for a long time, although I don't know who the opponent I am expecting in the first battle, today I only found out."

He was too lonely, no one in the Yagi Empire was his opponent, there were Daoist masters in that land, but there were no supreme martial artists, he personally cultivated disciples, but they all died in his own hands.

Knowing the news of Li Cunxiao's destruction of the Nagato, he knew that a master he had been waiting for decades had finally arrived.

Li Cunxiao's gaze fell on the sword saint, and there was a hint of appreciation in his eyes: "I destroyed your fleet and killed tens of thousands of you, aren't you angry?" "

He was a general, not a warrior, and His Majesty ordered him to destroy Yagi, and although the two had different positions, it did not prevent him from taking a high look at a pure warrior.

Although this pure warrior could not be his opponent.


The Sword Saint chuckled a few times: "Who in the world can not die?" Early death or late death will die, and with my current martial arts cultivation, I will also die if I live for hundreds of years. "

Li Cunxiao could see that this person was not insincere, and his every word came from the heart.

"Being able to die in your hands can be regarded as their luck, but it's a pity that my relatives don't have such luck, they were all killed by me, if they didn't die, send them to Your Excellency, let Your Excellency kill once, but they are lucky to cultivate in three lives."

Seven or eight miles apart between the two, the voice of the sword saint rumbled, falling in the ears of the underground emperor and others, and a chill spread from the soles of the feet to the spine, and the whole person shivered coldly.

They have seen too many people with indifferent feelings, but their feelings are indifferent to this extent, they can say that they give their relatives to others to kill,

The tone is calm like drinking saliva, which is creepy.

Li Cunxiao's eyelids jumped slightly: "You are enchanted." "

"Enchanted? Yes, I am willing to enter the devil for martial arts. "

"In my life, after the age of thirty, I have no wife and children and parents to worry about, glory and wealth, power and status, for me are just passing eyes, only martial arts is my lifelong pursuit."


The sword saint slowly pulled out his katana and pointed it directly at Li Cunxiao, and the battle intent was like a volcano before the eruption, boiling and rolling. _

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