Rena sneered: "Not for the time being, Yan, you seven-thousand-year-old old goblin, I can't beat you now, when I can beat you, I will beat you!" Die! You! "


This is the sound of the group of super soldiers swallowing saliva, Zhao Xin looked at the three angels in a daze, and said almost dreamily: "Oh my God, I didn't expect that one day, I could actually see Brother Monkey, and I could still see angels... Hehe...... It's so beautiful, beautiful like a fairy..."


This guy was so excited that he fainted all of a sudden.

"If you can let me sleep one, I will live for ten years... No, twenty years willing. Liu Chuang muttered with a dazed look.

An angel looked at him with a frown, his eyes shining like unsheathed swords, sharp enough to tear souls.

Angels are synonymous with justice and holiness, and the second-generation angels like them are god-like beings in hundreds of civilizations, basically everyone feels that looking at them is blaspheming them.

"Ahhh... Also discharged, I fainted. "

Liu Chuang groaned and followed in Zhao Xin's footsteps.

"Jiawen, you touch my heart, it's beating so fast." Ge Xiaolun grabbed Jiawen's hand.

"Get out! Lao Tzu is straight, not curved! Jiawen shook off Ge Xiaolun's hand abruptly and took a few steps back in disgust.

Thorton's big tongue licked his mouth vigorously, and his eyes lit up: "I don't know if this thing is delicious or not for birdman." "

Sun Wukong looked at him with a strange face, countless civilizations regard angels as gods, and only this guy who only eats in his eyes can see angels as food.

"This is the company of heroes you crossed half of the river system to Earth to help them form? A monkey, a crocodile, a bunch of little children, this is a hodgepodge, right? Angel Yan glanced at everyone, his expression was cold, and he maintained the usual arrogance of angels.


Sun Wukong said lazily: "Lao Sun is not from the Xiongbing Company, but you said that the hodgepodge and Lao Sun have to say a few words, we are a hodgepodge, and you birdmen are no better." "


The angel on the right scolded.

"What about presumptuousness? How! If you want to fight, Lao Sun will accompany you! Just you birdmen, Lao Sun one stick! "

Sun Wukong grinned, his expression was hideous, and his eyes turned red in vain.

"Fight! Fight! Monkey! I'll accompany you! "

Thorton was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and his tail was shaking excitedly, setting off a whirring sound.

"God annoys you birds with long eyes and heads, and the earth is a god? First ask Lao Sun if he agrees or not! "


Sun Wukong held the dark gold rod heavily, and the earth trembled violently.

Rena Yuguang glanced at Zhengyi. Seeing his face without waves, he couldn't help but feel a slight pity.

In fact, she really wanted to see what the always proud angel looked like.

Yan said lightly: "Monkeys, it's not that we angels want to be gods, but they worship us as gods." "

"I don't care if you want to be gods or they want to worship you as gods, the earth doesn't need gods! Back then, Lao Sun could keep the Flaming Sun civilization out of the earth, and today he can also keep the angelic civilization out of the earth! "

Sun Wukong said and roared through the air.

Ying Zheng looked at Angel Yan with interest, worthy of being an angel, her face was delicate and flawless, to be honest, any woman Ying Zheng had seen so far was not as beautiful as her, even Flame Lingji was half a chip.

Her long silky blonde hair fell down her shoulders, and a pair of huge white wings stretched out from her back. It was a symbol of the holy angel, wearing a dark gold fitting armor with the hem of the armor reaching to the thighs, showing slender and fair legs.

Tall, with a bumpy figure, delicate facial features, without any embellishment, difficult to describe in words, it seems that no matter what type of appearance she likes, she can find satisfaction on her face.

She has a noble temperament, a cold temperament, and a cold expression, which can only be melted by being in a high position and fighting on the battlefield for many years, and has a desire for men to conquer.

"Say, what are you doing?"

Rena hurried back to the Flaming Sun Star and said impatiently.

Yan spoke: "The earth is suddenly exposed to the current power of the major universes, as the fourth civilization developed by the super-theological academy, we angels must first guarantee that he... In the name of justice. "

Rena was noncommittal: "If it weren't for the fact that the earth was suddenly valued by the headmaster, I'm afraid that no civilization would pay attention to this civilization that didn't even come out of the parent planet, but in our Flaming Sun civilization, there is no word for justice, it is the justice of your angels, I don't know much, you explain it to me?" "

"Justice is..." the angel next to Hiko immediately began.

Yan glanced back at her: "Seriously, I envy you, in my seven-thousand-year war career, I have always worried about my own tomorrow, or theirs." "

"Don't talk nonsense, I have something urgent." Rena said lightly.

Yan was not influenced by Rena, and said flatly: "The word justice is a very reasonable set of laws customized by Saint Kesha 17,000 years ago, in order to order the orderly progress of the known universe, which we call the just order, and some kind of depravity called ultimate fear, extreme liberalism, is defined as evil. "

"Enough is enough."

Rena became more and more impatient: "Angels just like to brainwash..."

"Hehe, don't talk so badly, I can indeed directly read some of your information and directly transmit it to your brain, well, my purpose is to tell you that mercy comes to this world, and justice will remain."

Yan already knew the attitude of the super divine academy, and after speaking, the three angels had already risen into the sky and disappeared within the white portal.

Rena glanced back at him, but didn't know when Yingzheng disappeared.


The City of Angels, tens of millions of light-years from Earth.

This was originally a star cluster, with hundreds of stars and tens of thousands of planets, named the Angel Cluster by the Angel Civilization.

Now, although this place is called the City of Angels, it has nothing to do with "city", but a huge circular continent. At a glance, you can't see its end, you can only see the huge star surrounded by it.

The angelic civilization shattered all the planets in the cluster, and then melted all the fragmented planets into a ring continent, and the stars around it were the aggregate of hundreds of stars.

It is hard to imagine how advanced technology the angelic civilization has mastered to achieve such a magnificent project. _

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