"I have signed the Supreme War Order, and I still need the signature of the six of you." The Great Elder spoke.

To open the authority of war means that the entire civilization, the entire human race, is on the verge of extinction, and at this moment, it is necessary to save civilization and mankind at all costs.

It takes the signatures of the seven elders to take effect.

"I sign!"

Without any hesitation, the other six elders signed the Supreme War Order.

Soon, the supreme war order was issued as quickly as possible, and the behemoth of the Republic began to operate.

After signing the supreme war order, everyone's hearts became heavier, especially after reading the shocking data of the researchers.

Just like the civilization of the cold weapon age, when it meets the civilization of the interstellar era, even if the wisdom reaches the sky, it is ineffective.

It's like a group of hyenas meeting a group of Tyrannosaurus rex, no matter how they roar, open their teeth and dance their claws, it will not help.

"Gentlemen, our nation has a good saying, there is no way to the sky..."

Seeing that the atmosphere in the conference room was solidified and made people want to go crazy, the group of the most intelligent think tanks on the blue star also seemed to have turned into sculptures at this moment, but as a great elder, he could not despair, he was desperate, this country, this civilization was also desperate.

"Man will conquer the heavens!"

The eyes of the people in the conference room gradually had a hint of light.

"The flood is monstrous, we can cure the water, the mountains block the road, we can move mountains, the sea floods people, we can reclaim the sea, the plague dies, we can taste the herbs."

"Our nation will never give up!"

It was for the people in the conference room, and it was also for himself, and the eyes of the Great Elder were shining, brightening brighter, like two torches guiding people forward.


XX All cities sounded horns, everyone evacuated this province in an orderly manner, and in half a day, this province had become a ghost province, empty.

Ten...... Nine...... Eight...... Seven...... Six...... Five......

High in the sky, thousands of the most advanced fighters on the Blue Star are levitating, waiting for the arrival of nuclear bombs.

Four...... Three...... Two...... One


In an instant, a hundred nuclear bombs flew from all directions, this is a nuclear bomb from five countries, this is a test.

The temptation of a hundred nuclear bombs!


The terrifying high temperature burst out instantly, spread, the air expanded extremely rapidly, and the huge mushroom cloud shrouded the underground research institute, and the range of tens of miles of the research institute was all within the strike range of the nuclear bomb.

At the same time, along with the shock wave, there was a dazzling light that burned more than the sun.

The huge shock wave made all the buildings like tofu dregs projects, rumbling and collapsing, and the tens of millions of degrees of high-temperature radiation at the center of the explosion made everything that existed in a radius of five miles be vaporized, leaving no trace.

The shock wave spread repeatedly, and the center of the explosion was rapidly expanding, and huge smoke and smoke clouds rose up into the sky, forming a mushroom cloud thousands of meters high.

A circle of qi waves swept through the immeasurable earth and rocks, countless earth dragons were turning over, roaring, and all the buildings in a radius of nearly a hundred miles were destroyed.

"How did it turn out..."

Everyone is looking here, the fighters of the fighters in the sky, the high-ranking officials of the republic, the high-ranking officials of the four countries, are looking here, waiting for the reality of the result.

In human history, there has never been a scene of a hundred nuclear bombs exploding at the same time, and this devastating scene gives them a glimmer of hope in their hearts.

Such a power cannot be resisted even by God.

There are people who pray silently.

The mushroom cloud slowly dispersed, revealing a large pit several miles in radius and hundreds of miles deep, everything in the scope of this pit was vaporized, and the surrounding area of the great resistance had turned into glass, radiating colorful light under the sunlight.

But the figure suspended in mid-air in the pit, sitting cross-legged, made everyone's closure strangled by the big hand, and he couldn't say a word.

It was a man with a deep robe, a handsome face, and exquisite facial features, if he was dressed as a man, he was the most handsome man, and if he was dressed as a woman, he was a peerless beauty who fell in the city.

He wears an ancient crown on his head, his breath is as deep as an abyss, his body is obviously dressed in a Taoist robe, but his hands together are the movements of a monk, and a string of Buddha beads hangs from his chest.

Non-monks and non-Taoists.

Like a monk.

He looked down at a book opened on his leg, this book was "Blue Star Civilization", and the next page was vaguely "Daqin World"

"One book, one world, one leaf and one bodhi."

He slowly raised his head, and a leisurely smile appeared on his face: "There are still two days to go." "

At the center of the explosion of a hundred nuclear bombs, he turned out to be unscathed!

How can there be such people in the world?

A hundred will not work!

That's 10,000!

Soon, the countries finished communicating, and this time, a full ten thousand nuclear bombs were dropped.

The non-monk who was sitting on the plate, the existence that looked like a monk looked indifferent, his eyes were indifferent, and his palm moved slightly, turning into a big hand that covered the sky.

Almost instantly, the 10,000 nuclear bombs were held in his big hand.

"Is this your strongest weapon, the nuclear bomb?"

He was as indifferent as water, pulled out a hair strand, put it in his hand, and the nuclear bomb detonated in his hand, and all the nuclear bombs were like a flame in his hand, and even the hair he pulled out was not damaged.

"This weapon can only kill ants."

He slowly got up, and his tone was extremely silent: "You disappointed me so much, your efforts, your resistance, is that all?" None of it gave me any fun, little ants. "

The heads of state of the five countries were silent, and all the nuclear bombs on the blue star were only more than 10,000, and the explosion of 10,000 nuclear bombs in front of him was like a small spark.

His words were like sharp swords, fiercely piercing into the hearts of the fighters in the fighters, their eyes were blood-red, and they roared: "Request for attack!" "

"Kill kill kill kill!"


A few seconds later, an order came down, and all the fighters rushed away, like moths to a fire.


All kinds of bullets and shells bombarded him, but he ignored it directly, still sitting there cross-legged, looking down at the open book on his lap.


The overwhelming artillery fire, but not even a single hair of him could be injured.

Countless fighter jets burst out with maximum power, and sonic booms that resounded in the long sky exploded in circles.

"Ammunition is exhausted! Ammunition is exhausted! "

Soon, the ammunition ran out, but they were not afraid in the slightest, with a long red tail flame, the moth put out the fire, directly crashed into him, and the plane was destroyed.

Real moths to the fire.

If there is no ammunition, they will use themselves and fighters as weapons. _

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