A momentary collision ripple illuminated the entire sky, its brilliance overshadowing the sun.

The sky became clear, the elephant was invisible, loud and loud, and the collision in this moment was so great that no one on the earth heard the slightest sound.


The Optimus Stick and the Sky Shielding Giant Hand disappeared at the same time.

Sun Wukong looked at his hands blankly, the dark gold rod had disappeared, and the dark energy gathered in his body that was ten times more than in his heyday was also gone, as if all the previous desperation was just an illusion.

"Monkey, are you still desperate?"

Huan Zheng smiled lightly, threw the dark rod in his hand to him, Sun Wukong caught the dark gold rod in a daze, a chill rose in vain in his heart, and the scene of the fight between the two sides flashed in his mind just now, only to find that this mysterious opponent was relaxed from beginning to end.

The two sides seemed to be evenly matched, but when they were desperate, they were crushed by him in an instant.

He knew that it was much more difficult to suppress himself than to suppress himself, to press back his desperate self, and unknowingly take away his dark gold rod.

The dark gold rod returned to his ears, Sun Wukong glanced at Huan Zheng, sighed secretly, I don't know if the earth has such an existence that does not know whether it is an enemy or a friend, is it a curse or a blessing?


Sun Wukong, who landed on the ground, couldn't help but spit out another mouthful of reverse blood, and after spitting it out, his face was much better and recovered a little rosy.

"Goku, you..."

Ducao's face showed concern.

"It's okay."

The dark alloy armor disappeared, and an ordinary dress was worn on his body, and Sun Wukong shook his head slightly: "He left his hand, my injury is not serious." "

Ge Xiaolun, Zhao Xin and the others looked at each other, and there was still a look of disbelief on their faces.

Defeat Buddha in fighting, defeated?

How strong is that person?

Sun Wukong paused and continued, "This person's purpose is unknown, but he wants to kill this group... The fledgling super soldier is easy, and since he has not made a move, it means that he has no malice at present, at least he has not shown malice. "

"How big is the gap between you and him?" Rena couldn't help but ask.

Sun Wukong glanced at him and pondered for a moment: "My Battle God Body currently has a ninety percent mastery, but he can suppress me with one move." "

"One move to suppress you? You guys were clearly in..."

Rena looked at him in disbelief, but saw Sun Wukong's expression: "He is testing my combat power, and may have to infer some information from my combat power." "

Rena said abruptly, "Could it be that he is already a body?" "

Sun Wukong said indifferently: "There is a great possibility, the mastery of the three generations of the Fierce Sun Divine Body of your Fierce Sun Civilization has reached 100%, and I wanted to suppress me back then, this is still the case that I have not broken out the battle gene, and just now, I broke out the battle gene, but I was still suppressed by him, and the broken fighting genes have been restored to their original state." "

Ducao did not say a word, his expression was extremely heavy, he held military power in the letter of promise of the Deno civilization in those years, was the highest military commander, and later after the outbreak of war, the Deno civilization was destroyed, he once woke up and turned from a war maniac to a peace lover.

Although he is only a second-generation super soldier, he Ducao knows very well what the four generations of divine bodies mean, and each fourth-generation divine body is an existence that can talk to the angelic civilization on an equal footing.

Known civilization, known universe, only Divine Kesha is a fourth-generation divine body, and Morgana is also suspected to have upgraded to a fourth-generation divine body.

As for Di Hongkun, although it is rumored that he has been upgraded to a fourth-generation divine body, Ducao believes that he is not a fourth-generation divine body, but a three-generation divine body that has surpassed the existence of the fourth-generation divine body.

Otherwise, he would not have been seriously injured in the war with the Deno civilization, so that he turned into a phantom.

It is not good news that a mysterious, possibly four-generation divine being, appeared on Earth in this era.

"Well, Thorton, why are you here?"

Sun Wukong suddenly saw Thorton's figure, and with a few rings, the dark alloy armor immediately appeared on his body, looking like a saber rattling.

Thorton glanced at him lightly, and was extremely aggrieved: "Monkey, you think I want to be here, I was captured by the master." "

"Is it you that the aliens are going to catch?"

The dark alloy armor disappeared, and Sun Wukong said abruptly.

"MD, it's unlucky to say, I was just dug up by Queen Morgana and sent to Earth, and before I could do anything, the aliens couldn't help but come and arrest me."

Thorton was indignant:

"That is, I slept for a thousand years, my hands and feet were soft, otherwise I would rely on those few gluttonous bugs? I can trample 10,000 to death with one foot. "


Sun Wukong said loudly: "You just said Morgana and gluttony? "


Thorton looked dazed: "Did I say it?" "

"You said it, you said it was Morgana who dug you up, it was gluttony who wanted to catch you." Sun Wukong affirmed.

"Just say it."

Thorton's face was full of indifference, and then he cried again: "But just out of the wolf's den, and into the tiger's den..."

This big crocodile seems to be a talker, maybe he hasn't spoken for a thousand years, chattering, so that everyone is annoyed, Sun Wukong is also blushing on his forehead, but he has to endure.

First, the strength of this predator should not be underestimated, the two have fought more than a dozen big battles, there are victories and losses, and second, this guy now has a terrifying master, and it depends on the owner to fight dogs.

Ducao finally couldn't help it: "Goku, Rena, I have to go and report to the Great Elders." "

With that, he quickly left with a heavy heart.

The gluttonous family is the Styx civilization, behind which is Carl, this predator is Morgana who deciphered the super genetic code of some civilizations on Earth, and the third generation of super soldiers created on Earth is now dug up by Morgana.

The two civilizations of the Styx civilization and the demon civilization can easily crush the earth civilization, and he has to be anxious.

What's more, there is also a mysterious existence, which may be the existence of four generations of divine bodies.

Ying Zheng fell lightly to the ground: "Rena, don't forget to let you Lieyang civilization offer a good price." "

"Good! I'll go back now. Rena nodded heavily, and before the words fell, a crack suddenly cracked in the air at a height of 100 meters, and the crack spread, fixed into the appearance of a portal, emitting a bright white light.

Three angels flew out from the portal, three angels landed on the ground, and the leading angel smiled faintly: "You delayed your trip, you won't hit me, right?" Little girl. "_

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