She can even learn a lot of knowledge here that cannot be learned in the palace, and also make some friends, these friends come from all over the world, the south and the north.

Thinking about it, a smile appeared at the corner of the girl's mouth, cleaned up in front of the dressing mirror, went out, and went to school.


Outside Xianyang City, the gate of time and space, this gate that is 100 zhang wide and up to ten zhang swallows a large number of people and things, people come and go, a group of more than a dozen people walked out of the gate of time and space, and a dozen people with a confused look did not take a few steps, they were stopped by a man in uniform: "Ten yuan per person." "

"What ten dollars?"

The man glanced at them and said abruptly: "You are coming from the second world for the first time, ten yuan is probably equivalent to one or two silver, and it is okay to use silver, but I advise you to go to the bank to exchange some new dollars." "

Yue Buqun waved his sleeves and handed a piece of gold to the man who stopped him: "I'm tired." "

The man threw the gold onto a similar instrument and said lightly: "You are one hundred and thirty taels of gold, ten taels of silver is equivalent to one or two pieces of gold, your one hundred and thirty taels of gold is thirteen thousand pieces, you fourteen people, looking for you 12,860 yuan, you, there are ten thousand realms of general knowledge charms, right?" "

"Brother, you told us so much, I should thank you for the rest." Yue Buqun smiled and said.

The man shook his head slightly: "Don't, I don't dare to accept it, unless I look for death myself, don't talk nonsense, the universal knowledge symbol of the ten thousand worlds will be reported." "

Yue Buqun hurriedly reported his Ten Thousand Realms General Symbol, and not long after, he heard a mechanical voice sounding in the Ten Thousand Worlds General Symbol:

"Do you open a personal account with Wanjie Bank?"

Yue Buqun blinked, he didn't quite understand for a while, the man was familiar with the road, and when he saw Yue Buqun's appearance, he knew what the problem was, and said: "Do you ask if you want to open a personal account of Wanjie Bank, confirm the opening, I can find this 12860 yuan and give it to you." "


Yue Buqun said silently.

"A personal account has been opened with Wanjie Bank."


"Your personal bank account received a transfer of 12,860 RMB, and the balance is 12,860 RMB." ,

Yue Buqun said softly, "Brother, can you tell me what the Ten Thousand Realms Bank is?" "

The man waved his hand: "The gate of time and space has just been combined with your world, which is what we call the second world, there are too many people who want to enter the past, I'm afraid I don't have time, there is a detailed introduction in the Ten Thousand Realms Talisman, you can search for it yourself." "

"By the way, our personal bank has almost all been opened, and now basically no one uses gold, silver, copper money, so if you have silver, gold, go to the bank to exchange it for new currency."

Yue Buqun nodded slightly: "Thank you brother." "

The group of fourteen people left here, and Yue said, "Director, all commanders, let's take a look at what the Bank of Ten Thousand Realms is. "

The group of fourteen people were Director Jingwu, the commander of the Ten Congresses, as well as Ling Huchong and Zhang Wuji.

The Ten Thousand Realms Talisman has been popularized in the Great Qin World, but in the No. 2 World, that is, the Wujian World, only court officials are eligible to use it.

The group opened the Wanjie Token to find the information of Wanjie Bank, and in an instant, the information of Wanjie Bank appeared.

It turns out that the Daqin world has popularized the new coin, the new coin is a kind of paper money, the banknote is printed with a new type of rune developed by the Divine Machine, except for the Divine Machine, no one can imitate.

Copper coins have always been equivalent to one or two silver, and ten taels of silver is equivalent to one or two gold, and the people can use this exchange ratio to exchange new dollars in banks.

An ordinary family may not be able to have one yuan a day of food and clothing.

Of course, the Bank of Wanjie is a bank established by the government on the basis of the Wanjie Token, and without the Wanjie Token, it is difficult to establish the Wanjie Bank.

For a country, although the economy looks inconspicuous, but the rain is silent, the economy is the most important part of it, and the currency is the most important part of the economy, and the currency represents the universal norm of a world.

If Daqin wants to rule many worlds in the future, it cannot ignore the problem of currency circulation, just as Yingzheng has now erected the permanent time and space door from the No. 2 martial arts world to Daqin, although the two worlds of currencies are similar, but not identical, in order to make the two worlds fused, the currency must be unified.

The Singapore coin is this unified currency.

This is the new currency that has been widely circulated in Daqin, every county, every city, every town, there is the existence of Wanjie Bank, the people can save money in it, withdraw money, can use the physical new currency, or let the new currency become a line of data of the Wanjie Personal Bank.

Wanjie Bank is rooted in the Wanjie Talisman, and each person's personal account is independent and bound to him/herself, which is unique.

After reading it, Li Shenzhou also smiled bitterly in surprise: "I didn't expect that I, Li Shenzhou, would also become a hillbilly one day." "

Zhang Sanfeng said in a deep voice: "I don't know when the Wanjie Bank can be built with us, but now the priority is to go to the bank first to exchange some new dollars." "

Zhuge Shenhou's face was strange: "Don't you feel other strange places?" "

"I felt it, but I suspected it was my delusion."

Lu Xiaofeng's four eyebrows jumped slightly, and he hesitated: "Grandmaster walks all over the ground, and the grandmaster is not as good as a dog... Even, there are quite a few Martial Dao Heavenly People..."

"I heard that all of them practice Qin Fist, this fist was founded by His Majesty, and legend has it that it can be from one, two, ten, hundred, and thousand fists... Billion punches. "

Although he had heard it for a long time, Zhang Sanfeng's eyes still contained a strong look of shock.

"And even if it is a person with poor qualifications to cultivate Qin Fist, there is no bottleneck for anyone, anyone can cultivate seventy Qin Fist as long as they work tirelessly, and seventy is already equivalent to the innate peak, and as long as the qualification is not hopelessly inserted, it can be cultivated to seventy with one face."


Yue Buqun, Qiao Feng, Guo Jing, Li Shenzhou, Zhaoyue, Lang Tuoyun and others widened their eyes, shocked beyond words, and a thought flashed in their eyes:

There are still such miraculous exercises in the world, why don't we also transfer to this Qin Fist?

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at them and said with a smile: "Are you thinking that you will also specialize in this exercise?" When I heard it, I was also throbbing, and I also had the idea of specializing in this exercise. "

"But after thinking about it, I dismissed the idea."


Yan Nantian asked. _

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