"Someone preached!"

"Tianzun has only been sitting for less than ten years before someone preached?"

"It will take at least a thousand years for Tianzun to sit down and his Emperor Dao suppression will disappear, how can someone preach in less than ten years?"

"It seems that it is Tianzun himself who preached, could it be that Tianzun wants to live a second life?"

"The Heavenly Tribulation has stopped, did Tianzun's second sermon fail or succeed?"

The entire human universe, no matter where you are, can feel that terrifying pressure.

The nearest Big Dipper Ten Thousand Clans were even more frightened, and under the pressure of the Emperor Dao, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Xiao Huang only looked at it a few times, and suddenly felt a huge suction force coming from the corpse, sucking all his divine soul in, and in the moment before his divine soul submerged into the corpse, a drop of indelible blood dripped down.

Fluttering with the wind for thousands of miles, the drop of blood swelled, and it only took a few seconds to appear a human figure, and the outline of the limbs and head slowly became clear.

After a while, this drop of blood turned into a man, it was Ying Zheng, who frowned and whispered: "When I met Xiaohuang a long time ago, I saw that he had huge luck, and I didn't expect to be able to fall into such a huge world." "

This world was the largest world he had felt so far, and the existence of that Du Tribulation, even if he died, only a corpse remained, and the emperor situation frightened him.

If the existence of this Du Tribulation was in its heyday, I am afraid that it was immeasurably stronger than him.

"Oops, the two worlds are too far apart, I..."

Before he finished speaking, the blood turned into a drop of blood, submerged into a strange stone, and fell into the silence.


The sun rises, bits and pieces of gold are sprinkled all over the earth, sprinkled into thousands of homes, in an ordinary house, a girl is moving around in the courtyard, her figure is flashing, the speed is extremely fast, and all the people in the courtyard with a radius of tens of meters are her figure.

After a while, the girl suddenly stopped, took a long breath, and a white qi sprayed out of her mouth, straight out three feet away, and it took a few minutes for the girl to stop.

The girl is only sixteen or seventeen years old, her face is beautiful, her eyes are as bright as a clear spring, she is wearing the most ordinary brocade clothes, in the past, brocade clothes can only be worn by rich and noble people, and now even ordinary people can afford to wear them.

And her strength has also reached the peak of the grandmaster, and she may break through the realm of the grandmaster at any time, obviously she has put a lot of effort into Qin Fist, and her own qualifications are not bad.

As soon as her mind moved, a light curtain appeared in front of the girl's eyes, and she clicked on a video released by a genius, and it was the process of the genius practicing Qin Fist in the video, and from the video, she could clearly find that the genius in the video was brilliant in the application of Qin Fist, much better than herself.

After watching the video more than a dozen times in a row, the girl had something, closed the Ten Thousand Realms Talisman, and began to practice Qin Fist again, the more she practiced, the brighter her eyes became, and her beautiful face was red with excitement.

"It's a pity, it's still a line of difference, it's time."

The girl stopped moving, returned to the house, and finished the breakfast her mother had prepared for her.

Both parents went to work.

And she is also going to school in the palace.

After breakfast, the girl came to the hall and bowed three times to a solemn statue enshrined in the house, looking solemn, as if she was doing something very important.

This statue wears an imperial crown and an imperial robe, and its face is two or three points similar to that of Ying Zheng.

In fact, more than one family has set up a shrine for the people, and most of them have set up shrines, and the people do not advocate this behavior, but the people want to build a shrine for the government, worship the government, and it is impossible for the government to stop them.

After all, they do not worship obscene evil gods, and they do not believe in cults.

This is all spontaneous behavior of the people.

"May Your Majesty live forever, and Daqin will be eternal."

The girl bowed solemnly for three times, her expression was extremely serious, and she prayed silently, and her heart flowed through the changes of more than a year.

More than a year ago, she was less than fifteen years old, but she was already familiar with the world, she knew everything, her parents had only one daughter, and in a generally patriarchal society, her parents did not despise her.

But at that time, the family lived in a house with a broken tile roof, leaking water everywhere when it rained, and King Han was supporting the army with the strength of the country, so that it became more difficult for them to be poor.

Originally, he could barely eat once a day, but when King Han was exhausted, it was difficult to even eat a meal.

Just when she was about to starve to death and her father wanted to cut meat to feed her, the army of Daqin attacked, and Han quickly perished. ,

She will always remember the day she lay in the house, the house was pushed open, several pushed doors in, brought some food and kept them alive.

Later, she learned that those people were people from Daqin.

Later, Daqin needed to build roads, and when the neighbors were still hesitating, his father decisively signed up and became the first group of people to build roads and open mines.

In the adjacent impression, building roads and mines will kill many people.

However, when my father returned a month later, he told his mother and himself that although it was a little hard to build the road, he had enough food, enough meat, and salary, and the salary was not low, and he could easily support the family.

After half a year, the family demolished the house and rebuilt three tile houses, bright and spacious, no longer leaking when it rains, three meals a day, and meat every day.

At this time, someone in the county notified the family and asked his parents to send him to school in the palace.

More than half a year later, my father tore down three more tile houses and built this small house.

It's been a dream for more than a year.

More than a year ago, her greatest wish was to eat, but at that time, eating enough seemed to be just a luxury.

According to the development of life, if she survives by luck, she may marry someone who is in the right household, and now she may have married and had children, run the housework, and worry about tea, salt, sauce and vinegar until she gets old.

But in just over a year, her life has undergone earth-shaking changes, she lives in a spacious house, uses a glass mirror that the powerful could not use before, and can actually study in the palace, and now she has actually become a martial artist at the peak of a grandmaster.

According to what the teacher said, with his own strength, more than a year ago, he was already a pillar of a country, and now, his own strength can be seen everywhere, and there are stronger than himself among his classmates.

But the biggest change is because of the Ten Thousand Worlds Talisman, in the Ten Thousand Worlds Talisman, she saw a strange, extremely magical world, even if the gate does not go out of the second door, you can see the world thousands of miles away. _

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